• stebo
    6 months ago

    want to eat cookies

    buy pack of cookies

    open pack of cookies

    there’s just cookies inside

    what am I supposed to do? bite on them? that’s something that little kids do

  • @[email protected]
    346 months ago

    I tried keeping a journal once

    Then my parents found it, read it, and put me in therapy for a while

    I no longer keep journals

    • @[email protected]
      166 months ago

      Locked folders on your phone work well in my experience. Sucks they forced you to do smth you didn’t want to do or weren’t ready for, I’m sorry

    • @Anachronology
      66 months ago

      It sucks they violated your privacy, but there’s nothing wrong with therapy. Did it for a couple years myself. Good to get it out and get someone else’s perspective on things.

      Of course, I did that on my own volition. It would’ve been better if you had that choice too.

    • Vincent Adultman
      56 months ago

      That sucks. Parents don’t understand what privacy means when it comes to their children. My diary/journal got exposed by my mother in front of the entire family. That memory just got into my mind by reading your comment. Time to forget it again. 2024 resolution is to try keep things written down again.

  • @[email protected]
    346 months ago

    Journaling is a great way to monitor and think on the results of your actions and improve over time. I’ve seen that, I’ve done it, I know it works. Yet I still can’t bring myself to suffer through the act of writing down my thoughts. I don’t like to belabor what is already done, I’d rather call good enough good enough and move to the next problem.

    That said, I do establish systems to record efforts and results, they just aren’t handwritten. Tables can be quickly searched and summarized.

    • ☆Luma☆
      56 months ago


      Could you elaborate on your record keeping efforts or share resources you’ve built off of?

  • @[email protected]
    316 months ago

    I use mine to freewrite. Just mental dump everything and anything that comes into my mind for three pages. It’s cathartic and often comes up with nuggets of useful information I didn’t know I was burying.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        Oh hell no! Because it’s stream of conscious it’s very, very personal 😂

        But whatcha gotta do is set a fixed goal (time or pages - I recommend pages) and then write down everything that comes to mind without judgement or fear. Sometimes, when I’m having a dark day, the first page is just me complaining and moaning. But for three pages? It’s hard for the brain to get stuck in that rut for so long so it starts exploring solutions, options, or simply other things.

        Give it a go! Don’t stop writing for three pages, don’t worry about quality, reader, or anything! Just write whatever comes into your brain. Like meditation it takes practice but is well worth the results (imo).

  • @Classy
    286 months ago

    My friend had a hard time journaling until I told him to format it like greentext. I meant what are greentexts but stylized journal entries? Just write greentexts about your day. Your emotional state. Shit that pissed you off. Notable things that made you happy.

    You can look back in 6 months and see what your life was like compared to now.

  • Justas🇱🇹
    166 months ago

    Dear diary,

    Today OP questioned if he was a faggot for wanting to write in a diary.

  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    Tbf, I’m not sure what I would want to put in a journal either.

    Had a wank, ate breakfast, played Horizon Forbidden West, watched LOTR, had tea, went to bed.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      Do that, but write down how long you game. My grandpa did that with smoking.

      Saved every penny he would have used for smokes. Financed a car for the money after some years

    • Prox
      36 months ago

      That, but add how you felt/feel about those things. Or what they made you think of. Etc.

  • southsamurai
    106 months ago

    Alas, an actual paper journal is dead to me.

    Too insecure, too accessible. If it ain’t encrypted, nothing personal would ever go in it.

    • qyron
      66 months ago

      Create your own cypher.

      I seriously doubt you have any sort of critical information on your hands but…

      Cyphered journals have been a things for centuries. If nothing else, it’s a hobbie you can develop.

      • southsamurai
        36 months ago

        I used to, but they’re pretty easy to crack if they’re easy enough to be kept in your head (well, my head lol).

        And ya never know when laws might change, or some bitter ex decides to steal shit, or whatever. Critical in terms of dangerous in general, obviously not, but sensitive, yes.

    • @starman2112
      6 months ago

      That’s why you don’t write down your plans to shoot the president, you write what you had for dinner and what happened at work

      • Owl
        5 months ago

        If you write this sort of thing down you’re a cartoon supervillain

    • JokeDeity
      26 months ago

      If it’s so damning that you’re that worried about it you might need a psychiatrist and not a journal.

      • southsamurai
        26 months ago

        Considering the way the US has been lately, nobody should be keeping any kind of personal information available where state or federal governments can access it. People have been fucking arrested for having a miscarriage. They’ve been arrested for having an abortion based on Facebook information.

        All it takes is the wrong law being passed, and we can all be fucked.

        Also, there’s absolutely no reason for you to be an asshole about it. If you can’t partake in a conversation without that kind of behavior, it may be that you really would benefit from some therapy.

  • @Itte
    106 months ago

    Hey I posted this before

    upvotes anyway

  • @[email protected]
    96 months ago

    Sometimes I sketch and write down ideas for patents that somebody definitely already thought of between 10 and 80 years ago.

  • Corroded
    86 months ago

    I find they are good for keeping track of media I consume whether it’s movies, TV shows, or video games