I’m not that upset about a trans woman using my bathroom. I am concerned about how she got into my house.
How’s this a meme?
Wanna hear funny joke?
Tap for spoiler
Go fuck yourself
Everything is a meme with enough jpg
Based take
Whatever happened to *clutches pearls* civility?
Oh right…
I’ve seen so many tweets from this person (and one other is older guy who looks like Steven Spielberg) ever since Trump became president.
Who are they?
It’s JoJo from Jerz
I noticed the same thing and I know exactly who you are talking about. And I don’t know. Internet-famous Twitter people I guess
Jeff Tiedrich?
I also just know him as the Twitter Steven Spielberg
Yup. I was thinking something Dietrich but you got it.
I mean, is she any less qualified than, like, Maureen Dowd, or Ezra Klein, or George Will, or any one of the dozen other lint-brained pundits that get paid thousands of dollars to write their idiotic drivel for billionaires in newspaper op-ed columns?
I must admit I have never heard of any of those people.
I don’t think I said anything other than I don’t know who they are, which isn’t a value judgement unless you assume “Internet famous” is bad
Ezra Klein is the only person I’ve heard of that you listed btw. That doesn’t mean much though
A human with a brain?
She throws a whole lot of tweets at the wall and sometimes one of them sticks.
I’m more concerned with the rapist felon running our country than men using women’s bathrooms. Women already use men’s bathrooms so…
Okay, but hear me out: I don’t live in fear of rapists and rapists usually don’t fit in the box of “people I fantasize about boning in my dream world where I have some overinflated value.” What if I imagine myself being naked with a woman who used to have a penis? What if people with penises imagine being naked with ME?? I’m scared! I need to vote for a criminal representative of my shittiest expectations again!
Please, don’t insult idiots by comparing them with such … people.
Try mentioning to Jo that Biden molested his daughter.
It’s not that she’s against cults. She’s just upset about a rival cult.
Oh, no! Biden! Better check my… checks notes… inability to give a shit about Joe Biden. Nobody gives a shit about Joe Biden, because we’re not in a weird Joe Biden cult.
I would try mentioning to you that ain’t nobody taking about Biden.
Or would the fact that there is no rival cult to yours embarrass and/or confuse you too much?!?
Wow this surely will get them to change their views and votes! Why has no one thought of this before!
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