You can’t piss off the haters if you’re dead.
I think Albert Camus’ Myth of Sisyphus addresses this somehow.
Because you have a destiny and a purpose way beyond your current comprehension and it is so much bigger than whatever misery you are feeling at any point in life. You have to find what that destiny and purpose is, believe me, because otherwise it would only be a massive opportunity squandered. Let me explain - you are the universe itself, so incredibly lucky to be able to come alive, with an opportunity to experience and appreciate the universe itself, there is a much bigger connection you have to the stars and to all that has life. If you are true to yourself and chase what your heart desires and remove all the noise, you will find your purpose, also called self-actualization. Not to mention you are living in the most comfortable, connected, beautiful time any species including humans was ever afforded. On separate note, it is very understandable and valid if you feel like shit given the current affairs, but if you believe me, this had to happen, and this only means better times will be here sooner rather later.
Id rather die for something bigger than me and my mental anguish if im gonna knowingly off myself.
Ive lived through too much shit to make the weakness of the day take me out.
But I’ll go when I wanna go too. But it’ll be me saying “my time here is done” not in pain but acceptance and peace. Not despair.
Can’t let that shit win.
I get to pet dog
My apartment will fine me if I don’t bring the trash cans back inside before 9PM, so I gotta be alive for that.
I’m glad I don’t live in your complex!
You can always end it later, so stick around a little longer and see how things play out.
Weaponized procrastination, I like it
Everything ends and everything changes.
Might as well see what will come your way.
this is what your enemies would like to see. don’t have enemies? make some
And make sure you’re alive long enough to spit on their graves.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that when it’s no longer a choice, you’ll want to be alive.
So don’t try to sudoku yaself. You would likely severely regret the decision as your life is ending.
Life can be really hard at times, but it can also be really good at times. Time is fleeting. Life is the good and the bad. Without the bad times, you wouldn’t be able to feel how good the good times are.
Whatever you’re going through, take care of yourself during this time, and you’ll come out okay.
Food tastes good
Sunsets are awesome
Some people are worth being around
You might mess up the attempt and end up worse off than you are now
Religion might be right and you end up in the bad place
Religion might be right and you end up in the bad place
With modern life being as it is, we would be screwed either way in most religions. Everyone is probably breaking at least a couple of dozen rules in every religion.
Even if you just need to follow a central “be kind”-rule - how kind is it to buy stuff on Amazon, packed and delivered by wage slaves, which was imported from China (which may include child or slave labour) [or some US states for that matter] while also hurting the environment in the process.
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Literally the entire plot of The Good Place
If anyone still haven’t watched it, they should.
Such a good series, but I deliberately didn’t mention it here as not to spoil too much😅
My partner and dog would be sad.
I don’t have nearly enough credit card debt to annoy the cc companies when I die
Life is experienced only by those who live it. The thing that keeps me not going through with it, is literally FOMO. As much as life is filled with things that suck, and things that I hate, I know there is the very real possibility that something new will come along that I will have regretted not getting to experience.
When I remember the things that I have experienced since the time I tried to kill myself I’m high school, I am glad I didn’t. I would’ve regretted not making the new friends I did, and meeting the love of my life, and all of the the great times I’ve had, even though the shitty times that drove me to the edge, still persisted.
When I remember the things that I have experienced since the time I tried to kill myself in college, I am glad I didn’t. I would’ve seriously regretted missing out on the freedom of independent living, and the parties with friends, and precious memories I’ve made in that time.
When I remembered the time I tried to kill myself after loosing my 3rd job in a row, and hanging on the edge of poverty for just one too many times, I’m glad I didn’t. I would of seriously regretted missing out on buying my first house, and never getting to meet my baby girls.
When I think now, that life is shit, and not worth continuing, I remember those past times and know that it was impossible to know what could’ve been ahead of me, and how glad I am I stuck around to find out. So I keep on struggling through, because I know that there’s bound to be some unkown thing, at some unknown time, that I will definitely want to be around to see.
If you fail you’ll live an infinitely worse life that isn’t worth risking. And if you’re going to make a rash decision then make one less rash like changing your entire name or applying to new jobs (amazon hires anyone) or dropping out of college
To look out at the ocean, hear the waves and birds, walk barefoot on the grass, run naked in the rain, climb the mountain, unite with nature.