Netflix Resumes Advertising on X After Elon Musk Controversy::Netflix has resumed advertising on X following a suspension by the streamer and other brands after Elon Musk promoted an antisemitic post.
I am so tired of being so disappointed in companies. Was there ever a time when they weren’t just completely soulless? Is there truly no bottom to their ethics?
In school I had to take Business Ethics. The processor officially renamed the course to Ethical Issues in Business, because, as he explained it in class, business has no ethics, but ethical issues arise all the time. I took it to mean that capitalism destroyed humanity, and those of us that are still left humane must deal with ethical issues in a business (ethicless) setting.
I did not take business classes so limited background but if we assume that the US isn’t going to magically transition away from capitalism, we instead have to find a way to legislate a transition to a more ethical capitalism. That phrase seems to be an oxymoron but for things to not keep getting progressively worse I’m thinking we as a society need to figure out a way to make it happen. Any ideas? You seem to have at least taken a course in the matter.
What if we transition away from capitalism non-magically?
I mean that’s probably the preferred path but I can’t see how that realistically happens. There are too many individuals globally with too much to lose that will think their loss of capital is worth bringing down the whole human race. I’m sure they would rather see the world in ashes rather than succeed under an alternate system where they may not be on top.
It’s not even about being on top or being worried about losing status - I’d be fine with giving up what little I have to see a better world. The problem is that a pivot away from capitalism isn’t going to happen without violent revolution, because it would absolutely be met with violent resistance.
I wouldn’t support something that would be guaranteed to thrust my children and grandchildren into a world of chaos, uncertainty, and tragedy that would unavoidably arise during and potentially after a revolution of that scale. And someone has to be holding the levers of power in the end, and how do we guarantee that we don’t just end up shuffling the deck around but playing the exact same game?
It’s easy to be idealistic and say “this isn’t working” but it’s a whole lot harder to convince enough people to dismantle it and deal with the consequences rather than attempt to effect incremental change over a long term.
I think there’s a credible case to be made that moving toward socialism has benefits even for the wealthy, and that the change doesn’t have to be presented as the end of capitalism.
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Why don’t you take a list of countries by quality of life from some point in the past decade or two, and see which nations seem to always top it.
Spoiler: they’re the ones with hybrid economies and highly regulated markets.
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Do you not know what a “mixed economy” is? Did you even look at a list? Denmark, Norway, Sweden… You think these are "capitalist free-market countries"and that’s why they top the list?
The reason those countries are at the top of the list for quality of life is because they have regulations on their markets, and robust social safety nets.
Maybe actually do a few minutes of honest, open minded research about quality of life.
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The people’s job is to define ethics. The government’s job is to uphold that definition. Governments can’t be expected to define ethics on their own.
This is so fucking immoral it’s enraging. As if people aren’t involved with business and business doesn’t affect people. This psychotic bullshit is how companies end up murdering people and getting away with it. A blatant excuse for people to do whatever their greed compels them to, as if making money suddenly absolves them of any kind of responsibility to their community.
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And that’s why capitalism is inherently unethical and immoral.
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I know what I said…
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(Assuming you aren’t misremembering): That honestly sounds like a really shitty professor.
Ethics are 100% a thing and more people need to improve their intelligence in that regard. What you CAN argue is that morality has no place in business (or engineering (or whatever)). But ethics are not morality or the law.
At this point, I think everyone and their mother is aware of the concept of The Trolley Problem. And… that is pertinent for a reason. Are you going to send the metaphorical train careening into marginalized groups, your workers, your board, or even your family? Or, the inverse of that: Are you going to do something that means you can buy your kids really awesome xmas presents, your board new cars, your workers the nice ramen, or even a moment of lessened horror for trans forlk?
And that ignores the various types of ethics. Even under utilitarianism, there are arguments that you are making a better net good for your board… if only because said marginalized groups suffer so much they will barely notice any relenting.
Improved understanding of what ethics actually are helps to understand WHY good (or more likely) bad things are happening. And it helps those who are in a position to make those decisions to make an intelligent and rational, if not necessarily good, decision.
Back in uni, all the engineering majors were required to take Ethics in Engineering. And it was very obvious who were the libertarian tech bros of the future during that course. But it also, honestly, is the most important course I took in undergrad and the one that has the most use.
And, as a result, when I do recruiting trips/lectures, I tend to cover that topic. I have a nice slide deck of some of the latest horrifying late stage capitalism shit to come out of tech companies as well as whistle blowing stories and I go through it with the students to try to make them think about why they are learning while also finding the people who would be fun to work with or mentor more directly.
I didn’t say ethics had no place in business, nor that ethics wasn’t a thing. I said he renamed it, because business has no ethics. This is the same thing you were saying, but in a lot less words.
I realize words are scary, but maybe read them when you are going to reply to someone? Rather than just assume they must agree with you.
Again, business has ethics. Balancing your fiduciary responsibilities with personal gain (and, in rare instances, societal benefit) is an ethical challenge. Do you choose to strictly follow your contractual/legal responsibilities or do you try to find a way to circumvent that for good or for ill?
Yet again: Ethics are not morality
Lol. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the couch, didn’t they?
What you describe isn’t business ethics, it’s an ethical issues in a business setting. Look, mate. I don’t really care that you may disagree or whether you have or don’t have good reading comprehension. But leave the reddit anger on reddit. Lemmy is for discourse, not for senseless arguments.
Yes. Embracing ignorance and buzz words rather than understanding how the world actually works and what levers and knobs there are and aren’t to work with. THAT is the enlightened standpoint.
Yes that is an ethical challenge. But it’s not business. The challenge is how business interacts with that challenge
And that is a distinction without difference
Which… I continue to say that said professor is bad at their jobs. And people who think that matters are the result of that mindset.
Just because you don’t understand the difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there
Capitalism by its nature will carry out unethical behavior if it means profit. So no, business was always soulless. That’s why regulation needs to exist, so the penalty for unethical behavior will negate the profit they could make from it.
Ethics never enter the equation. The highest priority in business is capital, and any company at the level of Netflix follows that maxim religiously. They may be seen following progressive trends, but any good they end up doing only stems from it being profitable to do so.
In other words - no, companies have never not been soulless, and it serves us well to always remember that.
Ethics are a luxury that can be sold like any other, but when times get hard and cuts must be made, ethical companies get devoured by those that are not.
This might answer some of your questions:
Would Elon be willing to pay high profile companies to advertise on Xitter to entice others back? Of just give them advertising for free? Or… Resume running ads from customers who cancelled just to change public perception?
I’m not saying Netflix isn’t a big enough bag of dicks to start advertising with them again, just contemplating
Capitalism. As soon as bad PR is over, it’s back to business.
When is his bad PR ever over?
When the cool down counter reduces to zero. He’s preparing the next bad PR though
It has been 1 0 days since the last Elon PR disaster
To defeat the Huns… But seriously, I am amazed at how quickly these changes go. It almost seems that they don’t really care about the impact of their actions ;)
Glad I canceled Netflix last year.
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Conservatives: “If you don’t like a business vote with your wallet, we don’t need regulations.”
People: boycotts business
Conservatives: “No, not like that.”
You’re supposed to not like a business based on how much they support gay rights!!!
Prrreeettty sure that was the left when people from all sides boycott BL because of Dylan and Targets shenanigans. So here is this version
Left: “If you don’t like a business vote with your wallet, we don’t need regulations.”
People of all sorts, mostly right: boycotts business
Left: “No, not like that.”
True, some of us cancel just because the price keeps getting jacked up.
I cancelled (again) because… let me think. Apparently they nuke your account if you don’t use it for, say, 6-9 months (nice). All ratings, history, watchlist, etc: Fuck you, gone. Could not disable ads, AKA autoplay previews. Quality of content massively decreasing. Cost increasing (and never any deals). Mediocrity hit them hard years ago.
TbF, If that nuke is true, I wish more subscription services did that as it’s better than me realizing 18 months later that I’m not using it anymore but have still been autopaying the bill. Presuming of course there is an email or phone call warning in case you want to keep it active.
They nuke if you cancel for a few months. There are so many services, I only want maybe 1-2 at a time, and honestly need zero, could just use Plex. (If you forget you’re sub’d, they will never nuke or let you know.)
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Yeah, people should instead be shooting their Netflix subscription with AR-15s (it’s symbolic, ok?) and posting it on YouTube.
Everyone knows that’s how you really show your disapproval for a company.
People should only not spend their money on something for the right reasons.
Is cancelling subscriptions part of cancel culture now?
I mean…I guess…technically…
Edit: wow I interpreted that comment very wrong.
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It’s almost like people in the United States have the freedom to express their opinions on a matter. Imagine that!
You can find a dozen other reasons to terminate your Netflix subscription, for sure.
What camp where you on when Bud Light changed their brand colors this year? I am asking this as a serious question.
Not everybody lives their lives based on political cancel culture.
Just the people who tried to cancel Rock and Roll, Heavy Metal, D&D, The Dixie Chicks, teaching black history, books, trans people, gay people, abortions…
True enough that not everybody does (also it’s “consequence culture”, but I digress), but the energy of your post is COMPLETELY this…
“OH YEAH? Well we don’t ALL wipe ourselves after were shit okay?? It’s natural and it’s a choice… get over it, bro!!!”
So Netflix is already shit, guess the shit companies can be shitty together.
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They were always going to. As long as Xitter has a user base with money to spend, the large corporations do not care. Anything they do like withdrawing advertising is all for show.
And after all, are you going to cancel your Netflix subscription over this? I actually probably would personally but my partner uses it quite a lot, so we’re sticking around. Some people will cancel no doubt but nowhere near a critical mass that will affect their bottom line and they know it.
You would cancel your Netflix subscription because they advertise on X?
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Realistically? No. Or at least not JUST because they advertise on Xitter. It would be one of those final straw things. I’m not entirely satisfied with the service to begin with, so that would be the motivation I need to finally say “yeah, I don’t need to be paying this company any more”. So if it weren’t for my partner, yes I would be canceling when I otherwise might have let the subscription sit for longer.
But if there were shows or movies that I personally enjoyed watching, (which is the case fire my partner) their choice to advertise on Xitter doesn’t impact our decision one bit and they know it. Which is exactly why they went right back to advertising there.
Fuck yes. They might as well advertise on Stormfront or Nambla or any other conservative site.
Fuck them. By spending money on a fascist platform, they are materially supporting fascism.
No, they wouldn’t. They are all talk, just like Netflix. If they cared that much, they wouldn’t have ANYTHING corporate.
You’re wrong in this specific case, but you’re actually not too far off in your overall assessment. Your scepticism is warranted. My true reason for canceling would be that I’m not satisfied with the service. Their corporate behavior would merely be a motivating factor to log into the website and click cancel when I would otherwise not think much about letting it autorenew each month.
But yeah, do I purchase goods and services from bad companies? Of course I do. You try successfully avoiding all Nestle products. It’s damn near impossible. Can’t switch away from Comcast because there are no available competitors. I don’t think twice about buying food from Chick-fil-A. OK, maybe I think twice, but I can’t say that second thought has ever truly impacted my decision. The list goes on.
The only company I’ve taken a very firm stance against is Meta/Facebook. It’s easy to live without participating in Facebook’s services. They may collect data about me against my will, but I no longer voluntarily give them anything.
I mean, who didnt expect it to happen?
Its literally what they did the last time there was a major controversy with twitter.
They pull advertising because they dont want to be caught in the splash damage, not because they are actually offended at the behavior.
As soon as the outrage dies down, the advertising resumes.
They wouldn’t have called it a “pause” otherwise.
Good thing my torrent site of choice doesn’t advertise on Xtwitter.
With moisture in the air and the gentle sea breeze upon our faces; life is good.
Yup. Upgraded my Plex drives, 15tb of music and movies.
Those are rookie numbers :)
Congrats on the upgrade. I upgraded from 6x3T to 6x6T a couple years ago. Wish I had waited a little longer but feared drives going bad.
What about redundancy?
I have all my drives in a ZFS array. Should allow failure of a couple before I lose anything.
What’s the point? If a drive starts failing just redownload it again. I really don’t see the point on keeping everything constantly off-line when I can just torrent them again.
Sometimes you’re the only seeder for some torrents.
That’s fine. I’m likely not going to watch it again. If I really care, I’ll either rent it from the library or post a request on a torrent site.
Much less of a problem with newsgroups.
another reason never to return to Netflix
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what the fuck does this even mean?
Means neige is fantasizing about Elon at daytime. He is asking if the other commentator is doing the same. 🤭
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Then why are you posting and replying, liar?
A company accused by the far-right of being “too woke” is helping a far-right platform survive, the irony.
“Ahh, it’s been a week, no one remembers that ol Elon Musk agreeing with Nazi rhetoric thingy. Let’s spool those ads up again. We’re definitely seeing a return on our marketing budget by advertising on the platform known for being mostly bots!”
If there is a large following of Trump who is regurgitating Nazi rhetoric… it unfortunately makes sense to keep marketing at least here.
Yep, I guess it’s time to cancel Netflix.
Once they raised prices I created a media server with jellyfin (+Sonarr, Radarr, QBittorrent) and never looked back.
Automatically downloads new episodes of my favorite shows
Got my own personal netflix accesible anywhere with infinite users. No one can cancel an episode of my fav show and erase it from existence.
I have jellyfin but Netflix is more reliable and convenient. It’s just that recently it’s really hard to find anything interesting on Netflix anyway so this Twitter BS is just like the last drop…
IDK man, I am able to continue shows where I left off and do anything Netflix can do You can see all the actors in a movie, and then see all the shows and movies I have that the actor is in. I think it’s more featured than Netflix
I followed this guide to set it up so shows automatically download, and I can add movies to be monitored. I don’t do anything unless I want to add a new show for monitoring.
I have every movie I’ve ever liked, and don’t have to switch platforms when my show gets removed from Netflix.
$0 a month…
I had issues with some shows not playing because of some encoding issues that I wasn’t able to resolve. Sometimes have couple of audio tracks and some subtitles but usually there’s just one language and that’s it. Maybe you can get it with additional setup but Netflix just works with all the features I’m interested in. Still, Jellyfin is good enough and content on Netflix is weak lately.
You can set your download options in Sonarr and Radarr so that you only get certain filetypes and certain bitrates. This can keep you from filling your drive with 10GB+ 4k movies if you don’t need that quality too
I highly suggest revisiting, using that guide I linked.
I gave up on my media server many times due to complexity and issues, once I set this up I can’t go back.
Avid jellyfin user here:
Subtitles on jellyfin suck. Like really suck. Unless they are burned in with the media (maybe not the right term, but when they are shipped with the media as a track which some private trackers require) , they progressively get more and more out of sync to a plateau and get messed up with tracking. Almost every release this year has a “fix” for. Multiple clients with the same behavior. Not to mention getting hardware accelerated transcoding working on an ARC GPU 😅
But overall Jellyfin is damn great. It just is not quite to the refinement of Netflix, which is fine! It isn’t commercially backed luckily, so it won’t go to shit for money like Netflix did either.
Thats a fair point, i only notice it when trying to watch Korean movie. Thats not often for me, but i could see it being an issue if you use them often
Can I do this with Plex too? The automatic downloading part? Or do I need to switch to another server app
Yes I use it with Plex. Sonarr and Radarr handle the download and pass it off to Plex.
Always has been.
Why? What did they do before?
They banned password sharing (family account) if everyone doesn’t live in the same location sometime ago.
and still people are lazy enough to just pay those bucks more a month
I don’t see this as a dick move. The rules were clear from the start, they just started enforcing theme. It’s not a bait and switch or something.
I guess the “Sharing is Caring” campaign was just a fever dream then.
If you subscribed to Netflix because you planned on sharing password and you think it’s not worth the full price then the moment you can’t share your password anymore and you cancel it. No money lost, you used it for some time and now you don’t use it. What’s the problem? Did you get addicted to it? It’s not cigarettes. Seriously, it’s entertainment and people talk about it like its insulin.
I wasn’t sharing my password with anyone so I didn’t care about the policy change.
Why are they reinforcing this “rule” now than before?
Because they feel like they can. What’s the difference? I did feel cheated in any way.
Is that how corporations or anyone work? They just do it because they feel they can?
Ssh we’re mad at netflix, you’re not supposed to be defending them…
Shm yeah netflix may be scum, but enforcing password sharing policies, which had been part of the EULA from day 1, isn’t scummy.
They marketed 4 streams. Not 4 seats. [And only getting 1 seat 4 times, which is fucking pointless.] That’s a whole different meaning. No one reads the EULA so it doesn’t fucking matter what horse shit Naziflix puts in the fine print.
Increasing pricing while removing content is the first thing i could think of
Yeah, but just a reason to re-evaluate if the content they have is worth the money. It’s not like they have some moral obligation to keep the prices low. I don’t see it as a dick move. I don’t have any other video streaming subscriptions so it wasn’t a big difference for me.
why do you still have it after all this time
Because they we’re really doing anything bad until now. Raising prices is not a dick move. It’s a private company offering entertainment. They can milk it however they want and I can cancel it when I decide it’s not worth it.
I’d argue it’s not been worth it for a long time. Also raising prices may not be that bad but
limiting your access to only one IP adresspreventing password sharing definitely is a dick move.Well, that’ really depends if you like their content or not, right?
Also, they don’t limit your access to one IP. You can download things on your tablet to watch later and you can stream from different locations when you travel. They really only complain if you stream from two completely different geographical locations at the same time.
Define “different geographical equations”. Can you still share it with a friend? I thought they prevented that.
No, you define “limiting access to one IP”. Because they don’t do that. It’s not the same as preventing password sharing. They can prevent sharing password without limiting IP addresses.
okay preventing password sharing is a dick move then
remind me in three months when you’re binging Scrubs for the third time.
I’ve never seen scrubs. Is it any good?
Scrubs is fantastic. If you’re into comedic sitcom with serious moments you should definitely give it a try.
That was like what, a whole month or less? Whew, that must’ve been tough on them!
Probably coming back for a discount
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You make it sound like they were losing because they pulled advertising from Twitter instead of… practically every other decision they make.
Lol. Sure sure.
Business does go down when a company stops advertising. My guess is that Netflix didn’t give a shit about the moral panic, not that there was ever an indication that they cared in the first place.
You people are absolutely delusional.
Maybe I know nothing about business but why would Netflix even need to advertise there? I’m not even sure they have to advertise at all anymore.
They’re advertising specific shows.
Nazi Boot Camp season 2 premiere, catch it on Netflix!
Time to find Netflix ads next to neo Nazi posts…sure glad I got rid of Netflix.
If they just want to throw money away on ineffective advertising, they can just send it to me. I have a few ideas that are far more effective than Twat.
Netflix spent about $1.5 billion on advertising in 2022. They could just randomly give a million people +$1000 and probably get better word-of-mouth advertising that way.
Good take. Heck, I’d do it for $100.