Let’s not mince words. Enough of the soft language.
If you bought a cybertruck, or any Tesla after Musk went full mask off, you are a Nazi collaborator. That is not hyperbole. That is not exaggeration. You are literally a Nazi collaborator. And you have the exact same moral culpability as an Nazi collaborator during the reign of the historical German Nazi Party. You voluntarily signed up to give tens of thousands of dollars to an overt white supremacist hellbent on the extermination of entire social groups. You gave tens of thousands of dollars to a Nazi. You are a Nazi collaborator.
Y’all are cheapening the meaning of Nazi. Call him a moron or something else.
The Trump/Musk government meets all the textbook definitions of fascism. They’re literally sending people, without due process, to overseas gulags. They’re revoking the passports of groups who were also historically targeted by the Nazis. They’re flagrantly violating court orders. They’re using the exact same fear and intimidation tactics employes by the Nazis. The Nazis took over because people like you had a normalcy bias and assumed that the skinheads would never take over the place.
If you want to argue that they’re technically just fascist, and not Nazis, fair enough. But if you need to make that distinction, I think the point is already lost.
If you use Google, in any way, even by using an Android phone, you agree with the genocide of palestinians. That is not hyperbole. That is not exaggeration.
true, if you use the internet at all, in any capacity you support the lifestyle of nazis (nazis use the internet)
Fascism took over the US, because people like you thought fascists could never take over the US.
Sure. A country based on racism, but it’s because of me that it turned out to be racist, even though I’m not a citizen of the USA and I knew it was a fucked up country based on its various issues like killing civilians, spying on everyone for “anti-terrorism” and “fight against CSAM”
Maybe it’s actually because there are many people like this, with many being still in power with no consequences because free speech apparently means freedom of spreading hate and misinformation
Maybe it’s because your country only lets people chose between 2 candidates and has a deeply flawed electoral system that promotes voting for whoever was elected by your favorite side (~left / right) without really thinking. It really is an all or nothing election.
But yea it’s definitely me and people that are like me.
Continue calling everyone a nazi and racist for no reason. You’re really helping the cause and convincing people.
Thank you so much, I’m sick of people defending this shit, they can fuck right off. Dude has been a full blown Nazi for a hot minute too
It reminds me of centrist Dem politicians. The same group that ran a campaign openly saying that Trump would institute a fascist coup now insist on pretending everything is normal. The greatest weapon of a latter-day fascist is the normalcy bias. Trump won the election because many people assumed those calling Trump a fascist were just exercising ordinary political hyperbole. Now we have an Apartheid billionaire reorganizing the government and a Secretary of Defense that has giant white power tattoo on his chest. The president is openly performing shakedown operations against legal firms and media outlets. And the regime is rounding people up without due process and shipping them off to an overseas gulag. The administration is doing this citing a law that was last used to inter Japanese Americans during WW2.
Hell, my passport was retroactively declared fraudulent because I happen to be a member of one of the groups that the fascists have defined as their internal enemies. My nation’s government has decided that I do not deserve the right to leave the country. When it comes time to renew my passport, I’ll be given a document completely useless for actual travel abroad.
And yet, we’re supposed to play nice and pretend that this isn’t fascism. It meets every definition of the word, but people are so blinded by normalcy bias that they can’t see what’s right in front of their face. They won’t admit it’s fascism until they’re force to tour a literal death camp and walk past piles of charred corpses. And even then, they would have questions of whether this really was fascism.
Yup I agree. Centrists and neoliberalism is a cancer of this country, literally enables fascism.
Totally agree. Their ignorance is not a defence at this point.
I’ll at least give people with Teslas the benefit of doubt, but if I see you with a Cybertruck I’m going to judge you.
I’ve started seeing the Juniper model Ys in my town. There are people who bought the Cybertruck before he was a nazi, but everyone who owns a Juniper Y was well aware he was a nazi when they bought the car.
It’s unfortunate. It’s actually a seemingly very cool car.
They might have made a refundable deposit on the truck, it was still refundable and Musk had shown the world he’s a moron years before that.
Yeah I put down a deposit on a Cybertruck years ago. Not because I thought it was a cool car, but because it was an EV truck for $40k.
By the time they actually came out at 2.5x the price and Elon started throwing around sieg heils, it was a super easy decision to cancel the reservation.
because it was an EV truck for $40k.
You might like Telo, you can reserve one for $152 and they say they’re going to start shipping in 2026.
Huh that’s dope! Never heard of them before. Just watched a video of them demoing one of their preproduction trucks. Looks super practical, which is a hell of a lot more than could be said about the Cybertruck!
I’ve been following them for a while. You may have heard of Aptera who has some patented tech where they make curved solar panels embedded in glass. Telo made a deal with Aptera and not the Telo trucks will have an optional solar roof.
Yeah I saw that spec option. Honestly the solar roof stuff seems really gimmicky to me. They mentioned that the battery holds 106 kWh. I don’t know what the solar roof produces, but an average panel on top of a house creates something like 2 kWh per day.
So having a solar roof on your car would likely take something like 50 days of sunshine to charge to full. I mean, it’s not nothing, but definitely not a practical solution for charging for 99%+ of the population.
Plenty of CEOs are morons/assholes. I bought my model 3 after we knew he was an asshole, before it became public knowledge that he was donating to the Trump campaign, but I did buy it used so that he would get as little of my money as possible. Buying a Tesla after we knew he was a nazi is on a different level.
Oh man, that’s insane and super frustrating. I would totally look the other way while someone destroys one of those.
I don’t give Tesla owners any slack. If it took you this long to figure out and see what a shit bag Elon is then shame on you.
He’s been in my book as a shit bag since at least 2018. What have you all been doing the last 7-8 years? Buying Tesla’s? Shame.
To be fair the Model S came out in like, 2012, and the 3 on 2017.
The S was in 2011, my brother has one from that year.
Dude, I was one of the first pre-orders for the cybertruck, but I canceled my order when I got the email that production started, and it was time to complete my pre-order.
We striking the line at the Nazi salute or the “pedo” comment about the cave rescuer?
I think the pedo comment should have woke people up in regards to the idiocy but the brand was still viewed relatively well at the time. The far-right philosophy and tantrums after the Twitter buy was when I think the line was visibly crossed for people with any morals. The nazi salute didn’t cross that line any farther but dismantling needed/important government services starts hitting where unempathetic people can feel it, their wallets. Trump can advertise Teslas on the white house lawn as much as he wants, so long as Musk is affecting people’s wallets the support he’ll get is minimal.
The cave diver comments were what did it for me.
I mean, back then I was all about being against the popular thing, so I already was just tired of seeing his name in headlines. But after that I kinda went “oh so he really IS a piece of shit, that’s some middle school level insults.”
It was all downhill from there. The more you learned about him, the more you realize he’s a garbage human who doesn’t deserve to breathe air, let alone be in charge of anything.
Every comment on Twitter just screams" look at me, look at how cool I am please like me I’m so
lonelyawesome"Most people were just giving him passes left and right because he bought tesla and spacex and managed to convince people he was in charge from the start and lead r&d. Scratching the surface even slightly showed none of that was true, but a lot of people didn’t bother.
There was a YouTube channel that was called muskwacth, then he made that comment and the channel disappeared overnight.
I love both of the hosts. Wish they just switched to something else instead of canceling completely. Could’ve done regular science news.
The pedo comment wasn’t really a blip for me - and I assume most people. I remember seeing a headline at the time about him calling someone in Thailand a “pedo guy” because the guy called Musk out for turning some trapped kids into an attempt publicity stunt.
At the time, I probably thought “huh, that was a dumb thing to say” but then didn’t spend more than 20 seconds thinking about it. I vaguely remember seeing some lawsuits about it later, but couldn’t tell you one way or the other about how they went.
It really wasn’t until Musk started doing crazy shit that affected me that I started paying attention to him - and I assume it’s the same for most people. If some rich asshole slanders someone and gets sued for it, that’s pretty easy to tune out. But when he purchases a major social media company and gives a quarter billion dollars to sway an election, does a couple Nazi salutes, and then starts dismantling the federal government, that’s much more attention grabbing.
He didnt just slander someone, he actively tried to sabotage the Thai rescue diver mission where they were rescuing literal trapped kids in a cave. Its beyond fucked
Howabout SolarCity?
Totally fradulent demonstration.
Laughably stupid in concept, Musk pretends he invented the idea… he did not. Never amounted to anything, other than its actual real purpose: setting back high speed rail in California by a decade +.
Hired the assistant to an actual pioneer in the field, possibly illegally replicated his work, proceeds to torture a bunch of pigs and monkeys to death, most of the original team bails, and currently has produced a brain implant that is no better than, and may actually be worse than existing brain implants designed to help parapalegics and those with serious nervous system disorders, etc.
Rewriting history to pretend he actually founded Tesla?
Saying he’s going to put cold gas thrusters in Teslas to make flying cars?
The Tesla Semi being a shitshow of false promises that were not delivered on?
All of the insane nonsense around BFR, now Starship+Superheavy?
Oh yeah, I’m still waiting to catch my reusable ICBM trip from Seattle to Tokyo, where the ICBM will be ready to go again in 2 hrs.
Starlink sats fail at such a high rate they are now about 90% of all known orbital debris that could endanger aircraft or the ground.
Starting out saying AI is a potential grave threat, being a skeptic, then suddenly doing an aboutface when maybe he can make more money by … doing exactly what he’d warned against, barreling forward, developing it without extreme caution?
He’s been an obvious con artist for at least half a decade now, more like a solid decade, purely from anyone just looking at his actual ‘business acumen’, ignoring all of his personal views or opinions of a political nature.
… But he developed a cult of personality around him, a whole bunch of emasculated, aggreived male dorks looking for the dork messiah, just believing Elon was personally the man who would transform today into the tomorrow of our dreams from the 80s and 90s.
Very few people actually stopped to check if his math actually mathed, and when they did check, and found it to be very, very sketchy at best… well Elon’s fanboys and bot armies harassed them mercilessly.
It is a condemnation of the general public, all society, that it took until Elon just overtly became a goddamned supervillain Nazi Lex Luthor President for the general sentiment toward Elon to actually go negative.
Any one of those is damning enough to show he’s a snake oil “idea guy” and a terrible leader, and you threw in the whole works with the kitchen sink. Well done.
A couple more that might be worth mentioning:
- He’s a neglectful and absent parent, according to his daughter that disowned him.
- He’s also a shit person and bigot, by evidence of dead naming his trans daughter and acting like his “son” died.
- He pays people to play video games for him, lying and pretending that the records and accomplishments on his account are his own achievements.
- He claims to be a “free speech absolutist” while hypocritically censoring certain words on Twitter and trying to silence people who say negative things about him and his actions.
Also very good ones.
I’ll throw in one more: At one point he went on an arc or ‘era’ on Twitter of using Deus Ex avatars and memes.
He thinks he is JC, when in reality, he’s a more pathetic, attention seeking and far less competent Bob Page.
He is the ultimate poser, and I hope he crash lands on Mars and never comes back.
… what do you want to bet he never even realized you can save Paul?
you can save Paul
Core memory unlocked! Thanks for that nostalgia hit. What a fantastic game
You know what you have to do now.
If you have the Steam version, the Deus Ex Revision mod is basically now the de facto megamod that includes a whole bunch of the most popular mods and more, with a whole whole bunch of toggleable mix and match options.
You know what you have to do now.
It must be done!!
Thanks for the heads up about the steam version. I’ve been thinking about getting a steam deck, this might push me over the edge
I only have a single gripe with the steam deck:
The way your thumbs work on the trackpads.
Basically… if you use your pointer finger, as if they were laptop touch pads… they work 100%, super great.
But… when you use your thumb… the angle your thumb is at functionally offsets your ability to go beyond about 80 to 90 % of the input register of the left edge of the right pad, or right edge of the left pad.
This means edge spinning (analagous to holding a joycon max in a direction for max rotation speed) seems greatly lessened on those sides, and it seems like a right thumb can turn faster to the right than to the left.
What valve needs to do is add another config option that basically allows you to… not just resize the extent of the ‘edge’ zone, but to recenter it, to actually shift it left and right, possibly up and down as well.
Theres nothing wrong with the hardware, and it works perfectly when your finger is perpendicular to a pad, but it does this weirdness when using your thumb, at an angle, unless you have very spindly thumbs with a very claw like grip.
But other than that, vanilla DX runs pretty well on a Deck, and oh I forgot to mention Revision adds in more support for different resolutions and HUD scaling.
All very good things. I actually pre-ordered an X, 3, and CT before canceling every one due to failed promises usually around being twice the price of the original promise. Yeah so I’m a dumb dumb but at least I stuck to my budget before realizing he’s a total fucknutt.
But you can admit you were duped.
So, so many people are so vain and/or insecure that they will defend to basically their own deaths in some cases… that no, actually every decision they’ve ever made was good or great, and they never needed to learn anything, they’ve never been deceived.
Seriously, kudos to you for being able to admit you made a mistake, and then remedied it.
Add those optimus robots that he “unveiled” in 2021 using a performer in a robot suit. Promised they’d be in production in 2023, then most recently showcased them again very clearly being controlled by human operators.
Yep, I forgot that one.
They can either do very basic pre planned routines, or they’re controlled by guys in VR helmets and gloves.
Basically he remade Asimo from the late 90s with modern tech and materials, he is literally decades behind Boston Dynamics, hasn’t innovated anything.
You inspired me to create
Send this to the Dropkick Murphys.
Worst outcome is they don’t respond.
Best outcome is we get a new celtic punk power ballad.
SpaceX has legitimate national security value and should be nationalized. Falcon and dragon are top of the class.
I don’t know about Solar City.
The boring company has no value.
Twitter has no (real) value.
Tesla makes shit cars.
Neuralink is immoral.
Cave diver 100% did it for me.
For me the line was the HyperLoop. It was such a dumb idea and so obviously designed to distract from high speed rail projects. But most egregiously, it was an idea that had been tried and abandoned multiple times previously.
When he tweeted about taking the red pill was the line for me. He was getting weird but that was when he took the mask off.
There is no line. He’s always been this way, he just wasn’t as bold about it before.
I can see no way one could know about the cybertruck to buy it without also knowing how stupid Elon is. Even when they announced it, my first thought was “I like the look, but it’s a Tesla so fuck that noise.”
And yes, I do like how it looks. It’s different, and I like the low-poly shape. If it wasn’t also a huge piece of shit, made by a racist asshole I’d probably want one. Though I also thought it was half the size until I saw one in person.
You forgot the hazard sharp geometries pose to the world around you. Sadly, this car shape must not be allowed. That being said they are not allowed to be driven where I live due to these reasons.
I like the shape too but this car is a terrible, worthless pos in the most useless category of vehicles.
It kinda looks neat in photos but in person it looks dog shit and the doofuses driving them look even more idiotic than the average lifted truck driving types somehow
Seeing one in the wild is like running your hand over smoth and lacquered wood and then catching a splinter.
You very well could slice your hand open running it across the surface of a cybersuck.
Nah, they look cool in person too. Musk is a piece of shit, and the construction of the cyber truck is just… Well it’s a fucking deathtrap. But I’m not going to lie to myself like some insecure dumbass just because I hate the company; the truck does at least look cool. It would fit right at home in a sci-fi movie.
Maybe a straight to DVD sci-fi movie lol, but taste is subjective
They look so much better painted. There’s one in my area with an iridescent paint job that actually looks pretty awesome, or it would, if it wasn’t an oversized nazimobile.
My current theory is that the Muskrat knows this and just figured out how to pass the cost for a paint job directly to consumers.
I’m actually getting really pissed by this narrative that Musk only recently became a massive piece of shit. Check out his Behind the Bastards episodes, he’s ALWAYS been a horrible person. Just like his father.
His image was pretty good though. He hadn’t seriously fucked up in the public eye until he called that guy a pedo who saved all those kids in Thailand back in 2018. It was all downhill from there.
Just a friendly reminder that Elon Musk won that defamation lawsuit, so you can call Elon Musk a pedo guy as much as you want and it isn’t defamation in the US.
Cybertruck was first sold in November 2023. Musk was visibly vile long before, but particularly after the first half of 2023, and even more visibly in October when he officially purchased twitter and began onboarding nazis
you could pre order it like, a year or two before it actually released? Does the pre-order timing line up with this?
OFC you could still probably cancel that pre order, but idk what the timing looks like on that one.
anyone who is not banking on it to become a wild collectors item in 50 years or is a complete braindead idiot with too much money cancelled their preorder.
He was a nazi long before these were out for pre order. Remember when he called the thai divers pedos? That was the beginning
And yet you STILL own it.
Well to be fair, the argument is similar to telling folks about to suffer from client change to sell their property and move. How are they gonna get rid of it? They’re probably upside down on it too. Maybe you get lucky and sell it to a wealthy conservative?
I don’t have much pity for people who are upside down on a vehicle that sells for the price of a Cybertruck
I agree, I don’t have pitty either, I’m just saying they exist now and I imagine you can’t just drive it into a lake.
you can’t just drive it into a lake
Well, you can if you turn on the self driving feature.
… Well…
A cyber truck costs more than my house and huge yard did. I started comparing large purchases to the cost of my house, and it makes rich folks seem even crazier. Some people will buy a piece of shit, hazardous car for more than what some houses are worth. My house is in fine condition, too, it’s just very small and I got very very lucky with timing and the seller knowing what the property is actually worth.
Do houses even go for that cheap anymore?
After all the inflation, housing shortages, corporations buying housing, air bnbers, I figured houses across the board have become unattainable across the board.
You gotta ask where they live. That’s not a city price, or even a suburb price. They live far from things, maybe have a small town nearby that hasn’t been gentrified yet.
As far as houses where the vast majority of people and, importantly, opportunities are you’re right about the market being fucked.
I got my house in 2022 for 60k. I closed a week before the market went absolutely bonkers, so I got really lucky with it. Idk how much it would cost nowadays, but probably too much.
Your house cost about as much as any tesla.
tesla is an expensive luxury vehicle that nobody needs and that people replaced their perfectly functional cars with. All in the name of appearing cool and echo and paying half a hundred k for it. They have also always been built comparably to a cybertruck.
It’s not a 3k honda civic
I remember seeing too that because of fear of scalpers, Tesla made a lot of Cybertruck buyers sign an agreement saying they wouldn’t sell the car for X number of years.
And how are they going to enforce that?
Legally speaking, how can Tesla stop you from selling your car?
Presidential decree it terrorism.
They made them sign a contract. They’ll sue you for breach of contract and you will lose and be out a lot of money.
They can’t, but they can bar you from buying new ones after. If they do that or not is another question.
Hey that is life.
Maybe next time don’t invest your money into a fascist. If it took you this long to realize what Elon musk is then shame on you. Little sympathy from me, especially if you still own it.
There was never a time when the truck was not a stainless steel turd. I have never seen a review (by a technical person, not an influencer wank) that said “buy this truck, it’s pretty good.”
I really don’t understand why there hasn’t been a hostile takeover to boot him out of the company yet. Capitalism is all about money, money, money and “shareholder value”, yet they keep letting him tank that company into the ground.
He stacked the board with people who are loyal to him. That’s how he took control of Tesla to begin with. He didn’t found the company, he stole it from the original founders.
The lion’s share of the money is held by Conservative billionaires. They like his propaganda machine, because it allows them to gradually rob the US in broad daylight while Elon jingles keys to distract everyone who should care.
What few ultra-wealthy people who aren’t Conservative either can’t or won’t try to take it over because it would be a huge expense, they also get benefit from the ultracapitalism it promotes, and/or the current SEC and FTC would never allow it (they work for Trump, not the people).
Like Tesla, social pressure on the users is about the only thing that will exert any meaningful influence upon Xitter. The billionaires enjoy Elon being in charge, otherwise.
the same reason they couldn’t kick out Walt Disney or Henry Ford. during fascist times, there’s no reason for companies to hide their politics
On the other hand, driving around with an advertisement saying, “Elon is crazy and this was a bad investment” isn’t the worst thing in the world.
Just yesterday, on a return trip from weekend camping, my wife and I saw like 4 Cybersucks. Also on that same trip, we saw a either a Model 3 or S with a bumper sticker that read “Tesla? Yes. Elon? No.” Imagine tanking your company’s image so hard that owners have to put fucking disclaimers on their cars. Ford Edsel and Delorean owners had more pride in their purchase.
Not all owners are putting disclaimers - I’m in Vegas this week and the first thing I saw when I left my hotel this morning was a cybertruck with an iron cross on the side. So some of them are into that swastikar lifestyle!
Elon has always been crazy, saying he went crazy after you bought a Tesla makes you dumb and ignorant for not seeing it sooner.
it’s also such a prime example of liberal posturing. do something that makes you look good over something that fundamentally changes anything
Elol has been a dipshit for years but ok.
There are more beautiful cars than the cybertruck.
*Buys a Pontiac Aztec, drives it through some brush and into a ravine, smears shit all over it, and lights it on fire*
“Yup, still more beautiful than a cybertrash”
I hated the Aztec for a number of reasons but it was indeed still a much better experience