A joint U.S.-Mexico topographical survey found that 787 feet of the 995-feet-long buoy line set up by Texas are in Mexico.

    • livusOP
      11 months ago

      Yes and it’s causing deaths (it has nets under it), so the US govt is not best pleased.

      • Tb0n3
        -15111 months ago

        The state of Texas has to deal with the problem a lot more than the feds do.

        • Neato
          9511 months ago

          Too bad for Texas that the constitution outlines that only the federal government has the right to deal with other countries. Both the Treaty Clause and Logan Act cover this base. Texas is wrong.

        • Unaware7013
          5811 months ago

          Texas has much bigger problems they should be dealing with. Having a reliable grid should be a much bigger priority than the border, but Texas would rather kill people (at the border, or just in their own homes during a snowstorm) than fix their actual problems.

          But hey, that’s the republican MO.

          • Tb0n3
            -4711 months ago

            Having control of the border is not a partisan issue.

            • @[email protected]
              2111 months ago

              Killing people with buoy saws and nets is absolutely not a partisan issue. What is that we’re discussing here, again?

              • @[email protected]
                -2511 months ago

                There’s an easy way to avoid the murder buoy saws called “stop crossing the border illegally”.

              • Tb0n3
                -2811 months ago

                If only you could use your eyes. There were never any saws only scallop edged plates designed to keep people from being able to grab between the buoys and slide through. The nets can also be understood to be barriers In place to stop people from diving under the bouys. Without seeing a picture of the nets, I cannot make any claims to their danger because they could be a fine mesh or they could be a rope net. One would be stubstantially more dangerous than the other.

        • @[email protected]
          4811 months ago

          The vast majority of illegal immigrants overstay their visas. You’re looking at the southern border, you should be looking at airports

        • norbert
          2811 months ago

          You seriously think Texas has to deal with more immigration than the entirety of the rest of the U.S.?

          Critical thinking really needs to be taught in school.

          • Tb0n3
            -3911 months ago

            I think that TEXAS has to deal with illegal immigration across the TEXAS boarder into TEXAS. I said nothing about anywhere else and the amount of immigrants they have to deal with.

            • norbert
              3311 months ago

              The Border Patrol and Customs (in the Department of Homeland Security) is actually responsible for securing borders. States do not get to decide how their borders are enforced.

              We all have to deal with illegal immigration, most of which doesn’t even happen on the southern border. We manage to do it without building death traps or tricking people into getting on busses and sending them to states we don’t like.

              I know Texas and Abbot think they’re special but they’re wrong.

              • @[email protected]
                211 months ago

                I mean, states DO get to determine a hell of a lot about their borders.

                Immigration mostly isn’t one, though.

      • Tb0n3
        -17611 months ago

        Don’t try to cross borders illegally. You get what you deserve.

        • Shalakushka
          10811 months ago

          I would rather have any number of undocumented immigrants here than people like you.

          • Tb0n3
            -11511 months ago

            And some of them would gladly take your life if it meant they got it to be part of the cool kids club. (Gang initiations)

            • @Shiggles
              5811 months ago

              We have plenty of those domestically already. People are people, and y’all qaeda down there isn’t exactly the shining example of civilization you think it is.

            • Unaware7013
              4711 months ago

              And some of them would gladly take your life if it meant they got it to be part of the cool kids club. (Gang initiations)

              I honestly don’t know if you’re referring to illegal immigrants or the police in America.

              I’m more worried about the police killing me than an illegal immigrant, but that’s because I live in the real world.

              • Tb0n3
                -4011 months ago

                Where is MS13 from?

                  • Tb0n3
                    -2211 months ago

                    It was a gang of immigrants who were less Americans and more El Salvadorans it seems since they brought it home.

                • Unaware7013
                  1711 months ago

                  Mexico, but where is the blue badge gang from?

                  One of them is a real threat to average Americans, and hint: it isn’t ms13.

                  • Tb0n3
                    -2011 months ago

                    Lol no, El Salvador. It seems these days “migrants” are just passing through Mexico to get to the US. Why don’t they just stay in Mexico since they’re already there, speak the language, and share many values?

                    I’m not fan of the police, but the videos and stories you see are not all police. There’s certainly a systemic problem with police but that doesn’t mean they’re more dangerous than violent criminal gangs.

            • Polar
              1611 months ago

              Big words coming from a guy who lives in a country where your own citizens are gunning down others every day multiple times per day.

              Maybe try to fix your own country first instead of blaming others?

              • Tb0n3
                -1911 months ago

                Yeah, gang crime. The vast vast majority of gun deaths in America, aside from suicides are known criminals who shouldn’t own guns in the first place.

                  • Tb0n3
                    -1211 months ago

                    You seem to have missed the point. The gun laws already prohibit them from owning guns but they do it anyway and commit crimes. No additional gun laws will suddenly make criminals obey the law.

            • Cethin
              1111 months ago

              Immigrants are, on average, less violent and more productive than the average American. I say we toss you out and trade up.

        • SuiXi3D
          11 months ago

          Ah yes, a person’s value as a human being is reduced to nothing the second they cross an imaginary line decided by folks that have long since died. Makes perfect sense. /s

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            I share your sentiment however despite the “looks” the actual line does not matter much. It’s about what you have to do to gain rights. Is traveling across some line and being desperate enough to grant this person rights? (Like right to work/live in some community/country)? Or are some additional hoops needed? If they’re needed why should anybody allow other people rights just for traveling across the line? Isn’t it unfair to these who spent years of work trying to go through proper procedure? Maybe it’s okay if somebody is desperate? But then what is the measure of “desperate” - it’s a pretty unclear term.

          • Tb0n3
            -5311 months ago

            I take it you disagree with the concept of countries?

            • @[email protected]
              1611 months ago

              “Hey man I’m not too stoked on ice cream”

              “What do you have against brownies???”

              That’s what you sound like.

        • @[email protected]
          5011 months ago

          Trying to move somewhere for a better life for your family, your sentence is death.

          Get a fucking grip.

          • Tb0n3
            -5711 months ago

            There’s legal avenues for that.

            • @[email protected]
              4111 months ago

              Sure, but that doesn’t change the fact that you thinking someone deserves death for an illegal border crossing shows how fucked your mindset is

              • Tb0n3
                -5511 months ago

                They call that Fuck around and find out. Actions have consequences. They knew what they were doing was dangerous.

                  • Tb0n3
                    -111 months ago

                    I just call them like I see them. Do not commit crimes and you don’t have to worry about the consequences of committing crimes. Pretty cut and dry.

            • @[email protected]
              2011 months ago

              The vast majority of illegal immigration is done by people overstaying visas. Take you’re racist uninformed and sickening list for injury and death and shove it up your ass

              • Tb0n3
                -1311 months ago

                And that makes illegal border crossers not exist? Just because there’s another problem doesn’t mean there can’t be two problems at once.

            • Jaysyn
              611 months ago

              Speaking of the law, it’s only a civil violation, fash.

        • EpicFailGuy
          2711 months ago


          @livus @superkret @themeatbridge

          That’s a very simplistic and apathetic response to a human being dying …

          I bet you support the death penalty for people that steal a loaf of bread to feed their children as well.

          The reality is that it’s a very complex issue and while Texas has the right to secure it’s borders a humans right to live is a little more important me thinks.

          • Tb0n3
            -4511 months ago

            At the size of a state government deaths are statistics. And funny you should mention stealing. In another thread I was arguing that stealing is immoral and should face punishment, even food. Just like going hungry has programs to help, so does immigration have processes to go through to do it legally.

            Don’t steal and don’t cross sovereign borders without permission. There are consequences to actions. Don’t start crying because someone suffered the consequences.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              Ah yes, why don’t they just use those vague programs you alluded to?

              I’m sure you can tell all of us what those programs are and how easy they are to be eligible/apply through. Right? I mean certainly you know what these programs are and wouldn’t just be assuming they’re in place and functional. After all, a blatant assumption like that would make you an utter jackass if it turned out those programs weren’t actually available for everyone or were needlessly restrictive/difficult.

              • Tb0n3
                -611 months ago

                SNAP, WIC, unemployment, food banks, meals on wheels, shelters, churches, etc. There’s a plethora of resources for the poor to get food.

            • @[email protected]
              1111 months ago

              Suffered the consequences of what, exactly? The consequences of being born into a world that doesn’t provide for them? The consequences of unequal access to opportunity?

              Guess then we should get to shoving some consequences your way for being a dick. Your speech is harmful, and you don’t deserve clean food or water or a warm place to sleep.

              Get our of here with your garbage. Your life is not more valuable than ANYONE elses.

              • Tb0n3
                -911 months ago

                That’s a pretty sweet straw man you just built there.

                  • Tb0n3
                    -611 months ago

                    You seem to have misunderstood what I was arguing against. I’ve said nothing about inequality or difficulty of life anywhere. Merely that crossing borders illegally is illegal and wrong.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Imagine swimming in a river in your own country and then you get caught up in a net and die while still in your country due to Texas illegally setting up their own border wall that isn’t even in Texas anymore. Texas should should hire this guy to go to the river and whenever kids drown trying to just enjoy themselves he is there but always wait 5 minutes to make sure the Mexicans drowned since he obviously hates them and then unties them, bring them up to shore, and then yell this in their face. I think he would gladly take the job all the while moving back and fourth illegally from the Mexico and Texas border just to yell at dead Mexicans

          I can’t imagine what situation you grew up in to have so much hate in your heart. What you and a shit to of racists don’t understand is that if we had all the immigrants in America disappear, the labor force, and crops for example would shit the bed so fast. The immigrants all do the jobs you fuckers won’t do and you don’t actually care enough to learn on how much of the country they hold on their back. It’s always simple though, instead of actual being about “America” and filling the gaps you would just complain someone else needs to do these high labor intensive jobs

          • Tb0n3
            -3111 months ago

            Go ahead and tell me how many were just swimming in the Rio Grande when they just so happened to get caught in the border defense when they weren’t actually trying to cross the border. I can guarantee it’s zero.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              First off you’re so dumb dude. How about instead of intentionally killing others in an absolutely beautiful river we just enjoy it? Ever thought that idk, maybe, some of them genuinely just wanted a swim?

              The more important part is that since you are so ‘MERICA🦅⛪🙏’ then why are you okay with these deaths while they are completely illegal and dong follow the constitution? Referenced From this comment


              I mean i figure since youre okay with that ill just go ahead and completely ignore laws to do whatever the hell i want to do. When did the constitution just become another ‘woke’ book to you that should be ignored?

              • Tb0n3
                -1211 months ago

                When did I say anyone was intentionally killed. If anything it could be viewed as suicide. They’re bright fucking orange aren’t they?

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  You keep ignoring over half of my comments. Do you really think Texas of all places would put a buoy with a net but not create the net in such a way that it would tangle someone up? Are there any warnings about there being nets? How would you feel if Mexico set something that long up in the river but 80% of it was across the border?

        • Polar
          1311 months ago

          Well how else are Americans supposed to leave their shit hole country for Mexico?

        • Throwaway
          911 months ago

          I agree that they’re criminals, shouldn’t be encouraged, and need to be deported, but death is a little much.

          • Tb0n3
            11 months ago

            Honestly it came out a bit harsh but the point was that they’re doing very risky things knowing there are risks to their lives but they do it anyway. If a guy is dancing on a cliff and falls off you don’t blame the cliff.

            • @[email protected]
              1411 months ago

              Does the Texas government go around installing cliffs in places where they know people go dancing?

              • Tb0n3
                -1711 months ago

                I’m sorry that you were unable to comprehend an analogy.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  Not an analogy, T-Boner, that was a false equivalence. Sorry you are unable to comprehend basic English.

                  • Tb0n3
                    -1011 months ago

                    Kind of funny that you would try to insult me with a name I’ve literally used as an alt.

        • livusOP
          911 months ago

          Wishing death on people is horrendous.

    • Throwaway
      -1811 months ago

      Yes? Hell, border towns put up barriers without state or federal permission.

      Thats not the problem.