POV: Every triangle is a love triangle if you really love triangles
This but unironically /s
Youre using POV in the wrongest way to hang a lantern on it and Im here for it.
POV: I’m doing my part
No one:
If you really love triangles, it becomes a new sexual orientation.
Oh, is that what the T stands for.
Wait, I thought that’s for tiramisu? How else do you spell tiramisu? Is this one of the UK vs US things?
Accute Love Triangle: Two people who are boning, but they wistfully pine for a third person from afar.
Obtuse Love Triangle: Two people pinning for the same third, when they’d be better off hooking up with each other.
Equilateral Love Triangle: When there is no age-gap discourse in the polycule.
Right Love Triangle: When the odd-couple finds the perfect person to square them off.
Stereographically Projected Love Triangle: A romantic Isekai
Non-euclidean love triangle: Both people who are currently together wish they were with the same third person who lives too far away for a relationship to work.
The fastest way do get from A to B is not a straight line but to bone C.
The classic love triangle was with Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere, where both guys wanted the girl but were also best friends. Does that not qualify?
Ah, a triangle with a platonic base.
Great joke man! The unrelated Greek term plausibly masquarading as another geometical term, brilliant!
Unrelated Greek word? Platonic here refers to the nature of Arthur and Lancelot’s relationship. It’s a platonic relationship, rather than romantic or sexual one.
Unrelated to triangles, I mean, sorry! Of course it’s very topical.
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I think you’re somewhat understanding what Platonic love is. In modern usage, I’d say that Platonic love is a really strong form of love, stronger than could be called friendship, but which lacks a sexual or romantic dimension (or at least lacks enough of those to characterise as a romantic or sexual relationship).
But it might also be interesting to look at what Platonic love meant to Plato. I’m not an expert. Not even close. But my understanding is that he might have meant it to be the most perfect form of love. We have the phrase “platonic ideal” that we use in other contexts to refer to something that is the most perfect version of that thing, and I think Platonic love likely originally meant that, for love. It was love of the body, the mind, and the soul. Not less than romantic love. Not equal-but-different like the modern usage of the term. But instead encompassing everything that romantic love is and more.
But I’ve only read extremely shallowly into this matter, and would love to hear more from someone who really knows their stuff.
The thing to keep in mind with Plato’s ideals is he’s taking about actual divine ideals that you’re attempting to connect yourself to in order to reach the truth of reality. So Plato’s pure Eros isn’t really dependent on the physical nature of something and is a love that supposedly connects you to the divine realm.
Technically the triangle just refers to ‘relationships’ and not ‘romantic relationships’ so two male friends and one female love interest works as a triangle but one woman with two male strangers doesn’t with because that’s just a V.
I vote that it should. Sounds like good drama, the kind you’d expect seeing a love-triangle tag on a fancfiction site.
That is the standard of the love triangle. The two love rivals have to be friends with, or at least know, each other or else there is no tension between them for their love of the 2nd party. Or else every person talking to multiple people on dating apps is in a love n-gon. And love should never intersext with n-gons.
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❌ Love triangle
✅ Lust pentagram
I’m more into the Orgy dodecahedron
This is the way
Hmm, you could have a Mulan situation with one of the pairings 🤔
Where the dude is into effiminate guys, or …?
The dude went to a drag queen show without understanding what the whole concept was
Gotcha. That accounts for one pairing. What about the other two? You’d need at least a double mulan situation in order to have a chance at an actually straight love triangle.
A = straight man who performs in drag shows, interested in B B = straight woman, interested in C C = straight man who doesn’t know what a drag queen is and thinks they’re women (a genderswapped Mulan situation), interested in A’s drag persona
I have no idea if this is what python actually meant by “a Mulan situation” but now this feels like I’m trying to solve a sudoku or something
Huh. That’ll do it. What about a triangle where each person has to decide between the other two (as in Hollywood where the girl is trying to choose between two guys, but with an actual triangle as noted in the image), but still remains straight?
Two drag queens, that each only know each other’s persona, plus a straight woman?
Kind of like a reverse Birdcage?
There’s some Interesting graph theory problem somewhere in here about finding out if a network of N people in M relationships must include at least one gay person.
A relationship graph which requires no gay relationships is called a bigraph (honest, I’m not making this up) or bipartite.
That follows because if you can two color the graph so that edges only connect different colors, you just assign male to one color and female to the other.
This means there’s a tone of mathematical identities describing this. Wikipedia has a good introduction.
Very neat. But the fun part of this is that if you’re poly/into more than one person, you are now a part of the LGBT group, not the straight one.
Note the above image, where the triangle shape requires that every person be into another person, with the tension being that if it’s cishet, they have to choose only one person.
We aren’t checking to see if a shape with LGBT people works, we know those do. We are checking to see if a cishet triangle is even possible.
isn’t cis het an identity, therefore someone could identify as heterosexual an be in a polycule, only fucking members of the opposite sexual.
Yes. My girlfriend’s husband is cishet, it has nothing to do with his willingness to have multiple partners, just the fact that he’s an amab man who exclusively is attracted to women. His wife happens to be pansexual and dating a lesbian, but that has no impact on his orientation
It took me a while to figure out who your girlfriend’s cishet husband’s pansexual wife’s lesbian dating partner was!
Sure buddy.
Even numbers are pretty easy to solve at least. They can be straight or lgbt.
I posit that any love shape that includes an odd number of participants requires some form of deception, or at least one LGBT person in order to be valid.
You and I have a different definition of interesting.
Is it a triangle if one of the sides is not straight though?
If all the sides are curved, it’s a love circle
Or they are geodesics in non-euclidian space.
I… don’t know what this implies.
I’m a part of a love Calabi–Yau manifold.
Kalodin, Adolin, and Shalan (spelling is probably wrong, audiobooks of fantasy series) in the storm light archive are the greatest love triangle because each arrow is bidirectional
Brightlord Highmarshal Stormface is not in love with anyone, he just lets himself get dragged around so he can brood in different places
Something something build bridges not walls
Yeah but would he say that in front of Leshwi?
I remember when I was a young lad seeing a magazine about some drama or another involving a ‘love triangle’, and, confused, asking my mother if one of the members of the triangle was gay, since I couldn’t conceive how a love triangle could work otherwise.
If the love triangle in question does not have the potential for a threesome, it is not a triangle.
Wait this is great! I love my wife but she doesn’t love me back! So all we need to do is find a person who she loves that then loves me so we can have threesomes!
Oh can’t wait! I wonder 🤔 who this person will be!
Just make sure you can Chekov a Sociopath isn’t the newbie who’ll be the Pave looking for “you.”
You need someone That Kind of technically superior like some fantasy futuristic.
Sounds like a plan!
I love you, but I can’t promise your wife will love me :(
Ok we gotta get this to work. But first questions first. Are you now or have you ever been a hottie? If male, is your penis at least 7.5"? These are very important questions. She’s a hottie but it doesn’t matter because you’re supposed to love me, not her. But she’s supposed to love you. Can you sign the backstreet boys songs? Or the songs from Pink? Are you a gambler but you keep your cool and regularly make a ton of money in the stock market? Anyway, as for me, I got the sad bod going. I’m not too tall, not too short, 6" penis. I’m at a good age. And I love to be loved. And I love to love. So we will definitely click. Man, this is going great 😃. So yeah, tell us which end you’ll need from me and which end she can get from you! LOL.
Ouu. Spicy take (though I agree). Post it on !lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world and get banned in one easy step
why would that get you banned?
Bunch of insecure men who dislike feminist takes. I got banned for posting something similar, despite being the proud owner of some bullocks.
Not sure if the testicles you’re referring to are in your pants or attached to mooing bovines in your fields. I’m not sure I need to know, because I’m sufficiently amused by the ambiguity, but if you want to tell me more about the testicles, I’m here for you.
I love everything about this comment: the bemused tone, the bovines, the offer for moral support. It has it all.
You made me smile so hard and I nearly burst out laughing, but I surpressed it because otherwise I would have to explain to my wife, and I’m not sure I can.
But however many testicles there are, and wherever you’re keeping them, know that I forever support your pride in those surely magnificent danglies of yours.
Those sides should be bidirectional
Is it really a triangle if the sides are vectors?
Maybe briefly
Long long rule: