There were at least 4 books from what I remember. They made physical hardback copies so you could enjoy an MLP fanfic for the low low cost of $120!
Even the wiki is semi-cursed
how does a pony fire an AK-47?
I haven’t read it, since it’s MLP, and also since it’s apparently 2000 pages, so I can’t tell you. But I do want to know
i did NOT expect this to actually exist
My brother in Christ, thank you for this. Hilarious!
Holy equestrian atrocity. I thought only AI…
Still a better story than fallout 4
Fallout: Equestria is a rabbit hole in the rabbit hole of the MLP fandom
Say what…
Have you heard of Sonic? What about Pikachu? Now, what happens when we combine them together to make… Sonichu!
Whatever happened to that guy? Last I heard they let him out of prison.
piknic is way better than sonichu
Whoa, that’s amazing! I’m gonna show my elderly mother!
The medallion is also cursed.
We all are.
Woah woah woah, sonichu is a totally Original Character (do not steal), that has nothing to do with either of those!
I’ve got the giant bible version of it. Thin paper, gold edges.
One time a colleague and I found that book just chilling under an unused desk at work. We had never heard of it, so we were pretty confused. 😆 Still kinda am, honestly.
God I remember reading about the adventures of Security for years after I stopped watching MLP. Fallout: Equestria was a wild place with two mammoth works written in the space.