• Track_Shovel
    2139 months ago

    Man, power move pulling out the Diary. YOU WOULD BE NOTHING WITHOUT ME, NOW GO CUT THE GRASS

  • @[email protected]
    1539 months ago

    I mean, she helped him reach his potential, she put the work in. As long she stayed loyal, I’d say she’s the best kind of gold digger.

  • [email protected]
    1089 months ago

    >be me
    >be reading greentext
    >have secondhand existential crisis

  • @[email protected]
    859 months ago

    My wife tracked me down eighteen years after we went to school together from second to fourth grade. She always liked me a lot (not really sure why). But yeah, she is the chillest most down to earth person and I’m glad she went through the effort.

    • @[email protected]
      509 months ago

      Second to fourth grade you must have done something right to draw her back in EIGHTEEN YEARS later. holy cow I’m jealous of a second to fourth grader

      • @[email protected]
        189 months ago

        Hey, I pulled off something similar. She let me read her diary so I know it wasn’t bullshit.

        In the last couple years after a decade of sharing a life I caught her cheating multiple times and I gave up and rolled out.

        I must not have been near as rad as she thought I was.

        Don’t pity me though. Life is good now. Even if it all falls apart on me again with this one, it’s been a wonderful experience.

        That’s the way it goes. If we all hit the lottery, money wouldn’t be worth shit. I take what I have when I have it with a smile on my face. I have a nervous breakdown when I lose it all and I start again. What else can you do?

        • Pelicanen
          179 months ago

          I must not have been near as rad as she thought I was.

          Nah, it’s she who wasn’t as rad, her cheating says everything about her and nothing about you.

          Good perspective though, all we can do is try to roll with the punches so might as well try to enjoy it.

  • @[email protected]
    459 months ago

    Some women look at a man and think:

    …I can fix that…

    Though they’re more likely to think:

    Oh please… I’m not a miracle worker

  • @jballs
    419 months ago

    One of my wife’s high school teachers said to marry a nerd. My wife didn’t mention it to me until after we were married, so at first I was kind of offended. But then again, I still feel like my wife is out of my league, so I suppose I should go and thank that teacher.

  • @[email protected]
    289 months ago

    My story didn’t end with me marrying her but she told me after she broke up with me a decade ago about how she’s always attracted to people smarter than her in the given context of her life, but then she did also kiss me a couple times in between relationships (we were neighbours until recently), so I guess she did like me more than just that but it was damn hard for me because she was my first love and my second “love” didn’t pan out at all.

    Fingers crossed a third love works out, as much as currently my second “love” is still on my mind.

    • Roboticide
      119 months ago

      I didn’t get married until the fourth person I ever said “I love you” to, the fifth or sixth I ever dated. You just keep going until you have grown and learned enough and you find someone you’re compatible enough with.

      Maybe it’ll be number three, but it’s also totally fine if it isn’t. Setting the expectation though is kind of setting yourself up for failure. When you simply want whoever is your third love to work out, you may compromise your values simply to fulfill the goal of finding someone, not the right one.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        It was just a throwaway line tbh, I’m more worried about my age than the chronological position of my marriage partner in the list of my romantic partners 😅

        Though, even with my age, it’s more of a societal expectation bothering me than my own need for a romantic partner, still would be nice to have one

    • @[email protected]
      289 months ago

      Jesus dude, I’ve seen you across a bunch of different posts stating the same horrid things. Attacking people for your own narcissistic failings.

      You genuinely need to seek help. What you’re contributing to this entire space is not healthy or positive.

        • @[email protected]
          139 months ago

          You don’t deserve “healthy or positive”

          Your instance abides by and agrees with Lemmy’s general code of conduct. See here: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/code_of_conduct.html#moderation

          That means that, yes, I and everyone here deserves a healthy and positive environment for discourse. Your behavior and your comments, not just here but throughout, are erratic and problematic leading to incredibly hostile interactions. Even with people who are genuinely trying to listen to you and have a conversation with you even past the point where you’ve proven that impossible.

          Again, please seek help for the benefit of yourself and the people who have to be around you. Remember mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.

            • Nobsi
              89 months ago

              I don’t even know who you are. What does your existence mean to anyone when it only sends hate?

                • @Portosian
                  19 months ago

                  Have you considered that you might just be an asshole and people are responding accordingly?

                • Nobsi
                  19 months ago

                  Like i said before. I don’t have the slightest clue who you are. If you are that sick of people treating you bad, then why are you even here arguing with people who don’t know you on how they did you dirty?
                  Go touch some grass.

            • @[email protected]
              49 months ago

              But if you punish us, wouldn’t that also amount to some form of abuse? And wouldn’t that lead to us ending up in a similar state as you punishing the next generation as well? This would go on forever. Is this what you want for future generations?

                • @[email protected]
                  49 months ago

                  Isn’t that the same logic your parents and other people close to you have applied as well? What differentiates your punishment from theirs?

                • Nobsi
                  19 months ago

                  How are you punishing me exactly?
                  I feel better now that i know i can cause you pain by merely existing.

        • @[email protected]
          129 months ago

          What happened to you?

          No hate, serious question. What happened, my bro? If we talk it out perhaps we can help work out a solution

            • @[email protected]
              39 months ago

              I do, because as a kid I was treated very similarly simply because I was unlucky enough to have been born dark complected. When I tried to get help from teachers, my relatives used every trick in the book to try to have me committed as a kid or jailed as an adult to discredit and silence me. Just so they could keep drug dealing and keep their money. I actually and unironically have went through something very similar to you.

              What you went through is common believe it or not. You’re not alone.

        • @[email protected]
          99 months ago

          I’m not narcissistic…You don’t deserve “healthy or positive…you have to be punished until you stop…your resistance to my parenting…

          Bro, really? You wonder why people are nasty to you. I try to love all humans, but you are making it hard, but here I go anyway: Others attitudes towards you starts with you. Try to change it. Not with hate, but with love. If a parent did parent “as you do”, they would be a literal abusive parent. If you are in a shitty situation, try to get out, but stop making the world a shittier place. I don’t want you to be or feel shitty, I really don’t. Try to find happiness friend. This is all the advice I have for you. Please, please take it.

            • [email protected]
              19 months ago

              Been there, so I know that there’s nothing anyone can say to improve the trust issues. People on lemmy are generally pretty nice, and a great alternative to a forum full of rage addicts, so feel free to stick around.

    • [email protected]
      269 months ago

      Dude, it’s a greentext. It was written by a very probably smelly teenager.

    • Nobsi
      59 months ago

      Billions must realise, that positive energy being sent results in positive energy being received.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      This is such an insane way to read this, she saw potential in him and helped push him to be better and that’s somehow manipulative.

      What scum she is for supporting and pushing her partner to be better.