• @[email protected]
      1501 month ago

      “I just wanted to check out my future plane… I also wanted to go say hello to the vice president and ask her why she refuse to answer questions from the media,” Vance said, jabbing at Harris.

      W E I R D GUY

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      It’s not unheard of during a general election campaign for opposing candidates to cross paths as they travel, especially given the compressed map that limits much of the campaign activity to a relative few states that will determine the Electoral College winner.

      But also, what exactly is the AP doing here? The Trump campaign purposefully scheduled JD Vance to follow Harris to all these places after she released her schedule. They’re not just “crossing paths as they travel,” he’s literally following her

      PS What is Trump even doing this week? Is Vance campaigning alone now?

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Trump is too old to keep up with Kamala’s schedule. And he hates the photos of the same venue really full for Kamala and half full for him, so he’s avoiding the comparison like he’s avoiding the debate. He hates being seen to lose. He’s the world’s sorest loser.

      • @[email protected]
        201 month ago

        That poor guy…why schedule the scrub newbie to go on stage after the major blowout headliner? Must be Vance’s punishment for sucking. Gonna be fun when Kamala starts posting up the comparison of each event he follows to hers. HAHAHAHA

        and yeah, I get trump’s “strategy”, but he is using checkers in a chess game and expecting the same plays to work.

        Uncreative, boring, poorly thought out. Weird ancient strats in a modern battlefield. Weak.

        • @[email protected]
          71 month ago

          It’s not so much a strategy as being unable to keep up with Kamala physically or in crowd sizes.

    • @[email protected]
      451 month ago

      Vance, continuing his jocular jabbing, said he’d be more than willing to debate Harris on Aug. 13 “if she’d like to do a debate with me.” That was a matchup scheduled before Biden stepped down, meaning it would have put Vance and Harris on the same stage as vice presidential rivals.

      Actually, I think it would be good to change the standard routine of having the VP candidates debate each other, to having them debate the opposing presidential candidates. Then we’d get to see the top-ticket candidates debate two opponents each, instead of just each other.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        They should set up debate podiums at all these places he’s following her and have her stand there, ready to debate. Then we can watch him turn as chicken shit as Trump and refuse.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          The first question she should ask him would be "why am I debating you and not mister “any time, any place”?

    • @brbposting
      291 month ago

      Vance, continuing his jocular jabbing

      Is that some new type of sectional I’ve never heard of?

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago


      While the daily beast is a fun read, it’s hard to make out where they exaggerate and dramatify things

  • Admiral Patrick
    2221 month ago

    Does…he realize she’s the current Vice President and that’s an Air Force plane? Dude rolls up on it like he’s about to do a panty raid.

    Or does he realize it, and just have that little respect for the office he’s running for and its current occupant?

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      It’s a photo op, he had no direct intention to board and was likely surprised he made it as far as he did.

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      Dude doesn’t realize that most of his toe jam comes from his socks, this is a completely fabricated individual with zero understanding of the real world

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      Doesn’t he get a secret service detail since he’s VP candidate? I image some pretty easy, but unusual, phone calls were made

  • @[email protected]
    1541 month ago

    I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. Of all the Republican weirdness in recent years, I truly don’t understand why they seem to have made a conscious decision to become the biggest-asshole-in-the-room party.

    • @[email protected]
      711 month ago

      In recent years? brother they’ve been the “biggest asshole in the room” party since at least Nixon; they just have to keep outdoing themselves

      • @merc
        311 month ago

        It used to be that those guys were on the fringes of the party. Nixon was a crook, but he established the EPA and OSHA. That was just a normal thing for a Republican to do in the 1970s.

        The GOP is a big tent party, and so they’ve always had room for the extreme right wing. These days, the tent is getting smaller, and unless you’re an out-and-out fascist you’re not really welcome. Unfortunately, half the country feels a stronger tie to that party than to their country, so they’re squeezing into that smaller tent.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          They’re paying the price for all their education funding cuts.

          Nixon was scummy and a little bit too evil… but he was well educated and wasn’t dumb

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        It’s different though. Even W and his admin at least felt that they had to keep up a certain decorum. Trump said shit every day that Bush would have probably considered political suicide to even get caught saying in private, if a recording got out.

        Nixon resigned when things were looking bad for him, Trump just doubles down. Like this entire campaign is pretty much him trying to get a crown because, for a while at least, it looked like that would be his only way of avoiding consequences for some of the shit he’s done. Though, to be fair, Nixon resigning might have been his way of avoiding the consequences because he knew he was getting a pardon. But even that shows a difference because Nixon never seriously considered just trying to pardon himself, at least not in public, while it was a big topic during Trump’s presidency.

        Also Nixon resigned because he knew impeachment was a real possibility because even his own party wouldn’t risk their own political careers to protect a criminal president. With Trump, my pov is the rules need a complete overhaul because they can’t handle the level of bad faith present in the government now.

        In hindsight, it was naive to rely on gentlemen’s rules to keep the government running smoothly, but those rules were at least followed in appearance until 2016 (though the conservatives did start using them in bad faith before that, like with Obama’s supreme court nomination).

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          Oh yeah it’s different; I said as much. They have to keep upping the ante to remain edgy, in their cold white fascist way. Trump didn’t give a shit about the subtlety though, he was like “I can steal this all away from these weak assholes and all I have to do is give the crowd what they really want”

          Now we have a narcissist whose ego has been stroked by what he perceives to be the whole world. Very dangerous with all the secrets and codes, let alone everything else.

    • OhStopYellingAtMe
      511 month ago

      Because it works. Acting like a childish bully still gets the adoration from the “peaked in high school” MAGA voter base.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        peaked in high school

        Seriously an all too common overlap on the venn diagram. I might also add receiving public assistance. Yet they vote for the party trying to limit or stop that assistance 🤦‍♂️

  • @[email protected]
    1311 month ago

    So the party with a history of inciting vigilante violence storms a VPs airplane and isn’t shot dead by secret service.

    Is there an issue with the secret service actually doing their job, or do they just give Republicans a pass?

    • @[email protected]
      231 month ago

      So the party with a history of inciting vigilante violence storms a VPs airplane and isn’t shot dead by secret service.

    • Match!!
      181 month ago

      as a vp candidate from a major party, vance also gets secret service protection

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        So… secret service vs secret service shootout? Maybe it happened and it was so secret no-one knows about it!

        • HonkyTonkWoman
          81 month ago

          My dad knows a guy who got shot. Totally. He works with him over at that place where the cheese is made. I mean beer. They make all the beer together and they’re good friends and I know him too. My dad can beat up your dad.

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      They probably view Vance less as a threat and more as an awkward and socially oblivious guy

    • Todd Bonzalez
      -31 month ago

      J.D. Vance is a U.S. Senator. The Secret Service killing him would be the opposite of doing their job…

        • @[email protected]
          101 month ago

          If they thought they smelled fentanyl, they would have a seizure and pass out. Fentanyl doesn’t affect cops the way it affects human beings.

          • Skvlp
            211 month ago

            Secret Service is regular security for a vice president.

            • AwesomeLowlander
              41 month ago

              I suppose as a non American my idea of what the secret service actually is / does may be a little skewed by Hollywood

              • wanderer
                91 month ago

                The secret service exists to prevent counterfeiting US money, as a side job they also protect a few people in government.

              • @[email protected]
                81 month ago

                It’s basically government security for the president and vice president as well as all former ones because we have a long history of shooting our presidents. They also investigate counterfeiting which was their original job, they just happened to be formed shortly before the first successful presidential assassination

  • @[email protected]
    951 month ago

    He’s lying. He didn’t go on that plane to see her. The weirdo was going to take a look to see if her plane had any couches. He was feeling a little frisky.

  • edric
    791 month ago

    Probably wanted to cop a feel on those high-end cushioned seats on an AF1 plane.

  • teft
    711 month ago

    They should spray the furniture down in case he had his way with anything. Also check for bugs because I wouldn’t put it past those jackasses to try and spy on the VP.

    • @Mouselemming
      231 month ago

      They should treat it exactly as if the Kremlin had sent agents in.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      When you said “check for [spy] bugs,” I first thought you meant literal insecty bugs, and that made plenty of rational sense to me, because who wouldn’t come back with even more potent insecticide to douse those couches, maybe some Super-Potent Fabric-Penetrable Bug Annihilator, one formulated for Previously Penetrated Couches, in order to kill the very particular kinds of creepy crawly bugs that JD seems like he carries around on his creepy crawly body.

      You know, I’ve been thinking … There’s gotta be another layer of complexity in all that projection vectored through his hating on “childless cat ladies” nonsense, other than the obvious “I’m scared of happily independent women” business.

      Fleas. I’m thinking he has fleas. JD Vance has fleas. You know, because something, something, cats.

      Bed bugs would also make sense. Him fucking furniture and all. Bed bugs are, after all, the herpes of the craft couch-coitus world.

  • @[email protected]
    631 month ago

    Its amazing to see how fast and far the democratic party managed an absolute loss around into a nearly absolute win. Same for Trump and co conspirators, about a mo th ago they were on for an absolute win and now he’s continuously cutting the tree branch he’s sitting on…

    Just do not be mistaken though. I fully expect Harris to win with a land slide but that matters not. Various states WILL sabotage the election z refuse to respect the democratic votes from the people, and just send Republicans as winners for that state. Trump too will try another coup, and I think it’s not unfair to expect that coup to be bigger and more violent than the January 6 coup. Come to think of it, it’s insane that trump still hasn’t been convicted for that one.

    • @Voroxpete
      291 month ago

      Vote like your life depends on it. When you’ve solved that problem, then you get to dealing with Donnie’s second go at an attempted coup. One thing at a time.

      “You solve the first problem. Then you solve the next. And the next. And if you solve enough problems then you get to go home.” - Mark Watney.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Trump too will try another coup, and I think it’s not unfair to expect that coup

      Of course he will try.

      One of the differences this time is that he doesn’t have the power to delay the deployment of defensive resources.

      And nobody is dismissing it as impotent bluster this time.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        The problem is how do you handle house representatives that refuse to do their job in good faith? The rules say that the president is determined a certain way, what do you do when those rules are used to defy the will of the people? They’ve already caused presidents who have lost the popular vote.

        The defensive resources will come into play after that question is answered and it’s impossible at this point to tell which side will benefit from them.

        I just hope that there aren’t many people that oppose Trump on principle but ultimately think that if the rules say “hand over the country to the fascists”, that’s the right thing to do.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        Yeah but what he does have now is a shit loaf of people who now have the jobs of the people who stopped falsifying election results on the state level last time. Most of then either moved on or relented under the pressure of threats. John Oliver had a nice piece about it some two years back

    • @[email protected]
      101 month ago

      It’s gratifying to see President Biden quoted in an interview saying that he doesn’t think that The Biggest Loser will concede peacefully. It may be his job to order a former President detained for national security reasons, probably at Guantanamo Bay, so he’s inaccessible to the insurgent mob trying to free him.

  • Rhaedas
    611 month ago

    Vance, continuing his jocular jabbing, said he’d be more than willing to debate Harris on Aug. 13 “if she’d like to do a debate with me.” That was a matchup scheduled before Biden stepped down, meaning it would have put Vance and Harris on the same stage as vice presidential rivals.


    • Flying Squid
      381 month ago

      Not that I think she should, but she would slap him down so hard. She’s a former district attorney. He… co-wrote a book which was full of lies.

  • @[email protected]
    471 month ago

    “I want to talk to people who have no interest in talking to me, so I’m going to hang out by their vehicle for a while,” said definitely not creepy and stalkerish JD Vance.

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      I still can’t believe Walz slipped the couch reference in there at the announcement. It felt so amazing to have one of those “I can’t believe this is real life politics” moments but in a good/fun way. Greatest VP pick of all time!

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        When they go low, we go and point out the fact that they probably fucked a couch.

        Also, unfortunately the fact that they want raped children to carry the resulting baby to term. And then assure that nobody in that conversation, besides them, has health insurance.

  • Flying Squid
    461 month ago

    So you’re telling me the Secret Service learned nothing from a couple of weeks ago.

    • FuglyDuck
      321 month ago

      My guess is that they combined security envelopes to prevent mistakes happening from bad communication and overlapping containment.

      The planes were on the same tarmac, which was probably locked down tight- though as one of the protected persons he had access.

      I find it funny this limp chode thinks he’d do better debating Harris over Walz.

      Proverbially speaking, Walz would feed him through a wood chipper. Harris would feed him through a wood chipper feeding a mulch spreader and then set the field on fire just to be sure.

      ‘Course, he could be trying to take one for the team. You know, keep her away from the pedophile rapist.

  • @[email protected]
    451 month ago

    I know the article says:

    J.D. Vance briskly marched up to Air Force 2

    But I can’t be the only one picturing a Naruto run.