• @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    “In Africa, it doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, or bisexual. At the end of the day, it’s night”

    – Osvaldo12, nemesis of Aliko Dangote (richest man in Africa)

  • @[email protected]
    1043 months ago

    This has big “I am very smart” energy. Intelligence is knowing every 24 hours is a new day. Wisdom is knowing the phrase “new day” is used rhetorically and figuratively.

    • @[email protected]
      693 months ago

      I love these kind of jokes. Aggressive technically accurate call outs for no reason. Like that song from Lonely Island, where the girlfriend hands him a phone and he goes “that ain’t my dad that’s a cellphone! And I threw it on the ground!”

      It’s ridiculous and I love it.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Generally love that type of humor too but it’s less funny if the person making the joke insults the other person. Because then it makes it seem like the joker does not get that there’s two meanings in the phrase, like how the original commenter noted. It makes the joker seem condescending and oblivious.

        Saying these types of jokes with a straight face would be much funnier than if the joker was mean spirited. Leslie Nielsen was a master at this.

      • @[email protected]
        133 months ago

        I think it would be more meaningful if he actually said that. Right now it’s just… I’m not sure what his point is. Being a pedantic asshole?

        • @[email protected]
          63 months ago

          Agreed. Just being aggressive over something inane and pointing out something obvious to be contrary isn’t helpful. It just means he’s an ass.

    • @[email protected]
      83 months ago

      Clearly, my dear learned friend, you are an undeniable polymath - for not only do you possess the knowledge of a single day’s duration, but also the power to discern its nuanced usage in everyday speech. Your intellect soars beyond the stratosphere where mere mortals can barely comprehend the concept of time. However, your thirst for wisdom should compel you to explore further: once you understand the intricacies of “new day”, you may delve into the complexities of time itself. Did you know a standard clock hour differs from a solar hour? Or how about sidereal time, which deviates even more? You see, only the truest of geniuses understand that what we call a day isn’t fixed or universal; it varies based on one’s perspective. Keep seeking, my wise friend, because there’s always more to discover.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      This has big “I am very smart” energy.

      That nicely sums up everything anyone needs to know about Vaush.

      • @CancerMancer
        -53 months ago

        I would also add predatory male feminist, hypocrite, shitlib, pedo.

        There really is just no redeeming quality to the guy.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      Technically speaking a new day happens in America 3 times every 24 hours. Eastern time, Central time, and Pacific time.

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        To be more specific, there are 4 time zones in the contiguous 48 states: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern. Alaska is also one hour behind Pacific, and Hawaii (usually) one hour behind Alaskan. But Hawaii also doesn’t observe daylight savings time.

        This also doesn’t account for how some states (like Arizona) don’t observe DST while Navajo Nation (in Arizona) does, while Hopi land (surrounded by Navajo) doesn’t.

        Time is confusing.

        • Hoagie
          23 months ago

          And don’t forget all those overseas territories, too.

  • (⬤ᴥ⬤)
    3 months ago

    first time i’ve not seen anyone mentioning horse cock under a vaush mention

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            I feel like there’s enough room for both the metric system and not invading countries in this big ol’ world.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              Them’s fighting words!

              You’ll regret this as soon as I figure out how many pounds of fuel I gotta put into this missile so it’ll cover the number of miles needed to get to you… accounting for the knots of wind speed… at the altitude in feet the missile will be flying at…

              Well you know what, let’s just agree to disagree.

    • no banana
      83 months ago

      Every step you take in America, one more step has been taken in America.

      • @ThrowawayPermanente
        73 months ago

        But a gallon is only 3 3/4 liters. Where does the extra cup go? Did the government take it?

        • BarqsHasBite
          53 months ago

          Americans are getting hosed. An imperial gallon is 4.54 liters.

  • @SuddenDownpour
    293 months ago

    Ah I see, Osvaldo wasn’t a shooting star, he was the founder of a genre.

  • @[email protected]
    183 months ago

    Every other minute, a woman in China gives birth to a child. We must find this woman and stop her!

  • /home/pineapplelover
    103 months ago

    Fuck there was a reddit sub for tweets like this but I forgot what it was called. We need one like that on lemmy

  • GarfGirl [she/her]
    73 months ago

    since a shit ton of people are already arguing about vaush im going to throw in that like i dont particularly think he deserves all the hate he gets but like im kind of uncomfortable with all the “ironic” misogyny he does, how much he seems to say the r slur and his anti corbyn stuff. Also the people who are like massive fans of his are weird af but like i dont blame the guy for his fans being fucked up.

    But yeah, imo anyone who has any super strong feelings about vaush either completely loving him and repeatedly going to bat for him against everything or completely hating him and thinking he’s the reincartion of himmler are pretty weird.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    The land of the fee.

    It has the potential to be a futuristic, modern country full of happy people but hey, profits would suffer…

  • @wildbus8979
    53 months ago

    I get that it’s a funny retort, but can we not promote this transphobe, pedo adjacent fake ass leftist on here as if he’s not an awful person?

    you are lucky that I personally got Biden into office because otherwise – is Hakim from Iraq? Well, hey listen ok, we’re going to get Biden to get those troops out of Iraq ok – wait did he already do that? We are going to keep Biden from fucking bombing anymore of your airports ok. That’s what we’re going to do! - Vaush

    • @[email protected]
      383 months ago

      I’m not following Vaush actively, but I’ve never heard any transphobic remarks from him, and the “pedo” stuff has been pretty thoroughly debunked. Do you have specific examples you could share?

        • @[email protected]
          213 months ago

          Another poster has linked you to his video on this topic. Yes, he said some very stupid things to provoke discussions and reactions, and the whole thing was both immature and misguided. But shouldn’t you be able to say “I did some very stupid things and will do better in the future”?

          If he did something similar more recently, I’d be with you - tar and feather him, and exclude him from the community. But he hasn’t (afaik). Mistakes shouldn’t brand you forever, as long as you’re honestly doing better and working against those mistakes.

          • @[email protected]
            -13 months ago

            Pretty recently, there was the incident of his porn folder being leaked on stream. H3H3 had a pretty good breakdown I thought, but the basic premise is: it’s true, a lot of his past rhetoric has a lot of plausible deniability. I.e. Him using extreme examples to make what is a good point, lots of the clips turn out to just be him being baited to talk about his old clips, making it seem like he talks about it a lot more than he does, many clips are actually making the opposite point of what the clip implies he’s making etc.

            The thing is, he also has plenty of clips of him saying that consuming lolicon is sus and someone doing that should be scrutinized. And the thing is, the couple images that showed up (just a random sampling of recent porn he had downloaded) contained pretty unequivocal lolicon. And the worst thing was, in his two response videos he made to the H3H3 podcast, he didn’t mention this central criticism of the podcast even once except for some vague allusion to plausible deniability about how old the girls looked. He didn’t take responsibility, he didn’t promise to examine himself or change, he just tried to sweep it under the rug and go for the much more easily defended points about the horses and various out of context clips. (The H3H3 podcast actually did an incredible job putting it all into context and for the most part they ended up seeing Vaushes side in most of the bad-faith clips.)

            But as the podcast says, what Vaush is relying on is that no one in his audience actually sees the images that were on his hard drive, (which to be fair, it doesn’t show up on a quick Google search, and it’s not very pleasant to go hunting for the photos)

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                Yeah H3H3 did two because vaush responded to the first one and they weren’t satisfied (cause as I said, he never directly addressed the core accusation) Idk, I know it’s a lot to get someone to work through like 6 hours of content, especially when it’s pretty grody. I have a routine that allows me to put super long videos like these on in the background but that’s unique.

                • @[email protected]
                  23 months ago

                  No, thank you for the recommendation! If I post comments defending him, I want to be informed of such things happening, because it will affect whether I keep doing it.

                  I’ll hopefully remember to reply once I got through it all.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          You are aware that 18 years old is higher than the age of consent in most of the Developed World, were it’s generally set at 16: in this like in many other things it’s the US that’s the outlier religious nutter of the developed world.

          Not to mention that your “logic” is claiming that somebody who wants to change the law is not law abidding, which is ridiculous: if that person did not care to abide by the law, why change it?!

          No idea what’s the full idea of this guy and if it is or not a good suggestion, but the logic and format of you counter-point has a crazy “only criminals would want to change the law” subservient statist-bitch vibe to it.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          That’s a bit troubling, though I would like to see Vaush expand on that. I could understand that the age of consent could be updated. For example, it’s illegal for a 18 y/o to be with a 17 y/o, which is ridiculous to me. What are two 17 y/o kids that are dating supposed to do when the first one to turn 18 happens? We know it’s not typically enforced in situations like that, but it shouldn’t even be a thing because if the parents are jerks, they could come after the recent 18 y/o who is probably mentally still a kid since transitioning to adulthood doesn’t happen from one day to the next. I would like to see a rolling age of consent for that age range. Maybe like a 1.5 year range between partners or something like that until the older one hits 19.5 y/o. From then on, it’s a hard line at 18 y/o.

          While I’m at it, I would be ok with raising the age of consent to participate in professional porn to 21 y/o.

          Edit: Apparently, there are already laws that allow what I have described about with the 17/18 divide. See comments below.

          • @[email protected]
            103 months ago

            This is already handled by Romeo and Juliet laws in several states. People recognize that young people are going to turn 18 while dating.

            Age of consent laws aren’t there to hamper people near the age of consent. They’re there to stop people well above the age of consent from being sick fucks.

            As an example, a 40 year old dating a 19 year old is fucked up. It’d be just as fucked up if they were 21 instead of 19, and even 25 is questionable. Not illegal, because we have to draw the line somewhere, but still despicable imo

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              They’re there to stop people well above the age of consent from being sick fucks. As an example, a 40 year old dating a 19 year old is fucked up.

              While I agree, I think that current laws wouldn’t protect the 19 y/o since any person over 18 y/o can date any other person over 18 y/o. That means that a 40 y/o can date a 19 y/o without any legal repercussions. Is this not the case?

              • @[email protected]
                33 months ago

                You’re correct. We have to set a line somewhere unfortunately. I don’t think we could codify a “half your age plus 7”

          • @[email protected]
            73 months ago

            though I would like to see Vaush expand on that.

            Watch the video linked in another comment. He covers everything.

          • @[email protected]
            63 months ago

            Tbf, while it is state law and so varies, many US states have a provision something like “if over 18, can’t fuck under 18yo, UNLESS you’re within 4yr and have met in an organic way, like school or work.” So an 18yo and a 17yo from the same school would be fine, but a 21yo who met her online or at the mall would still get in trouble for the 17yo, if the parents press charges.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          This is a good example of an argument that fails by virtue of its foundational premises. Vaush’s foundational premise for age of consent is tied to socioeconomic or material factors around power. In other words, the argument is founded on the premise that a child has less power than an adult so children can’t consent to intimate relationships with adults. This ignores the much more intractable argument over psychological and emotional maturity and the significance of particular age-specific life milestones that help to shape a child into an adult - a fully self-accountable member of society. Socioeconomics have mitigating influence over those things, which implies that even under socialism or any kind of post-capitalist society, that a society would have good reason to maintain agent of consent laws. It also totalizes socioeconomic factors as the defining impetus for consent, but that is in and of itself a slippery slope because you could take it to a logical extreme and argue that people of color and white people shouldn’t be allowed to be in relationships, because a person of color has less socioeconomic power in America than a white person, or even that men and women shouldn’t be allowed to be in relationships at all because men have greater socioeconomic power than women, which would mean that everyone should only be allowed to date same-sex members of their own race.

        • @starman2112
          13 months ago

          Wow a stupid not-thought out take on Discord from 6 years ago, he’s clearly Epstein himself in disguise

          I wonder what point he was trying to make in those latter two clips? I wonder if he made a dumb choice to say something extremely inflammatory in an attempt to highlight problems with other forms of child exploitation that we as a society not only accept, but actively endorse?

    • @SuddenDownpour
      203 months ago

      this transphobe

      There are very few cis youtubers with more pro-trans content on Youtube than Vaush. Hate on the guy for being abrasive or because you don’t like his personality or his humor or because he sometimes has dumb opinions, but there’s no need to lie like this.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        Yeah Vaush is a piece of shit, and he may have said some fucked up shit in the past but I don’t think it’s cool to brand someone like that when he’s clearly shown that he’s changed for the better on these issues. People gotta be more accepting of someone that has changed their minds for the better, otherwise everything will stay like it is.

        But he’s still a piece of shit, but for other reasons.

    • @[email protected]
      113 months ago

      I guess I’ll link this and ask for specifics, because I’ve observed quite the opposite.

      Given you seem to have taken your quote about personally getting Biden into office seriously, I think it’s pretty reasonable for anyone to be questioning your take here.

      • @[email protected]
        163 months ago

        There’s plenty to dislike vaush for, but they always go for the dumbest shit.

        I can even start em off. He never does debate prep so if he’s presented with a fact or statistic he doesn’t know, he forms his idea of how he thinks it should work /an explanation that fits his worldview and argues that point then looks up data to back it after the fact. It comes across as super weak, especially for a guy who acts like some supreme lord of intellect.

        But then again, knowing that would actually involve engaging with his content. It’s much easier to clip him out of context and call him a pedo.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          The guy is certainly far from perfect, but I think he’s pretty reasonable overall, and that the complains above are nonsense.

          He certainly slowed up on the debate prep over time, but he’s also basically stopped debating. From what I understand, his rationale was that you can’t get across all statistics, and that the people he was debating weren’t meaningfully backed by the data in any case so it’s fairly easy to find and debunk those syats/studies on the fly, which he frequently did. I don’t think it negatively affected his performance all that much.

          It’s a valid complaint to make, though I don’t personally think it’s particularly material, and certainly has nothing to do with the nonsense complaints that were made above.

          • @[email protected]
            53 months ago

            Oh absolutely. In fact I started watching vaush because I like debates, but Sam seder’s style was really not my jam and nobody else vibes with me. Like destiny is rhetorically effective, but cedes so much ground to actual nazis that he’s hard to watch. Vaush will hold them down on the premises they throw out and expect to be accepted and it’s amazing to watch them squirm.

            It’s sad he barely debates anymore and I also don’t give a shit about his fashion arc.

      • @[email protected]B
        43 months ago

        Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


        Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

        I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.

    • StrikerM
      93 months ago

      Yeah. He gets heated in debates and doesn’t really think what he says through. This being a shining example. He doesn’t get how condescending this comment is to someone from Iraq.

    • @starman2112
      13 months ago


      pedo adjacent

      fake ass leftist

      Literally none of that is true about Vaush though. He’s been accused of all those things, but every single accusations ends up being either a massively uncharitable interpretation of something he said, or a straight up “I think Coolsville sucks” cut

  • @[email protected]
    53 months ago

    Every time I see something from Vaush I understand why some people don’t like leftist. He is generally arrogant and toxic.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        I agree, but people see that and think all leftists are arrogant and toxic. I am not saying they are right, but we are def not putting out best forward with Vaush

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          Making sweeping biases based on the commentary of a single individual is either someone justifying their own prejudices or the hallmark of an unintelligent person.

        • @[email protected]
          -33 months ago

          People see leftists as people that became so by going to an expensive university that their parents paid for.

          There’s almost always a “hello fellow children” vibe with leftists, and many times they look down their noses at people in the working class for not appreciating how smart and generous they’re being for helping out he little people with their brilliant dialectics.

          But working class people aren’t stupid, they all know the university leftists aren’t really dedicated to any real change it’s just about fitting in with their university friends. The 20 something university leftists of today turn into the asshole managers when they hit their 30s. Either that or they become professors that teach the next generation of wealthy shits that they need to say some bullshit socialist platitudes when they’re young. It’s important for the well-being of the wealthy so they won’t feel guilty about being so wealthy later on in life because they “tried to tell the stupid peasants, they just wouldn’t listen!”

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        My first expose to Vaush was him calling a specific streamer a nazi and saying the vtubing had a nazi problem, which tells me he just firing off hot takes designed to rage bait. That and my general apprehension to political streamers being grifters, I haven’t felt the need to check anything more.

    • @CancerMancer
      43 months ago

      There are plenty of leftists who aren’t pieces of shit that we could support instead of this clown. I don’t know why people keep giving this guy a platform.