• @[email protected]
    773 months ago

    “I still don’t get why people spend money”

    Because you want to support specific content creators and free isn’t sustainable

    • @[email protected]
      403 months ago

      Yeah, but for porn tho…

      Just beat your meat to standard stuff or meet someone IRL, rather than developing some unhealthy attachment to someone on OF who’s exploiting your desperation.

      I dunno, I guess if you just wanna pay for porn you like then it’s fine, but some people develop very unhealthy attachments/obsessions to supplement a real human connection.

      • @[email protected]
        403 months ago

        It’s no different than subscribing to twitch/YouTube creators. The content is just different. There are plenty of people with unhealthy obsessions that aren’t related to porn.

        • @[email protected]
          233 months ago

          You’re right, it’s the same as the lonely people being exploited by Twitch streamers or YT creators.

          There’s a point it goes from “supporting a creator” to “throwing money at someone so they acknowledge your existence and you feel validated”.

          Honestly part of the reason I stopped watching twitch, it’s just sad at a certain point as these people think they’re actually friends with the creator, rather than just enjoying the stream for what it is.

          The whole donation/sub part of twitch culture is disgusting imo.

          • @[email protected]
            53 months ago

            A better example would have been patreon. I’ve never given money to an online content producer of any kind (except my monthly donation to Wikipedia), but if there’s one thing the internet is good at, it’s crowdfunding. Gofundme, patreon, onlyfans, twitch, kickstarter… it’s all the same.

            • @[email protected]
              73 months ago

              True, but I think the key difference is that one is an exchange of services, and the other is taking advantage of peoples desperation for a connection, whether that be a romantic connection or just friendship.

              Satisfying physical urges with porn or supporting a twitch streamer you like is one thing, but these fake relationships between viewers and OF or twitch creators is wrong imo.

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                I feel like you’re way off mark on this.

                I subbed to a chick on Onlyfans because she’s my type and I jerked off to her videos.

                I would wager 95% + of the audience is just that, and not the “unhealthily obsessed” type that you are so hung up on.

                Cases like Grant Amato have got to be the exception. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Amato

      • Neato
        223 months ago

        Yeah, but for porn tho…

        So what you’re saying is sex workers aren’t real workers and don’t deserve to be paid. If that becomes true and no one pays for porn, GUESS WHAT: no more porn. It has to be profitable for the people doing it. It’s not like art, the vast, vast majority aren’t doing it because they love it. They’re doing it for money.

        • @[email protected]
          103 months ago

          Nah, even if nobody paid for porn there would still be porn. In fact, there’s already enough porn already made out there that we have enough to last us for centuries. But even disregarding what’s already out there, people would still make porn for free because they want to show off and share their videos.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            03 months ago

            Could you imagine if porn stopped being produced in the ‘70’s and all we had to jerk off to was huge muffs (huge fan of muffs by the way (it’s mostly a texture thing))and blue eyeliner up to their eyebrows?

        • @[email protected]
          83 months ago

          the vast, vast majority

          Not to disagree with your main point - everyone deserves to be paid - but porn scales so well that we might already have enough free amateur production for everyone. It just doesn’t get to the top of SEO-optimized searches.

          • Neato
            43 months ago

            we might already have enough free amateur production for everyone. I

            You’ve seen significant amounts of porn produced and distributed that was made for fun and not monetized? I certainly haven’t.

            And if that were true, why would people still be paying for it now?

            • @[email protected]
              83 months ago

              There’s a parasocial aspect to onlyfans since you can dm the person, and they often take requests.

            • @0x4E4FOP
              13 months ago

              You’ve seen significant amounts of porn produced and distributed that was made for fun and not monetized? I certainly haven’t.

              I have. You just need to search a bit harder… I guess 🤷… I’ve even got them bookmarked, they release regularly.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          Porn and OF are essentially two separate things though.

          Sex workers do work and they should be paid for it, because it’s just work. OF creators often exploit desperate peoples’ emotions to take their money.

          People watch porn to beat their meat and satisfy a physical urge, whereas a lot of people subscribe to OF for a fake connection that only worsens and warps their view of a healthy relationship.

          If you wanna pay for Brazzers then go for it, if you’re simping for an OF creator who’s happy to just take your money then that’s sad.

        • @0x4E4FOP
          -43 months ago

          How is porn the same as being with a real live human being 🤨? Sure, I can understand (up to a point… I wouldn’t do it) paying for sex, but for porn 🤨… I mean, even if I did really liked something about this specific girl, nah, I wouldn’t pay. She’s basically selling something that hundreds of people will buy, not just me. And even if it was just me, that’s not an IRL experience. I MIGHT pay for a real world sexual experience (very unlikely though), but for a fake one? No way!

      • @IrateAnteater
        13 months ago

        I think you’re really overthinking it. I’d say the vast majority of people paying simply came across something they wanted to see, and paying for it is faster and easier (and safer) than trying to search it out for free.

      • @[email protected]
        -13 months ago

        I am definitely not like others, I have only paid like 3 times on OF and they were like $5 each. Sometimes you just really want to see what that person looks like. 99% of the time I don’t care and free is cool. Never got exploited, or had an unhealthy attachment.

    • @0x4E4FOP
      13 months ago

      So basically, you like paying for porn, is that it? Or maybe that specific girl/guy? Or couple?

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    I know I might be a bit of a porn snob but since I have the means I will attempt to pay for my porn. It’s hard to know if any random porn video was made ethically and that the actors/actresses are being paid appropriately. That’s why I like onlyfans. This way I’m, mostly, assured the money is is going directly to the preformer(s).

    Not to say onlyfans can’t be predatory. As long as I am being descerning in my purchases I am comfortable with it. If an onlyfans model started wildly blurring the line of service provider and customer, I would recommend not paying for services any more. This can be difficult too because I know some of the services invovle intense interpersonal sexual fantasy. I would just say be careful. Especially if you find yourself struggling financially.


    This isn’t to say all free porn is ethically/morally wrong. I do still browse pornhub etc. I just don’t have the where withal to investigate every single content creator. You never know, the actor/actresses could seem as though they are producing the content at their own volition but there could be a business partner that is taking advantage.

    All this to say, we should be more careful when consuming porn.

    • @[email protected]
      183 months ago

      I thought about paying for it. I checked out my favorite site, and it costs more than my monthly phone bill, that’s just absurd. And greedy.

    • @0x4E4FOP
      3 months ago

      You are correct… but I’ve seen all sort of free content from producers (couples or just a single girl) that just like to share that stuff for free. Why? It’s a kink they have… and I have to mention that that amateur content is THE BEST porn I’ve ever seen! No bullshit, just people enjoying in the moment! Love it!

      Basically, if I do watch porn, I only watch amateur content, mosly free, but some might also be promotional videos.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      well said

      sometimes there are cute little upsides to paying for porn. for example, at least one person i followed would let you “purchase” poloroids they took of themselves (usually more artsy shots) which would then be sent via mail to you. she wrote little notes on the back, cool poetry, etc.

      personally, lewd art from a lewd artist is way more alluring/interesting to me and adds a lot to the “experience.”

  • LucasWaffyWaf
    453 months ago

    Not quite OnlyFans, but when you have specific interests, you gotta find specific folks with skills tailored towards those interests.

    Source: Close buddy of mine is a furry fetish artist. Not suspiciously wealthy, but he’s full time drawing raptor asses.

    • @[email protected]
      193 months ago

      I don’t get the whole furry thing but sometimes I wish I had artistic talents because I would have no qualms getting paid to draw whatever degenerative crap people are into these days. Seems like a solid side hustle.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          The real money now is in selling credits to a private AI art generator with all the nasty word restrictions disabled.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            Luckily I’ve got a good enough card for Stable Diffusion and I spent a couple weeks scouring civitai for the perfect blend of models and improving my prompt game and when I had the exact “content” I wanted, it never did anything for me. Like at all…

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              I’m about to set up SD, do you have any recommendations for further reading on exactly this subject?

      • Kit Sorens
        173 months ago

        That’s what you’re hung up on? There’s a whole subgenre of sharks with tits.

      • LucasWaffyWaf
        3 months ago

        Furry is just the kinda general term for the whole fandom. If you wanna refer to a furry or a scalie character without worrying about calling a scaly fella furry, anthro works plenty fine.

        Also they most likely had feathers, which is rad as shit in my books.

      • Neato
        3 months ago

        Don’t let your wet dreams be dreams…

        FYI: there’s a whole swath of furry (literally) dragons and scalies.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      This. Also in real life, people with specific talents know they’re rare and charge accordingly. Pornhub is full of average stuff and if that does it for you great (though I’d argue anyone considering themselves a ‘porn addict’ is unlikely to be satisfied with basic porn)

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    I still don’t get why people spend money… there’s tons of it for free

    There are free video games. There are paid video games. Why do people pay for video games if free ones exist?

    • @JadenSmith
      143 months ago

      There’s advantages to paying for video games, even single player such as cloud saves as one example. For multiplayer games you get online play with dedicated servers, rather than finding a workaround like LAN tunneling with pirated games.

      You literally get nothing special from paying for porn.

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        That’s fine if you’re into vanilla porn, but if you have a fetish even slightly more niche than what they’ve got on ex: Kink.com, you’re not going to find more than a handful of videos for free (unless you go with piracy but that’s beside the point). And those will be digitized German VHS tapes. And will be out of focus. So in situations like that, paying for porn (or, paying to support creators that produce content you enjoy) becomes a lot more attractive as an option.

        … not that I’d know anything about it first hand.

          • @0x4E4FOP
            3 months ago

            You sure 🤔… he did kinda sound honest… he probably just has a friend that’s into that, and they are really close and share things like kinks and stuff like that… yeah, seems like a legit story to me 🤷.

                • @0x4E4FOP
                  3 months ago

                  Indeed! My wife’s BFF knows all about my kinks!

                  PS: My wife doesn’t wanna hear about them 🤷.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        You literally get nothing special from paying for porn.

        You literally get the most special content by paying for porn, personalized content that’s catered to your needs. That’s literally why you pay for it.

        Yes, if I just want to see regular old sex I can just go to one of the bazillion free sites out there. But if I have a specific fetish that only a few creators are doing, of course it’s worth paying for it to support the production of said content, especially if their onlyfans allows requests.

        I totally understand that the vast majority of people are more than satisfied with typical porn and won’t ever feel the need to pay for it, but there’s so much diversity out there that the regular porn sites can’t get to it all, and that’s why some people pay for it, because they really want to scratch a specific itch.

        And before someone says you can just pirate it, trust me, some stuff you can’t even find pirated. I’ve been there. Some creators go through very convoluted methods of distributing their content to deter piracy (especially with pricier tiers fans usually don’t want to spread it to keep it exclusive to themselves).

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          I really doubt the majority of people paying for OF are getting content specifically made for them. This is a weird argument.

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        While I don’t disagree…. I’d just like to say, that if you pay enough for porn, you can get exactly what you’re looking for.

        ROI isn’t worth it though.

    • LisandroÁ[email protected]
      113 months ago

      You’ve unintentionally stumbled upon one of modern gaming’s most pressing questions. When both free and paid options are a neverending smorgasbord of poor design choices, why purchase anything? Live service game models have shifted the landscape much closer to the free porn model for several game genres. Slightly tangential but… [email protected]

      • @0x4E4FOP
        3 months ago

        Uuu, I like this comm, I’m exactly the type. Like I don’t have cutting edge hardware ever, so I usually wait to play some game I liked several years ago, but now. I even borrow GPUs sometimes if I’m not into buying a new one, even if it’s like $200, $300. I know, I’m cheap AF 😁.

        • LisandroÁ[email protected]
          23 months ago

          There’s only so much time in the day and devoting much time to poorly designed games is silly. Finding a time tested production from 5+ years ago that plays as well or better than recent games is a minority decision but an objectively reasonable one. Cheaper and assured quality? Yes, please! It’s always nice to find someone likeminded.

          • @0x4E4FOP
            13 months ago

            Exactly my thoughts! Thank you! 😊

            I like quality… buuuut I also like to pay the cheapest price possible for it 😁. I usually buy second hand AV equipment, but only the high quality sfuff. Same goes for everything else 😁. I usually wait for discounts on AliExpress 😁. I know, I know, I’m cheap 😂.

            I like to think of myself as “economic”. I only pay for stuff full price when there is no other way (emergency, whatever). In any other scenario, I wait 🤷 😁. As I said, I’m a patient man 😁. Uni taught me a lot of things, and patience was by far THE MOST important lesson IMO.

            • LisandroÁ[email protected]
              13 months ago

              Might feel like a tangent but how do you feel about aliexpress? I’ve been burned by several month shipping times so it’s surprising to find someone who seems to use it reasonably frequently.

              • @0x4E4FOP
                3 months ago

                Yeah, the shipping time is terrible, no doubt there… and things don’t always arrive, but hey, at least they refund, so… no harm no foul I guess. I don’t order stuff I need right away from AliExpress though, I buy them locally if I can find them. But, when it’s not something I need right away, I just order it from there. The prices are cheap, especially on sales. Got a 2 x 75MHz hand held oscilloscope for about $55 on sale. That’s cheap 😊. And it’s quite good and precise for the price, a lot better than I expected. Comes with a nice transport bag as well 😁.

                • LisandroÁ[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  That feels like the distilled spirit of the jokes contemporaneous to the popularization of online shopping. A perpetual double-blind opaque Christmas at your front door brought to you by [shipping company].

                  I might give them another shot if you managed to find something of worth. As long as I remember to set a reminder about the item to refund if it hasn’t shipped after 4 months. Thanks.

    • Something Burger 🍔
      63 months ago

      Piracy is a matter of convenience. Buying a game is more convenient than pirating it. You can watch pirated porn movies with a simple Google search.

      • @0x4E4FOP
        3 months ago

        Not to mention you even get pirate results even if search for a legit way to buy porn…

        Like with Windows, you search for a specific build and tier (Pro, Ent, Home, whatever) and the first results you get are pirate links. Why? MS has abandoned those downloads a long time ago and basically, the only way you could actually get a copy of a specific Windows build is through pirate links… go figure 🤷.

    • @0x4E4FOP
      03 months ago

      See, that also puzzles me, I really have no idea… especially since paid ones can also be obtained for free, so 🤷…

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        You really can’t get all paid content for free. Actually most paid content you won’t find for free. It’s not that easy.

        Sure if they’re a popular OF creator someone will likely be ripping their stuff but that dries up really quickly when you get to creators with like only a hundred patrons.

        The more niche you get the harder it is to find new content for free (pirated or not). That’s why people pay for it, they like the content and there’s no other way to obtain it (and they want to support the creation of it obviously).

        • @0x4E4FOP
          03 months ago

          The more niche you get the harder it is to find new content for free (pirated or not). That’s why people pay for it, they like the content and there’s no other way to obtain it (and they want to support the creation of it obviously).

          There are sites where you can get that content for a fraction of the price of all of the subscriptions you already have on OF or wherever (paid sharing)… if you really are that hungry for that niche material or a few particular OF content creators. Sure, you don’t get up to date updates on the content, but at least it’s a lot less than what you’d usually pay for all of that content.

          And I wouldn’t even pay for that either. It’s not worth it IMO. In the end, it’s just porn.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            Even on sites like that you can’t get everything, since it depends on subscribers actually sharing accounts and not all creators will have those. Trust me, I’ve really scoured the internet for certain creators’ content and it’s just not out there.

            Also there are sites beyond OF, a lot actually. There’s just no way to get everything you want easily if you’re into certain stuff/creators.

            I get that you find no value in porn regardless of type so you wouldn’t pay for it, which is fine, the majority of people don’t see the need to pay for porn either, but I hope you’ll at least understand some people do find value in the content they like, enough to support it. It’s like subscribing to a youtuber’s patreon, their content is still free for everyone but some still want to financially help them.

            • @0x4E4FOP
              3 months ago

              No, I meant as in the owners of the sites (forums usually) have a request threads and you just give them the OF (or whatever site it may be) link and they usually fulfill the requests within a day or two. Of course, you subscribe to their premium section, for something like $10, $15 a year and you get access to the premium section where the owners share the content (also per request usually).

              Just offering a cheaper alternative, if you really like certain content creators.

  • @[email protected]
    353 months ago

    I still don’t get why people buy books… there’s ton of it at library

    I mean ya, but not the book I wanted to read specifically.

    • Neato
      163 months ago

      FYI: your local library probably has a subscription to eBook software. And if you use that, do utilize it! Libraries often get more funding the more customers and utilization they have. And you can usually request certain books for your library to buy. That’s really helpful for the librarians to figure out what their patrons want. Otherwise they often have to guess or just use national popular lists which might not fit as well.

      But yeah, also buy books your library doesn’t have.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        My local library saved my butt last week for a uni class I’m in, and I plan to follow up by buying the book now that I’ve read part of it and like it so much! “Happiness is a Choice You Make” by John Leland if anyone’s curious:) I was skeptical of the title but he’s building an excellent argument for it regarding aging

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      lol …what? People buy books to have it accessible right at home and not have to drive to a library.

      Porn is accessible anywhere.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        What do you mean? I’d check the library website and it simply doesn’t have the book I want. It doesn’t matter even if I don’t mind going there.

    • @0x4E4FOP
      03 months ago

      It will get to the library, sooner or later… so, from my POV there is no point in buying it. I’m a patient man, I can wait 🤷.

        • @0x4E4FOP
          3 months ago

          Almost 0. I walk to work and back. I live about 5km away from where I work, that’s like a 30 minute walk (I used to ride my bike, but I need to fix it 😁). I rarely drive my car, weekends only or when I need to take the kid somewhere.

  • @[email protected]
    253 months ago

    Just like with video games, the people paying for it are what keeps the supply going for the freeloaders. They should grateful to them!

    • @0x4E4FOP
      -223 months ago

      Ummm… no.

      Freeloaders are only there because there is a product in the first place. If there was no product, freeloading off it wouldn’t exist.

        • @0x4E4FOP
          13 months ago

          Yeah, so? Don’t really get the parallel?

          • Dr. Coomer
            23 months ago

            Prohibited was the ban of alcohol (yes, technical it was the limitation of alcohol, but the laws put in place made it impossible to legally get alcohol), and so a mass black market for alcohol was created. Moonshine, home made whiskey, the term bootlegger was made for someone who smuggled alcohol. The freeloaders were now the only people who had alcohol, and the government really didn’t like that, so they literally began poisoning alcohol to get people to stop drinking. Eventually, the government had to give up because they were loosing money just by banning alcohol. The freeloaders ensure that if something like alcohol is banned by the government, it will not stop people from enjoying it.

            • @0x4E4FOP
              3 months ago

              Oh, so you were on my side 😁.

              Didn’t know about the poisoning part, that is a nice bit of chilling info about how far governments will go to enforce something they think it’s right… no different than terrorists I guess…

  • @[email protected]
    243 months ago

    If you claim to be a porn addict but have never been tempted by or succumbed to spending money on porn, are you really an addict?

    • @Patches
      3 months ago

      My mate, Paul, is addicted to cigarettes but he never has his own fuckin smokes. You telling me, he ain’t really an addict?

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        I can’t read “My mate Paul” and not hear it in Philomena Cunk’s / Diane Morgan’s voice. Well played sir!

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Wait… What… How?

        Is the the type to just smoke in a couple of puffs just to get the nicotine hits? Just give him a nicotine patch at that point.

      • @0x4E4FOP
        13 months ago

        Good comparison 👍.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Not sure but tell you what, I watch porn for at least 2 hours a day every day and I never once paid for it. Now I said 2 hours cause I don’t include hentai or hentai games in that. To be fair even thought I pirate most hentai games I did buy the ones that I really enjoyed and are on Steam. So no for porn I never payed I did however payed for hentai. And I most certainly have an addiction or at least a disorder considering the amount of time I waste on this!

      • @Piemanding
        23 months ago

        What are your recommendations for games?

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Depends, do you mean the ones that are on Steam or others too?

          Also it depends of what you are interested in, in my case those are ones that I consider the best out there (those ones are in no particular order):

          Summertime Saga

          Love & Sex Second Base

          Another Chance

          Paradise Lust

          A Town Uncovered

          Four Elements Trainer

          Witch Hunter

          Insexual Awakening


          Imouto! Life Fantasy

          Quickie: A Love Hotel Story


          Teaching Feeling

          Breeding Farm

          Out of touch

          But in my case I like those for stats management and stuff like that.

          For story what I would recommend is (those are in order from best to last):

          Out of Touch!

          Love & Sex Second Base

          Summertime Saga

          Paradise Lust

          For RPG puzzle and 3D as well as a very good story I recommend:

          Lust Epidemic

          Treasures of Nadia

          The Genesis Order

          In exactly the order I said them as they are part of the same story!

    • @0x4E4FOP
      3 months ago

      Ummm… IDK, maybe I’m not… or maybe I like stuff that is so niche, people usually just throw it out there for free in hopes of finding someone to engage with them 🤔 🤷… IRL in most cases… which is what I what I would be after in the first place.

      I mean, porn is nice, it’s a temporary fix and you can fill a gap with it… but it doesn’t replace the real thing.

      My 2 cents.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Don’t know what to tell you man, frankly the amount of effort you have to put up during sex not to mention the amount of nagging you have to put up with in order to get sex kinda is off-putting to me or more specifically it’s at 50/50 but I do sometimes prefer to masturbate rather then have sex due to what I mentioned above.

        • @0x4E4FOP
          3 months ago

          I do agree. I masturbate mostly the past few years as well (pushing late 30’s, I have to be honest).

          But… when it comes to real world encounters, hell, I’m all in. Bullshitters everywhere when it comes to my kink, but when that true one comes along… it’s worth the wait 🤤.

    • hannes3120
      143 months ago

      Especially with those with 1000s of subscribers - how are people fooling themselves into thinking that they don’t have someone answering their messages for them?

      Some of the most popular ones have whole crews for filming - why should social media be something they do on their own?

      I kind of get it for the ones with few subscribers though

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        Our brains are highly effective at tricking us. And if a person is desperate for attention, they will fall into this trap. You’re thinking rationally, but there’s nothing rational about that in the right (or should I say wrong?) state of mind.

        • @0x4E4FOP
          43 months ago

          In that case, OF and sites like that do more damage than good. Instead of having a healthy real world relationship with someone, you get stuck in a dream world.

          • Lowlee Kun
            22 months ago

            True. Real world relationships however are hard to obtain and hard to maintain. So many people, especially those that are deemed “not normal”, due to looks or behavior, are giving up on that and instead give in to these easy surrogates. It is sad, but not like society presents any solutions.

            • @0x4E4FOP
              22 months ago

              Yeah, to be honest, that is true…

  • @[email protected]
    163 months ago

    I mean, you know how there are a million free indie games and lots of slightly shady websites where you can download free copies of paid games? But lots of people still buy games because it’s a better experience or they like to feel like they’re supporting people who are making the kinds of games that they like? It’s a lot like that, but with stigma.

    • @felykiosa
      52 months ago

      I pays but only for my audio porn because that s a niche and I really like my creators

    • @0x4E4FOP
      2 months ago

      I still don’t get it…

      Call me an old fashioned pirate, but for me, it’s more about the trip than it is about the destination.

      I’ve been encountered with this fact about myself many times… I like this girl from somexxx.com website and I gotta take a look at what she’s got published. Low and behold, all sorts of content! OK, gotta pick and find them one by one, gotta be picky about it, 1080p rips only, no 720p bullshit… aaaand after days of searching and downloading… I GOT IT ALL 🤤! And then I don’t even watch it 😒. AND THAT PISSES ME OFF ABOUT ME 😤!

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Well that’s just the piracy magpie collector instincts lol. I dunno, I’ve never paid for that kind of porn, just AVNs

        • @0x4E4FOP
          2 months ago

          AVNs? 🤨

          Sorry, I am a pirate, but I don’t download that much porn 😂.

  • @L0wded_
    133 months ago

    i dont get it either like why would you pay for porn when there are free porn?

    • @[email protected]
      73 months ago

      I’m of the same sentiment but I don’t judge people that pay for porn, after all without them paying for it there would be no money in the porn industry so as a consequence no porn either. Simply put I will never pay for porn but I’m glad that others do so I can feed my addiction.

  • @[email protected]
    133 months ago

    Let us not disrespect the paying consoomer as they effectively sponsor the rest of us, especially those using adblockers

    • @0x4E4FOP
      03 months ago

      Like what… ego boost 🤨… some chick mentions your name in her stream and you get a hardon from it 🤨?

      • (des)mosthenes
        13 months ago

        dunno tbh I guess - or maybe like a private session like how strip clubs do

        • @0x4E4FOP
          3 months ago

          Yeah, but that’s still IRL… I would maybe pay for something like that IRL, but online… no, I don’t see the point. It’s not a real experience, it’s like saying you can parrent your kids via Viber when you’re abroad… no, you can’t. You need to be physically there if you wanna be a real parrent.

      • @VirtualOdour
        03 months ago

        You’re like me and poor but I’ve been around people with jobs and stuff who can afford to throw away money on things and they seem to really enjoy the transaction element to things.

        Like being able to use money to get what they want feels good to them because it kinda justifies their life being dedicated to making money. It’s different for different people but you see the ones who love to buy something others can’t have like five min in private video chat is exclusive so makes them feel special, or you get the ones who feel special by funding something for the group like reaching a target or funding a creator they like.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          I’m not poor and still think giving money for shout-outs is stupid. I don’t know who you talk to that you got that line of thinking.

          • @VirtualOdour
            02 months ago

            How not poor are you? I’m not convinced.

  • balderdash
    93 months ago

    It’s good to support creators if you like what they’re doing. I’ve supported Zishy in the past because they do high quality tasteful clothed/teasing photos of women who look like real women (not that there’s anything wrong with bimbos/plastic surgery). If you appreciate what someone is doing, monetary support isn’t unusual at all.

  • TWeaK
    83 months ago

    Because they have more money than you. Disposable income is going to be disposed of, one way or another.

    • @0x4E4FOP
      03 months ago

      Even if I was the richest person alive, I still wouldn’t pay for porn. Sex? Maybe. Porn, no way.