• @[email protected]
    2482 months ago

    Get ready, if the Project 2025 freaks get their way this kind of shit will happen nationwide as a full ban on pornography across the board. It’s just another way the party that claims they “stand for freedom” will turn this country into a puritanical dictatorship one small step at a time

    • @[email protected]
      1372 months ago

      First they came for the kinky porn, but I didn’t speak out, because I didn’t like kinky porn.

      Then they came for hentai, and I didn’t speak out, because I don’t like hentai.

      Then they came for the vanilla porn, but I didn’t speak out, because I don’t like normal porn.

      Then, all that was left was yiff. And the furry porn stayed because AI cannot recognize furry porn, and it appears even on Google and Bing Safe Search.

      And hundreds of millions of people started looking at the only porn left.

      • @[email protected]
        162 months ago

        The Christian Church…no! One must not teach our kids to d d d d…raw! And burn all books with pictures or photos. Because gad fore-bid they might be porn… Catho-licks…yeah burn all the evid…books! One of them might contain a photo of a priest and a kid…we mean porn…

        • @rambling_lunatic
          42 months ago

          What’s extra funny is that Islam bans drawing living things.

          • @[email protected]
            102 months ago

            No, it doesn’t Extreme Sunni sects ban the drawing of living things. For a Christian analogue that’s like saying all Christians abhor any medical procedure that requires transferring blood, cannot drink alcohol, serve in the military, socialize with non Christians, or smoke tobacco.

            Which I’m sure you know is patently ridiculous but there’s 8 million self identified Christians who follow those rules. Surely they represent all of Christianity as much as Wahhabis represent all of Islam?

            • @rambling_lunatic
              22 months ago

              If the Bible itself prohibited such things, then yes, I would be making this point and also making fun of the Christians for not following it, like how they’re not supposed to wear mixed fabric or have female teachers.

              A ban on depicting living things is documented in a fairly well-supported ahadith. While strict adherence is rare in modernity, it is indeed something present in religious texts and widely practiced historically, which merits mockery.

              • @[email protected]
                52 months ago

                A hadith is not the Bible. That’s the Quran you’re looking for. The entire point of hadiths is that they are not agreed on by all Muslims. Especially across lines of sects, ethnicity, and regions. The one you’ve chosen is only adhered to in Wahhabism. Otherwise known as the doomsday cult that spawned Al Qaeda.

                Of course it’s somewhere in history, that does not mean it’s a current practice as you depicted. If we held entire religions to the history of a sect then buckle up because Christianity and Judaism have some barnstormers that are coming back. But of course you’re willing to look past that. You understand Christianity isn’t represented by the dicks holding signs at funerals. And yet you hold all of Islam hostage to it’s worst people.

                • @rambling_lunatic
                  12 months ago

                  I know that hadith hold less weight than the Quran. That being said, there are several ahadith that say that painters will get screwed over by Allah that are considered canon by pretty much all Sunni Muslims. Many of them don’t follow these rules, but I personally know several Muslims that drink. This does not change the fact that the actual written rules of the religion prohibit it.

                  You’re also completely missing my original point. The guy I was originally replying to was joking that following Christian fundie logic will lead to a ban on images. I then drew parallels between the Christian and Muslim extremists who are both trying to institute their respective religious laws as the laws of countries, hate each other furiously, consider themselves the exact opposites of each other, and yet seem to converge on a number of issues.

                  P.S. I am pretty sure that Shi’ites have no equivalent rule regarding aniconism. I know very little about Shia Islam in general so I won’t comment on it.

          • unalivejoy
            52 months ago

            Does this mean can draw the prophet Mohammed since he is dead? Finally a loophole.

    • @[email protected]
      312 months ago

      The elite is trying any way they have to make people have babies, including banning abortion, porn and LGBTQIA+, they know the birth rate it’s going down and they need cannon fodder for their wars.

      • The Pantser
        2 months ago

        Jokes on them, I was wanking it to the JC Penny catalog long before internet porn and I will do it again. Porn doesn’t make less babies guys still want the real thing but we need to jizz for our prostate health.

      • @[email protected]
        72 months ago

        It’s hilarious that they think banning porn will suddenly lead to women having sex with men and getting pregnant.

        It will just lead to millions of really angry men between the ages of 18-75.

        • @[email protected]
          42 months ago

          Ban or severely restrict abortion.

          Ban or severely restrict porn.

          Ban or severely restrict contraception.

          Ban or severely restrict divorce.

          When do we start hearing them question the concept of marital rape? That shit was legal in every U.S. state until the 70s and not made illegal nationwide until '93.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        The defense industry will fall apart, SS funds will be plundered. The birth rate won’t matter in a few years as society falls apart. They have to call themselves evangelicals because there are so many sects. They won’t be able to govern their way out of a wet paper bag. These morons have no idea what they’re doing. Definition of dog catching car.

        As with everything this is a grift. To the people saying leave, cowards.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Nah, that’s all religious wierdo shit. The owner class is fine with immigrant labor. In fact it’s better because you can’t unionize undocumented workers. The defense industry literally has recruiters in South America and Africa fast tracking green cards for service. It’s not about running out of people. It really is just a stupid fucking christofascist cult.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            I can assure you they do when the entire point is to get out of a developing country and make the US your home. Same reason a ton of foreign fighters ably serve in the French Foreign Legion.

            • @[email protected]
              -12 months ago

              I will be fair, at cannon fodder level maybe they do, but at intelligence level there will be always homeland people.

              • @[email protected]
                22 months ago

                If you serve an enlistment as something non sensitive you can always move into classified jobs. As long as you don’t come from a sensitive country or have contacts to one. Although you’re not going to work for the CIA or someone without a serious probe into your history.

                • @[email protected]
                  -12 months ago

                  As far as I have understood in the CIA at least in the important projects just aryan fundamentalist protestants are allowed, some Jewish also but just a minority.

      • @[email protected]
        82 months ago

        I am thinking the next thing they go after is the 2A. Might sound crazy, but I can see the SCOTUS deciding to enforce the “Well Regulated” part.

        Except it will only be registered republicans who can be considered part of the “well regulated”, and they will add some measures in there that if someone is registered to a party affiliation they automatically vote straight ticket and cannot change it.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          While the courts have liberalized a lot of gun regulations recently, they have simultaneously been ruling in the favor of police treating people suspected, or known, to have a gun as a dangerous, immediate threat, and have allowed them to do things that basically signal to cops that gun = enemy = loss of rights. So, sure you can buy, and carry, guns more easily, but the cops are allowed to pretty much disregard your rights if you do.

          • skulblaka
            12 months ago

            The cops are allowed to “pretty much” disregard your rights no matter what you do. Happens all the time, multiple times every day, in every state.

            Extrapolate that information however you will.

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              If you don’t have the resources to fight them in court, yes. However they are routinely shut-down when they come across people that do. I am not saying this is good, it is designed to protect people with resources, and is bad. The big thing is that this is happening to people who were able to get competent representation, and spend the time, fighting this, and appealing, etc., in court. They are bringing these cases to to court, and circuit level SC, specifically to rule in a manner that makes it so people with resources have no rights, either.

              Putting on my tin-foil hat on - revolutions do not happen unless people of means also adopt the cause, along with at least ~3% of the general population. Doing this locks out, not only, the lower classes, but anyone who the court isn’t in the pocket of, thus making revolt, against their side, that much more difficult.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          “Only the National Guard is well regulated.”

          “Only white men can join the National Guard.”


    • @[email protected]
      242 months ago

      Putting this out there.

      If you are educated, in demand or have the financial means to do so GET OUT. Globalization means most jobs can be worked anywhere and those that can’t are often in demand.

      My uni is struggling with student numbers and I still don’t understand why we aren’t advertising to every single American high-school. One mass shooting in living memory, mostly understanding culture in regards to LGBT, low religious control, low corruption and great views 15 minutes away.

      • Echo Dot
        132 months ago

        Wait. Is the world going to have to deal with a flood of American immigrants now? That’s going to be delicious.

        • @[email protected]
          82 months ago

          The good thing is that immigration is meant to be selective- we can pick and choose.

          I feel like Mexico may need to put up a border wall shortly.

        • @[email protected]
          72 months ago

          I don’t want to be overly offensive, but as someone who has watched the US slowly turn to chum over the decades, I’m not in favour of a mass immigration of Americans to other Western countries. How about you just stay at home and fix things. Most western countries don’t experience the same sort of weird and dangerous political problems that are now your way of life.

          Just copy what others do. Dump guns as a social artifact, tone down the worst aspects of capitalism, perhaps compulsory voting, adopt a fairer taxation system, and strengthen social security. All other western countries do this to a smaller or greater extent and none of us are perfect or have any less problems in other areas.

          I’m definitely not saying that other countries are better, we are not. It’s just that you definitely have particular problems and if you can’t change them, you better just build that wall.

          • @[email protected]
            42 months ago

            Nah, fuck this place. I would love to see westernized countries just flat out say “doctors, engineers, lawyers, medical professionals, successful business people, etc., come move here. We will fast track you all and even buy your house in the USA from you at market price”

            Then watch as the brain drain kills the USA, and the bitch ass rural banjo players can live out their dreams. Of course life expectancy will drop to 32 years old as they all die of preventable disease. But who cares? Bootstraps! Jesus!

            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              That’s the dream, maybe. But other Western countries already have a professional class. We already have doctors etc. And, Australia already has niche immigration, but we can’t afford to just throw open the doors. No, you guys need to just learn to sink or swim. Or, just vote. 40 million Americans didn’t bother last time. You let the hicks and boobs just steal the country from under your feet.

              No need for drastic action, just a will to change.

              • @[email protected]
                -22 months ago

                Nah, America had its run. There is no need to stay here. The entire professional class leaving would give conservatives the date they deserve.

                Why should anyone care about a Trump voter or their welfare? They vote for fascist trash. Let them live in that world and perish of starvation accordingly.

                • @[email protected]
                  22 months ago

                  I don’t think that you are picking up on my point. It’s not what you want, as an American, on migrating to another western country, it’s who that country wants to accept. It is extremely difficult to get residency in western countries. Being an American doesn’t put you in front of the queue. It’s not that we don’t like Americans, it’s just that you are no-one special in immigration terms. Same as if I wanted to immigrate to your country. I’m nobody special just because I have an Australian passport. I’d have to stand in the back of a very long line.

                  Best you work on dealing with Trump at the ballot box.

        • Sabata
          62 months ago

          Most are too poor to get out. I looked I to it and no one wants you unless your rich or moving to a shit hole.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            Every time this discussion comes around, I remember a scene from The Day After Tomorrow that makes me laugh very loud, that is Americans ilegally crossing the border to Mexico and then the Mexico pres having pity of the US and admitting the immigrants in exchange for the US forgiving the entire national debt.

        • Vanon
          32 months ago

          But we all know educated and/or wealthy immigrants are welcome almost everywhere. Wealthy, at least; Educated is much more complicated…

          We have the distinct disadvantage of absurdly expensive education, which means decades to waste here before debts are paid. Also insanely expensive insurance, so don’t get seriously ill or have any kind of accidents (that’ll cost you either way). Rent? (That’s tripled, fuck you.) Have your parents died and left you money? (JFC they’re still alive and poorly spent their savings on garbage and Trump scams? Game over.)

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          Not if we win this election. But if we can’t kill this stupid christofascist movement, then yeah probably, at some point.

      • Rimu
        122 months ago

        “only one mass shooting recently” 🙃

          • @[email protected]
            52 months ago

            The US has 55 times as many people living in 36 times as much land and with nearly no restrictions on firearm ownership in the majority of the country. Recipe for a fuckload of mass shootings

            • @[email protected]
              112 months ago

              It really is.

              I do hope you aren’t excusing it, but by that logic NZ should have a mass shooting roughly every 4 months by comparison.

              • @[email protected]
                52 months ago

                You don’t excuse a disease, you analyze why it’s happening and figure out how to cure it. Understanding the scale of the host is step one. Understanding what other hosts are doing differently, the extent to which it’s working for them, and what effect you could hope to see by mimicking them is step two. In the US, actually implementing any improvement requires relatively broad understanding of what exactly is wrong, how to fix it, and how we know the fix will work without also costing so many people their “freedom” to own a ridiculously efficient killing machine that the improvement doesn’t get shot down. That’s step 3

            • Echo Dot
              32 months ago

              NZ does import its mass shooters from Australia. So that works

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                Exactly. There are some things that kiwis are just not good at, we have to get imports for some jobs.

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                Perfect, now that I have you here, I have an important question to ask. What is the proper way to refer to people from NZ? I always end up going with something like “oh, they’re New Zealish” but I’m pretty sure that’s not correct.

                • @[email protected]
                  12 months ago

                  Easy - we’re all Kiwis. Like the Dutch.

                  Important thing is that its not a born here thing - kiwis aren’t just NZ European and Maori.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          If you have no skills its an absolute bitch. Unless you’re coming over as a seasonal worker in which they will take nearly anyone.

          If you have them, money or a student its much easier.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            I’m guessing seasonal workers aren’t welcome to stay though… leaving money or academics. I will say Americans are slowly realizing it’s cheaper to send their kids abroad for college. Germany told parents they had to put up a 10,000 dollar bond to support their kid in Germany and parents were like, “Yup, that’s a quarter the cost of the tuition alone in the US.”

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        I looked into immigrating to NZ before they changed the immigration rules a couple years ago but couldn’t find a job that matched that was hiring foreigners. I would be happy to move there and continue working my current job remotely, but it didn’t look like that was an option.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          Id argue we have a lack of investment and ownership crisis. The houses are there, we just all rent.

          Plus, in theory, many of our country’s problems come from low value productivity and goods. Skilled come over, higher value exports, more development here, more tax, a country that can actually do something.

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            Yes this is probably true, but what will end up happening is that we will continue to buy houses off each other at ever inflated costs. Only the bankers will win.

            Investment into productive assets is just not the NZ way.

            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              Hence why the govt needs to step in to regulate housing investment - take some of the demand out of the purchasing market, which then lowers the equilibrium price and makes current ownership even less attractive.

    • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
      202 months ago

      Its much like turning their seasonal “cheap labor” into “illegals”, once you make it so they cannot report you, then these monsters feel emboldened to exploit them. It also probably doesn’t make much difference to a lot of these monsters as they are interested in girls (not women) to young to legally do porn to begin with.

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      What’s even worse is they’re doing it to ban anything they label porn, aka anything they label “obscene”. Those penalties they list are to imprison their ideological enemies: anyone not straight or “Christian”.

    • @Voroxpete
      42 months ago

      Get ready

      Get out the vote. Trump, despite his polling, is deeply unpopular with the average American. The problem isn’t the people voting for Trump, its the people who aren’t voting in general. In 2020, 40 million registered Dems did not vote. Round up every friend and family member, get them registered, get them voting. Go as a group on election, bring snacks and drinks for everyone. Offer a ride or share a cab.

      Trump is extremely beatable. They know this, and it’s why they’re panicking right now. Project 2025 isn’t just beatable, it’s an albatross; that’s why the GOP are pretending they had nothing to do with it, but that leaves them unable to actually articulate any policy positions because it is their policy position.

      Why be preparing for failure when you could be planning to win?

  • @[email protected]
    1402 months ago

    I remember when there was all kinds of brouhaha about how america would never ever turn into another islamic state or taliban. Seems that has been decidedly forgotten

    • @[email protected]
      222 months ago

      No this was always intended. It’s the same exact people that screamed about Barack Hussein Obama bringing Sharia law. They were always worried that he was going to introduce Islamic religious law before they could introduce Christian religious law. It was never hidden, the statements were literally along the lines of, “This is a Christian country, Sharia law is not right for us.”

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      The only issue they ever had about them was they were enforcing the wrong religion. Would totally be okay with Islamic state/taliban/sharia law if it was Christian instead of Muslim.

  • @traches
    792 months ago

    Yes, “It’s us or the porn”, yes this will certainly go well for the republicans, no notes

  • @[email protected]
    342 months ago

    Don’t worry, Congress already created a full mirror of the site beforehand so they can still watch it

  • @[email protected]
    332 months ago

    You know who else bans porn? The Taliban, Saudi Arabia and other religiously lead hell holes. GOP is our version of religious extremists. These people are deranged.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Oh they never had a problem with religious law, just which religion. It was always called Sharia law when that was the big scare.

  • @[email protected]
    82 months ago

    Yeah, the same for Kansas is true! We’ve got to beat those Republican freaks who are desperate to police the freedoms that everyone else enjoys without guilt.

  • arthurpizza
    82 months ago

    The party of small government and free speech strike again.