• Hegar
    3924 days ago

    said to get a ”key" to heaven if they fought in the war

    Wow. That’s such a different kind of lie than the ones we tell people to get them to enlist.

    • @[email protected]
      323 days ago

      As a person brought up Catholic I can imagine how that would work

      Iranian child soldier: hey Pete, I have a key, let me open the gate

      Pete on the gate: sorry dude. That’s a dud key. Only the successors to me get to issue real keys, and my reps on Earth discontinued indulgences since 1667.

      Pete: also you chose the wrong religion. You weren’t even baptised. Sorry to say you’re off to purgatory for a few kiloyears (Iran uses metric, right?) to pay for your bad choices, murder, and not getting your dick cut or getting baptised

      As a reformed Catholic I’m pretty sure the kids gets what everyone gets: nothing


  • @[email protected]
    2424 days ago

    Having cold war era advanced armament yet somehow ending up with trench warfare and gas attacks…

    • @[email protected]
      1723 days ago

      cold war era advanced armament

      trench warfare

      My noncredible friend in christ, that is actually happening right now in Ukraine.

      Similarly mind blowing though.

    • @[email protected]
      1424 days ago

      War, war never changes, from sticks and spears, to arrows and bullets, the old and bitter send the young and dumb to kill each other for their interests.

      • nukeM
        24 days ago


    • @[email protected]
      1123 days ago

      But it led to arguably the COOLEST combat engineering ever - Iraq destroyed all the roads through a marsh and ELECTRIFIED THE MARSH when a column of soldiers came through.

    • @[email protected]
      624 days ago

      The Iran/Iraq border is mountainous, the Zagros mountain range. Easy to fortify, hard to attack.

  • Alto
    2024 days ago

    As awful as it is, gotta admit that electrifying a swamp is a pretty creative move.

    • @sbv
      1224 days ago

      sorry, what?

      • @[email protected]
        2824 days ago

        The Iraqi electrified a large swamp while the Iranians were crossing it, and then later used their bodies to build a road.

        • @[email protected]
          423 days ago

          This makes no sense at all. How do you electrify a swamp? Why would you build a road out of flesh? This was made up by somebody who doesn’t understand how electricity works and possibly doesn’t know how roads work.

          • @[email protected]
            1123 days ago

            “You wait until nighttime, and you will see how we are killing these Iranian dogs,” an Iraqi officer said with a broad grin. “We are frying them like eggplants.”

            He then took us on a tour of dozens of thick electrical cables his troops had laid through the marshy battlefield, a spaghetti network that snaked in and out of the patchwork of lagoons. He showed us the mammoth electric generators that fed the exposed power lines from positions just behind the Iraqi front lines. And, when the Iranian Revolutionary Guards made their regular evening advance, the officer and his men demonstrated the macabre genius of their invention.

            Iraqi gun batteries fired just enough artillery to force the Revolutionary Guards from their marsh boats, and, when hundreds of them had been forced to continue their advance through the lagoons on foot, the men manning the Iraqi generators flipped a few switches and sent thousands of volts of electricity surging through the marshland.

            Within seconds, hundreds of Iranians were electrocuted.

            But the horror show did not end there. The following morning, Iraqi troops began another grisly routine that the officer called “the morning road detail.”

            They made their way through the marshes, gathering up the dead Iranian soldiers like dynamite fishermen harvesting a day’s catch. Working methodically, the Iraqis piled the corpses on top of one another in the water in head-to-toe stacks, five bodies high and five across.

            Together, the human piles formed long rows, the width of a troop truck, the top layers above the water’s surface. Each row extended in a straight line through the marshes from the Iraqis’ positions toward the Iranian border. Finally, the rows were sprinkled with lime and covered over with a foot-thick tier of desert sand.

            It was the Iraqi method of road building, using the bodies of their enemies to construct assault routes for tanks and trucks.

            I mean, it was a well documented event. Perhaps you just don’t know as much about electricity or roads as you think?

            It’s a shallow salt water marsh, so it’s not like conductivity is going to be a problem. As far as utilizing human remains for roads, it’s not exactly an isolated event. You can find contemporary and historical examples of it fairly easily.

            • @[email protected]
              -723 days ago

              Bollocks. Not how electricity works. You put a power cable into swamp water and that electricity is flowing straight into the ground. Nobody who touches the water will get hurt, that’s literally how grounding works. Look into how the earth wire prevents shocks and you’ll see what I mean.

              Maybe they built the road out of bodies, I guess it’s possible, I just doubt it because of the stupidity of the electricity part.

              • @[email protected]
                923 days ago

                Bollocks. Not how electricity works. You put a power cable into swamp water and that electricity is flowing straight into the ground. Nobody who touches the water will get hurt, that’s literally how grounding works. Look into how the earth wire prevents shocks and you’ll see what I mean.

                My dude, all you would have to do is float the end of the power cable…

                Electricity doesn’t automatically flow to the ground, that’s a common misconception. It flows through all available paths, paths of lowest resistance just get higher amounts of the current. Humans are unfortunately a better conductor than swamp water, meaning they would get the majority of the current.

                Again, I don’t think you know as much about electricity as you assume.

                • @[email protected]
                  023 days ago

                  I’ve looked it up and all I can find are examples of people drowning because they were near the power source and their muscles spasmed. A far cry from dropping a cable from a generator and instantly zapping hundreds of people. Any other examples?

              • @[email protected]
                23 days ago

                Do you live in an earth return electric place?

                Most of us live in places where the AC power is returned by the neutral line, and earth only in case of fault

                You could put an active on one end of a swamp, and a neutral on the other end of the swamp, and electrocute (in the original meaning) your Nazis or whatever. Which war are we talking about, I’m three bollocks deep?

                • @[email protected]
                  023 days ago

                  No I’m from UK so it’s AC. Yeah if you had neutral on the other end of the swamp you’d be getting closer but still doubt you’d get to electrocution levels. That’s how the electric barrier in the great lakes works that the guy was on about. But that’s a short distance, with the water surrounded by rock, and it only gets about 2 volts. For a swamp I would expect too much current to be leaking into the earth and nowhere near enough current to be flowing through the people. Judging by the downvotes I guess I’m wrong and the Iraqi army have some insanely powerful swamp electrifying device that’s completely undocumented and was only used once and has never been repeated since.

                  Anyway I’m out of this argument, don’t drag me back in!

  • @[email protected]
    1423 days ago

    Closest analogue to what’s going on in Ukraine. Dictator launches big, bold invasion, gets stopped, pushback offensive that doesn’t really go anywhere. Both sides get desperate and start doing crazy shit. Lots of people die for nothing. US defense contractors make bank.

    • @[email protected]
      723 days ago

      At risk of being too credible the Ukraine side did keep Russia out of Kiev, and the US military industrial complex really needs the practice on the industrial side.

      If US industry makes bank keeping Ukraine alive for one more week, then consider that they’re also getting America into a better position for opposing the bad countries of the near future

    • nukeM
      23 days ago

      Of course it’s a lemmy.ml user.