• @[email protected]
    823 months ago

    Tankies, you can keep jumping servers because we blocked your old servers, and we’ll just keep blocking you. No one is interested in your brain damage

    • @[email protected]
      523 months ago

      Except lemmygrad users are realizing we all blocked their instance and are becoming more active in lemmy.ml to try and evade this, and so yeah, .ml is getting more and more like Lemmygrad

      • prole
        493 months ago

        Can’t wait for this to become a systemic issue with Lemmy. Why does everything have to be ruined by tankies and conservatives? They know that nobody wants to talk to them, but they will evade and disrespect the rules just to make other people miserable.

        What a sad hobby.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Tbh, I’m not super worried, theres already been defederation with Hexbear and Lemmygrad. As they infect tanky safezones and cause more defederations because of it, non tankie specific federations are going to start becoming specifically anti Tankie in response. I mean, look at my comment calling them brain damaged, it hasnt been civility removed yet, which I feel is a good sign. So while they can always create new accounts on non Tankie federations, over time they are going to start having to hide their more violent revolution and dictator loving sides, which tbh, at that point I’ll tolerate their presence.

          Edit: It’s kind of ironic how in a post where I called other people brain damaged, I wrote it like I was having a stroke. I’ve edited it to make it flow faaaaarrr better

          • @Socsa
            113 months ago

            This is the part I find hilarious. MLs think the reason people don’t like their outdated brand of communism is because they are brainwashed. The reality is that people don’t like their outdated brand of communism because tankies are insufferable, know-it-all autocrats who refuse to engage with any modern formulation of Marxist theory.

            If MLs would be more academically engaged with contemporary political science, people would like their messaging much more. Of course then they’d probably realize that Lenin and Mao were just giant assholes, so I guess it’s a bit of a paradox.

            • @[email protected]
              93 months ago

              They don’t want to engage because communism is just a facade for them to spread CCP and Kremlin propaganda. They’re not actually communists.

            • @[email protected]
              73 months ago

              I mean, their messaging IS shit, but I think one of the biggest flaws that cant be overcome even if they started acting less insufferably is that they are ok with and will defend tooth and nail any dictator that says they are communist. I do not for one second believe that Xi or Putin has ANY intention of furthering LGBTQ politics for instance. Tankies whole ideology isnt thought through and HEAVILY conflicting

          • @[email protected]
            33 months ago

            There’s a joke (or possibly simple wisdom) about a bar that’s worth discussing here.

              • @[email protected]
                23 months ago

                I don’t know the story about a table. Which is surprising, because I grew up in a bright red community where delivering pithy metaphors about the futility of breaking bread with the opposition was sport. (For the record, I wouldn’t break bread with Nazis.)

                • @[email protected]
                  33 months ago

                  Its “If a table of 9 lets 1 Nazi sit at that table, it’s a table of 10 Nazi’s” or something like that

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Tankies are reactionaries.

          Literally, the Bolsheviks were the reactionaries that suppressed and appropriated the Russian revolution, and said they were doing it at the time. ‘M-L’ is stalinism.

          They’re just red star brand conservative reactionaries.

          • @[email protected]
            -123 months ago

            This is just a very braindead take. Not all types of authoritarian mindset are reactionary. Red fascism is an absurd take which was originated by CIA propaganda in the 50s.

            Your critique of authoritarian states, does not make them equal. That is a centerist take that smells like a moral jerk off ritual.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              not all authoritarianism

              Could argue that, and if you brought up Cuba I might lose, but it’s not the argument here.

              Tankies, for historical reasons, with their Russia fetish, are reactionary. They fetishize a group of shitty reactionaries who killed all the communists (auth and otherwise). The origin of why we call them ‘tankies’ is a second wave of them being reactionaries who murdered all the communists.

              It’s really clear at many levels.

              • @[email protected]
                -63 months ago

                Believe it or not, in the age those tankies lived, shit wasn’t easy. Trying to sabotage every meaningful conversation by hur dur tanky stuff is rather more braindead than being a conservative. Political change is messy, violent and fucked up in nature. Tankies committed atrocities and also provided some great shit to people who had nothing, like free healthcare and education, abortion rights and in 2 decades became an industrial nation.

                Did they did a lot of wrongs? Yeah. Should we learn from them, yeah, did they also delivered, well they delivered, although with great price.

                I’m typing this from a country so fucked up economically and politically, that you westerners won’t understand. But trying to magnify and dilute the conversation with weird moral optics does not make lives of us 3rd worlders easier. You want to ride your moral high horse while every political inaction will stump hundreds in a minute.

                • @[email protected]
                  63 months ago

                  They betrayed and stole the revolution, almost every other group involved would have done better.

                  In not shitting on them for being messy. I’m shitting on them for killing all the communists.

        • @[email protected]
          63 months ago

          Why does everything have to be ruined by tankies and conservatives?

          A lot of them are shills/bots. The Kremlin (maybe also the CCP, not sure) is supporting a bunch of political extremes, whether they agree with them or not.

          Divide and conquer in a digital age.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          Think of shitty kids who like to wreck everything they touch. Whenever they try to make their own clubhouse, it usually doesn’t last long because they wind up wrecking it themselves. And while they like to wreck things, they don’t actually like living in a wrecked clubhouse. They want to be able to wreck things and laugh as others suffer from their damage and have to fix it. So they invade other clubhouses because their own is always a fucking mess.

        • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
          33 months ago

          Have any Conservative instances been de-federated, or are there any? I’ve noticed a HUGE influx of ‘Men’s Rights’ misogynists, wondering if they came from that happening.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              Nah. Gig economy. Know anyone who can keep their shit down to one job these days?

              It’s probably not, I think a lot of tankies are true believers (nobody pays for sponsored content in pillow talk. Yet. Yes ive made bad decisions.) but it could be.

          • @Socsa
            43 months ago

            Hey, that’s not fair - many of them are paid by the RNC to turn off left leaning voters.

            • @[email protected]
              33 months ago

              Some are useful idiots, the core is paid shills. I’d be surprised if they’re not also starting to use LLMs.

              • @[email protected]
                43 months ago

                If they don’t get talking points directly from a trollfarm, someone influential over there watches a lot of Russian propaganda.

                On the other hand, they do love yelling at libs to stop supporting the Gaza genocide, so I like them until they also start bitching about fighting a fascist invasion.

                Pick your goddamn lane

                • @[email protected]
                  53 months ago

                  They want to amplify the atrocities Israel is committing in Gaza because it increases the probability Trump gets elected, which would be a huge win for the Kremlin.

                  I’d guess there’s backroom deal making with Iran as well given the political dynamics there.

    • @[email protected]
      263 months ago

      I have an account on lemmygrad and when I created it, I was asked about my politics. They formally accepted every left ideology but when you say anything remotely anti-authoritarian, you get downvoted into oblivion

      • @[email protected]
        253 months ago

        Mind boggling. Like seriously, I am as left wing as they come and for me that is defined by anti-authoritarian views. Fascists aren’t bad because they are the wrong kind of fascist.

        • @[email protected]
          63 months ago

          I’ve recently come to the conclusion that they are the leftist version of Nazi Bronies, like, dude, you’re one of the first populations that your preferred rulers are going to purge.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          I totally agree with you. That said, tankies will argue some shit why they are further left. You can go into that discussion about the semantics of left and distract from the fact that tankies are evil. Or stop “gatekeeping” leftness and argue why they are bad.

      • @[email protected]
        -113 months ago

        Not doubting you, but what do you mean by “anti-authouritarian?” Presumably you’ve read Engels’ On Authority so you know what they are operating under the pretense of, I can see anti-Marxist takes getting removed or downvoted. It is Lemmygrad after all, not Lemmy EZLN or Lemmy Catalonia.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          I didn’t mean to disagree with you. Just add that they are formally open to other leftist viewpoints but not effectively.

          And yes, you will get alot of strawmans like Engels’ On Authority. If you want an analysis of the text, this video debunks it quite well

          • @[email protected]
            -203 months ago

            Are you an anti-Engels Marxist? I’m sorry, I think I actually agree with downvoting you, lol. That’s silly.

            • @[email protected]
              173 months ago

              No, I’m not a Marxist. I agree with him in some points and agree with some libertarian Marxists but at the end, they say alot of stuff Bakunin, Kropotkin, Goldman, … said long before

              • @[email protected]
                -203 months ago

                So… why are you surprised that you get downvoted for being an Anarchist in a Marxist-Leninist space?

                • @[email protected]
                  163 months ago

                  I’m not surprised. If anything, I was surprised to be accepted into it at the first place. Sometimes I’m surprised by the low level of education some people have. You mentioned Catalonia. Some people don’t seem to know nor want to know anything about the Spanish civil war or the anything. I sometimes try to argue with people from different ideologies because I think it’s an opportunity for all to grow and sharpen their position but I’m not surprised to be downvoted. In no comment of this thread did I express surprise

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Lenin had some disagreements with Marx, i dont even like marx ans lenin is worse, and ‘marxist lenninist’ means ‘stalinist’. Which is even worse. You cannot call them ‘leftists’.

          • @[email protected]
            -63 months ago

            What is a leftist, if not someone advocating collective owmership of Capital? Leftist isn’t a syononym for “good,” of course, but I fail to see how Marxist-Leninists aren’t leftists.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              In the USSR the serfs were still serfs even if they weren’t called that, the workers still didn’t own the means of production, and there was still a tiny room of delusional shit sticks making all the decisions, often wildly irrationally.

              Better than one guy doing it, but no more, or not much more communist than the UK or France.

              • @[email protected]
                -73 months ago

                The USSR was a Worker State, owned and run by the workers. Soviet Democracy was the base model of decision making, along the formation of Democratic Centralism.

                There were numerous struggles and issues with the USSR, of course. There was corruption, especially among the Politburo. The focus on heavy industry over light industry, though favorable during WWII, resulted in fewer luxury commodities, which resulted in liberalization and collapse.

                Fundamentally, it is entirely silly to say that the USSR wasn’t leftist. It absolutely was, even if it was highly flawed and imperfect. In fact, it’s useful to analyze what went right (free eduaction, high home ownership, generous social safety net) and what went wrong (corruption, lack of luxury commodities, etc.) so as to come up with a better system.

                That is, unless you think Marxism isn’t leftist, and think only Anarchism counts as leftist, in which case I really don’t know what to tell you.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            In what manner at all? Fascism is fucking horrible. I am recommending about Marx and Engels as examples of Leftists. Unless, of course, you think Communism is fascist, in which case I really don’t know what to tell you.

    • @[email protected]
      163 months ago

      Lemmy.ml is still focused on FOSS and Privacy

      Meanwhile at c/worldnews they remove replies where people disagree that Ukraine is run by fascists and Putin should take it.

    • @Socsa
      3 months ago

      .ml is rapidly becoming the joke of the fediverse with how unapologetically they hand out bans for even mild wrong think.

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        That’s a straight lie. ML will quickly ban you for pointing out Russian astroturfing and Russian propaganda, but they barely give a shit about anything else.

        • @Socsa
          3 months ago

          Other than just browsing the modlog (actually do it from .ml since they seem to selectively federate the logs these days) The asklemmy thread about fediverse trolls is pretty much a perfect example of the .ml mods/admins falling over themselves to ban any dissent as “incivility” while letting actual trolls get away with actual incivility.

  • @[email protected]
    533 months ago

    There are people who think they’re at all different?

    I’m pretty sure lemmygrad was explicitly created to be the mask off equivalent of .ml

    • edric
      243 months ago

      There are users who don’t know why .ml was the domain that was used, only that it was the original instance so that’s what they chose to sign up with.

    • @[email protected]OP
      243 months ago

      i don’t know that people think they are different per se, but i do see a strange sense of shock that the same people annoyed with one might also be annoyed at the other

      • Maeve
        23 months ago

        Oh please. Everyone knows individuality is sold at Hollister.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      I block individuals. I think it can be good to expose myself to the eastern narrative a little since I’m only experiencing a western narrative. As well as eastern shitpost’s since I subscribe to 4chan

      • @[email protected]
        143 months ago

        Most non-bots are from United States and know nothing about eastern narrative other than what russian and Chinese bots are feeding them.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I find your innocence thinking the western narrative is not managed by CIA bots and shills, a bit cute. Just look at any discourse regarding Israel and Palestine and see how braindead liberals become bloodthirsty af when they realize many in the world don’t share their worldview.

  • Match!!
    303 months ago

    Wait, what’s lemmygrad?? I incorrectly inferred that lemmygrad was a disparaging name for lemmy.ml

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            the fediverse is turning into a collection of echo chambers due to this and now i’m wondering if it’s worth it to back to reddit.

            • Match!!
              83 months ago

              no matter how bad it might seem here I can promise reddit is a thousand times worse

            • @[email protected]
              63 months ago

              Let me give an example: I have a friend on Bluesky. He’s as middle of the road as it’s possible to be (and I say that in an entirely neutral way; it makes him neither better nor worse than anyone). He’s nice, and a good person. But he’s aggressive, disruptive, a fight-picker, and a single-issue conversationalist on social media. Bluesky seems to have a disproportionate number of people who are very nice, well-meaning, but aggressive and disruptive. I left Bluesky to exit an echo chamber for something more serene. I think that’s one thing the loud folk don’t quite get, regardless of their ideology: not all of us are here to yell and throw things all the time.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      They’re our crazy uncle that we try to keep locked in the basement but sometimes guests hear the crazed incomprehensible ranting from the cellar door.

  • @peteypete420
    193 months ago

    Newbie here, do I not see lemmygrad stuff on my “all” feed because I am on the shitjustworks instance?

    I can pull it up in the search bar, but don’t seem able to subscribe.

    I probably need to watch a newbs guide to the fediverse video or something. Like I understand the basic idea, but not the nuances or technical stuff.

      • @peteypete420
        53 months ago

        Yea I knew I had start looking up who is federated with whom. Thanks for the link!

    • @[email protected]
      203 months ago

      Yeah. Also, your instance is pretty well known for doing little about the vast numbers of hard right and alt right individuals on it who seek out and harass left leaning individuals, so it’s in both instances best interest to be separated.

      • @peteypete420
        63 months ago

        Thanks for the heads up. Outside of a couple instances I see mentioned all the time, Im not really sure of the differences between them all and their reputations. Lemmy world was my first attempt, but two or three times the account creation did not work. I’m sure it was user error, but I’m not sure how exactly I messed up.

      • @Zipitydew
        33 months ago

        Really? I just joined it cause I thought the instance name was hilarious.

    • @[email protected]
      113 months ago

      yes! @[email protected] doesn’t like grad and defederated from them.

      here’s why in their own words:

      The decision to block the Lemmygrad instance was less a question of censorship, and more an issue of personal conviction. As a volunteer dedicating my personal resources and time to facilitating a space for users to create, discover, and discuss - not just on this instance, but across the Fediverse - I admit that this choice was made alone, selfishly, without the consent or thoroughly considering the collective opinion of the community. With the above said, sh.itjust.works has had the lemmygrad instance blocked from its first day.

      • @starelfsc2
        3 months ago

        Actually, there was a vote immediately after the defederation to see whether people wanted lemmygrad refederated, and about 80-90% of the votes were to stay defederated, so it seems the users of sh.itjust.works also don’t like grad.

        edit: my mistake, turns out it was hexbear that was voted on, which has similar content

        • @[email protected]
          63 months ago

          It’s worth noting about your edit: I’m pretty sure hexbear was the one that initiated defederation from shit over shit posters being transphobic and harassing users in dms.

          • @starelfsc2
            63 months ago

            You are correct, hexbear did defederate from sh.itjust.works about a week after federating with them, so the vote became moot.

            The reason you gave is part of the reason hexbear admins gave, but I would take what they say with a grain of salt. I’ve seen people say things like “being trans in thoughts is a much different experiece than being trans in the way you dress, act, and look” and hexbear users will call that transphobic/uninclusive, as well as generally being vitriolic and unpleasant.

            As an example, a post where someone says “Biden brings up minimum wage increase and asks other democrats to speak up” will have several comments from hexbear users saying “capitalist bootlickers defending Biden should be shot like the vermin they are.” Maybe some users harassed hexbear users for these comments? I personally didn’t see any but it’s definitely possible.

    • YeetPics
      3 months ago

      When everyone dislikes your poorly thought out reactions and you respond to that disdain with calls for nuking entire hemispheres of the only planet we can live on, you kinda have to hide your identity/ideologies by way of obfuscation.

      They seem proud and vocal in their echo chamber but these fools are weaker than a watery shit irl.

      • Rusty Shackleford
        2 months ago

        Bitch-made invertebrate shit-heels pretending to be tough with Molotov-sippy-cups.

    • @[email protected]
      113 months ago

      Obfuscation. They know lemmygrad is too obviously tankie for most people, but lemmy.ml is not so obvious. The .ml is a dogwhistle that a lot of users won’t understand, so they can buy some measure of legitimacy that way. I guess they keep lemmygrad because they also want a place where they can go full mask-off.

      • @[email protected]
        133 months ago

        If your theory is correct, then why would they also keep many of their users uninformed? Referring to Lemmy.ml, of course. You claim it’s for legitimacy, but doesn’t that cease to fulfill its purpose? Is the goal to make a generalist instance, but with slightly more MLs, but also divert the MLs to Lemmygrad?

        I’m not sure your theory is correct, I think Lemmy.ml is just what it says it is: a generalist, FOSS and Privacy focused instance run by the devs, who are MLs.

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          If your theory is correct, then why would they also keep many of their users uninformed? Referring to Lemmy.ml, of course. You claim it’s for legitimacy, but doesn’t that cease to fulfill its purpose?

          Because the users that don’t know what the instance is for are the ones that help lend legitimacy to it, because then people like you can believe that it’s just a general instance with no political undertones. You aren’t running cover for them, you are their cover.

          Just think for a second about what you’re suggesting. They want to make an instance that is to lend legitimacy to a fringe political ideology, and they openly tell all of their users that that’s exactly what they’re doing? Then all anyone would need to do to destroy that legitimacy would be to publish whatever message the users receive explaining the true purpose of the instance. The cover only works if it’s deniable, and your idea would make it completely undeniable.

          Is the goal to make a generalist instance, but with slightly more MLs, but also divert the MLs to Lemmygrad?

          That is one of the goals, yes.

          • @[email protected]
            103 months ago

            Sorry, I really think this is ridiculous. Is Lemmy.world a cover for Liberalism, because it’s run by liberals? Is db0 a cover for Anarchism and Libertarian Socialism, because db0 is a Libertarian Socialist? This is just red-scare style paranoia.

            The very existance of Lemmygrad.ml should prove that there is an explicitly Marxist-Leninist space for MLs, and Lemmy.ml is a generalist instance for people who don’t care enough about that but want a server dedicated to FOSS and Privacy.

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              Is Lemmy.world a cover for Liberalism, because it’s run by liberals? Is db0 a cover for Anarchism and Libertarian Socialism, because db0 is a Libertarian Socialist?

              Liberals and libertarian socialists are usually pretty open about what they believe, so there’s no cover needed. They’re not covert ideologies like tankies have.

              However neoliberalism is a fairly hated ideology. If the people who ran lemmy.world were literally the same people running a neoliberalism sub on that instance and they also ran thatcher.love or whatever, and they banned people for saying neoliberalism was trash, then yeah, it would be a reasonable inference that lemmy.world was some sort of entryist ploy.

              It is the existence of lemmygrad combined with the behaviour of the people running lemmy.ml that makes the case to defederate. If that happens and you don’t like it, you could always migrate your account, unless you like it there, in which case you’re probably not the normie you first appeared to be.

              Edit: changed “fringe” to “covert”.

              • @rambling_lunatic
                73 months ago

                Completely tangential, but imma be real with you: libsocs are fringe too.

                Indeed, socialism of any sort is pretty fringe in most of the West.

                • @[email protected]
                  22 months ago

                  That’s a fair point, although I would say socialism is becoming less fringe, and it seems like the various types of libsoc are the main forms of socialism because people have seen the failures of state based solutions, even amongst demsocs/socdems.

                  That said, I kind of agree and the word “fringe” didn’t sit quite right. On reflection a better word would be “covert”, since ideologies that explicitly want to dominate people tend to hide what they are, since they know it’s not acceptable to state their aims up front. That’s really the idea I was getting at.

              • @[email protected]
                -83 months ago

                Lemmy.world regularly bans Marxist-Leninists, it is a two-way street there.

                Again, I truly don’t see how Lemmygrad taking the marxist-leninists means Lemmy.ml is a cover for Marxism-Leninism, it’s a non-political community focused on FOSS and Privacy.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  “it’s a non-political community focused on FOSS and Privacy.” -moderated and controlled at least somewhat by tankies who will delete your comment and possibly ban you for saying things about their flavour of communism that they dont like

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              The whole reason this was posted is because of the users posting they got banned from ml for stating facts that tankies disagree with.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  They’ll ban you for acknowledging the existence of the Uyghur genocide, for one

                  Edit: wording

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  Merely using the word Tankie has gotten me bigotry ruled recently. .ml is infected with Tankies regardless of what other people use it for.

                  Edit: Oooh, the Tankie Brigade are here

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      Lemmy.ml is focused on FOSS and Privacy, and is generally a “generalist” instance with that FOSS and Privacy slant.

      Lemmygrad.ml is an explicitly Marxist-Leninist instance for Marxist-Leninists.

      They really aren’t comparable instances outside of the dev connection.

  • Kiwi
    3 months ago

    Hi just migrated from Lemmy.ml. just wondering what a tankie actually is? I’ve heard it used a lot especially on Lemmy. My guess is some kind of pro CCP kind of communist but that’s my best guess

    Edit: Nvm just googled it. Its pretty much what I wrote.

    • @[email protected]OP
      3 months ago

      yeah you p much got it, (e: specifically they are v v chill with violence against innocents and authoritarianism to bring about their chosen regime. im already getting downvoted in this comment tho so yeah just go look at the wikipedia page 😭)

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Does that mean most Americans are tankies when it comes to Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians 🤔

        **Clearly struck a cord with the bloodthirsty genocide supporters

          • @[email protected]
            -113 months ago

            Oh yeah I forgot. Communism is bad, but mass killing brown Muslims is fine because they’re subhuman cannon fodder for furthering America’s Military Industrial Complex. Thanks for clearing that up.

            • Klara
              63 months ago

              Communism isn’t bad per se, authoritarianism is, but there are many authoritarian regimes going under the name ‘communist’, thus we have a term for that: tankie. Using different terms to describe the Israeli state (like fascist, ethno-nationalist, or Zionist) and its supporters does not mean it’s not bad. It really is! It’s just categorically different in the ideology espoused by them, and having language to describe that is not bad.

              • @[email protected]
                -23 months ago

                Intentionally missing the point of the irony behind Americans using words that allude to ignoring a genocide while actively ignoring a genocide they’re tax dollars are funding.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              Words have meaning you know. That is just the meaning of the word tankie. If you fail to understand that, I feel sorry for you.

            • @[email protected]OP
              03 months ago

              plenty of the people leveraging the word “tankie” against tankies are communists, or at least socialists, just less authoritarian ones. and i’d venture to guess that the vast majority of those people are anti-genocide, including the case of Gaza.

              please take the smallest of measures to understand the positions at foot before stuffing straw men into everyone’s mouths. you look quite foolish here.

        • @[email protected]OP
          3 months ago

          no that doesn’t mean that. tankies are communist. most americans are not generally communists

    • @[email protected]
      03 months ago

      Depends on whether the person saying it is a fellow leftie or a rightwinger brainlet. To the first, it’s what you described - an anti-Marxist communist. To the second group, anyone left of Nixon.

      • htrayl
        143 months ago

        IMO a tankie on the left is just a pure anti-west authoritarian cosplaying as a communist - the communism is largely window dressing and they are generally perfectly happy defending Russia (obviously not communist) or authoritarian nonsense from China and other communist countries.

    • @[email protected]
      353 months ago

      I don’t think that’s a good solution. If I personally block an instance they can still see my comments and posts and have full conversations alongside them that everybody except me can read. I reserve blocking for genuine harrasment, not horrible ideas in general. I’d rather be part of the discussion and use that to build a case for defederation if it’s really so bad I’d want to block them.

      • @[email protected]
        113 months ago

        Agreed, and I think defederation from Lemmy.ml is overdue.

        They’re a toxic mouthpiece for authoritarian governments pretending to be communists, especially the CCP but also the Kremlin. They’re the reason I won’t even admit to anyone that I use Lemmy.

        I had an old account I abandoned because they followed me around and downvoted everything I posted. Most of it was funny memes I was posting to help Lemmy grow.

        They’re the same trashy people as Hexbear but with a nicer mask and surrounded by legitimate users who don’t realize what’s going on.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        It’s not enough that you ignore views you don’t like, you must apparently stop everyone else on the same instance(s) as you from seeing these views. For our protection and safety, I assume?

        • TotallyNotSpez
          123 months ago

          I just don’t have the time or energy to deal with the toxic behaviour of those people. I don’t run an instance, the one I use doesn’t block others, but I block some instances for my personal account. Nothing wrong with that.

          • @[email protected]
            53 months ago

            Nothing wrong with blocking instances yourself. My issue is with people who take it upon themselves to mount a campaign to block instances for all other users on an instance.

            • @[email protected]
              43 months ago

              I have an issue with people who mount a campaign to stop defederation regardless of who it’s targeting.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago


          All together now:

          “If users don’t like that their instance has defederated then they can migrate their accounts.”

          I have yet to see a real answer to this from people who concern troll about defederation.

          • @[email protected]
            43 months ago

            Or, more simply, if you don’t like the instance then you can block it yourself. That’s what the feature is for. It’s not concern trolling to point out that I don’t want people like you choosing which instances I get to see from which instances I use.

            It’s much easier for you to use the block feature as intended instead of you screaming at instance maintainers to censor content for everyone on that instance you don’t like and making people create accounts all over different instances just because you can’t handle a different opinion. Why needlessly fracture the fediverse because of your personal preferences?

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago


              “Blocking is a band-aid that doesn’t remove the problem community from interacting with your community at large, which is how you limit the ability of that community to spread their harmful behaviour.”

              Also, I don’t choose, the instance admins choose. Nothing I say will change that. If I successfully convince them, then they were convincable. If you don’t like that… change instances.

              • @[email protected]
                33 months ago

                “Problem community”, huh? Now that’s concern trolling! You’re just concerned about others being exposed to a nebulous “problem community”?

                Why do you think you get to decide for others what a “problem community” is? I’ve seen people like you rally together to scream at instance maintainers to block other instances because you don’t like their opinions. Stop being a fediverse karen and use the block function or, if you’re such a control freak, maintain your own instance.

                • @[email protected]
                  23 months ago

                  I’m sorry, do you think the concept of a “problem community” is somehow not a concept that makes sense? What is your argument here exactly?

                  Are you trying to say that defederation should never be done? If not, then what are you saying?

      • TotallyNotSpez
        -33 months ago

        That’s fair. I’m a filthy casual and thus blocking instances works fine for me (3 so far). User comments from those instances are shown to me with a spoiler tag and when I click on them I can still see them and even comment on them. But I’m happy that posts from those instances don’t show up in my feed.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          User comments from those instances are shown to me with a spoiler tag and when I click on them I can still see them and even comment on them.

          That’s actually a pretty good solution, I didn’t realise it worked like that.

          Maybe instance blocking is a solution I can use in that case…

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      In case you havent been here long enough to know what a Tankie is, on top of what everyone else has shared: A Tankie is a Communist who thinks Russia and China have done nothing wrong, they’ll try and make you think we call ALL communists/left leaning people Tankies, but no, the Tank part of Tankie comes from shit like Tiananmen Square where they used tanks to destroy their political opposition, and Tankies are perfectly fine with this/claim shit like Tiananmen Square is propoganda.

      Tldr: Communist/Socialists/leftists who arent a fan of Russia and China’s dictatorial tendencies? Not a Tankie. Communist who’ll defend Russia and China to the point of thinking maybe Ukraine deserves to be invaded and that Taiwan should be absorbed by China? Tankie

      Edit: Even more TL:Dr? They’re the leftist version of a Nazi Brony

      Edit the third: Tankies, downvotes by you hold as much meaning as a downvote on youtube does… I saw the downvote count go from 1-6 in 15 minutes so you could make it look like as much people disagreed with me as agreed

    • @[email protected]
      73 months ago

      The ml stands for Marxist Leninist. Basically, it means the admins of an instance ending in ml has been some revolting politics.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        And not just Marxist Leninism, but revanchist Marxist Leninism which denies the wrongdoing of not only Stalin and Mao but also Putin and Xi entirely and blames anything that happened in history or present on the West.

        ie. Tankies.

        I wouldn’t really have much problem with them if they were Marxist Leninist and still acknowledged history and reality. Unfortunately that’s not the case.

        • Grayox
          -63 months ago

          We acknowledge history and reality. Calling all of us Tankies is such a cop out. Putin bad, Xi is pretty chill comparatively speaking to Putin. Lemmy.ml is a beacon of free speech and ideas compared to Lemmygrad and hexbear, where i have had multiple comments deleted when I wrote well thought put arguments around voting for the lesser of 2 evils to be the best course of action to protect the Prolitariat while forming the Class Conciousness necessary for any sort of true Marxist society to form. Yall calling anyone left of Democratic Socialist is reactionary af.

          • @[email protected]
            183 months ago

            Beacon of free speech? That’s not only a huge stretch, I’m gonnq say thats bullshit altogether, go look at the modlog and you might change your mind. They delete and ban people for having different opinions, even when they have sources and evidence.

          • @[email protected]
            183 months ago

            We acknowledge history and reality

            Not in my experience. I’ve had 100% factual comments that include links to widely respected sources deleted with no explanation.

            Lemmy.ml isn’t even communist, that’s just a mask for their authoritarian propaganda. I respect communists and I hate Lemmy.ml

          • @[email protected]
            123 months ago

            This doesn’t match the reality I’ve experienced there unfortunately. And I did give it the good old college try before giving up.

          • @[email protected]
            73 months ago

            See a lot of us who frequently call out Tankies dont consider YOU a Tankie if what you state your opinions about Putin and Xi are true. A LOT of us are sick of people who supposedly care about oppressed classes sucking off dictators though.

      • lad
        153 months ago

        I still can’t stop associating ml with machine learning first 😅

        • Beanson
          13 months ago

          I assumed that’s what it stood for because it was listed as hosting tech-focused communities.

          • lad
            13 months ago

            Yup, same. Well, half a year later I found out the hidden truth 🌚 and keep forgetting it every time, still

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        Also, “Marxism-Leninism” as a term was coined by Stalin, but there’s a reason people avoid the term “Stalinism”, because even these people understand that his horrific legacy can’t be revised.

        So whenever you hear the term, you can understand that it’s basically Stalinism papered over with the names of dead men who couldn’t object to him puppeteering them and coopting their legacy to lend legitimacy to his reign of terror.

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        I wish.

        I love socialism and keep engaging but all too often it’s people glorifying dictators.

    • [email protected]
      3 months ago

      [email protected] is the syntax for linking to communities. I feel it’s used too rarely on Lemmy, leading to the slow propagation of information and few people using the unique features that make the lemmyverse navigable. I’d never manage to reach the communities I’m searching for if not for easy linking.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    ml is okayish compared to hexbear lol

    I thought at first it was some fun leftist lgbt place but quickly I ran into violent bloodthirsty comments that made my skin crawl. there are also many of my lovely fellow transfems over there ugh. it is really sad when people are lost into the void of extremism. But I don’t really blame them however I grieve them.