I know a guy who bought a plot of almost worthless land an hour out of town fenced jt and bought a bunch of goats. We all thought he was insane.
10 years later he is retired at 40 because it turns out that certain communities will pay very good money for organic free range goat.
Jesse, we need to shrimp
Relevant Mitchell &Webb sketch: Link
Shrimp > blockchain. Can’t disagree with him there.
For that matter, shit is better than blockchain. Because at least shit is good for manure.
Blockchain is the perfect solution to none of life’s problems
crypto currency is actually very useful when you need to buy meds that states dont want you to have. i dont know if blockchain is the best way to implement decentralized currencies (proof of work blockchain definitely isnt) but its what we got rn
To put it another way: Crypto is great for crime. Like I get that criminalizing stuff like HRT is bullshit, but…
but what? be gay, do crime. legality has nothing to do with ethicality. dont support oppression and hegemonie!
Do crime? But what if I wanted to be President of the United States one day, surely there is some rule about having a criminal record?
I immediately took a look at the date. When I saw 2021, I said “Of course”
Anon discovers basic capitalism and lucked into an underserved market.
Isn’t this technically just commerce? At least until he does an IPO.