Are westerners being robbed of TP when we get the hollow rolls? Is communism the right path after all?

  • @[email protected]
    14616 days ago

    I’ve been on Lemmy for about a year, so I’m certain that communism is the only right path.

  • @[email protected]
    16 days ago

    Don’t go to Russia. Every once in a while you can encounter this atrocity. Yes, it has holes right out of the roll, no perforation whatsoever and not even a hole that you could hang it on and therefore outer layers are always dirty. And, of course, feels like a sandpaper, tears when wiping, but stretches when you actually try to get a piece. Please don’t tell me that this exists outside of Russia, that’d be way to much assrash for this world.

    • @[email protected]
      6616 days ago

      Don’t go to Russia.

      There’s a very tall list of reasons to not go to Russia and their toilet papers isn’t very high on it.

      • @[email protected]
        3216 days ago

        I don’t know…

        My list goes:

        1. Their toilet paper

        2. I might criticize Putin

        3. I might criticize the government

        • @[email protected]
          16 days ago

          Well, I wouldn’t worry about 2 and 3 that much. It’s just that as a foreigner, especially if you are from the US, you will most definitely fall under the surveillance of FSB and the cops will look at you twice, but they’re not paid half-decent enough to actually give a shit and do their job properly. They might harass you here and there but if you don’t do anything stupid like protesting in red square or doing selfies in front of military bases, then they’ll have nothing against you. I imagine that’s not that much worse than living in the US under CIA’s umbrella and trigger happy cops. Other than that, it’s not nearly an extreme hellhole like NK, Afghanistan or Syria that people make it sound like. In fact, you can get by in Moscow or St. Petersburg without a guide or translator just fine. I’d rather advise to watch out for the tourist traps(the usual), and to avoid getting out of the city limits and into the suburbs because of the much increased crime levels.

          Ah, and put the fact that for every dollar you spend there, you put 20 cents straight into Putin’s pocket into that list…

          And also that you’d probably need a visa and it’s a hassle…

          And that you’d probably need a Russian friend to get you hooked up with the basics and avoid going through the bureaucracy - like with currency exchange, credit card, carrier plan, etc…

          Also that weather is rather harsh there…

          And also that it’s probably the dirtiest country on earth because city planners didn’t zone out lawns and parks properly therefore the mud gets spread absolutely everywhere…

          And that internet is half-broken, with half sites censored while the others block everyone from Russian IP’s because sanctions…

          And that Ukraine might not let you in afterwards…

          And that you’d for sure be questioned by your homecountry’s intelligence services…

          And that’s about all that I can think of.

            • @[email protected]
              15 days ago

              Well, it that case you’re referring to, the guy was actually snooping around which would fall into doing stupid things. But, just in case, just this once, here’s a free get out of jail free card: If you ever got caught just say that you’re an orthodox christian who came to Russia to enjoy based traditional culture in this bastion of anti-woke-ism and family values, and complain about some dumb shit like how western liberal agenda prevents you from hitting your wife or something. They can’t put you on TV while you are in prison, so they’ll have to let you go.

          • @[email protected]
            -415 days ago

            it’s not nearly an extreme hellhole like NK

            North Korea is like ten times nicer than Russia, and definitely doesn’t belong on the same list as Taliban-controlled Afghanistan or still-a-warzone Syria, regardless of what you think of their government.

              • @[email protected]
                015 days ago

                unquestioningly believe Western propaganda about a country you’ve never been too

                it’s OTHER people who are naive

                'kay bud.

                • @[email protected]
                  215 days ago

                  Yes, and the Earth is flat because you never went to space to confirm it’s a globe. Stupid people don’t know they’re stupid, it’s only a problem for everyone around them. Get help.

            • @[email protected]
              215 days ago

              girl, there are pictures of north koreans gathering GRASS because they don’t have food. And they will kill you or put you in a camp if you try to leave.

    • @[email protected]
      1415 days ago

      You see these in Poland every now and then, just with an actual central hole. I remember seeing these in my school, we used to call it srajtaśma (“shit tape” is the best translation I can think of), and it was just as bad as you described it. It also had a very particular smell to it.

      • @[email protected]
        515 days ago

        Funny how I could probably understand what you mean if you said it without translation. Sounds very simillar to срать тесьма, which is also shit tape, though it’s not a correct grammatically in Russian. To my knowledge, we don’t have a specific name for it, but if there were I’d say it’d either be студенческая/солдатсткая (student/soldier) paper because they’re so poor, or жоподёрка (the assripper)

    • @[email protected]
      1416 days ago

      I encountered this in Ukraine, often combined with those toilets in the floor and/or extremely rickety, extremely “well-loved” outhouses. Once, we stopped in what appeared to be a stranger’s yard and my hosts advised we were at the rest stop. I asked where the restroom was. They all started laughing. They are a hearty bunch.

      • @[email protected]
        916 days ago

        The one that’s just like a concrete block with few holes in the floor? God that shit’s terrifying. Grew up in Russia and luckily never had to use one of those as they were never the only option. But if I had to, I’d rather shit my pants instead. Had to use shoddy garden toilets, squat toilets and toilets with no stalls before a few times each, all were awful experiences, but this thing, it combines all three for the ultimate discomfort.

      • @[email protected]
        416 days ago

        Very close to it, yeah, like a very thin and shitty one. Doesn’t stretch as much nor is as sturdy, but the texture is spot on.

    • @[email protected]
      315 days ago

      Its literally tissue paper, I think youre being pretty dramatic

      looks like itd be more ecofriendly because its mot bleached, and its not shipping around with a heap of empty space for the (now i think about it) oversized cardboard tube

    • @[email protected]
      314 days ago

      These exist and are widely used in rural Romania. Even public institutions like schools and town halls use these there. They’re not the worst you can get though. About 10-15 years ago you’d also stumble across houses that had no toilet paper, just newspapers. You were supposed to wipe with those. Not a fun experience!

    • @sanpedropeddler
      214 days ago

      My public school in Louisiana had very similar toilet paper. I’m not sure if its actually the same, but it certainly looks like it.

  • @[email protected]
    6716 days ago

    It’s so hard to use toilet paper after getting a bidet.

    I mean sure, I use TP to double check the bidet did it’s job and to dry. But wiping twice as opposed to dealing with a marker butthole has spoiled me.

    • @[email protected]
      1016 days ago

      Only reason you have a marker butthole is because you ain’t eating enough fiber motha fucka. Get some fiber powder and drink that shit bro wtf don’t spread misinformation like you spread your ass to shoot water up there to enema douche the bit of poop you left pinched off up your buttholy hole because you ain’t eating some God damn fiber my man!! EAT FIBER YO POO BE ONE BIG OL UNBREAKABLE LINK ITS WONDERFUL 👍

  • @[email protected]
    5416 days ago

    That’s cuz you gotta bring your own TP with you instead of it being provided to you for free. No need for a TP holder tube if you’re not gonna share.

    Wait, are US bathrooms communist???

    • @[email protected]OP
      3415 days ago

      Dont let the Republicans find out! They will lobby to take free TP out of schools on account of spreading communist ideology.

      • @BigDanishGuy
        015 days ago

        Well, first aid for an arterial bleeding is to “stuff a finger in the hole and get the person to lay down on the floor”. I suppose that could still be relevant here… If you have a cock ring I guess you could apply it as a tourniquet

  • @[email protected]
    2716 days ago

    There are some commercial rolls I’ve seen in the US that seem to be a happy medium…the holder itself in the stall has a thin plastic rod for the TP to go on, and the rolls have a very small opening in the center (and no cardboard) to go on that rod.

  • THCDenton
    2116 days ago

    Here in Vietnam we use the whole toilet paper! That’s 65% more toilet paper per toilet paper!

  • @[email protected]
    2016 days ago

    You can buy something like this here in the US.

    The roll is smaller, and they market it as being made for camping (takes up less space in the pack, etc). It also, of course, costs more because of this, since modern camping gear loves to price gouge.

    If you’re going to pack TP though, just spool what you need around something smaller in diameter (like a skewer). Or if you know what you’re doing then just use leaves instead, those are free.

  • @[email protected]
    1515 days ago

    I used to buy rolls where the center of the tube came as a little personal roll you could put in your purse. I can’t remember which brand anymore.

  • @[email protected]
    1416 days ago

    I dont think i saw any TP in VN. Everything was bidet and wash hands.

    wasnt terrible. Cold showers constantly and no water pressure were by far more of a culture shock to me. It was more similar to when I would go and hike for weeks on end in college.

    • @[email protected]
      816 days ago

      Yeah when they say 10 min max limit, they really mean it.

      And even then you see people taking showers as fast as 5 minutes to save water stored in the tank.

      • @[email protected]
        215 days ago

        Do they use rainwater collection tanks for showers or is it just a buffer tank on the roof to compensate for low pressure?

        • @[email protected]
          14 days ago

          From what i saw they seemed to be pressure/heat tanks (they were mostly silver or dark and in full sun).

          Looked like most places had their own personal water tower.

    • @[email protected]
      15 days ago

      Skin pores close on cold water, making it less effective. Feels gross for me too (hypersensitivity), did that once for a while in a hot summer.

      • @[email protected]
        215 days ago

        Hmm. I guess theoretically you could soap up with warmer water before getting in the cold shower. So the shower is mostly just rinse.

        • @[email protected]
          215 days ago

          I was in the southern parts, you were hot and it was already warm. The shower was basically a way to cool off. I would take a couple a day, but they were always quick. and again, water pressure was like 5-10 psi on a good day.

          We got an Airbnb in Hanoi at one point, and that had hot showers and good pressure and I took a very long one. Best I had felt in a while.

  • @[email protected]
    1416 days ago

    In China it comes stacked in bags and you pull it out sheet by sheet like paper hand towels or a box of tissues. You can hang the bag up.

  • @[email protected]
    1316 days ago

    As a household that doesn’t use a toilet paper roller, this would be amazing. I hate throwing away all those empty rolls

  • @[email protected]
    1216 days ago

    In Brazil I saw a toiled paper that the center was filled with another roll, so you’d need to remove that center to put it in your bathroom and use it as a “portable toilet paper” to carry with you

  • @ArbitraryValue
    16 days ago

    The toilet paper I used in Taiwan was in the form of individual pieces folded up like American tissues for blowing your nose. I even accused my host of making me use tissues, but she showed me that they were actually marketed as toilet paper. Oh, and I couldn’t flush them. That was not embarrassing at all.