Hey Mr. Rogen, I love your work!
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I did. XD. I did it on duckduckgo with safe search turned off and didn’t even find anything. Was a little disappointed tbh. Apparently nobody wants to see porn of Trump. But rule 34 states that if it exists theres porn of it. So if there’s no porn of Trump does that mean he’s not even real? o.O
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That link is staying blue.
It’s a link to the website’s front page, not the offending images.
Bruh this is one of the most well-known porn sites in existence. Don’t pretend like you’ve never heard of it. (You might be one of today’s lucky 10,000, I suppose.)
I would be one of the lucky 10,000. But I’ll pass this time. I know plenty of porn sites (youporn, pornhub, etc… Most of the well known ones), but that one is new. I’ll pass for now. Maybe later, ok?
You’ve seriously never been there? It’s a staple of internet porn, along with the porntubes like XVideos and PornHub.
If you can’t find it anywhere else, you can find it on rule34.paheal. Only downside is that it’s mostly pictures/drawings. There are some videos but they tend to be short animations.
Rule 34 has never been my kink. So I haven’t sought this particular flavor of porn.
Thank you, I will go bleach my brain now.
I clicked and got redirected to france gov website telling me this website contains pedopornography. I’m not going to investigate to find out if it’s true, please remove the link.
Seems my comment got removed, probably for the best
When I read your post I saw the “head weasels” as a few tiny little cute C-suite assholes wearing little suits. They’ve been the top dogs (tiny ones) for so long that they’re completely out of touch with the ordinary fuzzball.
But yeah a different interpretation makes much more sense in context.
Weasels aren’t dogs. They’re both caniformes so I understand the mistake, but I thought it best that you be made aware.
See now THAT part was metaphorical unlike the literal treatment I gave everything else, lol.
I’m more concerned about the earlier spikes. You good, internet?
I know you’re joking, but for anyone genuinely curious, those correspond to news updates about the trial. It’s been going on for a month and a half, after all.
Well done, shitposters. Well done.
Why would liberals care if you post this? They’re the ones that don’t give a shit what your kink is.
Because if you tell a conservative this line they’re way more likely to do it.
And we’ve been trolling cons for like a full day with this. I did this to my trump loving aunt on her Facebook. She got super mad and deleted me off Facebook. She was the last holdout that refused to unfriend me no matter what I commented on her brain dead posts.
Yeah, the trial verdict really pisses off conservatives. A coworker was a Nikki Haley supporter. I thought she’d be annoyed, but not too angry, because I thought she’d given up on Trump. Wrong!
She usually knows better than to talk politics with me, but she had to vent about the Trump trial. Of course, she blamed everyone but him.
To avoid making her even angrier, I pretended to remain neutral, claiming that I didn’t know much and hadn’t really been following the trial, but secretly I was enjoying every bit of her Fox News-parroting tantrum. She’s good at her job, but a malleable idiot when it comes to politics.
To avoid making her even angrier
Stop doing that; she doesn’t deserve it. Moreover, excessive tolerance is how we got into this mess.
I see your point, but when I have to work side by side with someone for several hours, I prefer that they not be seething at me lol
I mean, it’s risky, but if you do it right maybe you could trigger her enough to blow up and get fired without getting in trouble yourself? Fascist fucks deserve that, too.
Nah, she’ll call harassment of her beliefs or something and twist so OP is the bad guy.
Lol yeah keyword there is coworker though.
There are fantastic ways to politely and without any blame making people feel stupid enough to shut up, or make them backpedal and change the subject. Knowing your audience helps too, who else is there and what their politics are. I don’t think that comes naturally to anyone really though. Not most.
It’s true. If they’re so easily manipulated, they’ll follow suit with the masses if enough of the other side are there and loud enough.
Though, I also blame that tactic for how divided the US seems to be in general.
Same, walking into work this morning, guy says something about them fucking trump over and then asks what I think about trump and I tell him he doesn’t want to know, it’s a five minute walk from there to where we work in the building.
Is not knowing about rule 34 a bad thing? I kinda feel like only internet addicts really know about it.
I mean, Lemmy is basically an internet addict support group.
And are we talking about the liberals the conservatives hate or the liberals the tankies hate?
Trump’s new political party is far worse, he’s basing it around revenge…
…google “Trump Lemon Party” for pictures of the event launch held last Saturday night.
Searched using duckduckgo with safe search feature off. Found only pictures of Trump and few of lemons.
Oh, you mean this rule allows Trump to walk out of jail? I must tell others.
Why did it go back up?