Fuck. Off. Grandpa.
Remove the dinosaurs. Where are the strong confident aggressive lefties at? We need more Bernies!
Dude’s figured out his legacy isn’t what he thought it would be and is trying to come back and “fix” it. Fucking horrible person for his entire adult life.
I don’t think it’s that. I think he truly thinks he’s had a good career and fought the good fight. He’s so out of touch, but he wants to help because he heard there’s a problem. Probably don’t even understand how his help might not be a good thing.
yea sure more of the old stuff should help
30,000+ people showed up today for the Bernie/AOC rally today in Colorado.
If only there was a way forward…… Says the Democrats
No need for a new direction, right? Biden can run for president even if dead, and liberals would still vote for him.
If it were him or Trump again?
Bernie and AOC are the new direction. Biden wants back in to stop them. Fuck Biden!
Make no mistake:
This is not “help.” This is the neoliberal fascist collaborator backlash against help.
Yes please prop up the dead husk of Joe Biden on a stage like weekend at Bernie’s. That’ll really embolden the base.
They must be saving Hillary for when things get really bad
Plan A was Jimmy Carter but alas
Michael Dukakis is their ace in the hole.
I would joke about Al Gore but he’s definitely too far left
I mean if Trump were to attempt to run for president again, I’m sure the Dems would put Obama on the ticket with the same reasoning for a third term.
They’re not quite sure if they want to rock us yet.
I know of someone we can send out to offer a Handshake.
I mean, I wouldn’t mind some Hillary right now.
^~not an endoresement~^
The fuck would you want some sort of that even handed well educated steady hand at the wheel?
Why the fuck would you want that? Compared to now? Cause GeNoCiDe?
^~not an endoresement~^
JiLl StEiN 2028!!!1
Somebody call Howard Dean. That’s the level of enthusiasm we need right now.
Oh my fuck.
get out
get the fuck out, Biden
You lost the whole show, you simple fuck. You handed the republic to the fascists. You did NOTHING to stop them. You shook his fucking hand and gave him tea. You couldn’t campaign to save your own fucking life, and your meddling played a major role in your successor failing (though Harris does not get a pass here either). If I never see your name - or the Clinton name, for that matter - ever again in my life, it’ll be too soon.
No, no. It’s worse. They did more than nothing. They specifically held back from prosecuting him because they wanted to run against trump. So Biden could attempt to stay in power by saying “oh it has to be me I’m the only one who’s beaten him.”
The hubris is just absolutely infuriating
It’s not hubris though. They know what they are doing and they don’t care because they won’t be the ones hurt by it. They would legitimately rather Trump be president than win by having to adopt any kind of actually progressive policy. This is what all of their actions have shown us. Don’t give them a pass for incompetence, they are just as culpable for the situation we find ourselves in today.
It’s wild that Biden’s arrogance and conceit was a more important concern than winning the election. Everyone around him knew his brain was fucked.
He’s probably more like a young child emotionally right now from mental decline, shouldnt have been allowed to be president.
We desperately need new blood in the Democratic party - people who understand how to actually work for working class voters and to communicate that and earn back people’s trust.
Joe’s a good man, but his brand of ‘actions speak louder than words’ does NOT work in the Trump era.
Can you please add citations for “Joes a good man”? Please dont mention corvettes or dogs.
LOL, Dems, how about you prove you can do anything useful first, and then ask for money. You’re a disgrace.
You’re not prepaid cell phone service.
Fuck off Joe!
Anyone over the age of 55 needs to be in an advisory role, not a leadership role. It is literally the same fucking leadership today as it was 20 years ago.
Christ almighty, no. It’s bad enough that the Democratic consultancy didn’t tell him to go fuck himself when he thought to run for president a second time.