Anon was looking for a long term solution.
Anon found a solution.
Is taking long term.
Questions the definition of what is an addiction.
You come off SSRIs (with or without) tapering and get “The zaps” and tell me that’s not addiction.
Source: Guess what I fucking did last year.
you are describing “chemical dependence”.
addiction is more than that.
If someone smacks you over the head with a bat, is that better or worse if they strike you over the head with a bat?
They were saying that this person is addicted too, not that addiction isn’t bad. Chemical addiction is only one form addiction can take.
tell me that’s not addiction
That’s not addiction. Addiction is just as much psychological as it is physiological, and goes way deeper than chemical dependence. Once you’re through the withdrawals of SSRI dependence you’re pretty much good, while an addict will most likely struggle for the rest of their life.
The zaps can be fun sometimes
Sometimes I’m tempted to go off my meds just to see what that feels like
I’m not gonna do it but I like thinking about doing it
I definitely don’t suggest it. It’s an interesting experience if you’re unemployed and just sitting around doing nothing. But if you have responsibilities and work to do? Hoo boy does it suck ass to move around with it.
That’s such an apt description.
Getting off of long term SSRIs was a nightmare for me and left my body broken in a bunch of whole new ways
Not all of them have that, I’ve been on about 7 SSRIs and have never had the zaps from stopping
Anon needs to take his trazodone earlier, or take less of it.
Could be Mirtazapine. But more than likely trazodone. Although I thought both of those were usually only prescribed when already on an SSRI.
Mirtazapine made me eat everything i could possibly get my hands on, never again
deleted by creator
Trazodone does that for me
Yeah. It was the late night hunger that did it for me. Slept like the dead, but had to stop it. Lost a few pounds after at least haha.
Dunno, I’m as sleepy on it or off it, so does it really matter?
Also thanks for reminding me to take my meds.
Da fuq? Is everyone in this thread on meds? As someone who has only ever taken aspirin and the occasional cold relief, these comments are wild to me.
You all list meds as casually as a pharmacist. Lol
lots of therapists prescribe drugs these days, because reality is … bleak for some
as for me, i’ve never taken medicine in the last 15 years or so, and i try to avoid taking any, except maybe the occasional mescalin. but that is for recreation and not for sleeping disorders.
Where the hell do you find mescalin? That’s a bucket list item for me.
Reality is bleak for some. And every generation has had a portion of the population who thinks everything is bleak.
We are no more or less special than previous generations.
We are no more or less special than previous generations.
I disagree. We live in very special times, and that makes us special as well.
You will find that there are lots of folks these days that have trouble coping with the collective stress of a bleak present and future.
Meds just help us feel closer to normal so we can function instead of having a nervous breakdown every other week.
I’m a little envious that you have the resiliency and coping mechanisms outside of meds to deal with it all
I’m a little envious that you have the resiliency and coping mechanisms outside of meds to deal with it all
I grew up in poverty, surrounded by poverty. Rural midwestern town. Population 2,000. Started working jobs 14.
Became a teen dad. Then ended up being a single teen dad when I got custody.
Couldn’t afford college, even with grants. Refused to take out loans.
I didn’t have time to doomscroll and wonder when the world was gonna end. I had shit to take care of. I didn’t even have the time and/or money to drink! I worked two jobs for a huge part of my life.
I didn’t give a fuck if a democrat or a republican was in office, because I had to go to work and feed my kid. I’d vote for who I thought was best on election day, then move on, regardless of who won.
Now I’m retired at age 55. My house is paid off. I have no debt. Live in a beautiful mountain city of 500,000 people. I have chickens in my backyard, and I’m working on running a Lemmy instance on a server that runs on solar power. Just because I can and I have the time.
I also don’t give a fuck that Trump won. I don’t care. I didn’t vote for him. Lots of people did. Ok, cool, onto the rest of my day.
My point is that a lot of people would be well served by not worrying so fucking much about the state of politics and the world at large. So many people on Lemmy make being a democrat a main part of their personality.
And how did that work out? The doomscrolling is not good for you. The world won’t end just because Trump is in office. I promise.
I didn’t have time to do any of that worrying shit. I worked hard, made it out, and now I just fuck around on Lemmy all day, write and publish my fiction, and take trips with my gf.
If I can do that, with my dull brain, then most people on Lemmy can.
No hate on meds, but meh, I wouldn’t have been able to afford them anyway.
I don’t know if this is something to be proud of tbh.
You’re basically saying ‘my life is secure; fuck everybody else that hasn’t got what I have’.
I’m glad you built a good base for yourself, now help lift up others. It doesn’t stop sucking for everyone else just because you check out.
IMO you have the obligation to create the environment that allows what you have (an existence without worry for politics) for everyone.
You’re basically saying ‘my life is secure; fuck everybody else that hasn’t got what I have’.
Not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that if an idiot like me, with very few work skills, made it, then you certainly can because you have more advantages than I have had.
I also had a child to raise, so even if you count in costs of living differences between then and now, it’s negated by the fact that I had a kid to care for.
Bruh, I live in a city of over 500,000 people. The majority of people I see are not “just struggling.” People are doing it. Are you saying all of them have had it easier than yourself?
Right now as I type this, there is a group of 10 road crew guys working on the curbs of my street. Hard, miserable, dirty work. They make more than I ever did. And their out there, laughing, doing their work and just going on with their lives.
I was never even skilled enough to do construction work. I promise that right now, you have more stuff and more skills than I have ever had.
And I’d trade my paid-for house for your youth any fucking day. But not your mindset. This will sound offensive, but I do believe your mindset is holding you back more than anything else.
By the way, my kid is your age. Lives three blocks from me with his gf, and one roommate. And he’s getting by.
IMO you have the obligation to create the environment that allows what you have (an existence without worry for politics) for everyone.
So what are you doing that’s creating that type of environment for me and others?
I’m an active union organiser and volunteer emergency service worker.
My day job is responsible for helping people with extremely disadvantaged backgrounds.
And my day job until just a few months ago was special education teaching assistant in an elementary school in a disadvantaged neighborhood. I recently retired from working in the public sector for 20 years.
Feel free to check my post history from the .world instance from months ago, when I was still teaching there. I spoke of my career often.
Guess we are more alike than different, friend. Funny how that works, huh?
I think you’re overestimating the influence of doomscrolling, internet and politics in the scope of needing meds to feel baseline, but it definitely plays a part.
Those things, broadly speaking, are somewhat transient unless said politics directly affect your safety or rights to live life, or of those you care about. This applies to a lot of people.
Now I’m retired at age 55. My house is paid off. I have no debt. Live in a beautiful mountain city of 500,000 people. I have chickens in my backyard
now I just fuck around on Lemmy all day, write and publish my fiction, and take trips with my gf.
This is more in line with why many in my cohort are struggling. Your situation is out of reach for most of us now because of a whole lot of economic reasons outside of our control. The singular person being able to side hustle their way to a house with backyard chickens and money for vacations is a win no doubt, but also the exception to the rule.
Lifting our noses off the grindstone and looking at the horizon shows a future without hope of any of this changing. Too much stacked against us.
And for lots of other long term reasons. One off the top of my head, the microplastics accumulating in our bodies. That’s definitely going to be a problem.
My point is that a lot of people would be well served by not worrying so fucking much about the state of politics and the world at large
The cliff notes version is that people are surviving, not living. You are living.
You should enjoy the fruits of your labor, truly. Just be aware your path isn’t one we can follow anymore
You make a good argument, but I would counter it by saying, it’s NEVER been easy. I didn’t have it any easier than you did. I fucking lived off of beans are rice and powered milk for years. Literally. my meals for almost eight years straight was Beans and rice. Beans and potatoes. Every meal. Every day.
Sometimes people at work would have a potluck or something, sothen I’d be able to gorge on meat and stuff, but other than, I was eating poverty food.
I couldn’t afford a cell phone for the longest time. And I didn’t have a car, so I biked/walked to work every single day.
I’ve never made more that $15 and hour my entire life. Trust me, you STILL have it easier than I did.
Now, to your point, housing as gone up. But roommates. I guarantee you have more luxuries than I do. Even now. I bet you have gaming stuff, good internet, better phone, a better job than I ever had, and more importantly–youth.
There are still plenty of people out there making thru life fine and not just struggling.
I’m not downplaying your struggles, but I’m saying they are no worse than what I had to go thru. Even now, my main computer is a raspberry pi that I bought for $50. And my phone cost $110. And my phone plan is $25 a month.
I use my phone for texting and the GPS maps and apps for working out. No gaming because I don’t have the bandwidth or the power.
I bet right now everything you have is nicer and more expensive than what I have. True, I do have a paid off house, but it’s a crappy house.
My pension is less than $1,000 a month after taxes. My trips w the girlfriend are on her dime. Otherwise, I’d just hanging out here all day.
Lifting our noses off the grindstone and looking at the horizon shows a future without hope of any of this changing. Too much stacked against us.
No, I don’t believe that. I 100 percent think you can overcome and kick ass in life and be way more successful than I have ever been.
Keep pushing. You got this!
based and not giving a fuck pilled
Wait, is this a compliment or an insult to me? I love the wording either way though!
Compliment (:
Awesome. Thank you, brother! I kinda wanna use it in my profile! lmao
hot shower and anti-histamine. mimics the biological signals of falling asleep.
eventually the hot shower will be enough.
Antihistamines that cause drowsiness also lead to dementia if used regularly.
To be clear, the link is between anticholinergics, of which some first-generation antihistamines are, while others are less potent as anticholinergics.
Best I can tell, the clinical advice is to avoid prescribing these to patients aged 65 and above.
I’d still generally prefer sleeping completely naturally, but I think comments like these might make people avoid medicine that could help them improve their sleep over time. I was massively helped by the use of Hydroxyzine when I was younger, which helped me get on a path to better sleep and overall health.
Antihistamines that reduce immune reactions?
Yes anticholinergic means it blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain and peripheral nervous system. Acetylcholine is important for thinking, learning and memory. This is why medications such as Benadryl can cause side effects like feeling sleepy or confused.
In my experience with SSRIs, I couldn’t sleep for shit the first couple days, then my body got used to it and it was no problem after
I like melatonin and sleepy time tea.
Just try not taking the antidepressant, see what happens…
why is this downvoted?
Because people think I’m saying to just not take antidepressants rather than if you stop taking them, the withdrawal is going to really suck.
be me
weed, man
Over time it makes the quality of sleep worse, unfortunately.
It does help you fall asleep, but yeah, say goodbye to dreams and REM sleep (aka sleep that actually makes you feel rested)
so do most of these antidepressants, with the downside that the side effects are usually worse
Big true. Nothing beats natural sleep, if you can manage to get any.
Is that still the case if you’re only microdosing?
Anon: has a problem, doesn’t bother to consider what options there may be to remedy it, just goes to his docco who does the docco thing, and anon bitches like an anon about the result. Scientists have yet to figure out how anons miss the wall as frequently as they do when passing through doors.
>Anon has a health problem
>Anon goes to the doctor to try to resolve their health problem
>This is a bad thing for some reason???
OR, much more realistically, Anon: has a problem, tries every at home/ otc option available which all fail miserably, goes to doc who does doc things, doc things work a little too well (at least until ones body aquires the tolerance of an elephant after only five doses), Anon discovers the agonizing and frustrating experience of sleep disorders.
Source: been there, done that. So. Many. Fucking. Times.
There is rarely an easy remedy for this shit, only things that help and things that do not. A doctors only job is to help you figure out what those things are, if they are not, replace them but don’t avoid them.
Yep. I feel like people expect doctors to figure it out first try. That’s not how it works, everyone is different.