Orange, with Admin tag says:

I agree wholeheartedly. My assumption was that such behavior was simply a symptom of the relatively larger proportion of Europeans on this site, and their obvious jealousy and insecurity regarding Americans. I still believe that is the most likely explanation. To be clear, America has done hella dumb shit lately, and is deserving of criticism on many fronts. But what OP is referring to goes beyond that. It’s emotional animosity that overflows the bounds of reasonable criticism and targets individuals rather than governmental decisions or policies.

The number of times that I have seen people refer to the American contribution to WWII as cowardice, meaningless, etc, is too damn high. 400,000 Americans died in that war. Read a fucking history book you ignorant, insensitive fucks.

It’s certainly possible that there are agents in our midst sowing divisiveness, although unlikely. I don’t have any beef with any nationality, because I don’t judge people based on where they were born. That should be common sense, but it’s apparently difficult for some people to wrap their heads around.

Another user replies:

You think Europeans are jealous of Americans? You couldn’t pay me to live there, especially with Trump in power.

Orange admin responds:

Yes. America controls the world, and Europeans are salty about it. I didn’t even realize how salty until I started using Lemmy, but it’s incredibly obvious on here.

FWIW, I would be salty too. But you can also be mature about it and realize that the average American isn’t to blame for this reality.

Not sure if this is the right community for this, since I wasn’t banned (yet, anyway, and I seriously doubt my replies laughing my ass off will remain*) but instead tried blocking the admin (but can’t, is that right?? If so, that’s power tripping on another level) and am seriously considering moving instance if this clown is in charge of any part of the one I’m on.

*E: as predicted, I have now officially had a comment calling out this clown removed by their mod buddy lmao

    7 hours ago

    I disagree. If they have a pattern of behavior to suggest disagreement with them will cause them to abuse their power then sure but there’s no such pattern highlighted here.

    Admins have opinions too. There’s no way to avoid it and suggesting that you’re only fit to be an admin if those opinions fall within a narrow palatable range is silly. Unless you’re an NPC you probably have some hot take that would be widely criticized about something. I think our culture right now is way too focused on these types of takedowns. They might be appropriate in a few cases but one bad opinion on something that barely matters is not one of those cases.

    Admittedly the whole concept of an admin being elevated above other users is problematic in my view but that’s kind of a separate topic.

    • Snot
      7 hours ago

      I don’t think we’re asking for admins to exist within a narrow palatable range, but we’re asking them to exist in reality.

      And when their views are outside the bounds of rationality and reality, yeah, that’s when I begin to question whether or not that will impact things.

      The whole argument about Europeans being jealous of Americans is fucking bonkers. If the EU had as open immigration as the US has, you’d see waaaaaaaaaaaay more US citizens moving to the EU than EU citizens moving to the US. It’s only skewed now because of differing immigration policies. Way easier to get into the US than into almost any European country.

      The number of poor desperate people in the US who would give up almost everything to go somewhere they could actually get healthcare is too damn high. They simply don’t have the means to run away from this shithole. Ask me how I know.

        7 hours ago

        But who decides what is reality? We all think we know the true reality but people have huge disagreements about what is or isn’t true. Compared to the spectrum of what many many people genuinely believe, your or my idea of reality is narrow.

        • Snot
          6 hours ago

          Buddy, there is tons of evidence that this admin’s take is fucking hot garbage. You’re not convincing me with philosophy that this admin is anything other than a grandstanding idiot who will eventually let their heavy bias impact how they moderate the site.

          Some opinions genuinely are fucking stupid, sorry.

          And yes, playing this game of “wHo DeFiNeS rEaLiTy” is literally how USA ended with a felon as a President so shove it. Choosing to play that game is how people lose touch with reality and start believing total horseshit.

          When you play that game you’re literally letting thieves and conmen into the conversation “to define reality” by their terms. Like Mark Zuckerberg asking Trump to prevent the EU from fining US tech companies. Whether you want to admit it or not, that stuff is what reduces belief that the people in charge are honest to begin with. People stopped trusting the US government after all the lies of the Bush administration in the War on Terror, all lies that were predicated on ignoring reality and substituting what the US claimed was reality. Playing the fucking game.

          The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ […] ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’.

          Attributed to Karl Rove. Don’t play this losing game, please.

            5 hours ago

            If we were on a forum full of flat earth people you would see the problem.

            But Lemmy is full of flat earther level thinkers on other topics. So it is a problem.

            This is the same type of ideological purity that is infamous for enforcing. I don’t want to be like them and that means tolerating some opinions that are kind of stupid as long as they don’t hurt anyone.

              5 hours ago

              If we were on a forum full of flat earth people you would see the problem.

              No. Lies are still lies irrespectively of how many people believe in them.

    • Blaze (he/him)
      7 hours ago

      Admins have opinions too. There’s no way to avoid it and suggesting that you’re only fit to be an admin if those opinions fall within a narrow palatable range is silly.

      If an admin of any instance said “this group is jealous and insecure about this group”, it would steer drama very fast.

      They can say such things if they want, but not without their admin account, that just seems disrespectful.

        7 hours ago

        I’m not saying it’s a good thing or that I agree with what they said. Maybe you’re right that they should use a different account. Is that normal for admins?

        It does kind of open up the possibility of more abuse by banning people in arguments without it being obvious that it was personal. But on the other hand I guess that was always possible.

        • Blaze (he/him)
          7 hours ago

          I already mod with alts because it seems unfair to have a discussion with someone when you appear as the mod with the big M.

          Also avoid this kind of scenarios where I would have very debatable takes