Me reading that sentence:
Me: Am… am I having a stroke?
not really because of the gyat
Did I have a stroke or is that “joke” actually written like that?
It feels like I had a stroke at least
That’s my favorite sentence.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.
There’s no way you can get it to be a good time to get it done before you go to bed. Then you can do it and enjoy yourself with your own benefit of your planners! Soon you’ll be able more to me and then I can get a few hours of sleep
John it’s ok I’m going to get help John it’s going to be alright you’re ok I’ll be right back with help
Why is there an exclamation mark above his booty
A quest beckons!
why jon thicc as hell
Y’all asked why Liz kept agreeing to dates, now you know
What the hell is even that
Is this written by ai?
Just an old meme.
At this rate, Idiocracy the movie will make us look intelligent because in that portrayal, we could understand their language.
In our reality, we are messing up our language either deliberately, sarcastically, jokingly, accidently, ignorantly or unknowingly that in a hundred years we won’t be able to understand future generations at all.
In the future, not only will we act stupid and live in a broken down global environment that we destroyed, we’ll also sound complete stupid as well.
At this rate, the movie will be intelligent to us, the depiction can understand their language. In our reality, we intentionally, seams, joking, incorrectly ignorant, ignorant, ignorant, ignorant, and we have made our languages in unconsciously. In the future, we can not only live and live in a foolish global environment, but we also hear it completely.
Just as lifeforms always evolve towards crab, so does English evolve towards German.
Japanese, actually 😝
All languages always, have evolved at rapid rates, as long as they’re used. If you went back in time to, say, the 1600s, you would sound stupid. If someone from the 1600s went back to the 1200s, he would sound stupid. If you went back to the 1200s, nobody would understand you.
This is not a new thing, it is how our languages work.
Look, I won’t say how or why I can make this analogy, but this is the kind of shit humor Cathy would bring to the table.
because you of in the cold food which isn’t what you want and you of out the hot food you eat so we should call it of out which is the goal state not of in which is the problem state very simple explanation hope this helped you
Jon you fuckin’ bimbo
what’s the sauce?
[email protected] saw it here the other day and remembered it posted on r/196
He rite