Super man has a grasp on that kid head like he’s going to pitch to the kid with a bat.
They made superman woke! /s
Superman Smashes the Klan is loosely based on a 16-part episode story-arc, “Clan of the Fiery Cross”, from the radio serial Adventures of Superman which ran from June to July 1946.[3][6][8] In the radio serial, “Superman exposed Ku Klux Klan codewords, rituals, and its bigotry—all based on intel collected by activist Stetson Kennedy—before a national audience. The show damaged the group’s reputation and led to a steep decline in membership from which the KKK never recovered”.[6]
I know! so gross! and all this anti-nazi sentiment in our schools, so they’re hypocrites too. I hope they don’t make captain america woke too.
It’s OK, superman said nothing about trans people, he’s only slightly woke.
Fuckin’ illegal immigrants from Krypton takin’ real American superheroes JERBS! Of course he works for the librul mainstream media at the Daily Planet! /S
Found lex luthors Lemmy account
Located Lex Luthor’s Lemmy Login.
Lemme just send a great piece of text right next to the most racist drawing of a Chinese person possible.
oh lol i wasn’t even looking at the kids
sure it’s not above criticism but “the most racist imagineable”? i hate to break it to you how disgustingly worse it can get
That’s fair. For example (although I’d argue this individual deserves it)
I was thinking the picture wasn’t too representative - one black kid and one redhead - but then I saw the tiny Asian kid… Good message, put the drawing is a product of the times I guess…
I’m gonna be honest, that just looks like a normal kid with no exaggerations.
It’s probably just that the faces are kinda fucked up on all of them. Unless the issue is the bowl cut? Idk what else you’re seeing.
Yeah ok, the face is pretty bad, but so are all the others.
I don’t think this guy even has a nose lol
Well Sups is getting deported obviously.
Or perhaps traded to Russia or China for a bag of loose hamburgers.