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how’s this look
I have absolutely no knowledge about any of this but just wanted to say that’s well-written. Hope you get that pathetic POS.
Thanks! I doubt I’ll get a response or find out anything that happens, but hopefully this asshole at least needs to replace their plates.
That boogie-board enthusiast, who happened to be born in 1988, is going to be pretty pissed if they try changing their license plate.
Prank idea: Turn your mate’s number plate into a Nazi dogwhistle so they have to change it
This is Boogie Time Boogie Board incorporated, isn’t it?
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some superheros sport email clients in their back pockets. 👍
You meant “DMV”, right?
Nope. Indiana has the BMV. Same thing, different name.
“Bureau of motor vehicles”
What’s a bureau? Am American and don’t speak foreign. Also, is “vehicles” just the same for all transportation? Like, could I get my space ship learner’s permit…you know what, never mind. Too much work.
“Federal Bureau of Investigation”
No, outside of Indiana it’s “Federal Department of Investigation”, that’s why they always say “FDI” in the movies, haven’t you noticed?
BMV is like vroom-car office in your dialect
Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
I thought this was about that Boogie guy who makes YouTube videos and has bad views. Thank you for explaining!
These things might be related.
It’s Indiana, they’ll probably retaliate.
Looks like someone who needs some break lights replacing, maybe two tires as well.
This is light. We used to deal with Nazis much differently back in the day
I’ve heard that curbs were involved.
In which war you fought pal?
Grandpa didn’t live long enough to find out he was old school antifa. A baller.
That was you, was it?
maybe they need to repaint their car because keys were somehow pressed and dragged against it.
maybe some pigeon broke some windows idk, those damn animals.
maybe the oil plug has came a bit loose and he loses the engine a bit ahead…
nazis justify more creativity.
Proud American driving a Korean car!
Driving a German car would be ridiculous!!
In a Korean car too which is funny.
What does the BODG stand for?
It says BOOG, as in boogaloo, as in Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo
You’ve got to be kidding? They’re appropriating Electric Boogaloo (a film about break dancing and the black community) as their slogan? That is wrong on so many levels.
Not only that, according to the wikipedia article OP linked:
“The boogaloo movement has created logos and other imagery incorporating [igloo] snow huts and Hawaiian prints based on these derivations.”
If white supremacy was so “supreme”, why are these morons using Indigenous-based iconography for their movement I wonder. They’ll claim it’s to “fly under the radar”, but that just makes them look even more smooth brained.
Wait what the fuck I wear Hawaiian print shirts all the time, have I been looking like a fascist and not known it?
Naaah dude, don’t let them claim Hawaiian shirts, keep wearing them and being radical
You can tell who’s a Nazi cause their Hawaiian shirts have guns on them. Mine shirts have flowers and boats and stuff.
I’m sorry you had to find out this way
A few years ago Republicans were also dancing to System of a Down’s Killing in the Name Of song as if it was pro-them.
Never underestimate the amount of stupid and innapropriate conservatives are capable of.
“Killing in the Name” is by Rage Against the Machine, but the point stands
Woops, apologies XD thank you for the rectification
Rage, not System 😊
Ronald Reagan used Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” like it was a patriotic song
Then the douchebag CEO for Dutch Brothers coffee wears a RATM shirt to their NYSE IPO which is where they filmed their anti-wallstreet music video “sleep now in the fire” with Michael Moore
Oh, I didn’t even think about that. Definitely makes sense.
That’s what they meant but I just read it as they were a self aware booger brained racist.
“I hate Illinois Nazis.”
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there’s any word/language where “oiz” creates that “ahts” sound??
It just occurred to me how absolutely accurate it is that the cops are holding the line defending the small number of Nazis from the counter-protestors. They also have that cop who hates the Nazis just like everyone else, but he’s still doing his job keeping everyone back, which is also pretty accurate.
These idiots are the most adolescent childish racists ever.
This is the equivalent of a 10th grader typing 80085 into the school calculator!
Except walking around with a calculator that says 80085 isn’t telling several parts of the population that you want them dead and aren’t afraid to say it
I mean I did preface by calling them idiots!
Don’t underestimate fascists. Bigotry is pretty ignorant, but these people do what they do for a reason. Dog whistles allow them to find each other, but claim plausible deniability about their affiliation.
Like every single person you encounter who insists on writing “friends” as “frens” will tell you that they are just being cutesy, but everyone in-the-know understands that it means “Far Right EthnoNationalist”. Bring that up, they they throw their hands up and act like you’re crazy. If you’re one of them, you’ve found your people. If you’re not, they will gaslight you while insisting that you’re just looking for reasons to be offended.
People will use 14/88, “kek”, “OK” hand signs, and other little things that you can just write off as innocuous without much push back, but it’s all just a way of networking with each other. “Virtue Signalling” as they call it.
Or you could just skip the unnecessary ablesim, my point is perfectly clear and accurate as-is.
Where’s the ablesim?
Calling someone who is stupid stupid isn’t ableism stupid people deserve to be insulted they make a choice of being stupid.
There’s a difference between stupid and unintelligent. Unintelligent is just a limit on one’s intelligence but a stupid person is a stupid person by choice
And drives a KIA lol.
I’m sitting behind a California plate that reads “88 RISE”. Is that…?
Could be 88 Rising. The asian music production company that has some great Asian artists.
I’m gonna go ahead and guess nobody got a vanity plate about an Asian music production company unless they own that company.
From Wikipedia:
Headquartered in New York City, the company also has offices in Los Angeles and Shanghai.
So it could be a company car.
Woof, that’s a ROUGH coincidence that absolutely makes sense
With an Indiana plate? Sure lots of traveling fleet vehicles are registered in Indiana, but I’ve not seen office cars that largely remain local registered in Indiana
Guy was responding to a comment about a California plate
Oh snap. I got lost on the comment chain
Lol first thing I thought of as well.
88 is heil hitler
And the swastika used to be a Buddhist simbol, your point?
Not used to be. Still are. Symbols can represent a lot of things, and it’s an ignorant person to assume that they MUST represent the bad one.
That’s exactly what the Nazi’s say. These two lighting bolts? It’s nothing bro! I just like the number 88! 14 is my lucky number! Etc etc
See it’s funny you say that. My neighbor had a pumpkin that I SWORE was two lightning bolts, til I looked at it properly and it was the KISS logo. And say what you want about being a KISS fan, it’s a lot better than the conclusion that was initially reached. Benign explanations for things exist, and you have to look at more than a license plate to get an idea of someone’s beliefs.
it’s an even more ignorant ass person who ignores cultural context. i see a white person in the us waving around swatstikas and 88 i’m not going “well, in india and china…”
Sure sure. Unfortunately, this photo doesn’t have any of them. We have a license plate, with the words “BOOG88” from Indiana. Sure, it COULD be a reference to the two things OP alludes to. Or it could be someone born in 88 who loves the movie Open Season, or any of a dozen other rational explanations that don’t lead to blind hate. Innocent until PROVEN guilty and all that jazz.
or we could like, NOT enable obvious dogwhistling by bending over backwards to give people the benefit of a doubt
Why are you surfing lemmy and driving? And don’t gimme that "I’m a passenger " bullshit, eyes on the road Fam!
I was parallel parked.
OK, you’ll get away with it this time…but I’m watching you… squints
I wonder how Thomas Kia feels about the shout out.
Well his number is right there, someone can give him a call…
I would imagine he’s busy.
How many Kias can possibly be sold on a Wednesday morning, in Indiana
Well it’s only Thomas holding down the fort
Doesn’t count unless it’s on a Volkswagon, otherwise they’re just pretending
It’s not Nazis unless it’s on a Volkswagen, otherwise it’s just sparkling fascism.
So, funny story, as a kid my favorite number was 8, had a few reasons that matched 8.
So I always used it in names and such. But, often it wasnt unique, so I used 88 instead. Emails, account names, even video game characters have 88 in them to this day.
… Am I accidentally a Nazi?
Born in 1988? Lots of folks born that year decided to have those two digits in their first Internet usernames as well. A few of those will still be in use, no doubt, so you’re not alone. (Me? No, I’m older.)
In your shoes, I’d maybe think about changing things around, especially the easy ones, but you’re not me, nor I you.
The way it was explained to me is that H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, HH stands for Hile Hitler
Well, we need to make 88 stand for Hulk Hogan Brother!
My wife’s pet name is Boog, and I’m determined not to let Nazis take it away.
I had a cat growing up named Boog… named after John “Boog” Powell… the baseball player, not Nazis.
No. 88 is just a number. It can be used as a dog whistle, but it can also be used, for instance, to describe a quantity equidistant between 87 and 89. Numbers and symbols don’t make a Nazi, actions and rhetoric do.
I love Norse symbology. I’m not going to stop loving it because some fuckbrains use it to spread hate. Fuck that.
Based. Same goes for the boogaloo “movement” just because there are Nazis in it doesn’t mean it’s a primaryily Nazi community.
No, but it is primarily a white supremacists movement and the ‘88’ on the license plate kinda takes away all doubt.
Bro. Read the comment. There’s shitheads in every community. Boogaloo is about preparing for what we see as the inevitable second civil war. Not anyone’s skin color.
Hamburg licence plates say HH.
Don’t worry about it.
Literally in the exact same position… I’ve been using it for 20+ years and I’ll be damned if I let them take that away from me though.
88 is also a popular number in China as it looks like 囍 which is the symbol for double happiness.
Just don’t be a Nazi and keep using 88 for good.
No. Use swastikas to mean peace and good luck, use the color red to mean communism, wealth, that you like the color red, whatever you like. Don’t refuse to use a symbol because others have used it for bad. Co opt it back.
Tell me about it… I got banned from asklemmy after leaving a completely innocuous comment, pretty sure because I have 88 in my username. I’ve been using this in various emails/usernames since before I even knew what fascists were.
I’m not saying you should fuck up their ride buuut, I’m not saying you shouldn’t either.
Maybe they just really like Boogey2988. In which case, yeah, report them.
That’s what I thought this was referring to at first. Interesting that Mr. “Centrist” has an 88 in his handle.
I wouldn’t read too much into his YouTube handle. He’s a chode but I don’t think he’s a nazi simp. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was auto-generated.
Yeah, he made it before that was a popular thing, I think. But still, interesting!
The best part is it also advertises how many of his own boogers he eats per week.
Think of the life where you have 88 boogers a day… The torture.
The disambiguation page for Boogaloo is now a bunch of awesome shit like music and dance styles plus an extremist movement…
Fuck you, choose a different name for your whack ass antics.
I refuse to stop adding “2: Electric Boogaloo” to the end of literally any and everything much to the chagrin of those around me.
Jesus Christ, you 2?
Nah I think its Bono, U2.
A classic, but I’ve had to move on to “___ 2: The Squeaquel”