cross-posted from:
credit for this post to :
@[email protected]
The US is actually going to implement a nationwide abortion ban and the measures for how it’s going to be handled are already in the works. This bill, which I link to here: , seems ok at first glance and only seems to want to implement nationwide healthcare centers for women. But when you actually look at what these Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers are and mean to offer, it becomes really clear what’s going on.
On the first page of the PDF or booklet that appear when you search for the healthcare centers it is clear that they are supported by pro-life organisations and hold extreme pro-life values. And when you read the (very short) booklet it states their values and services that are to be provided. Among them is a requirement for “Abortion Pill Reversal” and encouragement for “Sterilization Reversal”. The last page clearly states their values, where among them it states that:
“Abortion is not women’s healthcare, because of the damage it causes to women’s physical and emotional health and the destruction of unborn life, many of whom are females. Abortion is usually something women turn to when they feel they do not have another choice. This is a tragedy and the opposite of choice and empowerment.”
And it goes on to list similiar values. The bill to implement these healthcare centers states that:
"That the House of Representatives—
(1) expresses its support for women nationwide to have access to comprehensive, convenient, compassionate, life-affirming, high-quality health care; and
(2) recognizes the high standards established by Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers consortium as standards worth implementing nationwide."
This means that the values that these Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers have are to be set as standards nationwide.
A link to the PDF/booklet about the Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers (PWHC):
Ok states rights crowd, fuck around and find out with my states constitutional protection of abortion.
I’m really curious how California will handle that one. I would expect Newsom to fall in line as part of the protected class, but he is a politician and cares about reelection.
If trump tries to fuck around with Canada my state will secede more than likely. Canada will retaliate by shutting off our electric which would be a death sentence in the winter.
That and the abortion rights and the fact we were previously an independent republic, it’s looking like we’re going back to being independent.
Wait, why would Canada retaliate against y’all for seceding?
If trump starts a trade war or physical war or even goes after Greenland I foresee Canada shutting off our electric (hydro Quebec) in retaliation. It would force our secession to save ourselves. Vermont routinely goes well below 0F in the winter for weeks on end, and hydro Quebec is where we get I believe a third of our energy. If not a third a very significant amount that we can’t go without.
I can also see them shutting off oil and gas pipelines to other states but that doesn’t affect vermont. But those states might also secede over it. Fuck with cold states energy infrastructure in winter and we won’t have a choice.
Also our constitution protects abortion, and I can see that also being a factor in us going back to being an independent republic or even joining Canada if they’ll take us. We have a substantial French Canadian population here.
I don’t think it would be like the civil war, most Americans couldn’t point to vermont on a map and were not economically important.
Ah gotcha, that makes sense now.
I lived in Vermont for year, and yeah those winters are no joke. But I could also see y’all telling the fed to go fuck themselves.
I know I’m probably getting the political landscape of vermont and new hampshire mixed up, but isn’t vermont pretty red? Similar to the way new york is pretty red once you get out of the big city? That’s probably going to be a nightmare if anything happened.
It’s pretty complicated. Our “red” looks nothing like the rest of Americas red. We’re not religious, and those who are keep it to themselves and have a live and let live philosophy. Evangelicalism is deeply unpopular here.
We’re a purple state locally, bright blue nationally. We voted like 80+% for Bernie and 70+% for Republican Phil Scott as governor.
I’d say we’re mostly small L libertarians - pro guns, pro LGBTQ, pro women’s rights, pro weed, strong social safety net for a small state. You also have la la land liberals in Burlington and montpelier who are completely out of touch with the rest of the state. I live in a “red” part of the state and have never felt threatened in the decade I’ve been here, most people are chill.
We’re also overwhelmed by rich asshole second+ homeowners from NYC and Boston but luckily they don’t vote in our elections but they greatly influence things despite that. And our legislature is comprised mostly by landlords which… is great for our housing crisis. /s
I grew up in the NYC metro area where I was routinely assaulted for being queer in the 90s. Hence my take no prisoners attitude when it comes to liberals protecting capital and aligning with fascists. Their support for my kind was never genuine and always performative rainbow capitalism.
state laws, including their constitutions, mean zip when federal law or the nation’s constitution conflicts and takes precedence.
Not really true. States can’t infringe on rights granted by the constitution but they can add rights. See: infingement of 2A rights by states and legalized cannabis at the state level, respectively. Look at federal drinking age laws. States had lower ages until the feds pressured States by witholding interstate road funding…
I thought that if something is federally illegal you can still be arrested for it by the federal government. Like a DEA agent could arrest people in CO for having weed-- it just means that state law enforcement won’t arrest you.
So theoretically they could outlaw abortion and create a federal bureau of agents to enforce it.
Right we were just hoping for the two braincells to fire and them realizing that it was never about states rights
Cognitive dissonance doesn’t work on those people
It’s about states rights to control other states.
Guess we’re seceding.
In this case there’s a Supreme Court decision that this issue should be left up to the states. Sure key they won’t reverse themselves so soon, right?
As if you’ll do anything. You’ll roll over like the rest of em.
As opposed to you?
Most heavily armed state in the country. Fuck around find out.
We were an independent republic before and we’ll become one again if we have to. Fuck the United States.
So what? Your freedoms have been steadily slipping away for decades. Your opportunity to stand up and DO something is quickly coming to an end. You’ve had plenty of time and opportunity but it’s just crickets.
No. When push comes to shove you’ll sit there quietly.
It might feel good to sit here and cosplay telling yourself you’re a big bad ass that will save us all. Yet you sit there instead.
I initially worked with the democrats believing they were genuine. They’re frauds. They’re a waste of time. All we have left is union organizing and violence.
All talk no game
What are you trying to accomplish by baselessly attacking people you don’t know over things you know nothing about? Even if you’re right, it doesn’t make you look any better. You just sound like an edgy teenager.
You don’t know me. You don’t think I’m organizing resistance on the ground? Fuck off. Fucking fed.
Another lemmy world lib for the block list.
“Pro Women’s Healthcare”
Fucking propagandists
Something straight out of 1984. When I read the novel in high school I was naive enough to believe it would never be reflected irl to quite this degree.
The more accurate analogy would be The Handmaiden’s Tale.
Absolutely terrifying. And once the underground railroads fire up to bring women refugees to Canada, I’ll do my part to help.
They aren’t really off with 1984. “The ministry of peace” being the department of war and all that. Pro Women’s health actually being anti women’s health.
It’s so gross…
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
I mean he wrote it after his experience in the British Ministry of Information during WWII. That reality arguably already existed when he wrote it and he just put it into terms that made the contradictions obvious and stole a plot to make it into a full length novel about how communism is bad and scary.
1984 is supposedly a cautionary tale about what would happen if the Communists won, and yet it was based on Orwell’s own, actual, Capitalist country and his job serving it. It’s really no wonder how we got here, they’re just expanding the same tactics and rhetoric into new territory.
With the way things are going Canada may not be a haven if Trump tries to annex it.
We may not have heavy weaponry, but we have the bonus of looking exactly like any other American.
He’ll have to face a lot of dead American soldiers. I will die a Canadian. And asymmetric warfare is available to anyone these days. Just look how The Ukraine has held off the Russian invasion for three full years with a fraction of the resources and manpower.
I think a lot about 9/11 and asymmetric warfare. Bin Laden spent ~$100k and won. America has spent how many trillion since?
We just need to hit the people in power where it hurts. There’s a lot of ways to do that but we’re running out of nonviolent options.
we’re running out of nonviolent options.
We send so much of our natural resources in an almost of completely raw state beyond our borders. Why not enact a law demanding that it be in its final format prior to consumption?
They want oil? Refined gasoline and diesel for vehicles. Or plastic particles for vacuum-forming. Or actual plastic parts for assembly.
They want wood? Lumber processed into its final usable form - beams and studs and plywood only.
They want wheat? Processed and ground into flour and bagged for use.
Rinse and repeat for every raw resource imaginable that comes out of Canada.
I’m speaking as an American wishing we could get rid of our rulers re running out of non violent options. If you haven’t noticed, we take what we want regardless of what you’re gonna do about it but usually we do that to brown people abroad for their oil?
But good luck bargaining, maybe if you flatter trump he’ll agree to it. Ugh.
You all voted for this shit.
If you stayed home then you voted for this shit.
I think you will be hard pressed to find Republicans on Lemmy. There might be some, but not that many.
They didn’t get more votes we provided less votes. There are absolutely US citizens on here that did not vote. This was clearly on the table. This is going to hurt, people are going to die, and we need to learn. You simply can’t let somebody like that get voted in under those circumstances and then expect to be able to resist.
And how many democrats stayed home on Election Day?
Trump bragged about Elon rigging the election for him.
How many actually did stay home?
Enough of them. Face it, too many people fell for “Giant douche vs. turd sandwich” shtick, and it was enough to cost Kamala. I was happy to vote for her regardless of whatever nutcase the RNC ran, but AOC is right: there is a lot of hypocrisy in the Democratic party—citing the rampant insider trading and acting like money is only corrupting Republicans—and that gets exploited very effectively to fuel the cynicism all across the left end of the spectrum.
Anyone who believes the election was rigged is stupid as fuck. So when he lost it was rigged. And now that he won, rigged? So it’s rigged no matter if he wins or loses?
Bro, just admit you got played like a fiddle. They convinced you to stay home and not vote because you fell for the bait like all the rest of the lemmings.
Interesting assumption to make based on my comment. Also an interesting belief to have that because Republicans, who are quite known for projection, spent four years crying wolf it means they can’t have committed fraud themselves.
I voted for Harris to try to prevent these horrors out of harm reduction.
But the Neoliberals haven’t given us anything to vote for for half a century.
Good cop neoliberals with affirmation ribbons/bad cop Fascists with scapegoats, both for human beings dying in the streets for the crime of no longer being able capitalist exploitation livestock in droves as a threat to laborers to produce for their shared donors.
A vote for democrats is a vote for quiet slaughter, a vote for Republicans is a vote for loud, braggadocious slaughter. We don’t get a vote for peace. We don’t get a vote on the economy. Only the social wedges that don’t meaningfully effect quarterly earnings expectations.
Luigi tried showing us who our shared enemy is, and it isn’t their revolving door middle managers in DC.
yes. elections have consequences. republicans haven’t been coy about wanted to outlaw abortion nationwide at the federal level. enough democrats didn’t vote in the last election (mostly young people for whom these bans will effect the most, and cause the most harm) to ensure republicans now control ever branch of united states government, the legislative (both house of congress), the judicial (doj and the supreme court), and executive (the presidency). that’s a clean sweep, and a wide pipe for the monsters to do just about anything they want to. congratulations.
If only liberals had self reflection to learn why the lost the election in a landslide. Nope. Blame voters!
- no primary
- biden promised to be a one term president and lied, he’s senile and demented
- lied about inflation
- two new forever wars
- funded a genocide
- awful covid policy of “let it rip!”
- last minute push of no votes Kamala instead of holding a fucking primary to start with
- only platform is “we’re not trump”
- real platform is “nothing will fundamentally change”
- voting third party is not supporting fascism you stupid fucking liberals
- continue to refuse to change your stupid ways and continue to lose elections
- democrats didn’t do shit to stop fascism because fascism doesn’t threaten capital and they only exist to stop the left
- democrats lose on purpose so they can cynically fundraise off it
- keep voting blue no matter who and keep fucking losing
- blue MAGA be whining crying and carrying on that if you didn’t vote for fascist genocider joe that you’re a fascist! Grow up and read history you fucking babies.
- insults voters rather than listens to their concerns
- assumes everyone who didn’t vote for biden voted for trump which is logically false
- zero class consciousness and everything boils down to losing identity politics
- nobody cares that Kamala was black and indian that’s not a reason to vote for or against anyone
- nobody cares that the fighter pilot dropping bombs on brown people abroad is a black gay Jewish trans man, we want the bombing to stop!
- democrats had fifty fucking years to make roe v Wade law but instead cynically fundraised off it
- biden fucked over labor
Keep fucking crying. Never self reflect that it’s YOUR FAULT for not pushing the dems left. Never self reflect that the democrats DID THIS TO THEMSELVES.
By not voting for the bad option they got the worse option. Congrats I guess to them?
A genocider is the less bad option? You people are fucking brainwashed and hopeless.
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You’re right, I voted for biden in 2020 which is one of my biggest regrets in life.
He’s the genocider. Meanwhile trump got his peace deal signed which means for eight fucking months this could of happened under biden but that senile racist Zionist fuck wrote a blank check to Israel instead.
Love liberal logic. Genocide is ok as long as it’s brown people abroad!
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So you admit that a vote for either Democrats or republivans was a vote for genocide… and you’re still blaming the voters for failing to vote for genocide?
Make it make sense.
I agree with most of what you said, but voting 3rd party in the general election really is mathematically equivalent to simply not voting.
And it’s worse when it’s voting 3rd party in place of voting for the least bad of the two electable parties, then (just like not voting) it’s mathematically equivalent to voting for the most bad of the two parties.This is not an opinion. It’s how the elections are structured, and I would very much prefer a better structure, but we don’t have it and have to work with what we have.
Even in the primaries, voting 3rd party usually simply means being unable to influence the major parties - but in this case you are absolutely correct that the “primaries” were a farce.
It’s also not an opinion, that when people feel like you don’t actually act in their interests, they start voting for others.
Mainstream and centrist democrats do just enough to be less awful than republicans, but that’s not what we need as a country. Biden did just enough to return to the old (and only less awful) status quo.
See people who give a fuck about genocide watching most dems support genocide by Israel.
See people who are smart enough to know this economy actually sucks for the bottom 90%
See people who watched as Biden and his government agencies pissed away four years and failed to hold a fucking insurrectionist to account.
See people watching democrats treat that insirrectionist’s party as if they were somehow reasonable and fair minded people with whom “compromising” is acceptable; and deciding that, no, maybe we shouldn’t vote for people willing to parrot the republican party line on immigration.
I voted Harris, but damn was my nose aching from pinching it closed. At a certain point party leadership needs to pull their heads out their asses and realize the reason voters left is because they keep running to the right. You want more voters? Try running to the left.
Climate resilience. Universal healthcare. Tackle income inequality. Tackle the cause of education debt. Tackle the cause of gun violence and throw in solid, reasonable restrictions on guns. Tackle homelessness with proven strategies. Tackle drug addiction in ways that actually work. Open up immigration and tackle that crisis too.
Like, it ain’t rocket science. (Though we also need to fund that and keep all the patents here and not held exclusively by Chinese companies making bank off our research grants.)
Edit: this is like a store blaming the customers when the customers stop shopping there because the store doesn’t sell what they want.
Beautifully said.
Oh for fucks sake. Electoral college. I’m in a solid blue state it doesn’t fucking matter who the fuck I vote for or if I vote at all. But even if I was in a swing state there’s no way in fucking hell id be voting for a genocider and liberals need to get that through their thick fucking minds instead of smugly admonishing and tsk tsking everyone with fucking morals who refused to vote for that piece of shit.
This is NOT the way to win elections and blue MAGA is too high on their own supply to understand why they fucking lost in a landslide.
also in my state I can vote for whoever I want in a primary. I can vote in the democrat or Republican or progressive (state party) primary. Another +1 for Vermonts pro democracy policies.
Yeah, I was writing for the perspective of someone whose votes mattered at all to begin with (which isn’t myself). Indeed the electoral college is its own catastrophe and needs to die.
Anyway, yes, the DNC is to blame. I agree.
However a part of the mechanism that helped trump win is opinions like “even if I was in a swing state there’s no way in fucking hell id be voting for a genocider” - I get it, I really do, but if I were in a swing state myself there’s no way I’d help the rapist convict even worse genocider win. There were no good options this election, but there were orders of magnitude differences between levels of bad.I’m not voting for a genocider period. I voted third party which is a vote against genocide. I have zero regrets and am enjoying the liberal fucking meltdown over it.
Which 3rd party did you vote for that was against genocide?
I voted for de la Cruz, party for socialism and liberation.
What landslide? Why do people keep insisting that this was a resounding defeat? The margin was absolutely minuscule.
Because it was a landslide. They lost the presidency, the senate, the house, state governments, local elections. My state lost the most seats.
Not calling it a landslide is liberal la la land refuse to self reflect cope.
Spoiler: you voted to put an actual genocide supporter in office, either knowingly so, or against all available, pervasive and obvious info, ignorantly so.
Voters are literally the ones who elect the government so….
And who picks the candidates that voters are allowed to vote for?
What fucking primary?!?!?!?!?!
biden promised to be a one term president and lied, he’s senile and demented
No, he didn’t.
He kind of implied it. Later he said that’s not what he meant. But back in 2020, he was saying he would be a “bridge” to a new generation.
Most people assumed that meant a 1 term presidency to buy time to develop talent.
As I said in my edit: The bridge candidate stuff is just fluff to get people to not worry about his age, it doesn’t mean anything. It is certainly not a promise of anything.
Most people assumed that meant a 1 term presidency
Why do you consider something that people assumed to be a promise by Biden?
Because words have meaning and were understood to mean he would be a 1 term presidency.
The simple fact that he didn’t correct that assumption until the run up in 2024 shows he absolutely meant to imply that he would be.
Stop gaslighting. We’re not stupid.
Yes, words have meaning. Biden said “I don’t have any plans on one term.” Why does some vague suggestion of being a ‘bridge’ get you to ignore those very easy to understand words?
To my knowledge, biden never corrected that assumption- which was a commonly voice belief, considering his staff ran with it to persuade hesitant votes wanting somebody who hadn’t been in government longer than most of us have been alive.
so your going to have to drop a source- dated to 2020- showing biden correcting that narrative. Especially when his campaign staffers "leaked’ him saying he would be a 1 term pres privately.
It’s not possible to ignore words that were never actually said, or a campaign that did everything to imply it short of stating it.
Stop repeating “liberal media”. We don’t have it.
We have oligarch media and independent media.
The liberal media is the media of the oligarchs. Liberals protect capital. They’re not left.
According to four people who regularly talk to Biden, all of whom asked for anonymity to discuss internal campaign matters, it is virtually inconceivable that he will run for reelection in 2024, when he would be the first octogenarian president.
Anonymous sources offering their personal opinion are not Biden.
That’s why numerous liberal media sources reported otherwise? The people who suck the democrat party’s dick for a living?
Nah. When he ran in 2020 he made it seem like he’d be one term. He’s playing both sides. I can’t believe you fall for his fucking lies.
Edit: he promised to be a “bridge candidate” to younger candidates, implying a one term presidency which he then pretended he didn’t say. I feel like I live in the fucking twilight zone being gaslit by blue MAGA twats.
When he ran in 2020 he made it seem like he’d be one term.
How did you get that when he explicitly said he had no plans on one term?
I can’t believe you fall for his fucking lies.
What lies am I falling for? I always thought he would run for a second term, and then he did. You are the one that fell for the lies, thinking that he wouldn’t run again.
Edit: The bridge candidate stuff is just fluff to get people to not worry about his age, it doesn’t mean anything. It is certainly not a promise of anything.
Edit: The bridge candidate stuff is just fluff to get people to not worry about his age, it doesn’t mean anything. It is certainly not a promise of anything.
BULLSHIT. It was clearly implied he’d be a one term candidate. His own fucking words which he took back when convenient because he’s a fucking narcissist. All the liberal media saying it. All the “Biden campaign sources” saying it.
Stop fucking gaslighting it’s embarrassing.
I absolutely will blame voters you simpleton
deleted by creator
For anyone that needs this information, you can (currently) order abortion medicine online in any state. I did it today and it was stupid easy to do. I’m not pregnant, but I wanted to order some as a just-in-case for myself or others.
The Plan C website has a great list of websites you can order from if you’re not pregnant. It costs about $150 and some offer financial assistance if you need it. But please do it NOW.
I ordered one from Aid access and one from safe choice. Both asked a few questions that didn’t ask for personal information or ID. They mostly just need an email, address to send it, and a credit/debit card to pay.
Good luck out there everyone.
Edit: just to clarify I’m not talking about plan B. I’m talking about medication meant to induce an abortion at up to 13 weeks of gestation. mifepristone and misoprostol specifically.
Do you happen to know the shelf-life of the medicine? Thank you so much for that resource. Likewise, I don’t need it, but I’d like to be a help to others who may find themselves in a difficult situation.
fact sheet for Plan B One-Step says the medicine expires after four years
Interesting coincidence
Not an answer, but the Army found that pills (non liquid gel caps) were often stable for quite a long time with only minor efficacy loss.
Thank you - it’s something, and a good start!
According to multiple sites, both pills in the prescription have a 2 year shelf life if kept in a cool dry place.
Thank you for checking, much appreciated. I was going to start my search around it today if you didn’t have it, but I really appreciate you doing the research!
Costco pharmacy near me was selling levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive for $6/dose as of a couple weeks ago.
I’m a woman who does not have sex with men but I got myself plan b just in case of emergency like a rape.
I drove to a friend to Kansas last year for an abortion. I still don’t know if it was mine. Either way if those services weren’t available then she would have suffered tremendously by having that baby. As badly as I wanted that baby to be mine it didn’t matter in the end because it’s her body not mine. It’s a simple as that and fuck anyone that wants to take those rights away
You did the right thing, I feel for you both.
You did the right thing.
Can’t have a child grow up in poor circumstances.
Mildly infuriating?
Well, we know of course … But, O2P (original2 poster) went for “Politics” community, in which it was deleted. Then i hastily reposted here, before it would be lost. Finally, later on someone reposted in “furiously[email protected]” but it doesn’t have as much traction !
I mean, if a nation wants to fight a big war within 15 years, first they need to grow soldiers, right?
if they ban abortion and then set up a pipeline from orphanages to army then you get a lot of jackboots in 15ish years
I don’t think the US flights ground wars. We’re more about drones now. I’m thinking this is cheap labor for the farms once we kick out the foreigners.
Every war has had boots on the ground. Drones don’t really change the need to occupy space.
And certainly not with 15 year old kids
“abortion pill reversal” sounded like bullshit to me, so I looked it up.
Here’s what ACOG has to say: Facts Are Important: Medication Abortion “Reversal” Is Not Supported by Science
credit for this post to : @[email protected]
Hi Denimaww,
i saw that you made the above post into the “politics” community which has rules preventing posting anything that is not based on a newspaper article. This must be why it was removed in that community and which is why i recuperated your post and gave you credit in this community here. Also, i see that you are new to Lemmy and i wish to welcome you here. This sites’ learning curve could be a bit steep. Please don’t hesitate to ask for advice.
Take care 😌
Nice welcoming comment
i’m quite proud of that and to having saved the (vast, detailed, artful) post just in time by :
First - - guessing that it would be deleted from the “politics” community and
Second - - to have hit the cross-posting button just in time (in the locally opened post copy on my device)i do believe that, in a future implementation of Lemmy, it would be nice if moderators could unlink a post from a community instead of deleting it. So the original poster could re_link the post to another community instead of wasting their efforts.
I see, thank you for taking the time to explain this to me! Do you know a community where I could post this instead? Like you said, I am new to Lemmy and I really wanted to spread awareness about this. Thanks in advance!!
i say this is your post : i gave you credit in the header and i invite you to take ownership by responding, at your convenience, to any top comment in this post. For each, if anyone doubt that you have ownership, i would come up with a comment to tell them that you are really the OP (original poster). To achieve this, you can call me (or any users) to a thread of comments by puting my username inside a comment ( … @[email protected] … )
You wanted to spread awareness and your post here got 300 upvotes until now. This is excellent in term of Lemmy viewership. You also got plenty of comments : if you want to go through those, i believe you got beautiful impact. (do not give too much credit to negative comments as there always be those for anyone on any subjects)
The choice of a community for posting is an art that one develops by using Lemmy. But, a first step is to read (in one community that you target) what are its rules for posting in there.
if only the government had an ‘efficiency’ expert on staff… one would expect their evaluation of this proposal to be something like this:
we already have a long-time, trusted nationwide network of health care clinics… for women (and men)… that provides reproductive care (and more). absolutely no sense in reinventing the wheel, when this one has been going for 108 years. the easiest, cheapest, and most efficient thing to do would be to toss them some federal funds every year, let them provide the care that’s needed–where it’s needed, and stay the fuck out of the exam room and out of their way.
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This is not hippocratic or woman centred and you said tremendous twice within ten words you crazy sods.
They meant hypocritical
Currently this abortion info/help community seems defunct, but it might be worth trying to revive in some manner. I don’t have time right this moment, but it’s something I’ll look into helping with in the near future (like next week):
(I’m not sure how linking on Lemmy works yet, so hopefully that comes through ok.)
Please do create an appropriate Community for this … but preferably, not into that (—(.)ml) instance, since they have bad ways of deleting any communities that doesn’t fit some of their biased ideologies.
P.S. : link like so : [email protected]
I’m on .world myself, do you think that would be ok, or is another better? I just remembered being part of it on Reddit, and figured I’d see if it made it over here.
… the best ♀️😁 !Thanks for your guidance, I’ll get to it as soon as I can, but if someone else can do it sooner, even better!
Well…now guys, we must not have sex with women. We should have clubs where we help each other thru the power of masturbation.
We’re doing this for you women! And we’re chopping our balls off…America’s got talent never heard notes as high as we’ll have in the next few years!
It’s a Castrati revival!
That’s it! In getting sterilized.
The booklet has the “encouraged” procedures section where they state “sterilization reversal” which is just wild
Soon, a sterile breeding age person will be labelled an unproductive useless eater and the department of efficiency will remove you from the payroll of life.
I got snipped and it was the on of the best days of my life. Definitely something you need to go into understanding how permanent it is, but if you definitely don’t want kids I cannot recommend it enough.