I’ve had broken bones, puncture wounds, kidney stones, I got stabbed by a blade shaped rock that nicked my right kidney, I’ve cut the heel almost off of my foot, slit my leg open to the bone, shocked bad enough to knock me unconscious, head wounds, back pain, neck pain… The list goes on. I dealt. I’d like to say fairly well.
… But a fever or a blood draw? I cannot fucking function
Blood draw? You mean that tiny needle that they use to take a blood sample?
I believe that higher testosterone generally correlates to more server cold and flu symptoms yeah?
I’m living proof that the stereotype of men becoming completely useless when sick has truth to it. As soon as I start to feel slightly under the weather, I become a whiny sniveling mess
I can tough out certain pains, but give me a snotty nose and fever, I curl into a ball of pathetic man putty.
“Babe! BABE! Can you bring me two Tylenol, an Advil Cold and Sinus, two aspirin, my inhaler, another blanket, my phone (please charge, cord’s right there), a tablet to read my book on, and, and, we need to talk end-of-life stuff. …can you turn the fan up please? …and kill the light on your way out… thank you”
She drew the line giving me a bell to ring for help. My mom gave me a bell! (yes, really, I’m a total wuss)
I never feel quite as manly as when I’m sick and it unlocks just enough emotional vulnerability that a TV show leaves me crying for the first time in years like a kid who saw a dead bird.
“I would have liked… to have seen Montana.”
“a round american woman and we will raise rabbits she would cook for me”
“And I will have a pickup truck… maybe even a ‘recreational vehicle.’ And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?”
I ended up with a skinny Filipino who cooks for me and a pickup truck. Getting closer to the dream!
To each their own. Mine prefers my cooking.
This just makes me think of that scene in Tropic Thunder with Ben Stiller talking about juggling.
meat and fire, it’s our happy place
If “nothingburger” was a tweet (I call them Xits now - pronounced “shits”)