oh, you don’t think the bible is real? let me throw some bible verses at you, that’ll change your mind
This was one of my issues when I was a Christian. There is no external authority that the Bible was the inherent word of God and no way to ensure that the words within it were transcribed or even translated within the Authority of God.
There is a whole study of Bible hermeneutics that is about finding authority within the Bible.
You know how in the show Community Abed was always trying to meta the show? Imagine that, but really not funny and it’s taken seriously.
Another problem with Bible (and other similar books) is that it doesn’t make sense that omnipotent god would communicate to humans trough vague book that would have many different interpretations and possibly have it’s meaning changed a bit with translations to different languages. At least there are Christians who accept that events from Bible never happened.
Actually was the straw that broke the back for me
transcribed or even translated within the Authority of God.
on that topic, in case you haven’t seen it, i recommend biblical scholar bart ehrman’s presentation on problems with the bible.
His Misquoting Jesus podcast is fantastic. Definitely listen if you enjoy Ehrman.
the Bible is real. like you can go buy it at Walmart.
Am I allowed to throw all of the Bible verses at someone? Like at the same time.
Legally or physically allowed?
What if I say “heads up” while fastballing that bad boy? Then say oops right after
Only if it’s shrink wrapped, I’d imagine.
or harry potter. if you’re throwing books at people, it probably doesn’t matter what the books are.
In every hotel room too, fkn creepy. Burned every one I got a hold of
book clubCult. It’s a cult.
The bible is real. And very useful, to roll blunts with in a pinch.
They knew what they were doing with those super thin pages. 😉
Stay away from the gilded edges, though.
…or so I’ve heard.
Yes, folks who don’t read Bible don’t realize how much bible says about money, trade and economy. Proverbs book is my favorite, the deuteronomy book I leave for older brothers in fath ( kidding :-) )
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It’s more:
- a man sees something he doesn’t understand. He makes up a story to explain it.
- The story is shared among a tribe for generations, occasionally a skilled storyteller improves it
- Eventually writing is invented, the story at some point is written down, maybe improved one more time as it’s put to paper
- It’s copied over generations, occasionally improved by good writer, it is adjusted and added to a collection of stories about God and his prophets and miracles
Even had the writers wanted to fact check the stories, they couldn’t, they had spent too long in oral transmission.
Even the new testament wasn’t written by the people who were there at the time, it was more like telling the stories that your grandfather heard from his grandfather
People are pretty prone to improving stories they tell, they make them flow better, they make people’s motives clear when really they were hidden
Add to this tons of translations to different languages, not to mention different versions of the book in the same language. So it’s a massive buffet where anybody can pick whatever suits their taste.
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To put a finer point on it, your understanding of the author’s understanding of the thing in this instance is a third Venn circle without much overlap to those first two. 🤌🏾
“the thing” itself is (and should be) missing from the diagram.
Also, many retellings of the thing in different languages with different understandings and intentions over many centuries.
I’ve also read The book of the damned by Charles Fort.
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One of the most frustrating things of dealing with bible people is when the request for proof comes up. They just point at the Bible. Like it’s some text that has deep references to verifiable and cross referenced historical fact. Like Pontious Pilate’s administration leaving records of some guy doing magic on the regular, him getting in fights with rich people, or even just a criminal docket of hanging a magical guy.
Nope. They just point at their book as proof of itself.
what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence
And when they still point to that bible of theirs, start quoting your favorite incest story.
Which you can find in their book, BTW
I only care insomuch as stupid people use it as a guide for repression.
Hail, Satan.
Hail seitan!
I’ve a story about that, but I’m about to crash out. I’ll edit tomorrow 🤘🏽
May you be touched by thy noodley appendage
Ok, boomer. 🤣
Oh, yeah… I must be a boomer because I think worshipping a make believe deity is stupid. Makes perfect sense.
All of them are make believe. Put down the cane and sit down, FFS. You’re gonna miss Wheel Of Fortune.
Can’t tell if Atheist or American Christian
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That’s not very Satanic, friendo.
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The paradox of tolerance at its finest.
Aw, you kiss your mother with that tongue, sweetums?
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The Temple of Satan =/= Church of Satan, but thanks for trying.
It’s a good idea to double check what one’s reading before replying, in the future. 🤗🤪
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So is new atheism back?
Schizophrenic, Bronze Age, fan fiction has a lot to answer for.
Swoon lol
And her opinion on the sign only adds to it.
Haha that’s the part that made me swoon. She’s beautiful, but her ideas are what took me off my feet lol.
I would listen, rapt and locked in.
Glad I’m not the only one… She is extremely attractive
She forgot to address them as “you bitches”.
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Racist or satire?
Based on al his other comments I’d say 12 years old racist troll.
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You can’t have a serious discussion with a person who follows a millennia old book
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Lol spelling errors aren’t a great way to try and play smart
Oh, and that’s what the other side is pursuing - a serious discussion?
Spare us. The other side is out for blood. No discussion is detailed in Project 2025.
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Is US politics not related to this post? I mean, in any way?
Then why did you do it?
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Ironic. 🤣🖕🏽
If we swap the word “bible” for “lawbook” does your opinion change?
If we had it all active laws in one book, that would be a huge step in the right direction.
Agreed. “Ignorance of the law is not an excuse” is currently impossible to correct.