something something “brrrrt” something something “what the cas doin?”
They way the soldiers are guiding it, all I can think of is “GROND GROND GROND”
War Pigs?
Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death’s construction
I think a live hog should be pitted against a live warthog. And from there we can dictate future strategy for combat pork and A10 warthog.
why against? You train the War Hog to fly the Warthog and you get an unstoppable machine :)
I honestly don’t think 4 men could hold him back if he wanted to go
What is Maastricht? A town? A region? Some fucking country that I don’t know about‽‽
Edit: apparently it’s a city on the border of Belgium and The Netherlands…
Uh oh, something is brewing.
Put Florida man in a cage with that thing
They would breed
Florida man found unconscious after trying to bite the bacon off a live hog
Florida man has been found with several injuries on his thighs, leading investigators to believe the hog was after his ham
Cry havok and let slip the hogs of war!
Dain Ironfoot wants his war hog back!
De Rudy op Lemmy? Maakt da mee
The British side should be Eddie the Iron Maiden zombie mascot in full British Army dress uniform
Take Maastricht back? Tuuk jong veel plezier ermee
Resist and Bite