did u mean mitigate* ?
No, they want to migrate from usb-based exploits, to audiojack-based ones
Don’t threaten me with a good time
Yeah that’s a real significant attack vector these days.
Fuck, that made no sense to me until I saw this comment.
No they ment it’s to migrate to wireless
did u mean mitigate* ?
Did you mean ‘you’?
and I thought I was petty :D
There’s a big difference in a mistake and a simple shorthand…
u kno what i meen?
did you mean, “I’m a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and… I like to kiss my own butt.”
Graphene can shut it off at the hardware level, or just allow charging. It’s slick.
I highly recommend graphene.
And for anyone going to a protest to get a cheap burner and flash graphene, then leave your normal phone at home. You can swap phones on your plan pretty easily.
Alternatively, for the very paranoid, go set up a prepaid and anon line and move your device there. Pay cash for the card and set it up online at a public library.
Especially if you’re planning on a little civil disobedience.
Just a reminder, if police think something is about to go down, they’ll spoof the tower and collect device information… including things like phone numbers so if your suddenly changing behavior to go somewhere and do something the fascists dickfucks in office won’t like… best be paranoid.
A second device will still at least keep them from getting all your personal shit. And seriously, Don’t just turn off your normal phone. Leave it at home.
Just don’t bring any device to a protest if you consider bringing a burner device.
there is something to be said about being connected to others. particularly for protests that move around or so you can let people know you’re driving home etc vs locked up for bullshit.
it’s also convenient as a form of souseveillance. Just remember pictures and video are evidence, that cuts both ways; especially in the face of cops being excessive.
Wouldn’t bringing your car mean easy surveillance
Unless you happen to live fairly close… which is fairly not likely…. So you drive to a rally point or someplace near some transit (or with plausible deniability,) etc. to get in.
Or just conceal your plates and don’t drive something flashy,
Anyway, where are these protests americans are talking about? All I see are people complaining online while trump runs a ruckus in the oval office
protests are happening everywhere, in every state, though they’re mostly small. the news isn’t covering a lot of them because there’s no rioters and the news can’t push a narrative that people hate trump.
You can swap phones on your plan pretty easily.
Are sim cards not a think anymore?
Not really.
Most new phones use other identifiers. You might be able to buy very cheap prepaid phones or cards for them, but they’re going away from swappable sims.
For most carriers, if you occasionally want to swap to a different device it’s just a matter of going to your account online and swapping it (for example, travel. It’s safer to use a clean device rather than your normal phone. Both for border crossings and everything else.)
Quite literally not where I live. None of the carries here offer esim’s.
(opps, wrong person,)
My country doesn’t have protest problen. Mostly because it’s all mostly old people that live here and just don’t care anymore about anything.
Edit: lol
Did Florida secede and we didn’t notice?
Seriously though, that sounds like not the worst place to live.
im not aware of a device that can run graphene but its also cheap enough to be a burner.
GrapheneOS is too locked down, so unless you are in need of high security, it is not really the best experience
You can permit absolutely everything and make it just as bad as the stock OS if you want to.
if that were the case i would still use it. however there was no way i could give Gadget-Bridge the “display over other apps” permission
I don’t remember offhand, but I think that’s buried in a restricted settings area… I needed it for something I can’t remember now.
Settings > Apps >Special app access > Display over other apps
i looked in every sensible sub menu, and i could give other apps the permission, just not Gadget-Bridge. on lineageks it worked instantly
Settings > Apps > Special app access > Display over other apps
This advice is partially correct, but enabling the feature requires an additional step. While you can try toggling it on from that menu, you’ll see a warning and what appears to be a non-clickable (?) link about learning more.
To fully enable it, go to the app’s Permissions screen, tap the three dots in the top-right corner, and enable Access to restricted settings first. Once that’s done, you should be able to turn on Display over other apps successfully.
It doesn’t feel like users have a clear path to enabling this feature without that link working in the warning.
It’s not more locked down than iOS imo
that is not a particularly high bar
and what happens at boot time? when graphene code is not yet running
I’m not an expert, but Graphene has before first unlock protections where your phone is encrypted until first unlock. So, if it’s for some reason re-enabled during boot (I’m not sure that’s the case), then your phone is already secure anyway.
I was trying to figure out how graphene would achieve this. By smearing some on the pins? But then why graphene and not just graphite? And how do you keep the charging pins from being shorted?
God damn it now I think I’m going to have to do it. I’m going to have to get it.
Isn’t that possible in normal android? 😮 iPhone is doing this by default as soon as it is locked long enough
The iOS doesn’t disable the port, if you connect to a Linux machine and see the dmesgs you’ll see the phone communicating with the host and reporting lockdown mode so your software can indicate you to unlock the device. But is still sending data about itself, and if you put the device in recovery mode and is vulnerable to a bootrom exploit the contents of the flash could theoretically be dumped without the need for a password. Without mentioning the data that could be extracted and used to profile/fingerprint such as MAC Address, SN, IMEI, ICCID of your SIM, etc…
Thanks for enlightening me!
Anytime! We should get rid of the security thru obscurity notion that prevailed with Mac and iOS.
Obscurity? Almost 60% of smartphones in the United States run iOS
Ok that makes a lot more sense
More likely it’s just accumulated some grime after all that time in your pocket
Yup, it’s more often than not bellybutton lint buildup. Can be cleaned out carefully with a thin toothpick or plastic cocktail sword
I just changed the USB port of my Motorola because it was broken AF. I always had to tweak around for 5 minutes to get the cable stable enough for loading, it sucked. I bought the spare part for 17,90€ on eBay. It was a struggle removing the back cover, but now I have a mobile for another 2 years!
I had to change the USB port from my Oneplus 7, after 4 years of use. I changed the USB port, the battery and the back cover (seriously using glass for that…). Oneplus didn’t sell spare parts for it anymore, I had to buy them from aliexpress.
One year later, the USB port died again, the back cover too, without dropping the phone…
I bought a fairphone after that. No more struggle to find spare parts, or with the back cover, I hope I’m fine for a looong time.
I often played with the thought of buying a fair phone, but in the end it’s just too expensive for me. I usually buy used devices for about 150€ from eBay and flash a custom ROM to get rid of google. If I can use that phone for 3 years I am happy. This way I am doing something for the environment and do not support mining of critical minerals in Congo etc.
But yeah, apart from Fair phone almost all devices are very, very hard to repair on purpose, and you need a lot of tools and a but of luck ;)
I use wireless chargers, so my usb-c ports are tight tight tight
Migrating along with usb
Hey, any way I can get root on my android 9 phone un-unlockable boot loader since it didn’t get updates 6 years?