I hate the tradwife ideology but the outfits are pretty damn cute
I’m pro trans but a massive misogynist.
I want my wife at home doing the cooking, cleaning and stroking her huge dong waiting for me to get home WHERE SHE BELONGS!
Me too. My duty as a wife is to be a housewife. Stay home and cook and clean and raise the children. However the other wife of the house must go work a job and be the sole breadwinner for the family.
That’s just what she gets for being born as the other wife.
TIRM, Trans Inclusive Radical Misogynist
😎👉 Transbian Tradwife
Trans-Siberian Orchestrad
Trans trad wife vs trad trans wife?
Rad wives.
No you’re thinking of wives in a Scottish patterned outfit
Wives that go ludicrous speed.
i am now imagining demoman dressed in a kilt-apron, cooking haggis
“ohhh theyrr goin to hafta gluu yuu back togethrr, after yuu’ve had yer fill o my cookin!”