- “Schneider is a known transphobe and anti-vaxxer”
- “a Canadian medical nonprofit”
- 🤨
- just how many red flags did they ignore?
Yeah, I think Schneider is a dipshit and a bigot, but this one is on the organizers. Were they expecting “makin’ copieees” and shit?
Is this what happens when you choose from “entertainers” list by sorting by “price - low to high”? Is this really a surprise when you shop from the clearance rack?
Were these organizers looking at the list and saying “Hmm, Carrot Top is a bit too ‘high brow’ for our engagement. Who else do we have?”
They still could have taken five minutes to check him out on YouTube or just look him up on Wikipedia or something.
I wonder if this was a case of someone seeing a “big name” but being clueless about his history and thinking, “I recognize his name, must mean he’s popular.” Then they hired him without vetting because he had a recognizable name and they believed he was therefore popular and “cool”. I mean, I know who Rob Schneider is because I’ve heard his name get thrown around a lot, but I had no idea he was a bigoted piece of shit because I’ve never (knowingly) watched any of his movies, nor do I keep up with celebrity gossip.
That said, it’s really stupid to hire people without vetting them in this day and age because people have become so insane and brainless that you have no clue what they might say when they get up on stage; but 10 years ago I could see you being able to get away with not vetting celebrities. As such, the person/people who approved him might have been +10 years out of touch and/or lazy.
Trust me when I say that since this was in Saskatchewan, it’s likely nobody checked because it never even crossed their minds that they should.
Truth, Saskatchewan tends to echo a lot of the transphobic legislation of the States. They passed a law requiring parents to give consent to use requested pronouns in schools. The place isn’t what one would call “trans issue forward”. I could totally see some ass backwards planning committee thinking it would be great before belatedly remembering the sort of people who attend these sorts of charity events actually tend to be fairly empathetic to their fellow humans…
Guess they learned that lesson the hard way then.
Yeah to be fair I love a lot of movies he’s in and reading about this makes me so disappointed. I’m sure there’s other actors and celebrities that I would also be disappointed about too.
Don’t sleep, Schneider is also:
Noooo, I genuinely had no idea he was a pos. Man that sucks I liked his shitty movies and now I can’t watch them for a nostalgic feel any more :( I am legit bummed.
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Honestly I think it’s just because people are mean and want someone to bully and trans people aren’t quite as protected by society as other marginalized groups yet so they’re the easiest target. Plus probably from some people it’s fear that if other people are allowed to be who they are then they themselves might realize they aren’t the perfect little cis straight christian they want to be seen as.
My first thought in situations like this is that maybe he secretly wishes he were a she. It’s true just often enough that I think it’s worth considering as an option.
And honestly, I don’t care if it’s true or not. If, whenever a public figure publicly tries to humiliate or demonize some minority group, public discourse immediately starts talking about whether said public figure secretly is, or wants to be, a member of said minority group, then it serves as a deterrent for others wanting to humiliate or demonize minority groups.
A) You’re in the closet and don’t want people to know? Then don’t ridicule people who came out of the closet.
B) Oh, you’re not in the closet and don’t want people to think you are? What a coincidence. Also, don’t ridicule people who came out of the closet.
While what you’re saying comes from the right place, it can also be dangerous. That attitude/idea can lead to blaming the marginalized group for their own victimhood.
I do think it’s more common for gay than trans, and sometimes has a grain of truth. But much of the time people are just assholes looking for someone to bully and hate.
That attitude/idea can lead to blaming the marginalized group for their own victimhood.
Probably a dumb question, but how so?
I just see it as beating the bully with their own stick. I can’t imagine how anyone would see that and conclude that the bully’s victims are somehow to blame. Probably lack of imagination on my part, so help me out.
I think the way you applied it showed some nuance, as you talked about it in non-absolute terms. However, when applied broadly it can be harmful.
If we always assume that homophobes and transphobes are queer and trans, then we assume that queer and trans folx are the ones hurting themselves. It’s a small jump from there to say that closted lgbtq people are the source of lgbtq people’s trauma, which is both harmful and false.
Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks.
Too many times some shitty person that blamed gays for everything and wanted to rule against them ended up “by mistake” in some party with a dick in his ass.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t actual bastards that hate anything they don’t understand.
I can understand if older people are confused by trans issues. That seems fair. I mean, just a few decades ago, people hardly even mentioned them unless they were making a joke.
When it comes to hate, though, I’m with you. At the end of the day, these are still PEOPLE we’re talking about. If they’re doing something you don’t approve of, then just don’t do it yourself. It doesn’t get any easier than that. No hatred required.
Seriously. Like, okay, you think that the whole transgender thing is a fad, or “attention-seeking,” or any other nonsense. Everybody is entitled to opinions, even stupid ones. I guarantee I have some stupid opinions, myself, about things that have no relevance to me.
But feeling the need to express those opinions, and feeling so strongly about it, and wanting to make legislation for it, and pretending you give two shits about girls’ and womens’ sports when 5 years ago you were talking shit about the WNBA because they were a joke to you, when you will knowingly interact with a trans person once or twice in a year, maybe, in your little podunk town, and since you are talking to them you won’t have an opportunity to use a pronoun for them… well there’s obviously something else at work here.
It makes it clear it’s just an excuse to hate, because trans people don’t affect them in the slightest.
It’s funny. Every time I see someone going on a rant about trans women in women’s sports, I ask them when they started watching women’s sports. I don’t get a response, but I do get a bunch of downvotes. Even on Lemmy.
The people complaining about trans in women’s sports don’t watch women’s sports for the sports.
Pretty much, which is why they don’t watch women’s sports except things like beach volleyball.
They tend not to be big WNBA fans.
I watch women’s hockey because I love hockey and women’s hockey is more technical than men’s.
And would you throw a shit fit if a trans woman played on a women’s hockey team? Because those are the people I’m talking about.
My son started playing hockey when we was 5. There were an essentially equal number of girls and boys across the teams in our league with many hundreds of players across all the teams in all of the associations in the league. As they got older the number of girls started to drop off. Through U13 and into U15 the boys went through puberty and on average got bigger, stronger, faster, and more aggressive. In U15 we were down to 3 girls on our team. Going in to U18 we will have one. Some of the girls lost interest in hockey. Some left because they couldn’t compete at the same level as the boys. Our best girls went on to play girl’s hockey where they would have a more even playing field playing against other girls.
No, I don’t, “throw a shitfit” when I see a male athlete playing against female athletes (and frankly, labeling anyone who doesn’t agree with you as, “throwing a shitfit” completely devalues your position) but I do understand why those female athletes who choose to play female sports because they want a more even playing field and to play against other female athletes might see it as unfair to be forced to compete against a male athlete.
I absolutely believe in social equality for everyone but identifying as a woman socially and being female are two very different things.
(I’m happy to discuss this but if you start hissing and spitting about my being a TERF or a transphobe I will ignore you and block you and never give you or your opinions another thought.)
It’s a wedge issue. That’s all that matters to them.
First, they don’t give a fuck about those people.
Second, intentional vagueness that can be weaponized. Be as heinous as humanly possible to keep the base talking about it.
Third, exaggerate issues that moderates care about like bathrooms, sports, and regretted transitions.
Fourth, ideally for them, the left will talk about all the heinous shit and not address the actual discussions.
and not address the actual discussions.
Sorry, you lost me. What actual discussions are being ignored?
Class warfare, basically. These “wedge issues” are used to distract and break solidarity within the working class so that the elites can continue to exploit them.
Because they need a group to attack, used to be women and black people, then gays and now trans folks.
Anti-vaxx jokes at a hospital fundraiser. That’s one of the stupider moves I’ve seen today.
Hiring him was the dumb move considering that it’s known he’s a reich-wing fuckwit
Rob doesn’t seem to be the smartest of people.
Dude thought he was writing material for a roast or what?
Rob Schneider. The SNL guy that had one character, then moved on to being remembered as “The Stapler” on South Park.
What an inspiration.
Edit. Now that I think about it, Schneider is actually being a true comedian through and through here. The golden rule is to always punch up, and Schneider is attempting to do just that.
I started Googling “Rob Schneider” and Google autocompleted “herp de derp” after that.
I mean, by many measures Alex Jones is more accomplished than me, but I’m very happy to be where I am instead of being Alex Jones.
Lets just cut all the way to the end and “Godwin’s law” for this.
Adolph Hitler is “more accomplished” than me, but I have zero desire to accomplish what he did. So I’m not sure “more accomplished” is really a good measure to try to aspire to.
Being really good at being a shithead is not the win you think it is.
The guy that’s been riding Adam Sandler’s coattails for 34 years? Oh yeah, he’s super accomplished.
I thought you were referring to how much he has to punch up, cuz he’s such a a scumbag(expanding on my joke). But looking at your account history… Wtf why are you even bothering?
Not if he’s an anti vaxxer and anti-trans.
So was Jimmy Saville. What’s your point?
I wouldn’t want his list of accomplishments. And I say that as someone who didn’t end up a major success at standup. If I had to be hateful to be successful, I wouldn’t take that bargain.
I got blocked by him on Twitter (in 2012!) for mocking his whackjob antivax views. He was espousing shit headed antivax nonsense long before it was fashionable.
8 years ahead of his time is some proper foresight
12 years ago friend
Aye, and 2020 is 4 years ago
I think they’re saying before the Covid anti vaccine crowd.
Antivax goes back at least a decade before your 2012 blocking. My kid was born in 2001 and the whole vaccines cause autism thing was already big. In fact, I’d suggest it was nearly mainstream at the time.
When the study that suggested the correlation with autism got thoroughly debunked, nay, proven willfully fraudulent, it fizzled out a little bit, but has still stuck around like a raging case of herpes to this day.
Yes I know. I’ve was there for it too mocking these dinguses. But it only became mainstream with COVID when it sort of metastasized and merged with a bunch of other deranged conspiracy nonsense via MAGA & QAnon.
Think Andrew Wakefield was before that. I wanna say… 2006? 2008? 2020 is just when it started killing even more people
I hope you are happy to have that honor. I would be.
I certainly am. I also got blocked by Kirstie Alley, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Avenatti for criticizing their cult, grift & grift respectively. I’m sure there are a few others I don’t know about.
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At first I was sad reading that an actor I liked turned out to be a bigot, but then I realized I was confusing this dipshit with Roy Scheider and felt better.
Roy Scheider is, unfortunately, no longer with us. Rob Schneider is, unfortunately, still with us.
Calling him an “actor” is incredibly generous.
Hey, don’t forget smoking lamp!
I’m sorry, was that expensive piece?
Was that expensive piece?
You should never throw a bong, kid. Ever.
dude isn’t even funny in the first place. he can’t do a Dave Chappell. Pander to the bigoted masses with a modicum of talent. Now if Dave Chappell wasn’t a pos he could easily be the funniest man in comedy instead of a fringe washup but here we are. Used to love them both for their niech humor but lets be honest Rob was only ever funny cause he was proped up by mid Adam Sandler scripts.
I went to see Rob Schneider perform comedy round 2015. Tickets were free for a Saturday night. It was at 80% capacity, which is unusual since it’s always sold out.
He was pretty rough and attempted to be edgy. He already had gay jokes and there was polite laughter, but nothing compared to the professional comedians who opened for him.
Honestly I thought he’d quit after a few years.
blame adam sandler.
Hes been clinging to Adam Sandlers career and been artificially buoyed by it for over a decade.
Why is Dave chappell is a POS? Did he do something awful recently?
I haven’t watch anything from him since forever because I don’t find his jokes funny, it’s mostly him complaining or trash talk other people.
His shows are pretty much him making fun of trans people and whining bc people call him on his shit for doing nothing but making fun of trans people.
Here’s some excepts from The Closer in 2022. I watched this begrudgingly to prove to a buddy of mine that he was, in fact, being transphobic (said buddy is no longer buddy), and I haven’t watched anything of his shit since but it’s probably just him whining even more now:
Every time I come out onstage, I be scared. I be lookin’ around the crowd, searching. For knuckles and Adam’s apples to see where the threats might be coming from.
And then she hikes her skirt up and she pulls a real live, meaty dick out!
If I was honest, I wouldn’t have fallen for it. I’d have just looked at the picture like, “Look at that big chiseled jawline, that big thick Joe Rogan neck. Is that a dude? Is your daughter a man?” Can’t say that shit. It’s really annoying.
trans-bitch from the picture.
A couple of more drinks and these fellows are gonna start asking her for some pussy, she might not have.
I was careful to call her a bitch, ’cause I didn’t want to blow her cover.
“Well.” I am a girl now, n*gger. You must treat me as such.
Gender is a fact.
Now… I am not saying that to say, that trans women aren’t women. I’m just sayin, that those pussies that they got… You know what I mean?
I’m not saying it is not pussy, but that’s like Beyond Pussy or Impossible Pussy. You know what I mean? It tastes like pussy but that’s not quite what it is, is it? It’s not blood, that is beet juice.
You wouldn’t even need to change that many words from the Carlin interview for it to be 100% accurate to today. Andrew > Dave, Jewish > Black. Done.
It’s not blood, that is beet juice.
I guess in Chappelle’s view women are just their cycle or something
Idk, kinda unfair to just post excerpts, his sets are stories with a point.
What sort of non-bigoted story do you think capable of containing all those particular posted punchlines?
I mean I’ve watched them. It’s not that bad
Do you think trans people think those jokes are not that bad?
It seems more like you don’t care that they’re hurtful.
Chappelle makes fun of everyone, sounds like you’re just mad because this time it was about you.
I watched The Closer. It is in fact that bad. I’m not giving him the time for anything else
Idk why that’s the argument his defenders make, that we wouldn’t criticize it if we watched it. Maybe you’re skinnermeming yourself. “I can’t be wrong it’s the trans supporters that are wrong!”
Especially when the people who watched it criticized it.
Of course, some people posting refuse to even believe that.
That was… The point though? He thinks trans women aren’t women. That was like a full third of the show’s transcript, and I even left some off
So what do you view as the point of saying all these things or the point of the show itself?
I guess the point was about the one token trans person he deemed worthy of his respect (who killed herself, probably unrelated) bc she was totally fine with him making fun of her identity so that makes it ok to just dead gender her after talking about how he pretty much bullied her and she took it bc of his position in the industry so that makes it ok to just degrade whole group of people
Or something
Go off though if you wanna defend transphobia I guess
He insults transgenders in routines and bitches about people calling him out for it. He also throws out stupid stereotypes about various other groups but they aren’t generally direct insults like with trans people. He tops it off with complaining about cancel culture cause apparently he can insult and call other groups out for just living their life, but if somebody calls him out on that crap it’s bad.
Nice, you got down voted for asking a question
Tends to happen, they swung back to positive tho!
Sucking up to Elmo comes to mind.
Oh, look, another old comedian jumps on the bigot bandwagon. It’s an incredibly transparent trend now for when they can’t write the same material that got them there in the first place, or when they are no longer working with the person that wrote their material for them.
Take a few shots at trans people, purely for publicity, then use that sudden boost from the circle jerking media to secure yourself a Netflix special, where you can talk about how you’ve been cancelled for an hour and a half for a big payout.
It’s just a marketing ploy for using peoples own outrage against them.
He’s been a conservative hack for a while (and he’s been a hack for his entire career), he just hid it better than, say, Victoria Jackson or something. This is him feeling too comfortable. I’m glad this crowd didn’t let him stay comfortable.
Rob Schneider peaked literally last century with Deuce Bigalow. As if that were not bad enough…
I believe he peaked at “making copies…” on SNL. Deuce just sped up the downhill roll
He peaked at the first “making copies” sketch. Then they didn’t stop.
Yeah, that was particularly bad habit of SNL back then. They hit upon a mildly amusing joke and then just beat it to death by doing it over and over when it was barely a little funny the first time.
It’s a wonder they didn’t create a “making copies” movie with how they were back then.
On the other hand, sometimes those movies were surprising.
Remember that The Blues Brothers was a one-joke SNL sketch, as was Spinal Tap.
From that era, the Wayne’s World movies weren’t high art, but they were pretty funny.
Wait! Spinal tap wasn’t an SNL sketch.
It was a sketch on something called “The TV Show” according to wiki.
It says they worked on a pilot for The TV Show, which had spinal tap as one of the sketches.
I guess it still started as a sketch so you are right in your point that sometimes these things start as nothing more than that but it wasnt SNL. Although the cast have all been on SNL at some point.
Oh, I’m sorry, you are correct. It was The Folksmen from A Mighty Wind that started as an SNL sketch. Exactly the same people, so you can see why I was confused.
January 19, 1991. JFC.
But what about all those Adam Sandler movies where he shows up for 20 seconds to say ‘‘you can do it’’?
Rob Schneider? You mean that ‘you can do it’ guy from the Adam Sandler movies?
Just about the only good thing he’d done.
He was pretty good in Surf Ninja. Like a lot of people, he’s better when he’s just a supporting character.
You mean last millennium?
Rob Schneider is… The Bigot! Rated PG-13
A Bigoted C list celebrity riding on the coat tails of his friends pees on the grave of a child killed by a lynch mob at midnight on a full moon while wearing black face and is stuck by lightning while making eye contact with his 15 year old mtf trans athlete niece he kidnapped to sell to child sex trafficers and they Freaky Friday switch bodies! Will The Bigot learn life’s not so easy or trendy after Republican elective officals publicly attack him and he recieves dozens of credible death threats, and thousands of rape threats? Will he discover trans people just want to exist, and culture shock isn’t a great reason to want to harm people you don’t even know? Find out this summer, in THE BIGOT starting Rob Schneider and that guy from King of Queens, with a cameo appearance from Adam Sandler as a man in a 30min uninterrupted Pringles Comercial in the middle of the film for no reason, this summer at limited release locations in exclusively rural areas four to five hours away from you!
What’s up with all these washed up celebrities coming back to the spotlight just to make an ass of themselves?
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Not even necessarily more visibility, go back 20 years and this kind of stuff was popular. Go back another 5 years and anti-gay humour was also still popular. It wasn’t even considered anti-gay because anti-gay was the default option, so it would have just been called “gay jokes”.
Though it makes me wonder what is considered normal today that will be seen as problematic in a decade and popularly opposed in two.
He’s been on this tip for a long while, supporting Ron Paul and being anti-vax. Last Week Tonight did an episode on Vaccines, and he shows up in a no longer valid comparison of RFK Jr on the left, Alex Jones wherever he fits in, and even this guy. I remember him also calling for Ron Paul 2012, but doesn’t seem to be from this one, so hopefully I’m remembering that right.
Still, he’s been libertarian and antivax for a long time, and those communities have been heavily aimed at by fascists for recruitment.
“You think you’re so cool cuz you pee with your penis!” - Rob Schneider responding to trans audience members who boo him
I’ll never forgive Adam Sandler for keeping Rob Schneider vaguely relevant by letting him ride his coattails for the last 30 years. “Makin’ coppppieeesss” stfu you bigoted hack.
If this means that he finally fades into obscurity and we never have to hear from him again, maybe it’s for the greater good.