• Seraph
      585 days ago

      I literally can’t tell the difference! They’re the same picture! /s

    • @[email protected]
      -54 days ago
      • Left image is a canned PR message from an intern who input “Write a generic Presidential holiday greeting” into ChatGPT

      • Right image is an actual post from the literal actual guy, probably while he takes an enormous dump on his gold-plated toilet.

      Biden’s account gives you some generic superficial squishy pablum totally unreflective of the person wielding power.

      Trump’s account give you the raw red-meat deranged inner thoughts of their most racist online uncle, grasping at the levers of power once again.

      I understand how the second bit would turn you off of Trump. But I cannot, for the life of me, imagine any kind of enthusiasm for the first bit. It’s just… nothing. Absolutely devoid of feeling or intention. Low grade ad-copy, like the person writing it could not give a single shit as to whether it was looked at. And the fact that the candidate himself is this dead fish do-nothing flop doesn’t improve things.

      • @freebee
        84 days ago

        One is a peaceful message of unity to every citizen. The other is… not.

        • @[email protected]
          -24 days ago

          One is a peaceful message of unity

          The admin posted the Christmas equivalent of “Everyone, please have a nice day”. Its not a message of anything more consequential than a polite wave of your hand.

          • @freebee
            94 days ago

            Nothing wrong with politeness. I prefer it over angered tantrum.

    • @[email protected]
      -154 days ago

      I love morons on this app implying this Biden tweet very obviously written by one of his staff is somehow representative of his superior mental state.

      At least Trump is honest enough to be senile in the open, but you all run circles around trying to convince yourselves that Biden isn’t 3ft in the grave. Own it, admit you supported a sundowning genocide supporter

      • @freebee
        4 days ago

        they are both very near the grave. Age is not really a determining factor this election is it now? Neither is genocide support, they both are. Then I’ld say any resemblance of sanity is the one factor to choose.

    • @[email protected]
      -285 days ago

      Biden, or the left at large, isn’t immune to criticism just because Trump, or the right at large, is worse. Biden, the DNC, and the American left are pretty bad right now and deserve criticism even if Trump, the GOP, and the right are much worse. Saying both sides are bad doesn’t necessarily mean they’re equally bad.

      • @[email protected]
        335 days ago

        Yes we know. The commenter above you said that both sides are not the same, not that the democrats are perfect.

      • BarqsHasBite
        5 days ago

        Chips act, drug control prices, non competes banned, green energy, going for Roe, student debt reform, weed, PACT act, etc, etc, Get outta here with that bothsidessame oh he tried the “left pretty bad” instead.

        • @[email protected]
          -24 days ago

          No, I agree. I think for all his flaws, Biden has been a better president than expected. I’m just pointing out that there IS a lot to criticize Biden and the Democrats for. From running Biden a second time to not better executing the withdrawal from Afghanistan to placing restriction on how Ukraine could defend itself when Putin first invaded to not focusing on rebuilding their image in states like Florida or Ohio to not going at Republicans harder to a lot of Democratic politicians participating in insider trading… they’re not great. In fact they’re pretty bad. Are they as bad as the Republicans? No, of course not. But the statement that both parties in the country are bad does hold some truth to it.

            • @[email protected]
              -14 days ago

              Biden is bad objectively, I don’t how you can look at him and say “wow, that’s a good president”. Despite his glaring flaws, he still preformed better than I expected, and he’s leagues above his opponent who also has glaring flaws, but 100x worse. It’s pretty sad that we’re in a position we’re these are options.

              • BarqsHasBite
                4 days ago

                Green energy via IRA, union empowerment, student debt forgiveness, marijuana rescheduling, infrastructure (build back better), drug price controls, chips act, PACT act, etc etc etc. Non-competes banned (by FTC, but apparently was voted for along ‘party lines’). Pardoning people kicked out for being gay. And supporting Ukraine. Fucking great President. Get outta here with that objectively bad nonsense.

                *Oh geez I already listed a bunch of this off to you and you’re still b b b Biden bad. Unbelievable. At least you dropped your comparison act and revealed you think “objectively bad” aka it will always be b b b Biden bad.

      • @fsxylo
        75 days ago

        But it’s very important that it always happen during election year. Just in case the Republicans have it too hard.

        • @[email protected]
          -24 days ago

          They don’t happen during election years, they happen every year. That’s the thing with a two party system, a lot of people will disenfranchised from both parties. People who don’t support either candidate or either party are forced to pick between the lesser of two evils, and therefore will end up voting for a candidate that’s neither good or aligns with values.

  • Titou
    234 days ago

    Kinda ironic seeing Trump calling Biden as a “radical left marxists” while Biden as nothing to do with socialism at all, he even support cuba embargo.

  • @[email protected]
    5 days ago

    The most tragic thing about this is the effort that it now takes to listen to the other side. Each post is on a different network. People won’t be faced with the other side’s message because they literally don’t have the app to do it installed on their phones.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      305 days ago

      I’ve seen everything Trump posts on Truth Social despite never having installed the app.

      I also don’t have Twitter but I see a lot of those, too.

    • @[email protected]
      -365 days ago

      Maybe don’t ban people for opposing views and actually have the spine to have your views challenged.

      Echo chambers are brain damage generators

      • @hayes_
        455 days ago

        That only works when everyone is participating in good faith.

        Call it tragedy of the commons or sealioning, but the unfortunate reality is a lot of online “discourse” is only interested in distracting, confusing, and exhausting you.

      • @[email protected]
        205 days ago

        Today on “treating online social interactions the same way you’d treat in person interactions is censoring conservatives!”

        Nothing narcissists hate more than when you realize you don’t actually have to keep dealing with them and their shit.

      • @explodicle
        195 days ago

        Which harmless opposing view got Trump banned?

    • @[email protected]
      185 days ago

      For all the crying they do about “literally 1984!” they sure are oblivious to when their side uses language that would be right at home in the book.

  • @[email protected]
    255 days ago

    This is how Trump should have done it:

    🎄🎅 Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists 🟥👹 that are trying to destroy our Country 🇺🇸, the Federal Bureau of Investigation 🕵️‍♂️🔍 that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media 📺📰 to push for a mentally disabled Democrat 🧠🤕 over the Brilliant 🌟, Clairvoyant 🔮, and USA LOVING ❤️🇺🇸 Donald J. Trump 🦅🇺🇸 and, of course, The Department of Injustice ⚖️👿, which appointed a Special “Prosecutor” 👨‍⚖️🔍 who, together with his wife and family 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦, HATES “Trump” 😡 more than any other person on earth 🌍. LOVE TO ALL! ❤️🎄

  • @[email protected]
    84 days ago

    When trump says about “left Marxists”, I see far left Marxists in a brighter light (not you tankies, fuck you).

  • @[email protected]
    74 days ago

    One side wants people the best regardless of what they are.

    The other just wants to see others suffer.

  • @ZombiFrancis
    135 days ago

    I feel like a rational and sane society would recognize the one on the right isn’t worth elevating for a comparison.

    Or it wouldn’t brook anyone willing to compromise with it.

  • @[email protected]
    4 days ago

    Can we talk about the implications of “retruths”? Sounds a lot like “Alternative facts”…