For those who don’t get it, the joke is diabetes causes unmetabolized sugar to end up in your urine.
Sometimes my piss smells like sugar, but it often smells like a lot of things. Usually piss. Sometimes asparagus.
guys stop smelling your own piss just flush it
If it can help to alert you to a potential medical issue and then you go see the doctor; I don’t see it as bad thing.
I’ve tasted my own piss before to see if it was sweet.
Well don’t leave us hanging. Was it?
It was not. It was rather bland actually but I do be hydrated all the time.
Need to try again next week, don’t give up so easily
Why next week? We need daily samples.
Fuck yeah hydrohomie
It’s actually beneficial for controlling your health to monitor piss and poo. Not to obsessively investigate it. But just to know what’s normal for you so you know when to worry.
Very much this. You don’t have to eat all of it, a tablespoon or two to taste is enough.
Is there another way besides scooping it from the bowl? I don’t like when the dirty toilet water touches my spoon
deleted by creator
For poop:
- the bristol stool scale
- and your frequency (anywhere from daily to weekly is normal and varies a lot person to person so learn your normal)
- color can vary a lot so that’s less important but here’s a few common ones other than brown:
- bright red. This is a small amount of blood and from very close to the exit so it’s not great but you’ll be fine. Be nicer to your butthole though: stop eating taco bell and use more lube. Maybe put some A&D on the outside until it stops doing that.
- dark black like tar. This is what a lot of blood from very deep in you looks like. Go to the ER immediately.
- light grey / white. This means your liver isn’t putting old trash red blood cells into your poop like it’s supposed to and you should go to the ER immediately and find out why not and where it’s putting them instead.
For piss:
- should be light yellow “straw” color and clear
- not cloudy and DEFINITELY never chunky.
- Also should not be a syrupy consistency, I’ve legit seen diabetics pissing and it looks like they’re pouring syrup into the toilet also that’s how you get horrible bladder infections bacteria love that sugar.
- You should also pee about 4-10 times daily and it can vary a lot depending on how much you’re drinking and how much you’re losing other ways like sweating or vomiting.
- if your pee turns a little dark throughout the day that’s fine and you just need to drink more water.
- if your pee suddenly turns dark brown go to the ER.
- beets have a dye that can change pee color and that’s harmless
- some medications can change your pee color and sometimes that’s fine and sometimes it’s bad talk to your doctor about it but for example
- pyridium turns it red and that’s fine
- I can never remember which b vitamin but it makes your piss super bright yellow and so people use it to help fake drug tests because it makes their urine look less dilute when casually observed. They’ll be able to tell what you did if they look closer though.
and your frequency (anywhere from daily to weekly is normal)
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
And Beats (by Dre) can also turn your piss red, that is cause for concern
I actually love this comment and this style of humor and wanted you to know that I’m absolutely chuffed.
I believe he was saying he loved her too. Red is the color of passion after all
Rightly chuffed, Cheers!
Hence the “poop shelf” which has taken over toilets in the last decade
In what country? I saw them in Germany decades ago, but I haven’t seen one in Australia yet
Go look at a Bunnings or Reece, 90% of their models since about 2018 have been with poop shelves. Granted, that does mean it will take a while before they’re everywhere, but it’s only a matter of time.
guys stop smelling your own piss just
flushdrink itFTFY
I’ve gotten top ramen before, same with apple jacks.
The first piss after coffee has a distinct smell haha
Get yo self a glucometer if you’re thinking about it, diabeetus is real obvious once you start using the right tools. Also they’re super cheap these days.
It can be other things than diabetes as well, like an infection or liver failure.
Whew! That’s a relief
Hopefully you were in the bathroom when you relieved yourself.
I know I was.
I was. It smelled like coca cola
Mine frequently smells like whatever meat I ate, especially after eating a couple chili dogs or smoked meat.
Could be artificial sweeteners.
Everyone’s talking about the smell, but I’m thinking about the colour after I eat a bunch of beets
Living amongst avid beet eaters, I never noticed a color change. Guess i metabolize beets particularly well, which is neat.
My pee comes out pink. It’s startling!
Imagine being a piss kink enjoyer and finding out your SO has diabetes (or is pregnant) because their piss tastes like straight sugar water.
like straight sugar water.
Fucking crazy this guy plays kingpin in the daredevil series
I think that’s how they used to diagnose some illnesses. Makes you wonder if some docs had a piss kink or if they were just super commited to helping people out.
I mean, you can drink my piss if it ends up potentially beneficial to me. Any takers? I’d send you a vial of a time of day of your chosing.
you can even make money off it if you find the right piss enthusiasts lol
(if you live in the US, don’t send it via US Postal Service, as shipping bodily fluids is illegal)
You can legally send 500mL at a time, you just have to package it properly, and I believe you have to declare it.
Huh! I stand corrected don’t believe you, if it were true itd be in freedom units!
Not for legitimate medical purposes, it wouldn’t be. US Healthcare and Science are fully Metric, just like our Military.
Crazier still, for the wealthy, boiling down piss was how they’d measure your sugar level back in the 20s through 40s. Ugh.
Like, how much toffee can you make from a cup?
I’ll just put that question in my book of “don’t ask”
Piss Sugar™ could be extremely marketable.
I’m sure there were at least a few for whom it was both lol
I’m an educated man, no I will not drink piss. Ron come in here and drink this piss.
I saw a story like that on reddit once. Dude was going through medical school. Had a FWB who was getting into squirting. He noticed it tasted sweet and told her to get checked for diabetes. She was prediabetic if I remember correctly.
Wtf. Just finished a doc on comedian Patrice O’Neil and he makes this joke about himself lol
“Your pee is too scrumptious!”
Dude was goddamn hilarious, legit maybe borderline genius. Apparently a real fuckin prick too, lol, but he was pretty unique. Wish he had a little longer, but he used his time well.
I’d rather not imagine it but you already made me
- piss enjoyer
Relevant reddit story:
Anon can enjoy sugary beverages all day every day for the rest of their life!
And lose weight with every amputation
10 pounds is 10 pounds. That BMI is gonna look real good soon
Until chop off their legs. Then BMI spikes again.
Anon has maple syrup urine disease. Or maybe just the beetus.
My Wikipedia bugged out and I got this lmao
Why is there a picture of Stevie wonder next to maple syrup disease
That’s my man Isaac Hayes (Chef from South Park and a musician)
His page was the last thing I was looking at on Wikipedia before I clicked the above link. Looks like the app just retained the image from the previous article.
Its just beetus. Anon is just a dummy.
Or liver failure.
Or a serious infection.
But did they taste it to confirm?