The claim that there’s so much hate and vitriol on the left and not among MAGA people is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. That’s not even remotely close to my experience on platforms like Twitter and reddit.
Oh there’s plenty of hate on both sides, but in my experience, the hate I get from the Left is much more personal. The right just thinks everyone is an idiot. The left gets up and personal when they insult tho. Not cool.
I’ve had people on Lemmy who’ve followed me to other instances and other conversations just to downvote me, all because I didn’t vote for Harris. The Right doesn’t seem to put in that much effort it. lol
Just my personal experience, and of the guy in this news article, so YMMV.
Hopefully, now that the election is over, the venom and rhetoric can quiet down a little and people can start working together and not be so judgemental.
Both sides need to work on that, in my opinion.
The insults I get from right wingers tend to be things like “fuck you libtard pussy” while the worst from leftists is something like “I guess you love genocide”.
And maybe this is where we disagree, but I think the “fuck you libtard pussy” insult is way less severe than the “I guess you love genocide.”
The fuck you comment is just dismissive and they move on.
But the genocide mark is implying that you love something you don’t, and they are trying to trap you, guilt you, mock you, and make you feel like shit about your life and your choices.
Right insulters just want to ignore you and want you to go away.
Left insulters definitely don’t like to move on. They want you to fucking hate yourself. That’s the difference I see.
For the record, tho, I didn’t bow down to either side’s insults. I was proud to vote Socialist party before election day (early mail-in!), and still proud after the election. :)
And I STILL get DM’s that say I am working for Russia and getting paid in rubles and that I want to destroy America. Even tho the election is over. Just because I voted third party. (Hi, poopernickel, I’m still not in russia, still not gonna vote for your party, and I’m still around!)
Conservatives have also in my experience been way more likely to say mildly veiled death threats, if that means anything to you.
At least the “guess you love genocide” is an attempt to persuade you about a political topic. It has absolutely nothing to do with “want you to hate yourself”. The “libtard” shit is precisely the topic here - just plain hate.
Not sure if you’re aware that the scumbag you’re attempting to converse with has been widely banned for being a sealion and troll. This is just one of their many alts. They spend most of their life just trying to piss people off. I think they get sexually aroused when they think they’ve pissed another person off.
Just a bizarre human, whose mission is to waste everyone’s time and upset them. Literally never seen them interact any other way.
Definitely a concern trolling and “just asking questions” vibe.
How was I concern trolling or giving a just asking questions vibe? I posted an article, you responded and I responded. lol
There seems to be a lot of projection in your statement.
Wow, you are still really really mad I voted third party, huh? Sorry, comrade, I’ll continue to vote Socialist just like I did last election. No matter how mad it makes you.
Because of scum like you, there likely won’t be any more elections.
But I remember you lying (your fucking ass off, on purpose, for a specific reason) many many times about thinking Trump would lose by a landslide lmao
We’ll have to agree to disagree on that.
I don’t have to agree to anything, but okay. You could come up with some reasons why you feel that death threats, slurs and insults are less hateful.
It’s also notable that the “fuck you libtard” type of response is far more common than the “you love genocide”. A small handful of leftists act like that. Much more common is moderate left/US liberal people who politely engage in conversation. You can see that all over Lemmy and Reddit. Meanwhile, try going to Reddit’s /r conservative and criticize Trump, or even just repeat things he’s said that make him look bad. You’ll get insulted and banned quickly.
US liberals look down on certain groups for features they could change - being sexist, ignorant, violent, you know, typical hardcore Trump supporters. Hardcore Trump supporters look down on people for things they can’t change - being non-white, poor, or a woman.
I mean, just read the posts on /r/conservative or /r/conspiracy. Check out the racism and hatred of women, the poor and immigrants among those communities. Saying US liberals are hateful compared to MAGA people is perhaps one of the most absurd things anyone has ever told me.
You’ll get insulted and banned quickly.
Which was happening on Lemmy pre-election. A lot.
But you’re right, you don’t have to agree with me on anything. And I don’t have to agree with you on anything. I have received more hate from liberals on Lemmy than I have from conservatives. And they were more hateful.
My personal experience. And that doesn’t match your personal experience.
Still whining about the accurate DM I sent a week ago I see.
I’m not whining. I’m actually glad that people know that you think I’m getting paid by the russians to post. It wasn’t just in DM’s, you said it all over c/poltics in .world. Which got removed for breaking community rules.
And I’m glad that people know that you wrote a program to track me on Lemmy and then offered it to others.
All because I voted for a Socialist third-party in the election. Which I still stand by.
The election is over, friend. You can stop thinking that every poster you don’t like is being paid by the russians, and then then track them with your little program. It’s wierd.
Excuse me but I’d like to get paid by the Russians. Who do I contact?
Right?! What is the going rate these days? What’s rubles to dollars?!
Lol you want to talk to me about a few removed comments when you got banned from several instances and had some of your entire subs nuked for being a disgusting sealioning troll. How are those alts you bragged about coming? I keep seeing those get banned too and it warms my heart.
You don’t see any “alts” banned. Because I don’t have any. You see UM everwhere you look. Which is hilarious to me. The fact that you feel for the whole “group of trolls all joined up to change the election!!” is so funny.
Your paranoia is taking over friend. Here’s the modlog:
What hypothetical “alts” of mine do you think have been banned?! lol That place is a toxic hellhole, why would I ever even post there?! It’s a joke now. It’s all you guys crying over and over.
Besides, I was right. The polls DID show Trump gaining on Harris. And he DID win.
I have nothing to be ashamed about. I stand by everything I said, because I was correct. :)
No the left has people who will verbally insult you better because you’re threatening their right.
That’s not hate. There is very little hate on the left, most of it is anger from having to survive.
No the left has people who will verbally insult you better because you’re threatening their right.
But I’m not threatening their rights, that’s my point.
Lol voting for Trump you are
But I didn’t vote for Trump. What gave you that impression? I’ve never voted for Trump and I never would.
Okay congratulations?
If you vote for trump you are threatening people’s rights. They have every right to be upset.
You’re whining that some people are upset at you, their rights are being taken away they have a right to express that.
How are you not following lmfao
How are you not following lmfao
I am following. You literally said, “Lol voting for Trump you are”
And I was clarifying that I am not voting for Trump.
If you mean the people in the article, then say “they” rather than “you” in threads under the article. Because by saying “You” I assumed you meant me, the OP.
It’s not that hard.
How are you not following that? lmfao
You seem to be having difficulty determining who has self identified as an enemy to your rights.
I agree; your mileage will absolutely vary, and unfortunately, likely be truncated by the very people you’re apparently acting as an apologist for.
I’m not acting as an apologist for anyone. Just because I disagree with you or have a different point of view does not mean I am being an apologist for people.
Fuck you and your spam
Block them, the MAGAs can yell into the void.
Tho I do agree with your idea of blocking, I just want to make it clear that I’m not MAGA. I’m not sure you meant that you thought I’m MAGA, but I wanted to just make that clear to any others who may be confused. I never have been MAGA, never would be.
I voted Socialist.
But yes, if more people just blocked posters they don’t want to hear from, rather than insulting and going back-and-forth, I think it would be good for everyone long-term.
So why spread this obvious propaganda from one of the worst news sources in the world?
It’s not propaganda. I thought it was interesting. And I like the Daily Mail.
And I’m not “spreading” it anywhere. The Daily Mail as a much much larger audience that Lemmy. Lemmy is way too small to be accused of spreading anything.
I wouldn’t have ever seen this article if you didn’t post it here. And yes, it’s propaganda. Republican media outlets and politicians have been trying to push this concept prior to and following the election. When they come up with some idea like this, “I was a Democrat who switched to maga because maga is so great and democrats are MEAN to me”, and organize to push it in traditional and social media to manipulate people, that’s what propaganda is.
And yes, it’s propaganda.
So is anything that pro-republican going to be seen as “propaganda” by you? Are all the pro-Harris articles and pro democrat articles, “propaganda” as well?
I didn’t write the article. It was about a gay guy who decided to vote Republican, after being a Democrat for a while.
Lemmy is a community where people post things that they find interesting. I thought the article was interesting. So I posted it. That’s all there is to it. It’s not some grand scheme on my part.
I totally respect your right not to like it or this community.
It certainly would be good for your campaigns wouldn’t it? No more pesky bannings for trolling and sealioning
Except I don’t troll or sealion. I just post things you don’t like. In which case, the blocking feature would work really well. In fact, you told you me were gonna block me.
I know you worked really hard to get me banned across all instances, but not all admins/mods have the same definitions as you do.
The admins on my other instances are well aware of my record on .world. And I have never hidden my name nor my history when I applied to new instances.
For the record, I was right over in .world. The news articles I posted of polls were showing that Trump was gaining in the polls. And they correctly predicted that Trump would win.
And me saying I was voting third party (I voted Socialist, and always said I would) didn’t affect the outcome at all. That’s how big of a margin Trump won. So I stand by everything I did and said over there.
And you were one of the people who accused me of being paid by the russians. And that I would disappear after the election. And remember how you said I’m being paid in rubles and that my “usefulness” would end? And remember when you thought I was part of some trolling conspiracy and was in cahoots with linkerbaan?
Also, just so everyone in this thread knows, you also wrote a program to track me on Lemmy and then proudly publically offered it to other people so they could track me so everyone could post my stats after every comment or post I would make.
Which is fine, that information is public, but to create a program or bot specifically to track me is weird. Since I did nothing to interfere or affect the election in any way, shape, or form.
So rather than tracking me, you probably should just block me, because I’m not going anywhere.
I didn’t read much of this but mods highly disagree with your claim of not being a troll or sealion. That’s why they repeatedly ban and delete your content. They write it specifically as the reason and it makes my heart sing.
They were mad because I was right.
Trump WAS gaining on Harris in the polls. And Trump DID win. Just like I said.
So I wear my ban with pride, because I was right. You all were wrong. And you all are still really mad about it.
It’s not spam. It’s one article I’ve posted here on this instance today and it got copied over to one other instance. Not everyone has access to every instance. So that doesn’t really count as spam.
Also, the article matches the title, even tho you may have tried to report it for spam by mentioning that the video had nothing to do with the article.
But it’s not a video article, it’s an article for reading. I don’t play the videos.
Wow the superfighty comments. Honestly the comments here are basically an example of what I don’t like about politics; the hate. I naturally converse about political ideas politely and seeking to learn. The rampant noncivil style is below what I find acceptable as a person. But also I’m not a fan of any brainwashing media source so I I’m tame on the ‘shaped extremist’ scale. And it’s republican groups, democrat groups, i even joined an antifa group once and it was the same. Comments are not about logic nor learning. It’s about supporting comments that are For and fighting against comments that are Against.
Anyway, I find it interesting here that the guy is LGBTQ. Hasn’t Trump aligned himself AGAINST LGBTQ? Why would the guy shift to pro trump? Does he basically bang men in private and state his orientation as Gay but that’s as far in to LGBTQ as he goes and he doesn’t think Trump will cause harm to him then?
Trump’s antiLGBTQ is my biggest issue with him and feels like an unneeded hate of a community of people. The guy supporting Trump and then Elon boosting him is like a free Black Person in the era of slavery vocally supporting a high up Slaver in government and the Slaver being like ‘yeah everyone look at this black person they r cool and know what’s up’. is weird and entire thing doesn’t make sense to me. Why is he supporting his oppressors and why are his oppressors supporting him even tho he’s the caste that is their hate target?
Honestly the comments here are basically an example of what I don’t like about politics; the hate.
deleted by creator
I’m not sure what that means. Care to elaborate?
I feel the same way he does when it comes to insults I have received for not voting for Harris. The grief and hate I got was way worse from Dems than Republicans (I didn’t vote Trump either), especially here on Lemmy.
From the article:
But his initial revelation did receive some backlash.
‘You are a dumba**,’ one X user wrote.
Conservatives, he said, were more tolerant.
Bach wrote: 'I’ve never experienced such overwhelming kindness, understanding, and encouragement as I have from supporters of President Trump in the past 24 hours.
‘And I’ve never faced such vicious personal attacks, name-calling, and insults—intended to wound, shame, and silence—as I have from Leftists in the same time frame.’
So you don’t like insults but voted for the guy that called Mexicans rapists and claimed immigrants eat cats and dogs? No wonder people are insulting you.
Do you mean me personally? Or the guy in the article?
Because to clarify if you meant me personally: I didn’t vote for Trump. Never have. Never would.
People were insulting me because I voted Socialist. So third party. So Dems hated me AND MAGA repubs hated me. Both sides were pissed off at me because I wasn’t voting for their person. lol
Which as we now know after the election results, didn’t affect the outcome at all. Because even if every single person who voted third party, would have voted for Harris instead, she still would have lost. That’s how big the margin of loss was.
If Bernie would have ran, I would have voted for him tho.