• @Apytele
    5919 days ago

    I have no idea who this is so his power hasn’t reached me… yet.

    • BruceTwarzen
      5119 days ago

      The angry video game nerd is a character that kinda lives in the past. He likes mainly 80’s and 90’s pop culture. He reviews a lot of old and notoriously bad video games. James who plays the AVGN also likes old movies and reviews a lot of them.
      I guess the interesting part is that he said he’'s not gonna review the 2016 ghostbuster movie and didn’t get any baclash for being a chauvinistic patriarch or something.
      There was a recent example where a journalist reviewed turning red and said it wasn’t for him and gave it a bad score and people went berserk and called him racist and shit and he lost his job and they forced an apology out of him for not liking a movie.

      • @[email protected]
        3119 days ago

        Imagine being an adult who’s paid to give your opinion on movies, do a review of kids movie where you’re not the target audience at all and reference that it’s not for you and you lose you fucking job and are forced to apologise because some batshit crazy people on twitter got upset!

        God I love stacking fruit and veg, my opinion of a kids movie not being for me won’t get me fired.

      • @[email protected]
        1417 days ago

        There was a recent example where a journalist reviewed turning red and said it wasn’t for him and gave it a bad score and people went berserk and called him racist and shit and he lost his job and they forced an apology out of him for not liking a movie.

        Lol… he didn’t say he disliked the movie, he said the movie sucked because it was based on Asian culture and because of the female lead. He was pretty explicitly racist and misogynist in his review.

      • @[email protected]
        818 days ago

        I’m not gonna say that his review was ‘racist’ at all, but saying characters that are Asian in an Asian community ‘limiting the appeal of the movie’ and ‘made for the directors immediate friends and family’ is absolutely bananas

        And for a review of a movie he wasn’t interested in, why did he need to double down on his review of it

      • @[email protected]
        618 days ago

        There was a recent example where a journalist reviewed turning red and said it wasn’t for him and gave it a bad score and people went berserk and called him racist and shit and he lost his job and they forced an apology out of him for not liking a movie

        Wasn’t this the guy that gave it a bad score because it was set in 2002 and they didn’t reference the September 11th terrorist attacks?

    • magic_lobster_party
      19 days ago

      Angry Video Game Nerd. He made internet videos pre YouTube days about him playing bad retro games. I don’t know what he’s doing nowadays, but one thing for sure is that he’s not going to watch a movie.

      • @zarkanian
        718 days ago

        I don’t know what he’s doing nowadays,

        You’re not gonna believe this, but it’s the same things he’s always been doing.

      • @[email protected]
        619 days ago

        I don’t know what he’s doing nowadays

        Eating and sleeping. Some urination too. Probably even pooping sometimes.

        • Justas🇱🇹
          19 days ago

          According to Hbomberguy, plagiarizing videos of other YouTubers.

          • blargerer
            317 days ago

            This is a bit inaccurate. Some of his videos contained plagiarism, but they weren’t written by James and were taken down as soon as it was pointed out. The source of the plagiarism was also not other youtubers, it was written movie articles. The writer in question no longer works for him. This was all made clear in the Hbomberguy video.

    • @Ashyr
      919 days ago

      No idea who he is, what movie this may be or why any journalists would care.

      • blargerer
        1419 days ago

        old school youtuber, one of the early big names. Got famous trashing on shitty old video games, but also occasionally did movie reviews, especially Monster Madness, in October where he’d review a bunch of horror movies. This is referencing how he said he wouldn’t be reviewing the 2016 ghostbusters movie when it was announced. The media didn’t really go nuts over him not reviewing it though.

  • @the_crotch
    4919 days ago

    I wanted that movie to be good. I wanted the neck beard misogynists who were birching about it since it was announced to be wrong. They weren’t wrong, that movie was a shitpickle.

    • @[email protected]
      2318 days ago

      The neckbeards said it was bad because it had women as the main cast

      The movie was bad because it was made bad, not because of the cast

      • @[email protected]
        17 days ago

        See I always feel like there’s nuance buried in the way people treat neckbeards and their ideologies.

        I didn’t think it was gonna be bad because it was a female cast. I thought it was gonna be bad because of the specific women they cast.

        Them being women is not my problem but I seem to get lumped in with the incels because if you criticize a woman you’re an incel/neckbeard

        • @[email protected]
          2818 days ago

          The heavy marketing as “the female”/gender swapped Ghost Busters was a huge red flag. Annihilation came out around the same time, had an all female cast of scientists and wasn’t marketed as an artificial culture war movie. They just had a story to tell from the female prospective.

          • @yuri
            1017 days ago

            Making gender a selling point is always a weird vibe. You remember the TLC song No Scrubs? Did you know there was a clapback response song called No Pigeons?

            It was put together by some out of touch producer who thought men would rally behind it. But in reality men on the whole weren’t really angry about the TLC song, and Sporty Thievz didn’t have much star power on their own. It hit #12 on the US Billboard Hot 100, got a bunch of radio play for a minute, and then they faded into obscurity entirely.

            • @CancerMancer
              617 days ago

              Shit I was around for that and I don’t even remember No Pigeons. Nobody really cared about No Scrubs because culture war wasn’t really a thing and it wasn’t being shoved in men’s faces.

              Now you’ve got Tiktok material dropping right into your feed saying you’re a manlet if you aren’t 6’+ and bringing home 250k or more, and you can see thousands of women (real or bots) agreeing with it. That will sour relations a bit.

              • @yuri
                517 days ago

                I managed to find both the CD and cassette singles at a local thrift store. They’re on a shelf right next to a sealed Slim Goodbody album, and a 1 of 1 promotional Topo Chico vinyl record that does have grooves, but doesn’t actually contain any recordings.

                Obscure and irrelevant media is so fucken funny to me.

                • @CancerMancer
                  217 days ago

                  Sounds like you have an interesting market there. The thrift and used market where I live are dead.

          • @[email protected]
            17 days ago

            Yeah their whole schtick was 'it’s ghostbusters in spaaace but women !

            it brought absolutely nothing new to the table and expected to be lauded for a gimmick.  And I don’t mean that casting an all female cast was a gimmick, but  they cast an all-female cast and treated it like a gimmick.

            They literally built their marketing around it, like we were strange beasts in a zoo, come see the females in their movie! marvel at them! marvel!!! It called itself revolutionary and simply peddled the same tale that honestly got old as hell in the 1990′s of “women are treated like shit and then have to fight for every inch of respect before bringing down straw misogyny”.      I don’t need that shit in my movies. I fucking live that shit IRL.

            The special effects were crap and the plotline was paper thin. It dove headfirst into poor comedy over any soupcon of substance. It was a half-baked and poorly executed movie trying to feed off the nostalgia of a legacy franchise with a bit of stirred up contention.   It was Ghostbusters II with the genders swapped.

            It had a decent cast, and some middling talent behind it, coulda been a fun B-movie surprise (like Spy or Zoolander) and they just went for the lowest effort imaginable to grab a quick buck and fucked it in the arse, then blamed misoggyknees when people called it for the turd it was.

            • @[email protected]
              17 days ago

              You could do an all female Ghostbusters, but the team should just happen to be all women and attention shouldn’t be over drawn to that idea. They should have launched off of the 2009 video game franchise ad and just set this team in a different city. The 2016 movie was filled in Boston anyway. Have the OG team semi retired to reflect their real age. They want a cinematic universe out of the franchise? Just set different movies with different team in different cities. I would love a Kyoto, Paris, or New Orleans flavored Ghostbusters movies. Also, have the new New York team be based off the Extreme Ghostbusters cast. Don’t necessarily imply that every story from the cartoon is canon, but it was a fun show that’s being forgotten about.

              edit: ohhhhhhhhhhh. Mexico City right around Day of the Dead. Make sure to have a Mexican anthropologist on the writing team though.

        • @[email protected]
          117 days ago

          What was wrong with the women they cast? Good comedy actors. I get SNL isn’t for everyone, but they all have talents that exceed that show.

          • @[email protected]
            717 days ago

            They’re great actresses for sure.

            But they didn’t have the right energy for it imo.

            Not the right choices for Ghostbusters of all things. There’s different types of comedy and they didn’t have the right type for it.

            • @Mini_Moonpie
              517 days ago

              I think that’s the right take. The original movies had the straight guy, goofy guy, deadpan guy, and regular guy. You could get the wrong energy from an new all male cast too, like casting Chris Farley, David Spade, Adam Sandler, and Martin Lawrance together - it would be just too much of the same kind of comedic vibe.

              • @[email protected]
                17 days ago

                I was trying to come up with an actual example of “It’d be like if you cast ‘x’ in ‘y’ when they’re better suited for ‘z’” but couldn’t come up with an example that truly fit what I was trying to convey.

                But that’s pretty much what I was going for. They’re hilarious all in their own right but it’s the wrong type of comedy for Ghostbusters.

                • @[email protected]
                  316 days ago

                  Maybe Robin Williams as Zoolander. Danny DeVito as Deathpool. Glenn Howerton as someone with sincere human emotions.

                  Actually, DeVito might be able to pull off a Deadpool. Though he’s more suited for Wolverine (he’s got the hair and height).

              • @[email protected]
                017 days ago

                Is Peter the straight guy, Ray the goofy guy, Egon the deadpan guy, and Winston the regular guy?

                • @Mini_Moonpie
                  217 days ago

                  I was thinking Egon=straight, Peter=deadpan, Ray=goofy, and Winston=regular guy.

      • @[email protected]
        -1418 days ago

        Quick reminder that this cast went to hospital for dying kids in ghostbuster uniforms.

        You really gonna stand by that?

        • @yuri
          917 days ago

          That’s a really awesome thing they did and I respect it a lot.

          I don’t think that changes the quality of the movie though, right? Unless you mean like, “They wouldn’t have done that if the movie hadn’t been made, so it’s a good movie by merit of having enabled the cheering up of one specific group of dying children”? Because I suppose you could make that argument, but I don’t know if many folks would agree with “the butterfly effect” as a metric for movie quality.

          • @[email protected]
            117 days ago

            It’s a case of being tone-deaf, along with clearly sexist characters, how much of a bimbo did they make the male lead? Yeah, not as progressive as you want to pretend.

            • @yuri
              217 days ago

              I’m agreeing with you that the problem wasn’t women. Also Hemsworth’s character was incessantly annoying, I’ve literally never heard someone praise that performance.

              • @[email protected]
                117 days ago

                Agreed, I liked the girls roles they had a spark between them and good characters, but it doesn’t stop the fact people would call the film problematic if it was a woman on Chris’s role. It did have glaring sexist issues.

                • @yuri
                  217 days ago

                  Having them improv in like every scene really did ‘em dirty.

      • Gooning Magenta Loads
        218 days ago

        Why did they disparage it?

        Excuse me as I rant, but, outside the movie, has there ever been a woman on AVGN for chuds to look down on? Anyone hoisting the anti-femininity flag and charging at AVGN holds a similar rationale to TERFs, but points their convoluted purity test at misogyny an its exclusion rather than femininity and its expression. What an inane concept.

        • @[email protected]
          818 days ago

          They disparaged it because the movie starred women in the leading roles that were played by men in the original movie when gender has nothing to do with why it sucked.

        • @the_crotch
          218 days ago

          Nobody’s coming at AVGN. James seems like a decent dude and I’m sure his criticisms of this movie are valid and not based in misogyny.

  • @yuri
    -117 days ago

    As a rule SNL alumni are at their best in whacky short-form plain ol’ comedy. There’s exceptions obviously, great actors can come from anywhere after all. But if the main cast had been like Pete Davidson, Bobby Moynihan, and Kenan Thompson it would’ve been just as bad.

      • @yuri
        16 days ago

        I mean, compared to modern SNL though?