• @[email protected]
    1024 days ago

    The craziest thing to me are the places that have steadily raised the percentages for the default buttons. It’s a percentage, it already accounts for inflation automatically 😑

    • @[email protected]
      394 days ago

      I just hit no tip and say thanks! And walk out. It’s not difficult.

      What are they going to do? Make a scene? I pray they would.

      I’m sorry, you tell me what fucking service I’m tipping you for? Do you tip your plumber? Do you tip the attendant at a roller coaster at a theme park? Do you tip front desk attendant at a hotel? No…pray tell, why do you think you need a tip for pouring me two-hour old hot bean water? Did you grind it by hand at my request? Did you personally see to it that I received only the very best beans at ye Starbucks roasteries? No? Then fuck off.

    • @[email protected]
      264 days ago

      Yeah but the wages of these employees haven’t. Don’t go making the employer raise their hourly rate!

      So inconsiderate of you.

    • @[email protected]
      12 days ago

      A bunch of grocery stores have also eliminated the “bagger” job, leaving you to do it yourself, but then also ask for a tip! Store cut costs by paying their employees shit, heaping more work on them, and then asking you to give their poor ass employees some money. Give them the money you saved on eliminating the bag people!

    • @[email protected]
      144 days ago

      Yes! A 15% tip in 1980 should still be a 15% tip today. Not this 20-25% madness that they try to keep pushing.

      • @9488fcea02a9
        124 days ago

        In the 90s at least, 15% was for EXCEPTIONAL service…

        Now its 15% if they dont spit in your food…

      • @[email protected]
        14 days ago

        I was told inflation is like 3% per year over the long term. You’re a monster to not want them to have that!


  • @[email protected]
    163 days ago

    I’d like to see ‘tip’ and ‘gratuity’ legally protected as terms. So if it says ‘tip’ it must 100% go to the servers only. Very few do like they used to.

  • @[email protected]
    514 days ago

    Went to Greece last year and they’re pushing this shit. Shoving a card machine in your face begging for a tip

    In Europe. Fuck you, Stavros

    Press “no tip” while making direct eye contact, and sit in their fucking seat while posting a 1 star review on Maps for spoiling my evening with harassment

    It’s your civic duty as a European

    • @[email protected]
      12 days ago

      I think the prominence of tip options is largely driven by the POS/payments platforms. Square, for example, wants you to tip because they get $.10 + 2.6% of the transaction. They would get this from the total transaction, so if you tip $2 they’ll get almost $.3 of that tip as part of the total transaction fee. They make it easy to enable for the vendor, but inconvenient to skip in the UI if enabled because you have to push a button to get to the receipt button. Plus why would the employee skip it? It might make them a little extra cash. The power of defaults is strong.

  • teft
    494 days ago

    And that is why they have it. Because people are too ashamed to say no to corporate beggars.

  • @[email protected]
    103 days ago

    I’m waiting for a tip prompt from the forced self checkout kiosk at the supermarket.

    I almost feel like I’ve read somewhere that it has already happened.

    • @[email protected]
      42 days ago

      Within the past year or so, I’ve started seeing the option to tip show up on random e-commerce sites when I go to checkout. I’m hoping it’s a short lived fad and that it doesn’t start becoming a super common thing because for now it’s rare enough that I can abandon my cart and go shop elsewhere when it happens.

  • @jballs
    144 days ago

    I just had the most American thing happen to me today. I was asked to tip while purchasing fireworks for the 4th of July.

    • Owl
      53 days ago

      Did you shoot the teller then proceeded to load as many fireworks as you could into your f150 ?

    • kersplooshA
      164 days ago

      Why not gif? It’s basically a universal format. The file size is reasonable. And gif is lossless if you stay within a limited color palette, which this comic does.

  • radfrog
    -144 days ago

    Can’t zoom in bc your stupid meme is a 0 second gif. Downvoted for not being able to read such small text.

    • NusmOP
      144 days ago

      I… uh… just uploaded it using Voyager. It wasn’t a gif on my phone, I don’t know how or why it got converted.

      My apologies, but if this is the worst thing that happened to you today….

    • @[email protected]
      4 days ago

      There’s something ironic about this complaint of a free thing someone posted to a free website where everyone is arguing the merits of tipping for services.

      • radfrog
        -114 days ago

        So you can shit on me, as if it was my fault somehow and not that OP couldn’t post a picture as a picture format? Yeah no. I saw what happened in the other comments on this post that said something similar to me. Downvote city.

        • @[email protected]
          4 days ago

          So you can shit on me

          No, I’m genuinely curious about the different clients we, the Lemmy community, have available. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses helps people make informed choices.

          OP couldn’t post a picture as a picture format?

          GIF is a picture format. It may contain multiple frames or it may not but it is a perfectly standard pallet based image format that has been around for 37 years (for comparison its older than zip or PDF). This is not the same as linking to a 1 second YouTube video.

          My current client (Boost) is also treating it as unzoomable, but that is clearly a defect in my client. Even if it was an animation I would want to be able to zoom. Its something to raise with the developer.

          In the meantime I just opened the link in my browser:


          • @[email protected]
            34 days ago

            I’m on Voyager here and the gif displays as you’d expect and I can zoom on it as well. I think I was in Boost for a bit but I eventually settled on Voyager for it’s familiarity and features.

            • @[email protected]
              24 days ago

              I tested some clients and like Voyager best too. Even though I’m on Android and its iOS-inspired design is a bit alien here.

        • Chozo
          64 days ago

          Yeah, I’m not so sure it’s your Lemmy client that’s causing your downvotes.

  • @[email protected]
    -294 days ago

    I know this isn’t the point of the comic, but the barista isn’t just handing you a cup of coffee. They’re brewing it and making specialty drinks too.

    The not-tipping argument really only works if you’re ordering a black coffee, but if you’re getting black coffee from Starbucks, you’re already paying way more than you should, so just tip.

    Coffee makers are hella cheap if black coffee is all you want.

    • teft
      314 days ago

      The not-tipping argument really only works if you’re ordering a black coffee

      Why? It’s their job to make coffee. The company should pay them enough to not have to beg for additional money on top of the compensation they already receive. This is the way it works in other parts of the world.

      • @[email protected]
        114 days ago

        Agree. In the US the tipping culture has gotten out of hand. Tipping is meant to cover situations where it’s legal to pay your staff under minimum wage and thus tipping evens that out (I still hate it but that’s the current law). I only tip in those industries, or industries where the person providing the service is self-employed/subcontracting in most situations (salons, spas, etc), or where the service is above and beyond or very specialized. Otherwise, it only encourages a culture where it’s expected that the consumer subsidize wages.

        I do understand that tipping gives more $ in the pocket of lower wage workers, but I feel too strongly that it will lead to an eventual shift of tipping for ANY service I the long run and I cannot encourage that. I own a small business and I pay my employees very well. It is the responsibility of the employer to do this not the consumer/customer/client.

        • @[email protected]
          44 days ago

          Tipping has recently come to the Netherlands too. First place i noticed it was Dominos. i hey can fuck right off with that shit.

        • @[email protected]
          44 days ago

          I’m in general an over-tipper but I have finally found my personal limit at being asked to tip in the drive through.

          I just skip the places that have implemented it it just seems ludicrous

        • @[email protected]
          -13 days ago

          It’s not. People who make this argument want to be stingy and stiff the person serving them, and hide it behind an argument about principles.

      • @[email protected]
        -134 days ago

        The company should, but they don’t.

        Again, if you are concerned about money, you can get cheap coffee at home. If you want someone to make it for you, you should understand the actual cost in US capitalistic society.

        Until the company pays a living wage, buying coffee without tipping is agreeing that the business paying less than a living wage is acceptable.

        If you don’t want to tip, don’t go there.

    • @[email protected]
      244 days ago

      By your argument, every job should get a tip then, why pay the salaries?

      US corporation should start paying their employees living wages instead of them asking their employees to beg for tips to get living standards wage.

      • @[email protected]
        44 days ago

        You hit it right on with the second paragraph. I wouldn’t hold my breath though. It’s just one of many lobbying efforts to keep that going in the US.

      • @[email protected]
        -104 days ago

        In the meantime though, protesting the current system by not tipping directly harms the person who is doing work you could have easily done at home yourself.

        I agree that we should have livable wages as the minimum wage, but your anger is misplaced. I’m mad at the government, and have solidarity with my fellow working-class citizens. If I can’t afford to tip somewhere, I can’t afford to be a patron there, and THAT directly impacts the company instead of the workers.

        • @[email protected]
          54 days ago

          and have solidarity with my fellow working-class citizens. If I can’t afford to tip somewhere, I can’t afford to be a patron there, and THAT directly impacts the company instead of the workers.

          Guess I’ll starve 🤷

          I get what you’re trying to say. But it is unfair to expect everyone to give a tip. Everything is incredibly expensive already. Expecting people to give a tip on top of it is just not going to happen.

          If you go there daily and can easily afford it, then go ahead. But expecting everyone to tip severely limits peoples ability to get anything outside a supermarket.

        • @[email protected]
          44 days ago

          If the person working there doesn’t demand a living wages with all his co worker then should the customer ask it for them instead?

          • @[email protected]
            34 days ago

            Do you mean by asking for a universal minimum wage instead of making each company’s workers fight for a living wage at each company individually?

            Because yes. Obviously.

    • @[email protected]
      174 days ago

      Oh, you mean doing the job they agreed to do for an hourly rate? Why am i subsidizing the corporation not paying them fairly?

      • @[email protected]
        -134 days ago

        Because by patronizing the business and not tipping, you agree that the company paying an unfair wage is fine with you.

        That’s worse.

        • @SuddenDownpour
          24 days ago

          That’s a great argument against patronizing the business.

        • @[email protected]
          4 days ago

          But if everyone did it, people wouldn’t be able to afford to work there. There would be no staff and the business would be forced to increase their pay to retain labour, or shut their doors.

          Edit for typos.

          • @[email protected]
            24 days ago

            “Having the mass majority of the population trapped in jobs that pay just enough that they put up with it, while giving away all their time and energy to a corporation is exactly why the average person has no power. They’ve had the will drive to force real change sucked out of them.” You can’t be real with a 180 from this comment lmao.

            • @[email protected]
              34 days ago

              If they pay just enough, with tips, then what is it without tips? Not enough. Statistically, more people would move to another just that put y back into ‘just enough’ category.

              I don’t see that as 180 at all.