I don’t think some of you whippersnappers get it. We used to have to download every codec under the sun. VLC having zero compatibility issues was insane in 2001.
And foss, all the time.
The human devs showing us humanity.
MPV is better than VLC.
VLC for when I just want something to play.
MPV for when I’m ready to speak the voodoo into mpv.config.
mpv for me just works and I don’t even touch the config I put in default language for subtitles and audio but other than that I’ve not touched the config and everything just plays
This. I love VLC, but it let me down today when it couldn’t open an m3u8 stream that MPV opened with ease. No config meddling needed.
I miss Media Player Classic. No Linux version from what I understand, and MPV didn’t do it for me.
Every time I’ve tried to use MPV I get codec issues. VLC just works.
Yeah I’ve always had issues with VLC on Linux, specifically the video/audio cutting off at the end. It could be fixable but I’m also kind of dumb so. I just switched to Haruna which I think uses mpv? It’s been great
Desktop background material
10/10 no notes
that’s what notepad++ is for!
notepad++ is Windows only. :/
Kate by the KDE group is basically Notepad++ but even better!
Notepad++, Kate, VSCodium, Vim, NeoVim, Emacs, Nano; use what you love.
What if I love writing assembly with refrigerator magnets?
Then don’t let anyone tell you its wrong.
Kate is dope
Well yes, all the other OSes have better note apps.
I am pretty sure you can run it through Wine.
Although you could probably run Kate at that point.
I liked when the cone was flocked with snow, and wrapped with ivy, about a month ago. It’s so festive!
They used to put a little Santa hat on top of the cone.
Oh Yazz! I do recall.
VLC my beloved
Fuck yeah
OK but who’s sitting on the cone? Is it lubed?
Streaming companies
And not lubed + covered in road salt.
Hell yeah
Keep doing that!
Shoutout to its creators and maintainers!
Media Player Classic Home Cinema and the Combined Community Codec Pack were always my preferred flavor.
Same… Wish there was a linux version of MPC
Other than regular media files, I use VLC to stream live TV fairly often across multiple devices. Got a HDHomeRun and it just broadcasts UPNP streams that VLC can view. Also tried streaming with OBS over the local network and VLC can watch it, no 3rd party servers required. Only OBS and VLC over the LAN.
Too bad their function of playing multiple videos at once no longer works. I wish they tested their fucking app in every single way before making a new release.