Some Republicans are starting to seriously regret Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance.

It’s been only one week since Vance was nominated at the Republican National Convention, and already his own party members are expressing severe doubts about Trump’s pick. The former president’s allies have acknowledged that nominating Vance was the product of Trump’s absolute certainty that he would be able to defeat Joe Biden in November. While Vance wouldn’t do much for swing voters or independents, he would likely shore up support among Trump’s base.

But ever since Biden passed the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s new presumptive nominee, Republicans have begun to sour on Vance.

“The road got a lot harder. He was the only pick that wasn’t the safe pick. And I think everyone has now realized that,” one House Republican told Axios Thursday, under the condition of anonymity.

Another House Republican told Axios that Vance “doesn’t add much.”

    • @[email protected]
      552 months ago

      Again, there is ZERO evidence that JD Vance has reached earth-shattering orgasm in the loving embrace of a two-piece sectional, or that he has had a wild fling or two with wicker outdoor patio furniture. NONE. He certainly has not done so while making disgusting claims about gay people.

    • @[email protected]
      472 months ago

      Does JD fuck couches? A lot of people are saying it. The best people. They keep saying it so there must be some truth to it. Just the other day I asked him so you prefer leather, right? It’s so smooth. It’s durable. It’s perfect! He looked me dead in the eye and said, “polyester”. It’s so rough though! That’s why he needs the glove!

    • @[email protected]
      472 months ago

      i adore that he will live out the rest of his days being known as j.d. the couch fucking mascara muffin man vance

        • @[email protected]
          442 months ago

          It’s not about mocking someone who wears eyeliner, it’s about mocking someone who wears eyeliner and pretends they don’t.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          your cause is noble, but the outrage over mascara man vance bashing is misguided. “punching down” is insulting race, sexuality, gender, disability, and any other thing that no one chooses for themselves*. makeup is 100% a choice, for everyone. in vance’s example it’s a ridiculous choice, given the requisite strictly defined GOP persona of the “manly man,” which obviously doesn’t involve men wearing makeup. so vance will be mocked for it.

          where’s the outrage over making fun of trump’s orange spray tan? guliani’s hair dye leaking forehead?

          and if you’re going to bring “gendered insult” into the conversation, then exactly who is arguing under the flawed premise that mascara is just for women, if not the person calling the insult gendered?

          don’t worry, i make fun of many, many choices people make, from cartoonishly huge pickup trucks, to cargo shorts

          *edit: apparently “punching down” is generally defined to mean attacking people ‘less powerful’ than yourself. i’m still including unchosen circumstances in my usage

          • @[email protected]
            182 months ago

            I feel like there’s only a handful of people in the world who can “punch down” at a US senator currently running for vice president. I don’t think any of them are hanging out in Lemmy.

            • @[email protected]
              92 months ago

              LOL it’s not just me. how many women do you know who don’t think cargo shorts make us look like clowns?

              • Promethiel
                162 months ago

                My mom says they make me look handsome and agrees that it’s neat that I can carry all the sticks and rocks we find at the park!

              • AFK BRB Chocolate
                142 months ago

                That’s just anger and jealousy because the fashion industry takes all the pockets from women’s clothes so that there will be enough for men’s cargo shorts. I mean, I get that, and it doesn’t seem fair, but I’m not giving up all the pockets.

                • @[email protected]
                  82 months ago

                  anger and jealousy because the fashion industry

                  which is completely justified. women get attacked for not looking perfect 100% of the time, not wearing makeup, not shaving their entire body, AND can’t find any clothes that have a single functional pocket. and god forbid a gray hair shows up

                  meanwhile, i’m applauded for not giving a rat’s ass what i look like, shaving zero square inches of any part of my body, and i have the option of clothes with ridiculous numbers of pockets. which IS an option because we don’t have to worry about being attacked for not caring what anyone thinks

              • @[email protected]
                52 months ago

                They stop laughing when I pull an entire Chinese dinner for five out of those cargo shorts. Y’all sneak in your candy to the movies. I’ll do it my way.

          • @[email protected]
            -82 months ago

            The liberal urge to make sure a racist misogynist narcissistic fascist is comfortable in their spaces

        • @[email protected]
          -42 months ago

          I fully disagree. He’s only getting mocked for that because he’s a “manly man” who would surely criticize others for similar things. And punish anyone who isn’t cis. No one (surely some exceptions but a very small percentage) mocking him for this would ever do so if he weren’t like that.

          And I don’t agree that it’s fair game to repeat a made up lie because it’s supposedly funny. That’s what Republicans do.

          After watching Lemmy spout conspiracy theories galore minutes after the trump shooting and also not give a single shit about this “funny meme” being false, it’s really got me questioning if the left is any smarter than the right. Something I have taken for granted for decades. It’s depressing.

          • @[email protected]
            112 months ago

            republicans push their lies as facts. no one is trying to claim the couchfucker meme is true. it’s trolling. not remotely the same thing as what republicans do. plus it’s hilarious.

            no, vance’s new name is couchfucker, but I’m sure he appreciates you getting upset about it for him

            • @[email protected]
              -42 months ago

              Not everyone understands the trolling. I believed it might be based on something real for a couple days. Nope, just something that was made up. I’ve seen numerous people asking about it also, confused as hell…

              I mean even if he really did write some shit like that, it would barely be funny enough to repeat for more than a week. But he didn’t.

              • @[email protected]
                82 months ago

                saying someone fucks couches is also not remotely comparable to making accusations of rigged elections, rigged judges, pushing, as fact, mountains of conspiracies, and on and on- while the top of their food chain is convicted felon and rapist

                it seems ridiculous to even have to spell out these distinctions because of vance the couchfucker

                • @[email protected]
                  -42 months ago

                  Spreading false information should be avoided if you wish to be seen as being above it. That remains true no matter the content. It seems ridiculous to me that people seem to cling to the joke so hard that I need to spell that out.

      • @[email protected]
        502 months ago

        There was a made-up rumor that his book has an excerpt about fucking a couch…But the memes have been fire so no one cares that it’s false. He’s now a couch fucker.

        • @[email protected]
          152 months ago

          You can build a million bridges, but you fuck one single couch, no one calls you a bridge builder.

          • @[email protected]
            202 months ago

            I mean we can’t prove that he hasn’t fucked a couch. If they can believe dumb shit like pizzagate, qanon and the stuff that comes out of Trump’s mouth we can keep the couch fucker memes going for the lolz.

              • @[email protected]
                32 months ago

                Some really smart and honest guy, this guy, he’s smart, and he’s really honest, you know, he told me personally ok, me ok, he said that this couch fucker was also a goat fucker. I have to believe it, i was told it, by a really really smart guy

    • @RIPandTERROR
      192 months ago

      Live action bigmouth confirmed, unfortunately.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      I think he’s a natural pairing with Donald Trump, the philanderer. They can bring one girl back home without it getting “weird.”

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      It’d be hilarious if a whisper campaign about couch-fuckin’ is what stopped fascism…

    • @[email protected]
      -22 months ago

      No, we’!re talking about the asshole who has plenty of real things to criticize without lowering ourselves to Republican-level antics by repeating random lies from some idiot’s Twitter account.

  • @[email protected]
    1382 months ago

    Really feels like Vance is being set up as the fall guy to blame when trump loses.

    “If he had just picked someone else as VP, he would’ve won!” -conservatives in five months

    • @[email protected]
      692 months ago

      It’s amusing you think Republicans will do anything but say the election was stolen by the left.

      • @[email protected]
        292 months ago

        Yeah, it’s actually not possible for me to imagine Republicans losing the presidency again without claiming fraud. Even if saying that directly stops playing as well, they will just move onto softer language about it. Like when they went from being directly racist to claiming all problems are certain immigrants’ fault.

        They will “just ask questions” about particular states’ results. I don’t think we will come back from that. It may even bleed over to Democrats saying it eventually, just because it’s so established in the zeitgeist that it’s possible, some lesser thinking Dems may run with it.

        Notice how none of them hesitate to do this shit now. It’s because they’ve started to internalize that democracy is bad because it doesn’t give their party the advantages they feel entitled to.

      • GladiusB
        72 months ago

        Yea. There’s a word for that. It’s called losing.

    • @[email protected]
      382 months ago

      Vance brings no new votes to the table. He is really just there because Peter Thiel agreed to donate to the campaign if Trump made him VP. When Biden was still in, the GOP believed that the election was as good as won so they didn’t believe they need to appeal to anyone else. Now that Kamala is running, the initial reaction and polling is showing that this race isn’t going to be easy for the GOP and Vance looks like a shitty pick.

      • @[email protected]
        182 months ago

        I must say that after many grueling and sometimes flat out boring and repetitive episodes, the USA show sure surprised us with this new twist.

        I love it!

    • @[email protected]
      302 months ago

      And JD Vance has earned all the hate MAGA is going to send his way. Bending the knee may give short term gain, but it will ultimately ruin your life and legacy, like a whole list of these lifelong Republicans. The Lindsay Graham’s and Ted Cruz’s who took Trump’s abuse and just cowered like the pathetic people they are.

      MAGA will be in the history books beside the confederates as the traitor party.

    • finley
      232 months ago

      Bold of you to assume they’re ever going to admit having lost. How else will they rationalize another attempted coup?

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Really feels like Vance is being set up as the fall guy to blame when trump loses.

      He was the bag man for Cryptobros. Trump puts him on the ticket and the money flows into the Trump campaign.

      Now it’s looking like a raw deal, as Trump has to spend all that new money defending his hideous little troll of a VP.

      “If he had just picked someone else as VP, he would’ve won!” -conservatives in five months

      Missed a perfectly good opportunity to run a horny VP like Kristi Noem or Laura Boebert or Hope Hicks.

      Still would have lost, but at least we wouldn’t need Vance’s mug all over the TV.

    • @[email protected]
      142 months ago

      No I think Trump and team figured they had this in the bag and no need to pick anyone else that could appeal to the normies. They are all in on MAGA and gods willing it explodes in their faves

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      When Trump loses, what’s the worse that can happen to JD Vance?

      It’s not like Trump is going to send a mob to kill his vice president running mate. Oh wait.

    • billwashere
      82 months ago

      As long as they lose I’m not sure I care who they blame it on.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      Don’t worry, the qons will always find a cop-out. This is the bunch that were suddenly full of “independents” who never even heard of this W guy after Iraq was so obviously a gigantic clusterfuck and who never even heard of this Romney guy after he got spanked by a Blah guy.

      No, these people were suddenly teabaggers that were deep into this “tea party” that never was a thing before being made a thing by Faux and friends. Also, don’t call them “teabaggers”, they never, ever used that term for themselves (and don’t go looking around for any proof of this or anything. Just believe the teabaggers, er, I mean the “tea party members” of this so-called truth).

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    hilarious that vance wrote an entire book blaming poor mountain people for causing their own problems and not bootstraps-ing themselves out of despair (like he did, naturally), and is now saying that biden’s america is 100% to blame for those exact same problems

    not to mention all the gigabytes of trash he’s talked about trump, whose asshole vance is now slurping with the gusto of a dog in a steak factory

    • @[email protected]
      622 months ago

      whose asshole vance is now slurping with the gusto of a dog in a steak factory

      😆 It’s only 0600 here. I’m gonna call it a day after reading that so that I can end on a high note.

  • @greenshirtdenimjeans
    922 months ago

    James Donald Bowman is his birth name. Tired of this ‘woke’ changing names agenda!

    • @jballs
      272 months ago

      Wait… so the Republican ticket is James Donald and Donald John? Those fucking nerds.

      • @greenshirtdenimjeans
        112 months ago

        What if we combine them? James Donald John TRANce. Think that’ll bring out more GOP voters?

        • @jballs
          102 months ago

          I’m up for combining them, but only if it’s in some sort of weird human-centipede situation.

    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      So where does the Vance part come in? Sounds like he wants to be an edgy pop guitar solo artist.

  • arthurpizza
    682 months ago

    Let’s not jump to conclusions until we get the couche’s side of the story.

  • @[email protected]
    562 months ago

    They needed a running mate with a name similar to Pence so that Demented Donald could remember it.

    • @[email protected]
      252 months ago

      I do outside sales in Ohio and I’m on the road a lot

      The amount of people who have Trump / Pence signs and have put white tape over the P and E to make a V and A is … Surreal. Like why do you still have signs from an election 8 years ago? Their house is probably full of cats and hoard and bugs. Can’t wait to get updated signs?

  • @[email protected]
    462 months ago

    I mean, his last VP pick had lightning powers. This one fucks couches. That’s a hell of a downgrade.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        There were a lot of memes involving mike pence having lightning powers, and often fighting anything gay with electricity. IIRC this all came from him allegedly advocating for electroshock therapy as a method of conversion therapy (which snopes said is false, and that’s as much research as I’m putting into a tangent on meme history)

    • @[email protected]
      312 months ago

      And for what he did to her favorite sofa. He even took off the plastic cover - just raw digging it with no protection.

  • @[email protected]
    382 months ago

    If you were an extreme project 2025 republican, Vance would have been the perfect candidate assuming that 1. The democrats would throw the election by running Biden with failing health. And 2. That Trump would die of a heart attack in a few years.

    I legitimately can’t think of another reason why they would have picked him. The Trump campaign and project 2025 were counting on both those facts being true.

    • The Snark Urge
      202 months ago

      It’s actually sadder. Trump doesn’t want a VP that can claim any credit for his electoral victory. If he picked anyone that people will say “strengthened him”, he’d hate that.

      Pride goeth before the fall.

      • @[email protected]
        82 months ago

        He also just wants a yes man, he REALLY didn’t like that Pence found his conscience while he was cleaning up after the election and didn’t go along with “the election was stolen and thus Donald Trump is still president”. Vance has no political compass - he has a weathervane that points towards whatever he thinks will get him power, so that’s perfect.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      And 2. That Trump would die of a heart attack in a few years.

      Yeah, but donnie is/was a project 2025 guy. Was he on board with that aspect of things? With his diet/exercise plan, maybe he is? 🤣

  • @[email protected]
    352 months ago

    It’s amazing how much Trump got played. The democrats had to know Biden was going to drop out when they scheduled the earliest presidential debate in history. It was all a show so people would demand Biden drop out before he actually dropped out.

    And not only did Trump agree to it (cause his ego told him he would dominate), now he’s picked a god awful VP pick cause he thought he knew who his opponent was.

      • @[email protected]
        272 months ago

        Ha, yeah. I’ve been a registered Democrat since I was 18. No freaking way they tried at something so hard like that.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        I’m more cynical about the DNC than anybody but - people daydream all the time about what could happen in the future if this or that happens. Some asshole right winger started daydreaming about taking over the Supreme Court back in the 1970s and it doesn’t mean that he planned it all out but you can still think about the next few moves to be ready if the opportunity arises.

        Somebody in the DNC imagined this scenario many months/years ago and talked about it to their bosses. Gaming out the possibilities and having the slide deck ready is how wild, game changing moves like this end up happening.

    • @[email protected]
      372 months ago

      The democrats had to know Biden was going to drop out when they scheduled the earliest presidential debate in history.

      Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          If this election can teach us anything, if you live in a bubble then you have some incredibly stupid blind spots.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              The democratic party has as many bubbles as they have geriatric candidates. A candidate manages their staff, but the staff can also manage the candidate and it creeps into elderly abuse at a certain point. Look at Diane Feinstein or RBG: two people who should have retired but their staff didn’t want to loose their relative power so they filter what their boss sees. I’m sure the same is true for Trump. Biden at least has Pelosi to pull his head from his ass and showed him the real numbers his staff wasn’t showing.

      • @[email protected]
        92 months ago

        While I’m normally inclined to agree, this presidential debate was both historic in how early it was and historic in how bad Biden performed. There is no reason to be this aggressive about scheduling unless they know he’s either going to fail epically, or succeed epically.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          The only thing historic is about how utterly convinced that people are that Biden was awful in it.

          I watched the debate. He wasnt 1/100th as awful as everyone has seemingly hallucinated themselves into thinking thanks to an endless avalance of propaganda screaming “BIDEN FAILED/INCOMPETENT,HUMILIATED/ETC”

          The most awful thing about the fucking debate is the moderator kept letting trump go off on rants and not correcting/stoping him. Bidens performance isnt even in the top 3.

          • @[email protected]
            -32 months ago

            People are allowed to have different opinions. Yours just happens to be in the minority.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              Yeah, its amazing how that happens when you focus on facts and ignore groupthink and feels.

              • @[email protected]
                -52 months ago

                For sure, like you and I both focus on facts (even though in this case it is 100% subjective how you think he performed) and I for sure ignore groupthink and feels as well and we both have different opinions. It’s aMaZiNg!

  • @[email protected]
    322 months ago

    I love that there’s literally a video of Vance calling Trump a horrible person and they still picked him. Plus the whole couch-fucking thing. Good stuff.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      A meme in our last local election for governor was, “Mark Ronchetti Fucks Dogs. Bad for dogs, bad for New Mexico.”

      It was hugely successful. He was actively being cyber bullied on Twitter.

  • Optional
    262 months ago

    Vance has been so embroiled in gaffes, he hasn’t even really gotten to expound on any of his “new right” ideas, such as his phony brand of conservative economic populism, or creepy pronatalism, or terrifying techo-authoritarianism.

    Trump’s campaign, however, released a statement doubling down on the former president’s increasingly unpopular pick.

    “President Trump is thrilled with the choice he made with Senator Vance, and they are the perfect team to take back the White House,” said campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, according to Axios.

    Phony, creepy, terrifying.

    And Steven Cheung, you need to understand nobody represents trump who doesn’t get shit on. Just saying. It’s your future. Hopefully you can represent yourself at trial.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      There must be a correlation with how hard campaigns double down and how close they are to actually reversing course.

      • Optional
        72 months ago

        Careful - you’re assigning reason, or at least logic, to the party of pizzagate, trump, a stupid failed coup, and drinking bleach.

        History teaches us this is where logic and reason come to die.

      • Promethiel
        42 months ago

        There is. The more they stumble, the more they are questioned. The answers to the question cannot be anything but utmost certainty because “maybe” is simply not a message that sways anyone.

        Pretty answers don’t change reality though, so the stumbles continue or even increase leading to more questions and the doubling down. You just can’t do anything else unless you’re ready to commit to another answer.