I once met a guy who made at least 20 times what I make and didn’t know how to spell dolphin. He was a bit better than me at trading commodities though.
trading commodities is truly the most important skill to making society function, god only knows how we’d survive without people who make bets with other people’s money
God kill me
I don’t know which God you’re referencing but your genetics is programmed with planned obsolescence. You will die one day. There are only so many monthly tributes to your landed lord before you are free for the first time.
You’re welcome
So… Poker? But without the flash and with the chance to genuinely throw the economy into chaos?
I can relate to that man
Did he ask if the tuna you were having for lunch was dollfin safe? I’m guessing he wasn’t informing you about anything like “dolphins pass puffer fish to get high” or “dolphins sexually assault other dolphins“.
Rain man?
Don’t ask your doctor to spell something if that matters to you
This happens at my job a lot lol I’ll need to do something that I don’t have authorization to do so I have to ask a manager, they have no idea what the policy is, why I’m asking them about it, or how to actually do any of it. They end up just doing a screen share and letting me make the change from their system
The worst part is, they never learn… it’s always the same damn questions, every damn time.
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No wonder data breaches are a when and not if…
The weakest part of any security system are the people … your security is only as good as the people who use the system.
I don’t work in any corporate systems but I know many people who work in factories, mines, government, hospitals, institutions who should all know or at least be aware of the most basic digital security measures … yet the majority of their passwords for everything is still 12345678 … a good number of them also share personal emails with their name and birth year on it.
Almost all of them either have never heard of or just don’t like using two factor authentication.
“hey boss i need access to your bank account to fix this thing”
There are legitimately situations where a meritless person is mooching off of an organization because of corruption (e.g. cronyism, nepotism, abusing union). And then there are situations where a person appears completely incompetent, but has this one unique skill or asset that makes them absolutely invaluable to the company (e.g. savant, schmoozer, someone with connections). It’s important to be able to tell them apart.
someone with connections
cronyism, nepotism
goes hand in hand :)
Knowing another person is not a skill lol
No, but knowing people and being so persuasive they’ll come do shit for you and your team is a skill.
I’ve had bosses that were very affable and able to talk just anyone around and it truly is a useful skillet
Edit…skillset, even
So many people in IT don’t understand this. I’m glad I did a lot of customer service while programming was still just a hobby.
Developing the product or supporting the product dev team in some way (tech support, project managers, etc) is great, but if the company doesn’t have people to schmooze other people to give them money, your product doesn’t have much financial value.
We have an Excel expert, its in no way his job but god damn that man is helpful. He is also a combative asshole when he is in a mood.
People are like “How do you put up with him” and I dont tell them “Because he found ways to make 2 hours of administrative work take 30 minutes.”
I rolled savant.
I rolled wage slave
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I can’t speak for any individual, but let’s draw up a theoretical scenario:
You’re the world’s highest contributing cancer researcher, responsible for breakthrough after breakthrough. You’re 80 years old and you want to retire next year. You earn $1 million a year. in order to collaborate with other researchers, specialized piece of software must be used. Given you’re brilliant, you could certainly take a training course and learn it in eight hours - $4000 worth of your time. Instead you scan your paper notebooks and send the copies to an intern who spends an hour a week transferring the data into the software. If the intern is paid $50 an hour, cost savings are $1500 over the year. more cancer research gets done.
Highly specialized people who can learn everything and do have access to all necessary tools are not necessarily idiots for evaluating and deciding to make certain trade offs. recommend looking into opportunity cost.
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Hey, didn’t mean to slight you or anything. Hope you had a pleasant Easter weekend.
Sure mate.
Anyone who makes twice as much as you doesn’t care about your respect.
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I’m sure when this guy retires you will be doing his job on top of yours with no additional pay increase.
That said, it is the 1% vs the working class. Don’t let them divide us against each other.
Literally happened at my work place a couple months ago.
Boomer coworker who’s job was basically to order supplies and do the last step of processing accounts so we can bill them retired after like 35 years and bought a house in Arizona to fuck off there. Her job was just split among our phone operator and annual control policy department. What she got paid a lot of money to do for 8 hours a day and complained constantly about the other two people do in a couple hours a week and is easy peasy according to them. Of course they didn’t get a raise, if they had come to me with that I would have declined or quit if they insisted. Fuck that.
Only if you get those responsibilities by staying in the same company rather than getting hired in the same role by another one
Absolutely. These minds atrophying in commercial towers are a tragedy.
One of my first jobs, anytime I needed an administrator password I had to get the manager. And I was tasked with updating Adobe Reader and Flash on each workstation, and she would stand there to type in the password as I went to each computer.
The fact that you had to update software manually on each computer speaks volumes about how bad that company was being run. Sccm has existed since the mid 90s.
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I work in software development, I understand websites, webservices and the backend it all runs on at a pretty deep level.
But I never owned an Apple device. So whenever my wife (iMac user) has a problem and I try to help, I struggle with all the basic shit. I don’t know the interface, don’t know the menu structure, don’t have muscle memory for basic key bindings (like copy paste).
Same with my parents, a few years ago my dad gave my mom his old iphone, didn’t do any factory reset etc. She used logged out his apple id and logged in hers. But the apps he installed refused to update, very little information from the device about the problem. They don’t know you shouldn’t do this and just give me the phone and say apps don’t update. It took me a while to figure out what the hell was even going on.
I just refuse to help with Apple stuff. My family knows my disdain, if you’re on apple and can’t figure something out, you made your bed now you lie in it lol
Same, the only person I do humor with an attempt is my mom but everyone else I just say ‘sorry don’t know apple’.
Yeah I get you.
Onedrive seems so bizarrely complex. My entire organisation is 5 people. We just want a big shared folder with all our stuff.
Teams groups have web pages with sharepoint folders. Any file shared in the teams chat is automatically shoved into the root of it.
That’s yeah. … Bigger corps have people specifically organising the SharePoint (amongst other responsibilities). Tbh I don’t think that’s all too strange, I used to spend a couple of hours every other month sorting my personal files.
If you can drive a change you could switch to something like next cloud, own cloud, or cryptpad. Much simpler
Yeah look it’s complex.
I fought the fight for many years. LibreOffice, nextcloud, etcetera.
A couple of years ago I just got sick of it. I wanted “it just works” solutions for everything or at least to simply be able to say “IDK why it’s not working” when something breaks.
At that time it felt like Microsoft had turned the corner and were maybe on a trajectory towards something less evil than google for example.
Now just a few years later I feel like they’re worse than ever. I switched back to debian as a daily driver a few months ago.
Can you just use a network share?
No. We work in multiple locations.
Libreoffice and Thunderbird if you can
Used to be a document controller for a QA dept. My manager sent me emails to print out for him and then wanted them scanned back into the computer so they were saved as .pdf
I “definitely” didn’t just print to .pdf and sit at my desk most of the day.
But they’d probably be mad you didn’t do it their way.
I suspect they do know there’s better ways but they want you to jump through hoops like a trained pig. Fuck em.
Lol. That’s why I kept a recycle bin next to my desk; “empty” it in the AM, “fill it” on my way out. Didn’t waste paper because it was the same scrunched balls.
Lol picturing this is hilarious. Did you just put the same scrunched balls inside a desk drawer and casually play basketball with the balls during the day? 😂
Defintely not.
You work on computers, they work on people. Part of their job is coding on their bosses for more money, while you write a script to automate something. Hard skills vs. soft skills.
If you want, you could develop those people
manipulationcoding skills and be twice as valuable as them.You’re giving some of these people way too much credit. I work IT and I deliberately avoid watching some people whose job it is to use a computer use a computer. Any deviation from the norm and they are lost. ANY deviation. I’ve seen people get confused when a box opens up in a different spot. I completely understand that everyone has different skill sets but some people have not progressed very far into their skill tree.
Some of them, sure. Usually old people that ran out of neuroplasticity 40 years ago. But there are a lot more that function well enough and IT guys (specifically the guys, IT gals usually either have a better idea or hide it better) have a tendency to think of them as useless, where if they had to do their job for a day they’d be as lost as an old guy spooked by the window location change.
But a lot of them are useless.
Like, all the places I’ve done IT were engineering offices and stuff, where me trying to do the job would get people killes, but most people’s jobs, especially above a certain point on the pay scale, are genuinely fucking useless. They do nothing, stuff would function fine without them; maybe better.
That’s not value. That’s a grifter.
Me watching some guy think his salary is worth more than someone who does and knows things completely different from them just because they know how to save as a pdf
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The main issue I had was that it’s dismissive of all other talents the person likely has to have gotten this far. Obviously sociopath c-levels are just there because they’re soulless, but this meme wasn’t talking about those people shrug
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My boss has called me into his office multiple times to help him with Microsoft Excel
Boss: why can’t I just print Wikipedia?
I swear I remember somebody telling that story once.
Hey if you’d ask the people on this site, higher positions always entitle themselves to higher wages.
We really gotta have some kind of actual initiative to restructure wages around actual work lol
Huh? This is the most flat org / workers rights / collectivist board I’ve ever seen
Well… it is as long as you assume that every person on the planet is a programmer.
When you’re not a programmer in middle management…? Things get a lot…. Murkier…
Obviously I have only seen discussion on what I’ve seen, but I respectfully disagree. This is a very pro realistic minimum wage, a very pro reduce diff between highest and lowest site in my experience.
Again, my own anecdotal observation
Eh. Just recently I’ve seen a lot of people talk down upon like… manual laborers, tradespeople, etc.
Without being too cynical, I think this website has a lot of people who like to ‘roleplay’ as being leftist, but then when you get into any specific policy points everyone suddenly goes “well I think people should be paid more… but obviously laborers shouldn’t make as much money as people like… oh, I don’t know… middle manager data analysts” and then you look at their history and they’re like “as a middle manager data analyst…”.
Its a very “communism is when I make more money and maybe some other people can make more too as long as it’s not as much as me” approach to progressivism
Wow, I’ve had GBU’s experience!
Let’s fight about it 🥊
The parable of the blind men and an elephant is a story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before and who learn and imagine what the elephant is like by touching it. Each blind man feels a different part of the animal’s body, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then describe the animal based on their limited experience and their descriptions of the elephant are different from each other. In some versions, they come to suspect that the other person is dishonest and they come to blows. The moral of the parable is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other people’s limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true.
No need to fight, I think both experiences are fine. I would just maintain that what might “appear” to be people invested in progressive, workers rights type issues, perhaps might not actually commit to those actions if it meant any meaningful sacrifice or change to themselves.
To break the parable a bit, imagine a lion that can somehow contort itself to feel like a housecat. A lot of people can touch it and say “hmm… feels like a nice little cat” - but someone who has had his arm chomped on by the lion knows there’s more beneath the surface
Tee-hee, ya 🐱🦁,
To the best of my recollection (and observation skills), I simply have not seen any of that kind of dog whistling, in a way, the ‘progressivism for me, not for thee’ / anti-laborer slant.
lol prolly