• @[email protected]
      542 months ago

      Loaded gun in a car door pocket? I don’t think these people considered themselves responsible gun owners.

      • @can
        932 months ago

        No, I think they did. That’s the problem.

        • @can
          2 months ago

          What they claim and what they believe.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        It’s terrifyingly common where i live, though people who do it think it’s common sense self-protection.

    • @[email protected]
      212 months ago

      Here’s a story for you. I’ve only really held a gun once, at a camp riflery range (very small calibers). I still end up doing a fair amount of gun research for understanding gun debates / safety practices, research for fiction where characters have to talk about guns, etc.

      I have had to correct other Reddit users that are gun owners, about the workings of basic single-action revolvers, in a very deep/long thread. I briefly doubted myself and checked my own sources, and yes, I was correct and the gun owner was persisting off the idea I was wrong. I’m sure there’s some responsible owners out there, but the fact there are so many bull-headed idiots about their guns, who still say they’re responsible, should scare anyone.

      The specific topic, if you’re interested, was on the situation where an old-style revolver is loaded and cocked by an inexperienced user, who then wants to safely decock/unload the gun without firing it (at that point, the cylinder is locked so basic approaches won’t work). Feel free to look it up - the approach needed there is pretty damn stupid.

      • BougieBirdie
        122 months ago

        I don’t handle guns, I just like westerns and play too many video games:

        Don’t you have to hold the hammer while you pull the trigger to decock it? The trigger unlocks it, but because you’re holding the hammer it doesn’t strike the shell?

        So in order to safely disarm you have to pull the trigger, which sure sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

        • @[email protected]
          92 months ago

          Exactly right. It’s possible there are some newer revolver models that have fixed that quirk of design, but that’s been true of all the ones I looked up YouTube videos on.

          • @[email protected]
            72 months ago

            Yeah, modern ones have a decocker to fix that problem. I’ve never looked up how they work exactly. I do know that some revolvers also have a little piece that comes up to block the hammer from striking.

            The historic design is certainly unsafe, but in those days, guns were rare and expensive enough that if you had one, you were already going to be trained on it. (Also, compared to a semi-auto pistol slide spring, revolver hammer springs are surprisingly weak. The only time I’ve had to do it, in a safety class, I was using so much force to hold the hammer up, I didn’t realize I had to let off to let it down.)

      • @[email protected]
        102 months ago

        I had a girlfriends father insist on taking the whole family to the gun range as a “fun day out thing”. Not my thing, but why say no to new experience? Besides her dad had always openly carried so it was clearly something HE was into, so being invited to family time with him felt like a kindness

        But oh joy, was I thankful that a gun instructor was there, literally everything her dad said was corrected. From hand placement, to how to load to how to stand. The guy nearly kicked dad off the range at one point for having a loaded gun facing his kid.

        Thankfully I never had to suffer his company since we broke up later, but it was a very eye opening experince. Being INTO guns definitely does not correlate with safe usage.

    • capital
      142 months ago

      These people also left their 2 year old in the car by himself while they shopped.

      These people are fucking morons, gun or no gun.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Agreed. There are plenty of morons among the gun owners who consider themselves responsible gun owners.

    • Schadrach
      02 months ago

      Sure, sure, but not every gun owner leaves their gun loaded and unsecured in a car with their unsupervised young child.

        • Schadrach
          12 months ago

          I guarantee you they don’t think that way now.

          I actually know someone something similar happened to and even years later half the house was basically a shrine to the kid.

          • @[email protected]
            32 months ago

            Yup. But until that toddler’s corpse was found, they considered themselves to be responsible gun owners.

            And gun nuts counted them as responsible by default until that instant as well.

  • SeaJ
    1652 months ago

    It’s unclear if the parents –  identified by family as Sam Odums and Laileighauna Parks – will face charges in the incident.

    The owner absolutely should be charged. Clearly the gun was unsecured.

    Also, it was over 90°F in Douglas, GA. You don’t leave a fucking toddler in your car with that kind of heat.

    • @[email protected]
      492 months ago

      Even if the AC was left on, I’d have never left my kid in the car alone at 2. So many ways that can go wrong.

    • Blaine
      -642 months ago

      Guns kept in a car usually aren’t required to be locked up if the car itself is locked. There’s not much point having a gun in the car if you have to ask the carjacker to wait nicely while you fetch your gun from its locked container.

        • @[email protected]
          102 months ago

          Seriously. Might as well lock your toddler in your gun safe at that point. I don’t see what difference the wheels make.

        • Blaine
          -92 months ago

          I was just quoting the actual laws… As a concealed carry permit holder it’s a pretty important responsibility to know how/where it’s legal to store your loaded handgun.

          • @WolfLink
            152 months ago

            I hope it’s also important to know how/where to store your loaded handgun so toddlers can’t get to it.

            • Blaine
              2 months ago

              Rule 1: Don’t have kids.

              Rule 2: Don’t allow kids in your car or home.

            • Blaine
              32 months ago

              Agreed - that’s probably the easier way to charge the father in this case. Focus on child endangerment, reckless abandonment, etc. I’m just saying a gun charge probably isn’t the best path to conviction in this case.

                • Blaine
                  22 months ago

                  I haven’t made any arguments to “bad faith”. I just saw OP saying the father should face gun charges, and that’s a topic I know a bit about, so I thought I’d chime in with a quick fact check. I never said the father wasn’t a piece of shit or that he shouldn’t go to jail.

          • @[email protected]
            -52 months ago

            No, you weren’t, you wrote your comment completely ignoring the actual context.

            Regardless of that, carjacking and the ability for anyone to stop one, is not going to yield great results if someone is already pointing a gun at you. No one is really prepared to deal with opposing one; the best thing to do is just get out and get to safety.

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                A knife or a gun is equally efficient at intimidating and damaging someone. You aren’t going to have the time or awareness to draw a gun before they stab you.

      • @RobertoOberto
        2 months ago

        Guns kept in a car usually aren’t required to be locked up if the car itself is locked.

        This varies widely from state to state, with different requirements for loaded vs unloaded, concealed carry permits, and accessibility requirements.

        There’s not much point having a gun in the car if you have to ask the carjacker to wait nicely while you fetch your gun from its locked container.

        So use a quick-access safe mounted in the vehicle or get a concealed carry license and keep it secured in a holster with you. No excuse for leaving it accessible to a child.

          • @TopRamenBinLaden
            2 months ago

            Agreed. Was just stating what the law is.

            Yea but what you actually mean by that is:

            Agreed. Was just stating what the my local state law is.

            Its important, because people should know that their local state laws around this may be different.

            • Blaine
              2 months ago

              It really doesn’t vary that much by state.

              You can check all 50 individually from page 1 of this document - https://handgunlaw.us/documents/USRVCarCarry-1.pdf

              Here’s the breakdown for the most populous states, which would cover most people in the US. This also includes the most restrictive states in terms of gun laws like NY and CA, so most will be more permissive than this.

              California: Prohibits carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle unless it is in a locked container or the trunk. Concealed carry permit holders must adhere to these rules.

              Texas: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

              Florida: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

              New York: Generally restrictive. In New York City, it is prohibited to have a loaded firearm in a vehicle. In other parts of the state, a permit is required, and rules can be strict.

              Pennsylvania: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

              Illinois: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

              Ohio: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

              Georgia: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

              North Carolina: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

              Michigan: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

              • @TopRamenBinLaden
                42 months ago

                Good to know actually. Appreciate the breakdown.

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        You shouldnt be allowed to guns at all, especially not unsecured in a car. If your toddler then shoots itself with the gun you definitely should face charges.

        • Blaine
          12 months ago

          Agreed. I was just quoting the actual law. I store loaded guns unsecured in my car and home, but I live alone and don’t have kids or allow kids in my car or home. Obviously the situation would be different if I did.

      • @[email protected]
        82 months ago

        Even when unattended? I wouldn’t do that even if it was legal. It’s a great way to get your car broken into to steal the gun.

        And I wouldn’t leave a gun unattended around a two-year-old in any case.

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        Guns kept in a car usually aren’t required to be locked up if the car itself is locked.

        Common sense requires it if there is a chance you’ll be leaving a toddler alone with it.

        • Blaine
          2 months ago

          Agreed. Unfortunately the law and common sense don’t always align. Maybe the father could be charged with reckless endangerment or some sort of neglect - I’m only saying there probably isn’t a direct firearm storage statute that was violated here.

          Edit: Sadly, it’d probably be easier to charge him for leaving the kid in the car based on how hot it was, with the gun storage issue maybe as an aggravating factor.

      • JackbyDev
        52 months ago

        I get your point, but the only person in the car was a 2 year old. Surely you don’t expect the 2 year old to stop a car jacker with the gun, so it should be locked while no one is operating the vehicle, at least?

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Maybe the kid killed himself so he wouldn’t have to slowly die of heat stroke because his idiot parents left him alone in a car (edit: WITH A LOADED GUN WHAT THE FUCK) in a Walmart parking lot.

    • @[email protected]
      172 months ago

      "You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog. You need a license to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they’ll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father. " - Keanu Reeves as Tod Higgins, Parenthood (1989).

    • @[email protected]
      72 months ago

      Plus, now we’re not allowed to abort them even if we know we don’t have the mental, emotional, or financial capacity to take care of them, and it looks like they are trying to make contraceptives illegal again, so I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more and more stories like this.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Yeah it hurts the future generations the most. More adults that need therapy, but don’t get it and hurt others.

        • @[email protected]
          -542 months ago

          Because demographics.

          If there won’t be enough children, there won’t be anyone to sustain the economy as we retire.

          Not only will this make us work to death, but also the decreased productivity and natural death will generally tank the economy down very badly.

          • @[email protected]
            572 months ago

            Maybe we need to rethink economics in a way they don’t require an endless growth of the population like we’re a cancer to the earth. Maybe Bezos could pay a bit more than 1.1% in taxes, an extra 1% would free a cool couple of billion for retirement. And so could Musk, and same with the companies, a bit from Amazon, a bit from Microsoft, and the rest of S&P500…

            I’m all for a bit of population decline. The system needs to crash to get rebalanced.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            “Everyone needs to keep breeding so my ponzi scheem style retirement savings will still work”

            Plan to die at your job like the rest of us.

            • @[email protected]
              112 months ago

              Worst thing is, even though population grows, the retirement age does aswell.

              Having more people now just mean higher expectations from the generation after them. It is just a temporary fix thate current generation hopes to throw onto the next and hopefully die before it all gets fucked.

              A positive feedback loop (and this is not meant in a positive way).

          • @[email protected]
            332 months ago

            If only there were a way to like… Import millions of people who could prop up a declining population.

          • Jimmybander
            192 months ago

            We can’t keep doing this to the planet. The system is broken. We need a smaller human population regardless of the effect on the economy.

          • @[email protected]
            72 months ago

            Think of how affordable housing would be. Cities would suck (look at how long Detroit has taken to recover from losing something like 2/3 of its population) but suburbs would thrive.

          • prole
            2 months ago

            Thinly veiled white supremacist bullshit. I wonder what demographic you’re referring to? Hmmmmm…

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              Wasn’t planning to respond to the negativity wave, but white supremacism? Huh?

              I guess some Muricans are so oversensitive on the issue they see racism in everything. I come from a country that barely has any black/hispanic population at all (simply historically), and same with any sort of supremacism - we don’t have racial aspect as a cornerstone of our culture, and I can barely see any intersection here.

              Do you mean I supposedly suggest for white people specifically to get more babies to ethnically cleanse the world or something? Because I never said or meant that, and couldn’t care less about people of which race or origin improve the reproduction rates.

  • NataliePortland
    492 months ago

    Every word of that sentence made it worse. Flip those patents straight to heck

  • @[email protected]
    372 months ago

    For everyone focusing on the toddler alone in a hot car part. This was a fireworks stand. So they were probably 10 to 20 feet away. We can hope they opened the windows, which would make it roughly the same temp as where they were. So let’s refocus on the gun please.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      Let’s focus on how pissed they look in that photo.

      On a side note, your user name. What is modern medicine not?

      • @[email protected]
        -112 months ago

        Not modern. Still the dark age of poisoning people to make them better. And lots of trial and error.

          • @[email protected]
            132 months ago

            Not OP, so can’t comment on the vaccine part but the “modern medicine isn’t modern” is actually a cute analysis. When it comes the healing major woulds, even ones inflicted intentionally like during surgery, we don’t actually know how to heal the body. We know how to clean the wound. We know how to remove malignant tissue. But we don’t actually know how to heal the wound. The best we’ve got is “keep it clean and let the body do it’s thing”. To OPs “poison” point, when it comes to things like antibiotics, those are really just other stuff in nature that we found out kills stuff inside us. It also kills stuff we don’t want to kill inside us, which sounds kind of poisony. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are similar - just dose this person with this stuff and hope the thing we’re trying to kill dies before the person does.

            Surprisingly vaccines are probably the most “modern” example we have of medicine, especially the RNA stuff.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            This isn’t a vaccine thing. They are certainly talking about things like antidepressants that we can see do work but don’t have really any clue how or why and can’t come up with something that doesn’t have bonkers life changing side effects.

            mRNA vaccines are precision engineering and are where the future of medicine is. They do one thing in a targeted way and do it well.

  • @[email protected]
    342 months ago

    The question of whether we need to be armed to be capable of defending ourselves against tyrannical governments coming for our lives should have come after the question of whether we are capable of defending ourselves against ourselves.

    • TheRealKuni
      82 months ago

      The question of whether we need to be armed to be capable of defending ourselves against tyrannical governments coming for our lives

      Also that wasn’t what the second amendment was about. It was about not wanting a standing army because it gave the federal government too much power, and James Madison believed state militias would be sufficient to defend the nation.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        And that’s why, to this day, Congress has to pass the NDAA every year. It’s not just the military budget, it’s also the law making the military exist. We don’t technically have a standing army.

    • @LdyMeow
      212 months ago

      Also what? The grandmother started a gofundme to pay for the funeral costs, so ‘the parents can grieve’?

      • @can
        582 months ago

        Idiots or not they still grieve.

        • dactylotheca
          232 months ago

          Yeah I definitely don’t get the “what” factor in that.

          Funerals aren’t free and they might not have the money for it, so not having to pay for it would take some burden off them. Yes, they did something incredibly stupid but they’ve already paid an incalculable price for it.

          • @LdyMeow
            2 months ago

            Yeah, i get that, was a knee jerk to just such a messed up story.

            I mean though there is idiot and then… well. Like a loaded cocked gun in the car… with a toddler alone? Like even just leaving the kid in the car alone is bad, but then there are so many more layers.

            • dactylotheca
              22 months ago

              Oh yeah, everything about it is stupid, no question about that, but 🤷

        • @[email protected]
          42 months ago

          Hopefully they spend some time reflecting on every one of their stupid choices that led to this outcome.

  • @[email protected]
    252 months ago

    Imagine walking back to your car to get your kid and seeing the scene in Pulp Fiction…yikes

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Leaving an unsecured and loaded weapon in a car with an unsupervised toddler? Sorry for the kid, but the parents fully deserve to see this.

  • @[email protected]
    232 months ago

    As an advocate of the 2nd amendment who thinks gun regulations need to be more strict assessing theental health of anyone purchasing a gun, I find it very hard to believe parents who leave a child in a hot car with a loaded gun to both go into a store to shop could pass any test of their fucking mental stability. This had to be premeditated whether they can prove it legally. Someone else in the thread said it was 90F when this happened so when you add it all up, a toddler was left out if their carseat, with a loaded gun, in either a running vehicle the kid could’ve kicked into gear accidently or in a vehicle that wasn’t running on a fucking 90 degree day. Way too many cognizant decisions were made to not charge them with 1st degree murder.

    • @[email protected]
      162 months ago

      As a non-American, it’s crazy to me that there (apparently) aren’t any safe storage laws enforced. Would it really infringe people’s gun rights to require that all firearms may only be in a safe, in your hands, or on your person (in a holster, sling, etc.)?

      • skulblaka
        42 months ago

        About half of US states have safe storage laws. You can probably guess which ones. Surprisingly, both Texas and Florida are both on this list, though, so credit where it’s due.

        The enforcement of those laws is another story, though. And to be fair, enforcement can be difficult. You can always charge them with a safe storage violation after an incident happens and police/EMS/etc enter the home legally, but otherwise, nobody is coming into your home to ensure that you’re locking up your guns properly. It’s illegal without a warrant, and surprise safety checks aren’t something you can issue a warrant for.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Of course, charging them after the fact means they’ll regret it… but it won’t prevent anyone from doing the same. After all, such bad accidents only ever happen to other people.

  • @[email protected]
    212 months ago

    So much WTF. Leaving a toddler alone in the car in the middle of Summer with an unsecured loaded firearm in car.

    I feel bad for the kid. The only silver lining here is that the parents are keeping their stupidity out of the gene pool.