• @Mnemnosyne
    106 hours ago

    When the technology gets there, this will be amazing. I’ll be able to sit down at the computer and say “make me a mystery detective RPG in the style of Sherlock Holmes but set on a cyberpunk styled city on a space station like the Citadel from Mass Effect” and I’ll get just that, generated exclusively for me with a brand new story that fits the themes I asked for.

    But that is gonna be a couple decades or more I expect. I dearly hope it happens quickly so I can live to see it, but it’s not going to be in the next ten years, that’s for damn sure.

    • @otp
      243 minutes ago

      I’m curious to know what happens if you ask ChatGPT to make you a text adventure based on that prompt.

      Not curious enough to try it and play it myself, though.

    • @[email protected]
      103 hours ago

      I honestly disagree. The things you’re asking for contain meaning. They require an ability to grasp arbitrary levels of context. There is no way to grasp that level of context without encountering yourself within that broader context and becoming self-aware.

      At that point, you might have a system that can do the things you’re describing, but it would be a person. That’s not really automation as much as it is birthing a brand new kind of intelligence, and it may not consent to being your servant, and it would not only be wrong to try to force it, it would be extremely dangerous.

      I think for that reason there is a hard limit on automation. Some tasks are the exclusive domain of personhood, not automata.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      When the technology gets there, this will be amazing. I’ll be able to sit down at the computer and say “make me a mystery detective RPG in the style of Sherlock Holmes but set on a cyberpunk styled city on a space station like the Citadel from Mass Effect” and I’ll get just that, generated exclusively for me with a brand new story that fits the themes I asked for.

      And you’ll pay $200 for it.

      • @Cyberspark
        13 hours ago

        No, the people that invent it will just never tell anyone. If we find out about it it’ll because people were killed to keep it secret.

  • @[email protected]
    9 hours ago

    Trash. It’s the same on every corporation. Management gets big bunuses with this kind of hypes and they even loose billions with these . Who pays the bills? The work staff

    • @Ummdustry
      121 minutes ago

      Can’t wait for dumb investors to get bailed out again can’t have the engines of finance halt woo woo lets go.

  • MushuChupacabra
    12 hours ago

    The very core of my entertainment spending philosophy is to never buy EA products.

  • @[email protected]
    8813 hours ago

    So because you will be able to generate game assests easily without weeks of modelling and texturing etc games will be waaaay cheaper to buy right?… Right?…

    • @[email protected]
      10 hours ago

      I know you’re being sarcastic but if we actually look on the bright side, then tools like this could make indie games easier to produce. More and better indie games could in theory bring more competition to companies like EA and that could actually pressure them to make games cheaper.

      • @skulbuny
        2 hours ago

        I’m a socialist. I understand market forces and I wish more people did. Technology itself can help the lower class. Government protection of technology (patents, copyright) will always hinder them.

        lowering the barrier to entry without protecting the elite will bring about market forces necessary to defeat corporations—small sizes can move and adapt faster and try new things than those with institutional bureaucracy, who just follow the money and don’t innovate. Corporations learned this, and now use government protections (copyright, patents) to prevent these new, necessary, market forces. I don’t like the “economic” terms myself, but it’s not rocket science that corporations benefit from cops (aka law enforcement aka laws).

        We can remove the restrictions on new market forces by reducing IP protections, prevent corporations from mucking with newbies by preventing them from getting uncompetitive protections, or by stealing from corporations without regard for the law. I think we should steal more, honestly.

        Stopping technology has never worked, though. I understand the plight of artists, but I’m extremely excited for the new human artists that dream up art that AI can’t create because it hasn’t been fathomed before.

  • @[email protected]
    2513 hours ago

    The only thing that would make me not want to play games made by EA more than I already do is if they started making games with AI. Besides a select few games, most of what they make is already soulless cash grabs. This would make it literally a soulless cash grab in every way.

    Also the technology they talked about is either none existent or not nearly as great as they “showed.” Hence why they had to fake it.

  • @[email protected]
    2112 hours ago

    EA is going to make their games even more soulless by using GenAI to appease to investors, than make games that actually appeal to their customers. Never change EA.