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The game “Air Brawl” on Steam is a dogfighting game with airplanes with different weapons. One of them has a big hammer you use to wack other airplane.
If it gets hit by a block of wood that has a few nails in it, it will jam and fall out of the sky.
The fucking blade is facing the wrong way. Good job America.
Forward swept wings so it can maneuver faster, you’re just looking at it the wrong way
No you see it’s a bomber so it’s akshually the correct orientation for ground attack runs
Jokes on you these birds fly backward. Elon said it would be more efficient that way.
When you fly the fuel gets depleted, so if you fly backward the fuel gets refilled instead
Skill issue
Ya fucked it. “Skil issue” was right there.
Simply amazing 👏
Sacrifices had to be made in the name of aerodynamic efficiency
Sticking a wood blade on backwards is actually a semi-valid way of cutting sheet metal.
I have also cut 8020 aluminum extrusion with just an ordinary miter saw.
Wouldn’t it be easier to cut a plane underneath than above?
That’s the price of freedom.
Aerodinamically feasable, too credible. Downvote
Or fly upside down and you can provide VCAS.
Makita blade, so Japanese steel folded over a thousand times. Edit: never mind, it says Made in China.
Like all the best modern katanas!
Though now I’m wondering if there were any Japanese style sword smiths on the mainland.
Giant sawblades are also helpful whenever your stealth bomber is boarded by ninjas.
This would be fun as hell in a video game. High-speed aerial knife fights. Hell yeah!
I’d pick this Jack of all trades
I thought I read somewhere that vertical tails aren’t very good from a stealth design standpoint. I would imagine that something similar would apply to gargantuan circular saws.
Landing that thing has got to be a bitch.
I have some supply-chain security questions regarding the “Made in China” label on the blade.
No need for stealth when you’re cutting everything in half
Just cut through the radar waves smh