Similar vibes to Storm (the incredibly powerful mutant with fully hideable powers who is worshipped as a goddess by some cultures) saying ‘we don’t need a cure, we’re perfect as we are’ to Rogue (the mutant who kills everyone she touches).
Storm is right. Rogue’s powers aren’t a disease. Rogue can’t control her powers because of mental health issues. The solution is going to therapy, not taking away her powers.
Imagine you have Tourette’s and can’t stop swearing. Is the cure to Tourette’s to cut your larynx out? No! But that’s effectively what Rogue is asking for in this scene.
Storm is a little bit wrong. There is something wrong with Rogue. But it’s not that she’s a mutant. Storm’s right about that.
I’m not an expert on the psychotherapy of mutants, but in most superhero media (eg Frozen), you have to accept your powers in order to control them. Storm is helping Rogue. Rogue needs to accept that her powers are part of her before she’ll be able to control them
Also, everyone should go listen to The Bright Sessions. It’s a podcast about a psychologist for people with superpowers.
Rogue had it rough
Rough had it rogue
Cookie monster beast got me howling
Nah that’s just how my boy Hank used to look before he turned into dog faced furbait
100% Indigenous Canadian me listening to my light skinned city Indian cousin with 1/8 blood ancestry.
For the record, I am a 100% Ojibway from all sides from my family (there might be one European in there somewhere about four generations ago), I grew up a traditional lifestyle and my first language is Ojibway which I still speak (but I have no one left to talk to in my area). I am a big brown long haired Indian that you can’t mistake for someone obviously being different … and seldom seen as an actual Native person … I’m often told that I’m Filipino, Chinese, Japanese or my favourite an overweight Thai.
You have no idea how close to home this comic is to me.
Okay, Beast and Nightcrawler I know, but is that flamehead aka Cage? Not a mutant if so. And who are the other oddities?
Chamber is the flame face, the pink blob with a skeleton is Glob, and the bird one is Beak.
I never got that about Cyclops. If his laser is red, and his glasses are red, wouldn’t that just let the light through? Wouldn’t he need green glasses?
Nah mate, the red lenses are reflecting red light, which is why they appear red. If they absorbed red light they would be absorbing incredible amounts of energy every second and heat up super fast. Because they reflect the energy the energy just goes back through the portals to the dimension that it came from. (Canonically.)
Editor: Why did you make his eyes red?
Artist: Coz of the lazers, duh
Editor: No, I mean why scientifically?!
Artist: (oh shit oh shit)
(ten convoluted phone calls later)
Artist: … and so the force beam reflects forcelessly off the glasses and back into its home dimension where his optic nerve lives…And it’s actually not light coming out of his eyes, but punch energy.
Neat! That’s actually cool that it gets explained! I feel much better about that now and can finally sleep after all these years. Thank you.
Also, he has 2 eyes
It could be that Cyclop’s laser is either being absorbed, reflected, or a mix of both.
Who is the guy between Beak and Herman?
Chamber I think.