• @[email protected]
    13512 days ago

    Ah, Schrodinger’s liberal. They are all LGBTQ and having gay sex, thus not having children and are cat ladies. But they at the same time are having all the abortions (that were made through gay sex).

  • cum
    4712 days ago

    fake, clearly the first thing you is to be woke in the morning, before the male tears coffee

    • M137
      11 days ago

      The stroke is strong with this one, so strong I almost had one myself from trying to read that.

  • @[email protected]
    3611 days ago

    My woke mind virus just will not sync with the Biden network today. I’ve had 13 abortions trying to reset the system, but nothing so far. Hopefully Satans tech support will get it figured out?

  • @[email protected]
    2811 days ago

    I was just telling my partner the other day about how cool medical science is because we were able to develop a vaccine in under one year with only one microchip getting in it. A decade ago, there would have been oodles of microchips. I love the future.

    Don’t make me say it. You know what this is. Stop making me point it out and learn to detect it. Gdi, it’s fucking /s, you dolt. I can’t believe I keep having to say so, but downvotes clearly prescribe it as necessary.

    • @[email protected]
      511 days ago

      There are no down votes I can see. I also don’t think tone tags are a bad thing given how much misinterpretation happens on the Internet, even if this example is kind of obvious.

    • @[email protected]
      110 days ago

      For whatever reason some people cannot detect sarcasm… I made a joke about vaccines not working and that the limes everyone was eating lost effectiveness…and yea downvoted. I think it’s because some of the crazy shit people say is now crossing lines into wtf land.

  • @where_am_i
    -3311 days ago

    I’m tearing up here for the poor US liberals fighting their culture war. Only such toxic memes can help them cope with the constant hate they’re bombarded with.

    • GladiusB
      2011 days ago

      Those are definitely words. I’m not sure you or anyone else can construe any meaning from how they are put together. But I’m proud of you bud. Branching out is part of growth.

      • @where_am_i
        -2611 days ago

        Lemme break it down to you. Your “funny meme” is cringe and basically boils down to “I’m a child and my parents don’t like my haircut lemme cry about it on the internet”.

        While I support probably 95% or so of the values the person in the meme represents, I would be insulted to be in any association with this meme or the way it virtue signals. Toxic, spiteful, arrogant, attention-seeking. A cry “you’re old and you just don’t get it” of a teenager. Bleah.

        • @ayyy
          1611 days ago

          And yet here you are, associating with it.

        • GladiusB
          511 days ago

          “My” funny meme? Are you reading for comprehension? Do you need a gold star to make you feel you are contributing? Good job kiddo. You know how to make words. Next step is to string them together into what is known as a “sentence”. When those are complex they make something called coherence. Which you are MILES away from. But keep trying. One day you might get it!

          • @where_am_i
            -410 days ago

            Don’t get so angry. Neither you nor the video were able to produce a single concise point. So far you’re showing that all your supposed linguistical skills are good for is whining and insulting.

            • Lightor
              310 days ago

              I enjoyed it and got the point. Just because it does over your head doesn’t mean it didn’t exist lol.

              You seem really upset and angry with people over this silly little video that does nothing and hurts no one. The things people take time to put negative energy into because they don’t like it.

            • GladiusB
              110 days ago

              Who said I was angry? I’m clearly dealing with someone that over estimates their intellectual prowess and is a lost little lamb. I’m just trying to help ya fella!

    • @[email protected]
      1111 days ago

      Have you looked at twitter in the past 6 months? It’s nothing but you republicans being assholes to us leftists.

      But go ahead, cry about it when we do it back to you.


      • @where_am_i
        -410 days ago

        I live in Europe, I vote green-socialist, I’ve never been on twitter, you and the rest of the “liberal” US crowd make me cringe so hard it hurts.

        But spending time on lemmy has been very productive. I’m starting to understand why the political discourse in the US is failing so miserably.

        Look at an average Trump rally, listen to it, your brain will start hurting after 5 min. But you know what, following lemmings in ther “righteous” fight causes the same brain damage after like 10 min of scrolling.

        Let me reiterate. You’re as dumb as your republican friends. It just happened that you stand with lgbt and want social welfare, but your approach to promoting these values is absolutely equivalent to chanting “stop the count”.

        • Lightor
          410 days ago

          You sound equal parts hateful, misinformed, and hypocritical. Impressive kinda.

      • @[email protected]
        11 days ago

        The thing I honestly hate most about American liberals is that they don’t know the difference between being on the American left and being a leftist.

          • @[email protected]
            -511 days ago

            It’s an obvious symptom of their fundamental ignorance and continuing colonial attitudes. I hate it the most because it’s ever present and causes the most daily annoyance while simultaneously being a problem they could have fixed with a minimal self-education, not because it’s the most harmful thing they do.

        • @[email protected]
          10 days ago

          Maybe that’s because there’s no difference at all in America. We have a two-party system of government and “being a leftist” vs being on the “American left” would mean what in America exactly? Sewing your own t-shirts? Going to DemSoc meetings? 😆