• db0
    1635 months ago

    Not saying the OP was banned fairly, but to do the devil’s advocate, there’s people with PHD in biology or medicine who still don’t believe in Evolution. You can always find idiots with PHDs, even in their chosen fields.

    • @starman2112
      975 months ago

      I’ll go ahead and say OP was probably banned fairly, judging solely by the fact that he willingly posts threads on 4chan

    • @CancerMancer
      5 months ago

      Something like 1/5 of pharmacists believe homeopathy works. How the fuck can you go through that training and still believe in a hyperdilution that’s magic if you shake it the right way and never ever touch it with your fingers because that takes the magic away?

      (For those who are unfamiliar I’m not even being facetious, this is what homeopaths actually believe)

      • @[email protected]
        145 months ago

        20% of pharmacists believing in homeopathy? That seems ridiculously high. Do you have a source for that?

        • @CancerMancer
          35 months ago

          I read it in Pharmacy Practice. I cannot find the article. Linked in this article is a photo of one the pages I had read and a link that I cannot access. The number was 19% and it was specifically Canadian pharmacists. Not sure what that looks like elsewhere.

      • db0
        115 months ago

        Pharmacists and General practitioners believing in homeopathy. Physical Therapists believing in chiropractice. There’s way too many examples. But at least physical therapists don’t tend to have PHDs :D

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          Well they do now. Physical therapy changed to a doctoral degree several years ago. You have to get a doctor of physical therapy (DPT) degree plus pass the licensing tests to practice these days.

        • @CancerMancer
          15 months ago

          Physical Therapists believing in chiropractice

          I will never not be mad that chiropracticians have largely avoided the hunt for woo-woo magic crystal retards. Don’t get me wrong, some people have managed to find treatment for chronic pain in things like acupuncture and chiropractic care that they couldn’t get elsewhere, but most of the time this is presented as equal to physiotherapy despite lacking any scientific support, and the inability for “alternative medicine” to cure or permanently treat people.

      • @ryathal
        75 months ago

        Placebo effect is powerful. They probably have lots of people saying X really helped with their cold/pain/cough/whatever.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        There’s some amount of people who believe homeopathy is the same thing as essential oils and herbs, and have no idea about the hyperdilution stuff somehow. Granted, that’s not much better, but there’s at least a realm of slight possibility that you might get useful effects from those, as opposed to literal water with extra steps and flavoring added to make it taste vaguely medicinal.

        We’re also talking about people who should absolutely know better regardless so maybe that offers far too much credibility to them.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Pharmacists don’t get PhDs, they get degrees for practice, like MDs. A PharmD doesn’t require being able to understand or conduct original research like a PhD does. Basically, a PharmD requires a really good memory, not necessarily critical thinking.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I have no idea about homeopathy, but you used the word “facetious” so you must be very smart and I believe everything you say.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Totally, everyone who continued to a PhD in my area was batshit insane. Entirely fuckin deranged but diligent enough to write thousands of words of cogent garbage that no one could be bothered contesting.

      Isn’t there some stat that PhD students have 3x the mental health issues than undergrads? Which nowadays is like 100% lol

      • db0
        265 months ago

        Isn’t there some stat that PhD students have 3x the mental health issues than undergrads? Which nowadays is like 100% lol

        Given that academia is an absolutely grueling and downright soul-crushing career, I am not surprised only those with mental issues are wild enough to sustain it.

      • @[email protected]
        205 months ago

        You misunderstood the statistic. Mental health issues are caused/exacerbated by academia not the other way around. Many of my cohort and friends were bullied, harassed, abused, taken advantage of by supervisors and senior academic staff who often have unreasonable demands and expect blinding unquestioning allegiance.

        People who run research groups are not selected for based on their people skills but rather academic performance/pedigree, which is the biggest issue IMO.

        Academia is a tough gig. Peer review and thesis chairs perform the review of candidates work, trust me they are almost always contested to varying degrees.

        • @[email protected]
          145 months ago

          You know what gets me? The fact that the public seems to think that academia is well paid, I’ve had a few people make comments along that line. Cue me, manically laughing when they confusedly ask why anyone is in academia if it’s high stress and relatively poorly paid.

          • @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            Truth. It’s well paid higher up the ladder but those jobs are few and far between. Depends on the country as well - the US and UK wages suuuck.

            I can’t complain. I personally love it and have only worked in supportive teams.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              Unless you’re in university administration, academia is not well paid. University administrators who are well paid are usually EdDs (essentially, university-focused MBAs) who didn’t take the normal academic route of research first.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Those are extremely few and far between, and they aren’t evolutionary biologists. Behe, the most famous of them, doesn’t have a PhD in biology, but a PhD in biochemistry. Those are vastly different fields, and understanding the evidence for evolution wouldn’t have been relevant to Behe’s PhD. MDs more commonly don’t believe in evolution because MDs are essentially average folks who can memorize stuff really well. MDs don’t receive training in research or how to conduct it, so they’re pretty poor at understanding primary research most of the time.

      Someone with a PhD from a reputable university (essentially, one that funds their PhD programs rather than making students pay, and one that doesn’t incentivize publications directly with bonuses) will be an expert in their subject area. Behe would be able to tell you about the biochemistry of sickle cell anemia. Someone with a PhD speaking on an area outside of their expertise is perhaps more likely than the average person to be correct because they could have read and understood most primary sources even outside of their area, but I wouldn’t say it’s all that much more likely. Basically, PhDs speaking on the topic of their expertise are experts, but they’re not experts in everything.

      Personally, my PhD made me like the trope of someone who could tell you everything you want to know about some esoteric subject but wouldn’t know how to make a meal.

      Getting a PhD produces highly specialized knowledge, not general knowledge.

      • @[email protected]
        85 months ago

        No, there is no coursework past a master’s thesis. For the last typically ~3-4 years of graduate training, everything that you’re doing is original research. If your research isn’t good enough or done correctly, you will never get a PhD. You also have to defend your dissertation. Getting a PhD from a reputable university does mean that what you say, specifically related to your research area, is correct.

  • @[email protected]
    1095 months ago

    Let’s not pretend we’re in any better of a situation. Same exact thing could happen on any Lemmy server, especially since each server is a small fiefdom run by randos.

    • @Nommer
      415 months ago

      It’s already happening. People with no clue what they’re talking about starting fights

      • @[email protected]
        265 months ago

        Like when people start commenting on the near-east conflict. Hardly anyone knows what the fuck is going on there yet we find many experts on the topic in the comments.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Self-propelled multipurpose couch “EXPERT”

          • Crew: 1-6 strategists

          (or 8 if not too fat)

          • TOP SECRET!

          Fuel tank

          24*0.5l, 2500 comments on full tank. Possible installation of additional tank.

          Air bag[safety pillow]

          Optical caterpillars

          Provide speed up to 100Mbps

          Teflon seat for couch driver

          Protects pillow from combusting

          Containers of dynamic protection against enemy cat

          Missle silo cover

          Three couch-internet missles

          Can hit/penetrate to the soul any opponent

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          I don’t think this is wrong. I’ve learned so much talking shit. I even use talking shit as a mechanism to learn.

          I talk shit -> someone corrects me -> I learned something new. The person feels great because they corrected someone.

          It’s like a free lesson and everyone wins.

          Even people who didn’t know shit, like me, get to read someone beating my ass with arguments, and they also learn.

          • @[email protected]
            85 months ago

            But if nobody knows much of anything on the matter, how can anyone be sure they’re being corrected and learning anything? 🤔

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            That is a nice, refreshing and honest view. If I’m being honest with myself, this happened to me very often as well.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          “please stop fighting and get along” is my fundamental take on most wars. It’s not particularly useful, but it helps me split the average soldier from the average “leader” that sent them to die.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      But 4chan tho is a good place for factually informed discussion. Mr Greentext has it all figured out.

    • @[email protected]
      -75 months ago

      No kidding. I got downvoted a dozen times because I mentioned that diet and practices help with sun burns and sunscreen isn’t the win all against the sun. I didn’t post sources right away, but when I did the hive has made up it’s mind.

      • @[email protected]
        285 months ago

        I’ll recuse myself from giving you an up vote or down vote but I’ll make a suggestion. Maybe provide the proof when you make the comment, especially on a topic that might be controversial or have health risks.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Why did I need to provide sources on the comment above? Are people really curious on how diet can help your skin defend against the sun? Then let’s have a discussion I’ll post my sources. But my comment then was just in conversation, adding that diet helps, and if people wanted to know more I’ll show. I’m not going to start off every comment with a research paper worth of citations.

          But above I’m arguing that there’s a hive mind mentality, and my source is my downvotes. I’m just hoping lemmy doesn’t cater to the more “popular” comments because that’s how an echo chamber turns into an information swamp. Just because something is more popular does not make it necessarily correct. I’m not responsible for people to think outside of themselves.

          And before people rail against the lack of a blue link for them to hit because of something that has nothing to do with the conversation we’re having here now, here. Click below. It’s not controversial to believe what you put in your body has an effect on how your skin is built, and that can help with sun burns.

          I am, on the other hand absolutely not saying that some vitamins have the same protection that a sunscreen does. Which it seems what the downvotes are for. Since I can’t see why people would be upset to know how diet can affect your skin’s ability to defend against radiations.


          • @[email protected]
            85 months ago

            Since I can’t see why people would be upset to know how diet can affect your skin’s ability to defend against radiations.

            A lot of your downvotes probably come from people misinterpreting your message as some woo woo bunk about replacing sunscreen with a proper diet and you won’t get sunburned, which clearly isn’t what you’re saying. However, its very easy for small, flippant comments to come across with wildly different connotations from the reader. Not really sure how to get around that, outside of way too much context.

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              Yeah, outside of way too much context. Reddit created a mentality where you have to comment a certain way, and only certain comments get seen. It’s self fulfilling in teaching how to talk. “reddiquite” lol

          • @[email protected]
            55 months ago

            You make a valid point about sources when making a random throwaway comment.

            Thanks for the link, I see what you mean about what we eat affecting our skin and it makes perfect sense. You’re right that it’s not your responsibility for other people to think outside of themselves but you could be a catalyst for it, which is something I strive for.

            I like to give people the tools for them to think about any given topic and in real life I’ll often even say that I don’t want a reply to a question I posit them. I find people might be more truthful to themselves if they don’t feel the need to justify themselves to me.

            I think your comment was probably misconstrued as you saying that sunscreen is useless and it’s all about diet when you obviously didn’t say nor mean that. I admit on first read I misread it that way as well and was curious about your stance. Thanks for having a conversation with me bud, hope you have a lovely day.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            People need to start eating healthier in general, but they feel like they’re having their boundaries stepped all over when people tell them that. That’s one of the reasons you got downvoted probably.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              Sucks to be told that you can’t eat crap, as well as knowing that americas medical system tries solving symptoms, not the root problem. But that’s the individuals responsibility. Americas medicine isn’t going to take care of you.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          Settle down. I’m talking about people getting upset on a comment without acknowledging authenticity. The downvote and how a comment is buried or promoted is probably the worst thing reddit has manufactured. It’s what the post is about. And what the comment I replied to is that it’s happening here at lemmy

          • @[email protected]
            25 months ago

            “These things are bad because I can’t make objectively wrong statements without being told so”

            Bro is a damn toddler

          • Nobsi
            -25 months ago

            just sounds to me like youre a kid and you give too much worth to a karma system.
            Link the comment, maybe you didn’t deserve it but to me you just sound like a wiseguy.
            Diet doesn’t replace sunscreen.

            • @[email protected]
              15 months ago

              I could care less about any of these systems, other than say it’s not flowing towards equitable information. You thinking I’m saying diet replaces sunscreen shows you’re not processing it.

              We’re not discussing sun screen, and I’m old. Take what you want.

  • @[email protected]
    755 months ago

    I left Reddit after the fuck spez debacle and haven’t looked back. I occasionally go to reddit through Google for some specific things. But I don’t log in or engage in the content besides reading what I was looking for. And I use my ad blocker so that dickward spez doesn’t get anything from me.

    But yeah I suppose this is more about mods. They think they have so much power at the end of they day it’s a fucking forum, that is not much power.

    • @[email protected]
      75 months ago

      Mods on reddit didn’t have the power to slow down the rate of posting. That sounds like anon was posting so much the site’s anti-spam measures kicked in. As always we’re only hearing one side of the story here.

      • Ricky Rigatoni
        105 months ago

        If you get mass downvoted your account gets rate limited for ten minutes, too. Happened to me once when I had the audacity to say I didn’t think Skyrim was all that great.

        • Rob Bos
          35 months ago

          I also have criticisms of Skyrim. I mean, it’s fine, and genre defining, bit doesn’t hold up super well.

            • Rob Bos
              25 months ago

              Yeah. And the worldbuilding isn’t great. Like the magic system is wide but not deep, and isn’t well integrated into the society. I’d rather they cut it down to like ten spells and actually had them feature in the world. Some spells are absolutely bonkers in the effect that they would have on the economy, for instance transmutation and “summon sword”.

              • @[email protected]
                25 months ago

                I always hated how you can be the king of every guild but it never means a damn thing. Characters like Delphine just needs to be taken out back and shot.

                Stealth archer is way too powerful compared to any other run, especially with how powerful the enemies would get later on.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          Ah. I wonder if EA went through that with their massively unpopular comment about having a sense of achievement.

          Having not played it, or really any other games, I have no opinion on Skyrim. It’s insane to downvote people because they dislike something like that. But that will happen here on Lemmy, too.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            IMO Skyrim is good, has its flaws but i find it fun. Modding is really where it shines for me, I can make my game truly unique.

            Unfortunately they decided to update it nothing big but so many mods broke, I almsot got my mods going again and another update drops.

            I’m buying the older version of skyrim but for better or worse it’s unlisted on steam so it’s very unlikely it will be updated

      • umulu
        35 months ago

        You might be right. But I am glad that I left Reddit. I was spending way to much time there.

        The only thing I miss is learning about a lot of stuff from specific subreddit’s

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          Yeah, the “hobby” communities here definitely don’t have the momentum they had on reddit.

    • @zarkanian
      55 months ago

      Lemmy isn’t any different in that respect.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I guess you are right in that regard. Maybe the difference the is that there is no monetization being driven from the top to force the hands of mods.

  • Toes♀
    525 months ago

    Gotta cite your facts when it’s about such controversial facts.

    • Lvxferre
      365 months ago

      In Reddit it doesn’t really matter. You can cite the best sources ever, use a pristine logic, and the local irrationals will still find some excuse to believe in whatever.

        • Lvxferre
          55 months ago

          You do see plenty of that in most places, but I feel like it’s way worse in Reddit. As if there was something there reinforcing it. (Perhaps the local culture? I have no idea.)

          • @zarkanian
            35 months ago

            It’s the voting system. Truth is not democratic.

            • Lvxferre
              5 months ago

              I don’t disagree that the voting system (specially karma) plays a role, but I think that Reddit embraces oversimplifications a bit too much, and that’s part of the problem - because then you get both sides discussing if 2+2 is 3 or 5, and if you say “it’s 4” nobody will bat an eye (except to screech at you).

              In special, three types of false dichotomy:

              • no gradation: 50 is either 0 or 100.
              • no third category: since apples and bananas are different from each other, then grapes must be either a type of apple or a type of banana.
              • no superset or subset: if all bananas are fruits, then all fruits are bananas.

              You do see those things in Lemmy too, but nowhere as much as in Reddit; and it has consequences everywhere, including political discussion. Or in 4chan - as much as their userbases hate each other, they fall for the same logical traps.

          • M137
            15 months ago

            Nah, it’s just as bad everywhere else online, IMO. Youtube and Facebook (including instagram, etc.) comments are unusually bad, though. The general feeling on any social media is that seemingly everyone is falling over themselves and others in a race to be so incredibly stupid and ignorant that it’s gone several levels lower than should be possible.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              I would classify the people on YouTube and Faceboom as a completely different class of special morons. They are all unique in their stupidity.

      • @[email protected]
        235 months ago

        The other key factor is to not be an insufferable dickhead when you’re posting. You can post the truest facts known to man but if you come across as a smug asshole then people will naturally be inclined to think your wrong.

        • Lvxferre
          25 months ago

          I feel like your tone plays next to no part on that. If they agree and you’re rude, your rudeness becomes “justified”; if they don’t agree and you’re rude, they’ll play the victim, assume (yet another sign of stupidity) that you’re angry, or even “u rude than ur rong lol lmao”.

          Same deal with explanation length; make it succinct and to-the-point and they’ll assume words on your mouth, make it verbose and well-explained and they’ll distort it.

          In my old community (here, in Lemmy - showing that the problem is not exclusive to Reddit) I scolded people like this, even when I happened to agree with them. I could’ve banned them, but I have no idea on how to approach this in large scale.

          [Sorry for the rambling.]

      • @poke
        125 months ago

        I’ve seen threads just like that on Lemmy, too. People will act like people.

      • balderdash
        5 months ago

        All that matters is whether you’re speaking for or against the prevailing assumptions of the site/the subreddit. Most people on the internet are not experts on the topic but somehow already have their minds made up.

    • @[email protected]
      05 months ago

      I’ve cited nonexistent sources before. It seems convincing and nobody actually checks, so the other guy got downvoted because I got sources. I can imagine they weren’t happy about it, seemed like they actually knew their shit.

  • Anti-Face Weapon
    525 months ago

    Op probably does not have a PHD. He posted a stupid opinion and got down voted for it, and ran to 4chan because he was sad.

      • mozz
        505 months ago

        You probably won’t get banned or rate limited

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          I was threatened with a ban because I commented on a Harry Potter book being burned, saying that it was ironic that crazy Fundamentalists (who believe magic is real and evil) and people who don’t support TERF assholes somehow share this one, random cause.

          The reason for the removal and the threat of a ban was something to the extent of “Hurr-Durr, mah both sides” which… oh, my head, the bad reading comprehension there.

          It was not on any LGBTQ+ or trans specific instance, either. It was, like, memes (edit: it was 196).

          Point is, there’s dumb people who want to abuse power everywhere, in every group, and always will be. Even the best causes and best groups. Especially in the worst causes and worst groups, though. I’M NOT BOTH-SIDES-ING, DON’T BAN ME.

          • mozz
            255 months ago

            crazy Fundamentalists (who believe magic is real and evil) and people who don’t support TERF assholes somehow share this one, random cause

            You literally made me laugh out loud. Well done.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            The lead moderator of 196 Moss is a Hamas apologist and authoritarian turd. I was banned because I said fuck Hamas fuck the IDF. Both of the governments freely use the civilian population as currency in their political games. Apparently pointing out that the Palestinians are getting double -fisted is a No-No when one of the fists is Hamas.

          • mozz
            5 months ago

            I looked up your comment in the modlog just to see; if it’s the one I see, you got banned from lemmy.ml which is a little different. They make no pretense of fairness.

            That said, based on the comment that’s fuckin ridiculous. I don’t agree with you, but I can’t understand the point of a communication network where as soon as someone busts out an opinion the operators don’t like, they remove them from the community. It’s like lighting a big red beacon “MY OPINIONS CANNOT TOLERATE AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO DISAGREE.” It’s one thing if you’re insulting some person in the channel or something, but it was clearly just your geopolitical opinion.

            Then again, it is lemmy.ml; it’s run by people who idolize leaders who imprison or torture people who try to disagree, so count yourself lucky that they’re not in charge of anything beyond their little server I guess. I tried to debate with the tankies when I first showed up here and at this point my approach is just to unsubscribe and move on.

            Edit: Just because I reread this and I’m still irritated at it somehow. My breaking point with lemmy.ml was when I was arguing with some people, and someone else showed up in the thread and I was talking with him, and the people I was arguing with were using the new guy’s opinions as some kind of “gotcha” against me. Like, this guy believes this, and you’re supporting him, so clearly you’re on his side (I wasn’t), and you agree with him (I definitely didn’t), and we can hold you responsible for anything he says because you’re not attacking him.

            Like, they could not process the idea that I might be talking to someone who had a different opinion than me, and it could be okay. They thought if he said flip, and I thought it was flop, I had to instantly start screaming at him about how flop was the way, and everything else had to stop, and if i didn’t do that I wasn’t a good flop-supporter. And so they seemed like they legitimately thought that if I wasn’t doing that it meant I secretly supported flip, because that was what they would do, is just scream (figuratively speaking) at anyone who didn’t agree with them completely on everything they considered important, until they “won” (i.e. the person gave up and left).

            I realized there was nothing for me there, and unsubscribed from anything world-event-related on lemmy.ml immediately, and so far it’s proven to be a good decision.

            • @Cheradenine
              205 months ago

              I got a 3 day ban from news on .ml for posting a link to Media Bias Fact Check. I wasn’t OP, just posted the link with a summary when someone asked about OP’s source. I would imagine OP got sent for Re-Education.

            • @[email protected]
              65 months ago

              That’s this account, I’ve also been banned from the world news .world community on a different account.

              • @pelespirit
                65 months ago

                The admins on world are trolls, I don’t know about the lead dude though. I’ve been either banned or shadow banned there, my stuff isn’t showing up except to the original poster sometimes. It’s very odd. I’m almost fully switched over to not posting, but sometimes I do by accident. World sucks.

              • mozz
                5 months ago

                Ah. I’m still a little curious whether it was for actual opinions or for being a jerk or etc. For what it’s worth I got banned from tons of stuff on reddit; I complained in one sub about being banned from another and quoted the thing that got me banned, and everyone started falling out of their chairs saying holy shit dude I’m not surprised, that message is a fuckin doozy. Like okay then, tell me why it’s wrong, don’t just shriek and run away and grab the banhammer.

                It’s a tough thing. I do get the necessity to police people doing personal attacks or blatant racism or spam to keep the community OK, but I don’t get how it seems like it always escalates to the list of allowed opinions and disallowed opinions.

            • CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿
              5 months ago

              I made two similar posts on CasualUK:

              1. My shit smells old
              2. I like the smell of my feet

              The second one got deleted for being NSFW. :/ There was NOTHING sexual in it - I just like the smell of my feet.

              • @BigFatNips
                55 months ago

                Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

          • @zarkanian
            05 months ago

            The platform is identical to reddit. The users are former reddit users. Of course it’s going to be like reddit.

  • @[email protected]
    475 months ago

    Don’t fuck with the hive mind. Many a time I’ve taken a reasonable, well-thought out and even sourced opinion and been downvoted to shit.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Yes, however I’ve noticed that you may get downvotes dumped on you initially, oftentimes if your argument is decent you’ll probably rise to level or even positive after several hours. Not sure what it is with Lemmy, but I seem to encounter some comments that get downvoted right off the bat for no reason I can discern. My life doesn’t revolve around internet points, but obviously it’s nice to see upvotes and a good conversation follow a post I’ve added, but lots of downvotes without context are frustrating. Tell my why you disagree or think it doesn’t add to the discussion.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          I’ve noticed that too. Sometimes when I get replied to I’ll see that the original comment is slightly in the negative. If I leave another reply and come back later it’ll be slightly in the positive. Maybe there’s some sort of bias at play, but I’ve seen this pattern a few times. Maybe people tend to be convinced by and up vote whoever left the last comment in a chain (had the last word)

    • balderdash
      95 months ago

      All that matters is whether you’re speaking for or against the prevailing assumptions of the site/the subreddit. Most people on the internet are not experts on the topic but somehow already have their minds made up.

      Also, Lemmy is not better than Reddit in this regard. Dominant opinion > everything else.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Oh yes, I’ve run into that several times. Worst were the biggest subs like /gaming or /cars. Man, never go against the crowd. I’m 90% sure that those subs are filled with industry shills and fans that won’t let you besmirch a (brand or game or car) and downvote your criticism or negative opinion for obvious reasons.

    • Constant Pain
      35 months ago

      The most interesting thing is when something is culturally different from the US way of life, then it’s by default wrong.

      I was arguing about shopping carts in another sub and, because it is culturally appreciated in the US to return the cart, I argued that we don’t do that in our country because it’s considered unsafe and was called lazy and got heavily downvoted.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        That’s unfortunate. So many of these english speaking social media platforms tend to be US point of view dominated. From an American perspective it is difficult to envision a situation where returning a cart is so unsafe that it should be universally avoided and that may have resulted in the downvotes, and it’s certainly conceivable that the inconvenience and refusal to returning a cart could be rationalized over “safety”. It’s not like that sort of rationalization doesn’t happen over other things in daily life. The only thing I could suggest is a offer a why. I’m not suggesting people will become less stubborn over the issue, but at least those who want to learn, will.

        Not to restart the discussion but: The whole “returning your cart” thing is a very arbitrary metric reinforced by a meme from around 2020 and has taken hold in the fickle zeitgeist of the internet. Personally I think carts need to be returned because they block parking spaces and can roll into and damage cars. Out of curiosity, why don’t people return carts where you live?

        • Constant Pain
          45 months ago

          Out of curiosity, why don’t people return carts where you live?

          This is how our parking lots look:

          Parking lot example

          Every parking space has a space where you can leave the car to be collected by the employees, usually in the back of the spot. You can see it green in the image. Our parking lots are huge and usually take several floors. For us it makes no practical sense to have to go back all the way to the front, or to inside the store in some cases (like in the case in the photo, where you have to go all the way inside the mall), just to return the cart.

          Of course if it happens for people to park near the cart deposit space, they usually return the cart to the stack.

          • @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            Lots in the US are plenty large as well, so I don’t see that as a factor. But that doesn’t explain the “safety” aspect that was mentioned. It just means your lots are designed to accommodate leaving carts and the employees are accustomed to fetching said carts, not an explanation that led to the design other than perhaps a convenience for customers.

            • Constant Pain
              35 months ago

              Which doesn’t mean I’m wrong and you’re right. It’s just two different ways of doing the same thing.

              On big food courts here the etiquette is to return the tray to the tray holders or to the store, but for small courts or restaurants it’s very common to leave it at the table for the employees to gather. So it is kind of inverse of the cart etiquette. In some places in the world it is common to return the tray, and in some places it is common to leave it at the table. That doesn’t mean either is wrong.

              The world is big and different people have different views and cultures and ways of doing every single thing. To tell one is superior to the other when talking about these things that don’t matter so much is to impose you way above anyone else’s to feel superior.

              The person that called me lazy was calling everybody where I live lazy because everyone does this thing this way, which is pretty pretentious.

              You can have strong opinions about something without being judgmental about how other people live because they don’t do things the way you and your peers do.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                Being culturally expected and ingrained isn’t an issue I think needs to be argued about - so long as it doesn’t cause harm. Whatever works in your country is fine. Americans have plenty of their own cultural norms that are generally unacceptable or frowned on in other parts of the world even through they are insignificant in actual meaning. However, again, it doesn’t explain the safety aspect regarding cart return.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Yeah! Take that with your stupid right wing opinion that’s different than what is wanted to be heard!

        • Throwaway
          -15 months ago

          Whats funny is you just used an abliest slur.

          Also, fetus rights are human rights. If you disagree, you have a r-slurred opinion.

      • @[email protected]
        135 months ago

        Right wing opinions are usually wrong. Not always, but overwhelmingly. It’s really to the point that if someone mentions they’re right wing I immediately take every word out of their mouth with grave skepticism because the requirement to identify as a right winger is either terminal stupidity or willingness to play into fear and anger narratives uncritically. Which is just terminal stupidity with extra steps.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        Thing is, around here you have to be very careful to not even sound rightwing. You dare not point out that there’s a reason the right believes a thing without being clear to distance yourself from that reason.

        You certainly don’t point out the left’s take on a rightwing opinion is wrong. I see that with gun debates all the time. “Yeah, no one actually says or believes that. It’s more like…” “FUCK YOU CHILD MURDERER!”

        Here’s a related example; I’ve been beat up for saying that Trump used to be coherent. Listen to some videos from the 80s or 90s, even early 2000s. You might not agree with his words, but at least he could string a sentence together. That sort of thing gets buried in downvotes, as if I’m agreeing with or apologizing for Trump.

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          I’ve tried to disagree with the people who have pretty extremist views on abolishing police and the rule of law, unironically supporting anarchy, and the response has been the classic ‘Bootlicker’ insult. It’s extremely frustrating when I’d throw a party to the news the GOP has been dissolved but criticizing the more outlandish left positions gets me my honorary klan hood and thrown onto team red.

          Sure I’ve got some ‘hot takes’ by the lefts’ standards but I’m not a conservative in any regard. I think the left is perfectly capable of matching the retardation of the right and I wish we could normalize calling that shit out rather than reflexively going “Ohh so you’re not on my team, your words mean nothing, bootlicker.”

          Cause now I’ve got to vote for a party that hates me so the party that hates me more can lose. Yippie.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          They always help people…

          ^mostly ^white ^men

          I mean… Technically white is the predominant ethnicity in America… So like… (งツ)ว

  • @[email protected]
    445 months ago

    Meh, it’s always how you present the arguments. Regardless of being right or wrong, if OP comes off as dickish, it’s gonna get downvoted.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Or even better if you’re going to post a wrong reply, post it in a patronising, know-it-all tone so not only does it convince people you’re right, it crushes the soul of your opponent.

      I recently posted accusing a certain company of using dirty tricks to con people and control public perception. To my surprise someone from that company was in the thread and he replied saying, “You always say that” and then lambasted me for being a crazy person with a vendetta.

      But actually I’d never posted about it before. His reply was a dirty trick to control public perception.

      He got upvoted to heaven and I was mauled.

    • @[email protected]
      115 months ago

      Meh, it’s always how you present the arguments.

      I think this plays a role, but it’s absolutely dwarfed by what people want to be true. Or, maybe, they just equate any disagreement with the hive to being “dickish.”

    • @rustydrd
      25 months ago

      The audience also matters though. You can shout well-reasoned arguments into an echo chamber all you want, it still won’t change anyone’s mind.

    • @[email protected]
      -15 months ago

      Go to a random political sub and bring a well researched fact they don’t happen to agree with. Be as polite as you can be. See what happens.

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    415 months ago

    be me

    go to reddit

    lie about my credentials

    start a fight

    eventually just start insulting everyone

    “Y GOT B&???!!!”

    scurry back to racism and CP board


    • @[email protected]
      185 months ago

      Nah, this shit is real. I’ve seen it. Once the piling on starts it becomes hard to turn the ship around though I’ve seen it happen. People are morons and they follow the crowd. They see the downvote, and like chicken, they peck at it because others did the same.

      • Alien Nathan Edward
        145 months ago

        is the phenomenon real? absolutely. is writing vague fake stories about how “This community is better than that other community. I went there, and I got downvoted even though I’m definitely right because I’m definitely an expert. Congratulations on being part of the smart community instead of the dumb one.” also real? absolutely. The two things that make me think this is bullshit are:

        1. “I’m definitely right because I’m an expert in that field. No I won’t tell you what the field is.”

        2. 174% of the time “I got banned for having the wrong opinion” translates to “I was a complete and utter shithead to everyone and now I’m trying to pretend the issue is what I said not how I said it.”

        • @Jax
          15 months ago

          My knowledge of echo chambers tells me that 2 is simply untrue

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Yep, I got downvoted to oblivion on Reddit once for daring to reference (and source) a peer-reviewed paper.

        What a time to be alive.

  • KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
    405 months ago

    OP might not have a PhD but this stuff happens a lot on reddit. A lot of people here on Lemmy have an IT background and would get a rude shock looking at some of the dominant opinions on the major technology-related subreddits, particularly those that are heavily astroturfed.

    • Armok: God of Blood
      5 months ago

      It hits like this when people with a pure CS or IT background start talking about the humanities or literally anything not purely tech-related.

      • @fruitycoder
        75 months ago

        “Just” is the most dangerous adverb in the English language for engineers. I catch myself making sure I revisit anytime I say it to make sure nuance is better captured.

    • @sugar_in_your_tea
      155 months ago

      Yeah, I avoid most of that nonsense. Even the humor sites annoy me more than anything.

      /r/technology is perhaps my least favorite, and the Lemmy alternatives are a bit better imo (though a little too focused on Elon Musk).

      • KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
        65 months ago

        If you really want to have some fun, when an Intel CPU is out preforming an AMD one on the charts go and mention that in a thread related to CPU performance. I’m fairly sure you’ll be talking to people paid with AMD money to astroturf the shit out of Reddit who will make up every excuse they can about the situation.

        • @[email protected]
          105 months ago

          Intel CPU do outperform AMD in several workloads, but on the top end, AMD seems to have the efficiency advantage.

          If AMD lost in some, they outperformed in many more metrics by large enough margins.

          This trend was true in past 2 gens (price and efficiency advantage with an overall perf advantage in power limited scenarios). Nothing to astroturf about it.

          The weird part would be if someone is comparing a zen2 with 14gen and still sticking with AMD for “some reason”

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            I have similar gen Intel and AMD, the Intel chip annihilates the AMD one for bursty workloads, AMD eats Intel at everything else though (power draw especially).

              • @[email protected]
                15 months ago

                I have similar gen Intel and AMD, the Intel chip annihilates the AMD one for bursty workloads, AMD eats Intel at everything else though (power draw especially).

                it better, with all of that power…

    • Encrypt-Keeper
      75 months ago

      I hop into the selfhosted subreddit every once in awhile and as you would imagine it’s mostly hobbyists that have no clue what they’re doing, but they’re also not very receptive to advice from people who do. They have their own set of commandments at this point it’s pretty wild.

        • Encrypt-Keeper
          35 months ago

          The most common thing you see is the idea that the holy grail of security being “not forwarding ports in your router”. Put your publicly accessible web service running on your unsegmented home LAN behind a cloudflare tunnel and you’re “secure”, problem solved, job done. If you point out the fact that this doesn’t solve any of the problems that go along with “port forwarding” or that CF tunnels MITMs all their data, you’ll get downvoted as a “CloudFlare hater”.

          Similarly they tend to believe that there’s no reason to separate your publicly accessible server from the rest of the devices on your home LAN, especially because the home LAN is “safe”.

  • @[email protected]
    385 months ago

    Well, they could just have posted sources to their claims instead of just playing the self-authority card the whole time.

    • Final Remix
      205 months ago

      Yeah, but users on reddit don’t read sources, and that gets people frustrated and bored. Especially on /science or /askscience. Those subs are shitholes.

      • @[email protected]
        165 months ago

        God I fucking hated ask science. It was a giant feed of garbage pseudoscience that was almost nothing but “NEW CURE FOR CANCER” or “WEED IS AWESOME”. Almost every single post and article was bull, or had extremely poor research. I remember seeing some sexist claim and it turns out the study only had 4 male and 4 female participants. The researchers acted as though the claim, and evidence, were definitive, so it was posted everywhere because of the headline.

        This is why we can’t have nice things

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          I agree but would like to point out that I have not seen higher quality content on the science-oriented sites on lemmy either.

  • @[email protected]
    385 months ago

    It could also be about your tone. People will downvote you just because you sound like an asshole.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Yes, effective communication strategies are a vital and required skill set for the most learned among us. It is the duty of the rational to communicate knowledge and understanding to the irrational. They certainly can’t do it themselves.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Yeah. This is why ignorance is bliss.

        At least until they meet the consequences of ignorance. Then again, some idiots are just plain lucky.

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      This has happened to me multiple times, what’s worse is that I have over corrected myself a few times with being a bit too polite. Maybe I come off as sarcastic when I do that.

    • @sugar_in_your_tea
      5 months ago

      Yup, I try to post a ton of sources to compensate. That way hopefully they’ll see the effort I put in and actually read past my rather direct way of communicating online.

      It seems to work more often than not, but unfortunately lower effort posts are more frequently rewarded vs higher effort posts imo.

    • mozz
      5 months ago

      1,000% agree. Almost as if it’s designed to be used by a community of people working together and not by a ruling class deciding what’s permissible and nonpermissable for the peasants who are blessed to exist on their server 🙂.

      • DdCno1
        155 months ago

        This transparency does come with the side effect of shattering the hope that moderators in the lemmyverse are any better than those on any other part of the Internet though. It’s the same little lords ruling over their little fiefdoms.

        • Maestro
          95 months ago

          That just being human. It sucks but it’s universal. Look at the police, politics (local and national), HOAs, churches, etc.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          That’s why all fiefdoms in the Holy Aggregator Empire of Upvote Nation have joined the Schengen Agreement

    • Ricky Rigatoni
      25 months ago

      Too bad it doesn’t do its job of holding mods accountable yet. Look at the mod log and you still see plenty of mods and admins removing valid posts for wrongthink.

      • balderdash
        25 months ago

        Yep. The rules are so vague that the mods get to decide what breaks the rules based on what they personally dislike.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      I don’t think it’s available in voyager, which is afaik the only extant iOS app that’s not in beta. I miss it

      • Sjmarf
        25 months ago

        Mlem is still under constant development (source: am Mlem developer), but Voyager is the most feature-complete at the moment by far. I don’t know of any other iOS clients still in development. Unfortunately Memmy’s development seems to have halted :(

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          I saw that on the list, but I thought “in development” was the step before beta testing- can you already use mlem?

          I miss liftoff :(

          • Sjmarf
            5 months ago

            Mlem has been out of beta testing for a while; it’s available on the App Store. It offers all of the Lemmy features that the average user would use, except for post searching. It doesn’t yet support moderation/administration features.

            Although the app is fully out, we still improve it over time by releasing feature updates every few months (we’re planning to release an update this week, actually). That’s what I mean when I say “in constant development”.

            It’s vital that a Lemmy client has at least one active developer. When a new version of Lemmy is released, “breaking changes” are often included. These changes by the Lemmy developers require the client developers to modify their apps to support the new system. If there aren’t any developers left to make those modifications, the app can stop working.

            To gauge whether an app is still being developed, you can take a look at their GitHub/GitLab page. It tells you how recently the source code of the app was last modified. Voyager and Mlem both had changes less than a day ago, whereas Memmy hasn’t been touched for several months.

            What happened to Liftoff? I’m out of the loop

            • @[email protected]
              15 months ago

              Thank you!

              Liftoff was never updated to version 19, so it still has the logout problem and it doesn’t load posts well anymore :(

              I’d prefer an app in development!