• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Imagine being such a neurotic micromanager that you literally don’t even let your employees sit because “SITTING IS UNPROFESSIONAL!”

    Meanwhile you probably spend the majority of your day at a desk

    • ThePowerOfGeek
      2 months ago

      Yeah I don’t get it. As a customer, when I go into a store and the cashier is sitting down at the register, I don’t think to myself “wow, what a lazy jerk!”. I think “I’m glad these guys get to sit down while working”. Because I never see a cashier during idly just goofing off. Sitting or standing, they always seem to be working hard. And I don’t understand this stupid idea that sitting is somehow unprofessional.

      Furthermore, as someone who gets lower back pain if I stand for too long, fuck these useless asshole managers!

      • Flax
        572 months ago

        I wouldn’t care if a cashier was goofing off a little 😂 as long as they got around to doing the job

      • Flying Squid
        102 months ago

        I’ve seen cashiers goofing off when things aren’t busy… but I would still not give a shit if they had a chair beyond thinking, “at least they get to sit down doing an awful job like that all day.”

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        Some people just genuinely do not seem to understand that workers (and many other people) are actually thinking human being with thoughts and emotions and sensations like pain.

        It’s something i’m very glad almost everyone here understands, workers are largely just treated like the normal people that they are and customers are more likely to actively help them than they are to make a fuss about anything.

    • Transporter Room 3
      472 months ago

      Tangentially related, a friend of mine worked at Kroger years ago and was not allowed to have a stool or chair while 7 months pregnant because (from my biased one-sided understanding) the manager was on some kind of extra-petty suffering Olympics of “I worked every day until I gave birth on the factory floor so you can stand here” BS.

      One day I popped in and noticed Dick Manager was standing nearby, and since I almost never shop at that one, has no idea who I am.

      So I loudly proclaim (paraphrased) “Girl, you are FAR too pregnant to be standing up for a whole shift, what kind of heartless piece of human garbage would be making you work in one single spot without at least a stool? What is the world coming to when the future of our country is worth less than the fragile ego of some Middle management prick who wouldn’t know how to SPELL empathy, much less understand it” just like all the most over the top things I can think of to make a speech of how low an opinion I have of this hypothetically not present manager.

      She was weeks away from quitting in preparation for having a child anyway so had no problem if it caused interpersonal issues. And I had fun talking mad shit about management. Even if it wasn’t my own.

      • Flying Squid
        142 months ago

        I worked at a video arcade in the 90s and there was a girl who worked with me who was late in her pregnancy, and when I wasn’t working, I’d come in at the end of her shift when she was closing on her own because the boss expected her to clean every game, top to bottom, which required getting up on a ladder and leaning way over to get to the back end of the top of the game. Of course, she also wasn’t given a chair.

        I found out he was arrested later for embezzling from the store.

      • @[email protected]
        92 months ago

        I’m assuming she was working as cashier. I checked occupation safety requirements cashier and working as cashier implies working with computer which already requires rotating chair with ability to change height and chair back’s angle, but for cashier’s workplace there are additional requirements. No wonder, considering those requirements were written and adopted during red Duma(communist relative majority of 21% + 7% of agricultural party).

    • Dojan
      252 months ago

      Seriously? They remove the chair because sitting is unprofessional??

      • @[email protected]
        282 months ago

        Yeup. They only make ADA exceptions and only in extreme cases. For example, they wouldn’t let my pregnant coworker have a stool to SOMETIMES sit on until she was 7.5 months a long. And even then she had to provide her own.

        • m-p{3}
          182 months ago

          Honestly I want all my cashiers to sit down, it’s cruel for them to stand up for no reason.

          • nickwitha_k (he/him)
            42 months ago

            Cruelty is the point in this. Some people get off on being able to force discomfort on those that they see as less than them.

        • @OneWomanCreamTeam
          132 months ago

          I’ve started leaving negative reviews for stores when I see there’s no seating available for the cashiers.

    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      How bloody insane. I can’t think of too many indoor occupations that would require someone to stand in order to be better at their job.

      Even surgeons should be as comfy as possible. If someone needs to cut open my skull to remove some badness, I’d really like them to be comfy the entire time.

      Time for chair pants aka ‘chants’ to gain some popularity.

  • @[email protected]
    1272 months ago

    I had a boss that did this (automotive corporate shop). I said “you threw out my chair?” He said “yup”, I said “cool, I quit”. Started two days later at a better place making 20k a year more. WITH A FUCKING CHAIR.

    • @[email protected]
      232 months ago

      yeah lmao the population of Kohls shoppers and Amazon returners is completely different it’s kinda ironic how the higher ups thought this was gonna fix their geriatric demographic.

      I do enjoy working at the Amazon return counter tho. since its a bad attempt to get a younger customer base I’m slapped in the back corner of the store all by myself. eight hours of vibing to my own music and having barebones conversations while playing 3d Tetris with the returns. and bonus I haven’t recieved a sex toy return in a while either!

      good stuff

  • @heavy
    982 months ago

    “Ever since we kept the chair out of the break room, sales have skyrocketed!”

    • Make believe logic
      • @jxk
        192 months ago

        The number of employees with chronic back, knee and joint problems that manifest only years later when they don’t work at Kohl’s anymore and thus are not visible to management has skyrocketed. – What actually actually happens

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          I deveoped varicose veins within my first few years of working on till in a grocery store. This was in my early twenties, and for the rest of my life. The company doesn’t care, even while you work there. Fuck these policies.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        I used to work at Walmart

        My first sign was seeing like almost every employee have a slight limp

        My second sign was me proceeding to develop a slight limp

        I was litterly only there for 3 months And we had chairs in the break room

  • @[email protected]
    472 months ago

    My uni friend used to sit on the benches outside some professors’ offices. Then our uni started sticking up papers saying those seats are “reserved”.

    We walk past that place a good amount every week, and there’s always no one.

  • m-p{3}
    2 months ago

    Micromanglement relying on petty and unnecessary suffering to assert dominance on their wage-slaves.

    • @[email protected]
      182 months ago

      In relatively civilized countries, there are. Unfortunately, the US is not a civilized country

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        It’s coming to the U.K. too. I’m assuming that this is about people working on tills. I honestly don’t see what the problem is with people who can sit, sitting.

  • @[email protected]
    282 months ago

    This is something I never got. Does the job performance suffer from sitting? Is someone getting paid by the blister?

    • Flying Squid
      232 months ago

      If job performance suffered by sitting, all those millions of office cubicle desks around the world would be at standing height.

      • @[email protected]
        152 months ago

        Weird part is they also hate standing desks for those same office workers. Something about being healthy at work must be killing profits.

    • @[email protected]
      162 months ago

      I used to work retail, and we had some stools at the registers and started getting a shocking number of customer surveys come in with low scores saying that the employees were too lazy to stand up at the register.

  • KillingTimeItself
    2 months ago

    i’m sittin on the floor now. I hear it’s comfy down there.

    Fuck it, i might even lay down a little.

      • KillingTimeItself
        12 months ago

        i mean if you really think about it. The ground is just one really big bed. So if everyone laid down at the same time, would that technically mean that the entirety of humanity is cuddling?

      • KillingTimeItself
        22 months ago

        a proper slavic squat is pretty good but can stiffen up the knees after a long while.

        I hear the ground is omnipresent though.

  • Ech
    182 months ago

    Posting this in all caps in a location that is apparently customer facing is certainly a choice. Depending on the location, it could also be against the law.

  • Album
    112 months ago

    The allotment of employees permitted to sit simultaneously has been reduced from one to zero. Thank you, management.