• Beaver
    1679 days ago

    Music to my ear and I wonder how much it costed them to comb through all of that.

    • @[email protected]
      9 days ago

      Fun fact, costed is a word but has a slightly different meaning than the way you have used it.

      Costed means to get the details on the cost of something complex. Like “I costed the three projects and the last one is cheapest”

      You tried to use it as the past tense of cost, but the past tense of cost is also just cost.

        • @[email protected]
          26 days ago

          I am Canadian, and I was taught Cost as past tense in school and university. I’ve never seen it written Costed for past tense in any government publication either.

      • Sabata
        39 days ago

        I like OPs version better and chose to evolve the language that way.

        • @[email protected]
          69 days ago

          If only a very small handful of people make the same mistake, it doesn’t evolve the language, it’s just a mistake, plain and simple.

          I know you’re just trying to make yourself feel a wee bit morally superior by saying that, but it’s the complete opposite of how language evolution works

          • Sabata
            -38 days ago

            It’s not a mistake if I can understand the message.

            • @[email protected]
              28 days ago

              People have varying degrees of ability to understand outside of what they know, what is “good enough” for you might be incomprehensible to someone else.

        • @[email protected]
          49 days ago

          Yeah; as a native and fairly well-educated speaker, I’m fucked if I can form the past participles of some of our verbs

          If I swim across a river, is it now the swimmed river? Swum river? Swam river?

          If I sneak into a room, have I sneaked? Snuck? Both sound wrong.

          Didn’t find anything ambiguous about ‘costed’, it works for me.

          • @[email protected]
            48 days ago

            If you swim across a river, it is now a river you’ve swum. If you sneak into a room, you have snuck in.

            Those are correct but they look and sound wrong.

          • palordrolap
            19 days ago

            Would some variant of “snauk(t)” or “snaught” work for you? Your brain might be expecting ablaut in the style of “teach” / “taught” or “catch” / “caught” rather than that of “sing” / “sung”.

            How do you feel about “(p)reached”? “Snaked”?

            A fun fact about “caught” is that it’s a relative neologism. It uh, caught on after people decided they didn’t like “catched” for whatever reason. (I guess it has something to do with tangibility / concreteness. Most other -atch words are used for objects.)

        • @[email protected]
          29 days ago

          I prefer cost, not sure why but it just feels more natural and easier for me to say. But I am not a native speaker if it means anything.

  • Chozo
    1509 days ago

    So not only was it hateful, but it was wasteful, too. Good job, Utah.

      • @Grandwolf319
        59 days ago

        Not that I want to defend these people but, why would they want that to cost a lot? Make a lot of BS jobs?

        • @[email protected]
          9 days ago

          First thing that comes to mind is republicans want government to be wasteful and useless. So they do shit like this, then blame government and regulations, then push for smaller government and ignore their own role in fucking things up.

          Also, they’re giving jobs to bigots, which they love.

          I’m sure there’s many other reasons.

        • TurtleJoe
          69 days ago

          Bleed the Beast.

          Waste money on bullshit like this, then cut useful social services to “balance the budget.”

  • @[email protected]
    1039 days ago

    People should keep submitting fake reports, and make them somewhat plausible. Just so they don’t get instantly discarded and can actually tie up more resources by actually getting investigated.

    • @Aurenkin
      779 days ago

      This is something an LLM is actually very useful for. It can make it sound both legitimate, be verbose and generate many submissions with little human effort.

      • @brbposting
        149 days ago

        The employment of a large language model, such as the one utilized in this scenario, can prove to be remarkably advantageous. It possesses the remarkable capacity to transform the provided text into multiple submissions that convey an aura of authenticity, while adhering to the principle of verbosity. This approach allows for the generation of a substantial quantity of content with a minimal investment of human resources and effort.

        Engaging the services of an advanced language model represents a highly valuable asset in this particular context. Such models exhibit the remarkable ability to reformulate the given input in a manner that not only maintains an air of legitimacy but also embraces the principle of verbosity. This capability enables the effortless generation of numerous unique submissions, thereby optimizing the utilization of human resources.

        The utilization of a large-scale language model in this scenario can be deemed a highly effective and efficient approach. These sophisticated systems possess the remarkable aptitude to transform the provided text into multiple submissions that uphold a sense of legitimacy and authenticity, while simultaneously adhering to the principles of verbose and detailed expression. This approach allows for the generation of a substantial volume of content with a minimal investment of human effort and involvement.

      • @[email protected]
        109 days ago

        Worth noting, Russia agrees very much and is flooding social media in a very similar way. The LLM makes it more effective now than in 2016

      • @brbposting
        39 days ago

        LLMs are useless! Why is Apple integrating ChatGPT?!

        “Why do you hate trans people?”

    • @[email protected]
      279 days ago

      But like, how would they even investigate them? That’s the part I don’t understand. Whoever was peeing in there, they’re gone by the time the cops show up. It doesn’t take that long to pee.

      • @ReveredOxygen
        79 days ago

        For starters, showing up and finding out that the alleged suspect doesn’t exist

      • @explodicle
        49 days ago

        It’s probably for coworkers, regular customers… people who keep going to the same restroom.

  • @[email protected]
    979 days ago

    only five were investigated

    Can one sue Utah for gross neglience now? I mean, they got thousands of complaints from concerned citizens, and they only cared for investigating five of them? Or do they profile those complaints into “we are not investigating certain types of people”, e.g. politicians that have been reported?

    • @[email protected]
      569 days ago

      I want to know how they “investigate” this bullshit. This is a complete waste of tax payers money…but since it’s from the party of small gov. And saving money its ok cause we have to know who’s got what equipment and going into what bathrooms.

      All business’s should just swap all their signs over to unisex and be done with this bullshit.

      • @[email protected]
        219 days ago

        This is a complete waste of tax payers money

        A lot of those rulings are. But this would be fun to exploit to the bottom just to make it really hurt.

      • TheLowestStone
        68 days ago

        They review hundred of hours of hidden toilet cam footage. How else would you investigate?

    • @[email protected]
      279 days ago

      It’s only 5 so far, reading the Bee Movie script takes a long time, especially when they have to keep stopping to sound out every other word.

    • @[email protected]
      189 days ago

      Well, a huge chunk of those probably came from patriotic LGBT+ citizens cramming the reports with junk. Which is a good thing to do, but we wouldn’t expect them to do more than a cursory check.

      • @[email protected]
        219 days ago

        Well, a huge chunk of those probably came from patriotic LGBT+ citizens cramming the reports with junk.

        Of course. But they opened that snitchline with so much fanfare and claimed people using the “wrong” bathroom the end of the world. And then they only investigate five out of 12k reports. Now that sounds lame even for Republicans. What if they opened a snitchline on corrupt politicians? Will they only investigate five cases out of 12k reports? Such a snitchline would be much more important for society than reporting people using the wrong door. But chances are that they won’t open such a line for a number of reasons…

        • @[email protected]
          59 days ago

          they may have had reason to believe the remaining complaints were not valid or not actionable or not in scope.

          Maybe it’s my biases showing but while I can see the possibility that they’re not doing their job, only investigating a minuscule percent, I can also see possibilities that they were set up to fail, or that most complaints are obvious fakes or their scope is limited so most are not relevant.

          I know I’ve never had reason to complain about the wrong person using the wrong bathroom. Have you? This really seems like a non-problem.

          Of course im also on the side of fewer restrictions. Even back several decades ago when I was in college, the bathrooms in my dorm were coed, and we survived.

          Realistically the only complaint I ever had was more age related. One time a Dad brought his kid in the changing room at the pool and did not use the curtained off area: she was really too old for that. She was clearly aware and uncomfortable being surrounded by naked guys - this could have been better handled. As a Dad myself, I let my kids go in themselves before that age so I mainly blame him being overprotective. Or at least I blame him for not using the curtained area that was right there that would have given her a little privacy

          • @[email protected]
            38 days ago

            I’ve been in the men’s, had a women walk in and enter a stall, and didn’t give a fuck. We’re both adults. She either made a mistake or didn’t want to wait. Either way, it did not impact me.

            • @[email protected]
              18 days ago

              Seems like it’s common out at clubs or similar events. Especially with alcohol, where people need to pee more often. There are similar numbers of men and women and similar numbers of facilities but lines at women’s get longer and longer until some just don’t care.

              Maybe I’d care if there were enough crossovers to make me wait in line too, but so far I’ve never had reason to complain, nor have I heard any other guy complain. …. Maybe I should shut up before emboldening others to inconvenience me, but whatever

  • @[email protected]
    759 days ago

    This is outrageous. They’re not even going to attempt to investigate my report about an alien beaming into the bathroom and touching my peepee? Just for that, I’m filing 10 more complaints.

    • @[email protected]
      48 days ago

      Just to make up for that grevious lack of action about your case, I think we should ALL file reports about those alien peepee touchers until it gets the attention it deserves.

      I mean, bathrooms are the most important thing in the world and despite it being a very modern contrivance, making sure the right people are using the right machines to whisk their poopies and pee away is critical for the survival of our species. We have to defend this noble institution against the alien peepee touchers! MAKE THEM LISTEN!

  • @[email protected]
    739 days ago

    I’m struck by the fact that as a trans woman I look more cis than some women I know who’ve given birth. I’m actually worried about a cis friend of mine if we ever get bathroom laws here.

    • @[email protected]
      559 days ago

      I’ve been trying to explain to my less enlightened family for years that requiring a trans man to use the women’s bathroom only makes it easier for men to just walk in since having a beard and a dad bod no longer means you have to use the men’s room.

      These laws just don’t make any sense and can only make whatever they are afraid of (men hearing their wives and daughters tinkle, apparently) worse.

      • @jballs
        209 days ago

        That’s what has always stumped me. They do realize that trans men look like… men. Right? Like, they want some dude to just stroll into the women’s bathroom? Like, legally want that dude to be forced to stroll into that women’s bathroom?!?

        The dude doesn’t want to be in there. Women don’t want the dude to be in there. Why do these politicians want the dude to be in there?!

        • @[email protected]
          189 days ago

          and the trans person gets assaulted in the bathroom they are ‘supposed’ to use! Its just an excuse to banish us from public, there is no right answer.

          • @[email protected]
            9 days ago

            Exactly. It’s like telling black people to use their water fountain. But there isn’t a fucking water fountain for them.

            Regression of society sucks to watch in real time.

            Edit: hope this isn’t an offensive correlation. 💀

    • Flying Squid
      9 days ago

      I’ve been saying that for a while. Not only does this open up many trans women to additional harassment, it also opens it up to any cis woman someone decides looks too masculine to be a “real” woman.

      • Swordgeek
        199 days ago

        Let’s cut to the chase.

        This bill, and many like it, are created with a clear purpose: to subjugate women. Harming the LGBTQ2+ community is almost secondary, since they can do that just fine already.

        • @[email protected]
          18 days ago

          Just curious; why did you put a 2 in LGBTQ+? I’ve just never seen that before and wonder what it means? Does it capture the IA?

              • @[email protected]
                38 days ago

                No problem. It’s a more common term in Canada, so I’ve been seeing it since I was in high school which was like 15 years ago. In my head the “long” LGBT string has always been 2SLGBTQIA+ but I realize the “2S” part isn’t as well known.

                • @[email protected]
                  18 days ago

                  Ahhh, that makes sense. I’m from America and have seen it evolve from LGB > LGBT > LGBTQ > LGBTQI+. I’m unsure of how well your natives are represented in Canada, but the way we treat them here speaks as to why I’ve never heard the term. They are practically 2nd class citizens according to our government.

              • @[email protected]
                18 days ago

                You are unlikely to if you aren’t in Canada. It seems like Indigenous folk down in the States don’t have quite as much success spreading widespread awareness. I produced some stuff and had to explain to a bunch of Americans what a land acknowledgement was. For the past 5 years where I am they are performed before any meeting or performance. Up here 2S gets top billing at the beginning of the LGBTQIA initnialism to give deference to gender categories that were suppressed by European supremacist colonization.

                • @AlligatorBlizzard
                  28 days ago

                  I’m in Minnesota, we do land acknowledgements here, and the longer initialism I often see is LGBTQIA2S+, but I’ve never seen the 2S getting the top billing. That said, I think I can speak for all (reasonable) Minnesotans when I say that we’re willing to do that when we become Canada’s newest province.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 days ago

                  People in the US do land acknowledgments. I don’t think the indigenous really care one way or another. It’s still stolen land, an acknowledgment isn’t giving it back.

          • Swordgeek
            38 days ago

            2 is for 2-spirit; I’ve seen both 2 and 2S, but either way it refers to Indigenous 3rd-gender folks.

    • @[email protected]
      249 days ago

      Based on that numbers it will be mostly cis woman who get harassed. There have been plenty of cases of it already. There was a few big ones in my state when people complaining that their daughters lost in sport

    • @[email protected]
      179 days ago

      Conservatism has only ever been about the most superficial of ideals.

      Many of them would have no issue at all with extending laws about gender to laws about appearance and I’m not even kidding. We have plenty of examples from right-wing governments and social trends of the past absolutely leaning into ideas like phrenology or inherent, essential qualities that go alongside things like hair and eye color.

      You should be concerned for your friend, everyone should be concerned that if allowed to mature, conservatism in the US would throw us right back into a time when people can face legal penalties for what they choose to wear, for how they express themselves, for the shape of their face and a thousand other ways they would want to police the world around them so it continues to look the way they want it to look. And too bad if you don’t look like someone who should live in that world.

    • @[email protected]
      68 days ago

      Seriously. This person filed 20,716 complaints about flight path noise pollution in a year. Just one person. I need to see a zero added behind that 12,000 figure, then I’ll know at least six people are truly dedicated.

  • @[email protected]
    269 days ago

    I suppose decades of misandric conditioning would create the opinion that all men, trans or not, are sexual predators and closet perverts. This needs to change.

  • @[email protected]
    259 days ago

    As long as transwomen sit down when using the loo, they are more than welcome. I’m glad that snitch line drew up nothing. Imagine if they used those funds to fascilitate free hygiene products? But noo, they gotta harass a minority…

    • @snapoff
      9 days ago

      Why does sitting matter? I’m honestly asking because I remember my twenties and about half my friends (women) would just hover over the toilet seat. We’re all in our 40s now so I can pretty much drop the percentage to 10% hovering based on complaints about knee pain lol

      Editing to add: I’m actually too short to have ever hovered over a toilet seat, I’m not advocating hovering, but that’s not even my point. Splashes can happen for any number of reasons. Y’all want to say only those who sit down should use the women’s bathroom and I’m here to tell you women are just as gross as men in their capacity to urinate onto the seat, regardless of plumbing.

      • @[email protected]
        119 days ago

        Hovering is just as bad. Because standing causes small deoplets of urine to splash out of the toilet. Not unlike the mist at the bottom of a waterfall. By cleaning the toilet seat and just sitting down, a stall gets nasty slower.

        It’s fine if the stall is horrible already, but if it’s clean, it’s better if we keep it that way.

        • @Corkyskog
          69 days ago

          Everybody seems to think they are going to get butt rabies if their butt touches the toilet seat nowadays. I swear it’s propaganda from big Toilet Seat Cover industry

          • @[email protected]
            9 days ago

            Given the massive amount of things some women carry in their purses, and the plethora of choices in sanitizing wipes, I don’t understand why this isn’t solved already. If you’re afraid of butt rabies or see something suspicious on the seat, a quick wipe and you’re done. I understand most of us don’t want to carry more stuff but I’ll bet there’s a big overlap between people who already do and people who are afraid of butt rabies

          • @snapoff
            39 days ago

            Michael Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro Am Fun Run Race for the Cure was not in vain!

        • @snapoff
          9 days ago

          Sorry, editing my comment because I can’t read apparently. Yes urine can splash out, but that doesn’t stop women from bringing their young sons into the bathroom to pee with them. Just clean up after yourself or before if there is an issue. I would hazard a guess that adult trans women would be more likely to clean up a droplet than a young child. Maybe we just use toilet seat covers if we want a barrier?

          Also the worst offender is usually the toilet itself for splash back when flushing, in my years of urination experience.

          • @[email protected]
            18 days ago

            I don’t get what you are trying to imply. I am aware that sitting down isn’t the only option to keep it cleaner for longer.

            I know toilets can splash water on the seet. Large droplets aren’t the concern here. It’s the small particles that get out and stick to the seat, walls and floor. You can’t see it, but it does stink up the place.

            As for kids, I sure af hope the women clean up after them too. My original commenr was not about whose the worst offender, it’s about being mindful and keeping the stalls clean.

            • @snapoff
              18 days ago

              Idk what you’re on about really. My point was why would standing to urinate preclude someone’s ability to use a certain bathroom. Like I have worked a lot of retail in my past, having to clean bathrooms and such, and I don’t remember having to wash walls in the men’s bathroom any more frequently than the women’s because of piss particles. That seems like a made up concern, tbh.

      • @[email protected]
        69 days ago

        As someone who used to clean bathrooms for a job, please don’t hover. You make an insane mess.

      • zeekaran
        29 days ago

        I’ve hovered exactly once in my entire life. If the toilet lid has some pee on it, use the toilet paper. It’s not difficult. Women who hover are dumb.

        • @snapoff
          29 days ago

          Ok, not really my point, but I understand what you’re saying. I was asking why sitting to pee would be the thing that determines which gender bathroom you use. Then I just made an offhand comment about what it was like 20 years ago in women’s bathrooms because it’s funny to me that I knew so many people opposed to actually sitting down.

          I certainly don’t agree that intellectual capacity could be effectively determined by how you use the bathroom, however. That seems silly.

    • @[email protected]
      9 days ago

      Coed bathrooms at college seemed to work pretty well, and even improved privacy in some ways.

      • everyone washed their hands. Nothing like peer pressure to encourage that
      • stalls had walls and doors
      • urinals had little privacy walls line so many no longer do

      So if I’m using a urinal and someone walked in, regardless who they were, all they see is some guy standing there. If someone uses a stall, regardless of who they were , I can probably tell that it’s occupied and maybe judge them for their shoes, but that’s it. What’s the problem?

      • @[email protected]
        38 days ago

        We had mixed gender bathrooms in highschool, and they were fantastic. Clean, proper bathrooms, not stalls, and the students were responsible for cleaning them + the school weekly, so nobody ever trashed them. (There were two half-hour cleaning sessions each week, with some supplimental janitor help to keep things running smoothly)

      • @Danquebec
        8 days ago

        Are you saying you’ve seen stalls that did not have walls or doors?

      • @[email protected]
        19 days ago

        Urinals are meant to be used standing. If you piss against the wall at an angle, it won’t mess up the place as much. I was talking about the porcelain throne.

  • @[email protected]
    218 days ago

    As a straight guy, I have just walked into the wrong bathroom or chaises a kid into the wrong bathroom more times than I want to admit.

    • rowdy
      368 days ago

      At first I thought “what kind of weirdo is chasing kids into bathrooms”, then I remembered that some people have children lol

  • @[email protected]
    148 days ago

    Looks like they took the form down. If anyone has a new link, please post it. I’ve got some creative writing to share with the bigots in Utah.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      18 days ago

      Damn, ig you missed the party. I shared the link for informational purposes only on a post weeks ago

  • ObjectivityIncarnate
    8 days ago

    Preface: I don’t care at all what bathroom anyone uses, just a silly lighthearted comment:

    But I do find it a bit funny that the headline mentions 12,000 complaints, but leaves out that only 5 of them were even looked into, lol.

    Sensationalism is everywhere, I guess, lol.

    • @[email protected]
      68 days ago

      Interesting. I inferred that the vast majority were joke complaints to illuminate how absurd the hot line is just by reading the title.

      Sensitivity is everywhere, I guess, lol.

    • @[email protected]
      58 days ago

      Read the article. The rest were obvious jokes, and the 5 they thought may be “plausible” didn’t result in a substantive complaint.

      • ObjectivityIncarnate
        -18 days ago

        Yes, obviously. Why did I even bother with that preface, people are just so eager to take everything in the worst possible way, lol.

        • @[email protected]
          18 days ago

          I was just trying to alleviate any confusion, cuz your second line made it sound like maybe you thought the rest of the calls weren’t even listened to. Muh bad

  • @[email protected]
    98 days ago

    I think we need to start breaking the law and self reporting. We’ll send in pictures of our junk spewing urine in the wrong room so they’ll be sure it’s a legitimate complaint.